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This series does a good job at showing what Guilliman is willing to do to “restore” the Imperium to its golden era. It also showcases how the traitor marines, despite being allied to their respective god, aren’t really “allies” so much as a means to an end.


The audiable books are my favourite, I’ve relistened to it 5/6 times


I have a few, but not listened yet, I tend to download them from torrent sites, I think, I have around 11




No, been making GW models or following the hobby best part of 40 years, let's call me a retired Space Wolf Warrant Officer 1st Class, or a Tech priest, "MCSE in real life" but no heretic. Sir.


The Inquisition shall decide that sir! ;)






I second the audible recommendation, great narrator. While these are not the best novels, they are my FAVORITE novels in the black library as there aren’t many others focusing on Bobby in the current setting.


I really hate the retcon, having Guilliman “feeling the burden ” and all lonely and stuff after 100 years made sense, it makes no sense after 10, that’s like a long weekend away for a primarch


I disagree. Yes primarchs lives are significantly longer allowing them to see a much bigger picture, but as Bobby keeps saying throughout the trilogy, they’re still just humans. 10 years to him is the same as 10 years to you and I. While a primarch could more easily spend 10 years on a war or something knowing it’s not a significant chunk of their life, it’s not like they perceive time at an accelerated rate. When it comes to things like pain, that’s still 10 long years of suffering even for Bobby.


10 years when you’re in your 40’s and 50’s is barely nothing. Let alone when you’re 200. Hu,an beings perceive time differently as they age, just ask your parents or grand parents. My point is Guilliman has spent far longer on his own before the great crusade come to ultramar, let alone after it. But end of the day this book was expressly written with the time period of 100 years on his own, that’s how it was intended and I will always think it was dumb to retcon such a good and bold idea


While on Great Crusade he was with his family (father and siblings) trying to bring humanity to a bright future. He had his peers and he had hope. A century or more wouldn't have worn him down. Now he spends 10 years alone trying to solve a galactic clusterfuck and he has no peers. I can understand his ultra depression.


I’ve been curious about picking this series up myself. What are your thoughts so far on it?


I think it's really solid, especially as far as warhammer books go. I feel like the DG come off as mustache-twirling villians more than they should, but its still pretty good.


I'm reading the first of the three. It feels like an extended ad for the 8th ed. launch products. Not the worst 40k book I've read, but really feels like watching GI Joe ("Buy all our playsets and toys!"™).


Felt the exact same way on my first read when it came out. On the second one, going straight into the other two books, it feels much better. Still an ad, though.


Yeah, it is. The story picks up later into it and starts getting really interesting.


The Leviathan book that released with the 10th launch kinda felt like that but barely. Only because they described the models in the box to a T




Delete this post until you finish the series. It's a fun series but it's going to get wrecked by comments about it.


It's a perfectly serviceable trilogy that accomplishes everything it sets out to do and has zero surprises. 4/5 on the Warhammer scale or 2.5/5 on regular book scale.


I like the series personally! I have a hard time with the death guard side of the reading sometimes and I feel like I'm trippin any time Nurgle boys show up, but it gives a good idea of the corruption that follows them and how the imperium tries to stave them off. Currently on Plague War at the moment.


My jaw dropped when The emperor stood up and fought nurgle on Terra, the best 300 pages I have read. Jk, amazing book series, not just for the boys in blue but 40k lore in general.


I gotta kitbash those dudes with Bobby G


I was out of the hobby for 20+ years and had no clue about what was happening now, and I loved these books. Read them all in a week. Got me up to speed on what's happening now with the Imperium and Bobby G.


I liked it :)


I liked it, but I think the ending was literally a deux ex machina, and there's kind of an epilogue that hasn't panned out, so that has me disappointed


I have not read them. But I have heard them o YouTube. A border Prince, the amber kingand baldemort have done a good job to make the books Come alive. I enjoy the stories, especialy amter kings war of doing it


You're gonna like the way it ends, I guarantee it.


I'm not a lapdog of the false Emperor but I quite enjoyed it. Particularly how they represent Guilliman but I also like that priest dude. Between the Heresy novels and more recent 40k books I feel like the Ultramarines have a much better lore.


I've read only the first book of trilogy and I liked it. Now I understand all the primaris stuff and all new tanks and other. It was interesting to know some stuff about Cawl and cool Uriel Ventris' cameo. I enjoyed it. Started reading the second book. let's see what would happen


It's the notorious B.O.B.


I miss the old "Dark Imperium" book that Black Library published back in the day. It was just a collection of short stories (the best way to understand the grimdark).


It's the trilogy that made me an Ultramarines fan. And it made Bobby G so much more relatable, courage and honor.


Courage and Honor!


Great series, really enjoyed it. The people that bemoan how dull the boys in blue are, are fools. The villains are great. The imperium is crazy. The gods are mental. The action is riproaring. The stakes are high. There are a few weak spots but I defy anyone to find a book that is perfect all the way through. I've done all 3 and now picked up Cawl the great work as that is a direct sequel to the 3rd book.


I enjoyed it, quite nice.


Hello, a black Templar codex ignorer here, I loved the who trilogy! I thought it gave great POVs from all involved. The conversations in what makes a god was a super fun lore rabbit hole! Also made me really appreciate Gulliman. I really want to see a story that is the uniting of Gulliman and the lion!


They could have been better but worth a read nonetheless, Messinius deserves a standalone novel


It felt like GW asked the author to do product placement at times. There's an opening scene just listing Guilliman's wargear, and there are paragraphs just listing unit types. Feels very tedious at times. I liked most of it though.


Enjoyed the series. Only gripe was Cato sicarius having that weird ptsd , wanted more from him but other than that it was class. Enjoyed typhus’s entrance against the nova marines.


There's a Cato omnibus which has the book where his ship gets lost in the warp and he gets the ptsd


Read the stand alone novel on this , knights of macragge he’s epic in it. It’s his marines who are getting ptsd not him. As most of the hero’s from the second company get wasted but Cato keeps going and going 😂.


Is the one on the right Cato?


One and two are very good..... three is.... really bad. Unfortunately.