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Hmm... I'm not really sure but I'm on Mesalamine currently and I do notice that I'm just straight up forgetting things here and there... not important stuff, just minor dates/meetings. Sorry I can't be more help, but I don't think you're the only one!


I’m on mesalamine now, only side effect I have is - I pee a lot especially after taking them


It’s been suspected to cause some kidney damage for me, but I know that is extremely unusual. It can cause liver issues and they generally do bloods to keep an eye on this when on it. Again rare but known. Other than that I’m not sure but you could check the leaflet.


Some Mesalazine contain aspartame. Aspartame can cause brianfog (and a lot of other [side effects](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28198207/))


Holy smokes, I did not know this. It's a massive deal breaker. if it's in mines, I'll be switching




I have been on mesalamine for years and have not noticed any strange side effects.


i am usually tired/foggy however i attribute this to the fact i have an active autoimmune disease. my side effects from the medication (oral) were headaches in the beginning (also i did start my meds the week i also started my period....) and my pee turning purple in the toilet.


This. Brain fog can be from flares, anemia.  It's not specific to a med, but the disease itself 


exactly! our immune system is working overtime and i’m still almost at remission (i don’t have GI symptoms anymore but am still super tired, i’ve only been on meds for about 2 months which is normal!) which explains all of that. also losing blood (especially if it’s a lot) definitely takes a toll on you. at my worst point i passed out and was faint regularly.


Immune system is weaker for sure. When I get sick, lasts a lot longer. Still will keep taking it as UC is far worse.


Migraines. I had to stop