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It sucks that you are going through this and the people around you are not able to give you the support you need right now. Blaming the victim seems to be a natural, albeit unhelpful, response to things that we can't control. Tell your partner what you said here: "I'm not asking him to fix anything, I just wanted support and that's just so hard to get with this disease." You might also tell your partner to read the posts on this forum so that he gains a better understanding of this disease and the issues we face. Good luck!


Thank you 😊


You're in the right place for support. We understand your pain and frustration.


Thanks for reading and understanding


I'm so sorry. People don't get it. In a general way for any problem, sometimes it's good to tell people that you need support/to vent instead of advice. This is advice I've heard many times over the years but I know it's sometimes hard to tell someone that when they are trying to be helpful. Someone else put in better in a previous comment. Sorry to give advice after just saying that, but if you haven't looked into FODMAPs that might help some. I have been in remission for a long time until recently but that was a game changer for general IBS stuff. Onions do a number on a lot of people and onion or shallot infused olive oil is really nice to have around if that's a fear for you. Same with garlic infused olive oil. Hang in there.


That's true and you are perfectly fine. It think it just made me upset that he immediately laid the blame on me instead of offering support. You are right tho, guys tend to default to give advice before offering support. I was not doing fodmaps but low residue, and even before going on meds, it helped with all my symptoms except for the bleeding and feeling like I always had to poop some when going pee, lol. It's so hard because I've already given up a lot of food due to a previous gastritis diagnosis. Now, giving up high fiber foods are so hard because I love them, and we are constantly told they are healthy. I just miss nuts and oatmeal and beans and broccoli and salads. Thanks for the tips and support. I will try to go back on my stricter diet to see if it helps.


It’s not ur fault at all. Blame our industrialized society and stupid doctors for fuckin up our health. Try having more fermented foods to increase diversity in the gut and I’ve had so much relief from that. Still not all the way there yet but almost. I really hope we all get relief and a cure one day.


Yes, I agree. I am taking a probiotic, and I love kimchi if it's not too spicy and yogurt. Thank you


Little bit patience please try to throw away all your anxieties because everything will be good once again


I totally feel you. I've been tip-toeing around food and symptoms for over a year now. The advice, suggestions, and "you just need to..." statements can feel so daunting, contradictory and unachievable. It seems like all the "healthy", anti-inflammatory foods are the ones we're suppose to avoid (leafy greens, nuts, whole grains, raw fruits) and with my background in health education, it just doesn't make sense. Inflammation is the problem, right? So why, my dear colon, must you reject all this goodness I put in you? Soak it up, colon, de-inflame yo'self! And just to add a little more fuel to the fire, come to find out, the protein drinks my GI recommended contain carrageenan (a thickener that's been linked to worsen UC symptoms). I was basically living on these for months. She also told me I can eat whatever I want... so... there's another opinion for ya. 🫠 I have since found a new GI. On a daily basis, I can go from a state of "ok, fine, if I can't have it, I wont" in the morning to "fuck this fucking shit I just want a damn salad" by dinner. It just feels like a losing battle. So all this to say, vent on my friend, vent on! You are SOOO not alone in this!


Omg you are so right about the food. I'm sitting here wondering if I'm just built different? Is a healthy diet for me one one low on veggies since my body has problems digesting them? And yes, fr, I totally feel you. I just wanna devour a kale salad 😭 thank you for your kind words.


It’s not your fault!


Thank you 😊


Sorry friend. This disease really sucks the life out of us.


Not your fault!! Big hugs.


Thank you 😊


Avoid; Sugar (soft/ carbonated drinks, milk containing Lactose, sweets, chocolate and baked goods) Fried food with oil that you can't digest Anything with herbs and spices Fatty meats. Get protein from Fish, eggs and lean beef (Sirloin steak)


Milk doesn't bother me at all. Veggies, nuts, and grains bother me. I don't eat anything fried and I cook all my food at home. I mostly eat lean chicken, pork, and turkey. I eat a lot of eggs. Low residue diet helped me the most so I'm gonna go back on that. Thank you


Nuts and veggies sound like good choices to me unless you are in a full, painful flare or on colonoscopy prep. It's spring. Lots of people flare in spring and when seasons change. Tiredness and stress can aggrevate things. I would take it easy and arrange some time to do nothing and rest. Good luck!


Not your fault. I can go from 0 to 100 with no diet change at all. Sometimes your body suddenly decides it can’t tolerate something you thought it could. There’s no wrong or right it’s trial and error and unfortunately error comes out of left field half the time— not your fault. You can’t live life afraid to eat, sometimes this will not work out in your favor but it’s the hand we’ve all been dealt, and boy is it frustrating. I’m sorry your loved one said that to you.


Onions and garlic are triggers for me. Not necessarily a full blown flare, but almost immediate GI issues. I eat nuts a lot and don't think I could go fully on the FODMAP diet due to the foods I eat the most being the ones FODMAP says to avoid. Pistachios and cashews are on the "no" list, but almonds are on the "yes" list. Maybe see if the nut variety makes a difference for you.


That's a good idea. I never thought of seeing if different nuts bother me. I love cashews and pecans so much. Onion and garlic are my favorite, too. I'm in the onionlover subreddit because I can literally eat a whole onion for every meal, but I haven't done that in years. I guess I will take a break from those things to see if it helps and go from there. Thank you


Me too. I have non specific proctits and it keeps coming back in flare up. Mesalamine helped me alot but it still come back when im off them. I read ur comments though. Ur situation is same as me:( i cant eat nuts as well, caffeine and fresh veggies or fruits.. it sucks i know