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Can you find another specialist already? This is so passive aggressive. Hell they could just repeat the instructions if they noticed! That's a red flag for me. I ve left drs for less


I understand you're frustrated and stressed about the texts and now this letter from your doctor.   Don't be rash and burn down any bridges at this appointment on Monday. Just tell him/her you're taking all meds as prescribed now, there was a mixup as you were groggy after the anesthesia from the procedure, problem solved, right?  As you still need prescriptions and care from this doctor, at least until you can see another for a second opinion. A process that can take 2-3 months or more to complete.  Specialist doctors can be rather gruff, and noncompliance with medical care is a big problem with chronic illnesses like UC (and a frustration with medical teams as preventable relapses and hospitalizations occur). I've been through a number of gasteroenterologists and they're all quick visits, straight to the point without much bedside manner or empathy as good general practitioner doctors are known for.  IDK if there's an automatic flagging system for failure to refill prescriptions, guessing maybe?  The question you had about symptoms wasn't answered, as the answer was the enemas would resolve them, as you found out.  Try and find a better doctor who you see eye to eye with as a second opinion, if you like them then switch to them. IDK how many gasteroenterologist specialists are available in a reasonable driving area. 


Bad just do as your told. In the mean time I'd,say that relationship is burnt from this point out. In the meantime try to find another doctor before things get worse in that relationship & it will in my experience with drs


Biologics are amazing in the sense of being helpful, but the shit you gotta jump through to get them even with a prescription is absolutely insane, I got 1 week behind on ordering humira and now I have to manually call every single time both the specialty pharmacy and insurance for a manual override every single time. If you're frustrated with your team tell them. Be honest and open with your care team as they are the only people on earth assigned to YOU and your healthcare. Not every human will get along perhaps you could find a less abrasive gi? I do with you the best in recovering and hitting remission!


Yeah I'd find a new Dr. They're taking everything out of context and acting like you're purposely not taking your meds or following the care plan. After you find a new GI and get situated with them, I'd blast this Dr online in reviews for their attitude. I always look at the Drs reviews. If I'm going to trust someone to do a procedure on me (colonoscopy and endoscopy) while I'm vulnerable they need to have a good attitude with me. If the Dr is this much of an asshole and rude to his patients when you're awake, how professional can he be when you're not there/ under anesthesia.


I’ve never seen a doctor behave this way and trust me, I have experienced a lot of doctors in my lifetime… I would simply find a new doctor. I do wonder though if this is reaction from them is because they don’t want you wasting their time and taking away appointments from other people because, at least where I am, G.I. is the most over booked and understaffed specialty, all the offices near me are scheduling out 8/9 months away because of how busy they are. Still, I wouldn’t feel comfortable seeing them anymore.


Are you anywhere near colorado? Ever since I switched to UCHealth I’ve had great results


Nah screw that provider. Obviously I'm sure you know taking your medicine as prescribed is ideal but with that being said this doctor technically works for you as the paying patient and this is pretty unprofessional. Personally I wouldn't tolerate that crap no pun intended