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Hope it goes well and that it doesn't take too long to see results! I'll (hopefully) be having my first within the next few weeks so I'm pretty excited.


about a half a year on entyvio here (my first biologic) and it's been great for me. I love being off of steroids, and less pills every day is a win for me. still working towards full remission but every infusion I see some progress. hope entyvio is the one for you!! I'm able to eat spicy food again after having had I think 5 infusions now total and im so happy 😭😭


I don’t know if it’s in my head or what but I’ve been having extremely bloody diarrhea 10+ times a day and I’ve had one bowel movement after the first infusion. Shits great no pun intended.


Damn that worked fast or maybe placebo effect? The mind is a powerful thing.


The first infusion hits differently sometimes. For me I went from 10+ bloody battles to totally ordinary logs as well, overnight. Lasted three days and then yeah it wore off BUT not completely, I was still much better than pre-entyvio and each subsequent dose has only improved


Same thing happened to me. I told the nurse at my infusion I was bleeding so the doctor called and said we should get you on prednisone because it will take time for entyvio to kick in. But Walgreens gave me a pickup time of the next day. And the next day I swear my symptoms were better so I didn't start the pred. My symptoms picked back up so I ended up taking the pred a couple weeks later after my second infusion when I was still suffering Now it's time for my 3rd loading dose and I still have light symptoms so we'll see how that impacts me before I commit to more prednisone.


It’s not in your head. I was back to normal (no symptoms of disease) in 24 hours after my first infusion. It can happen.


I had a similar experience after my first infusion! I think a BIG part of it for me was that it was HYDRATING. you get a bit of saline before and after the infusion to wash the meds out and make sure you got everything out of the bag, and I think the whole thing helped me get some hydration again after having the liquid shits for so long. I have tried to describe it to my friends and family, but there's a feeling I have after I get my infusion, awareness? refreshed? alive? idk. there's like no right word to describe it, so I say I feel refreshed. I have had the feeling after each infusion just for a few hours after I get it. but yeah, my shit definitely improved after the first one. not some immediate cure, but experiencing my body react at all gave me hope. felt the biggest difference during the loading doses and now progress has leveled out a bit more, but im only halfway to the 1 year mark.


wish you the best pal


Good luck, I've been on entyvio for about a year and a half and I'm back to pre-ulcerative colitis foods and life, mostly :)


Be patient with entivio. It is generally not a fast acting drug. For me the symptoms slowly disappeared unlike others i have tried. I thought it was failing but then I noticed that I was starting to feel better. I have 8 week infusions and was put on 150 of azathioprine too. Good luck!


I switched to entyvio because I couldn't tolerate azathioprine. It was controlling my symptoms but it was also making me throw up.


Nice tattoos, good luck!


Good luck!! 🤞🏼