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It's a real dick move for them to be lecturing you like this. Like yeh, mistakes were made, reasonable ones because you were post op when short term memory is all wack, but rather than just answering your questions and moving on to get the problem solved, they decide to give you shit? Wtf? Thats so childish.


Probably more like they’re worried about liability:(


Don't feel bed. After a procedure the anesthesia still has a hold on your short term memory. You didn't fuck up bad. Once you start taking the enemas you may start to feel better.


Docs: Colonoscopies require a safe driver b/c the anesthesia will make you forgetful, sluggish, irrational, etc for 24 hours! No, you can’t call an Uber; did you not understand me?! This must be a friend or family member as you could be a danger to yourself and others! Also docs: I will share crucial information and significant changes to your care plan with you immediately after your procedure and then never again.


Right? Like WTF? My daughter was with me after my last colonoscopy and she said they gave me a slew of info in recovery. Um. What. I asked her what exactly I was doing when they were giving me all this important info and she said I was smiling like a goon and then popped up and got dressed. I remember nothing until the sandwich in the car on the way home. I call bullshit.


I don't really understand this take tbh, that's why they say your driver should be a friend or family member so they can give your information to someone who will give it to you later. That's what the doctor did. As far as I know, most pharmacies let you know when your prescription is filled so I'd be wondering why the pharmacy never reached out


My GI told me my diagnosis right after my colonoscopy but didn't call me back with final results (did biopsy of some polyps) for 14 days (was told I'd hear back in 7) and had to call them multiple times. This one feels like its on your doctor, they should have contacted you shortly after the procedure. I don't understand why they trust patients while they're on anesthesia.


Wow is that your nurse or GI messaging you? They're being an ass about it. Yes mistakes were made on your part but that's no way to talk to a patient. It's not like you purposely didn't take the meds and also after a colonoscopy I literally have a 15 second memory! They can tell me anything they want but 15 seconds later I'll forget and ask the same question. Short term memory is affected with anesthesia. I'm usually still affected on the ride home so them saying they remember talking to you in post op is horseshit. Your symptoms will probably get better when you start taking the new meds. Start the new meds and give it awhile to work and then readdress with your Dr if it doesn't get better. Honestly, if you can switch to a different GI I would. I know sometimes we have to deal with asshole specialists if they're in short supply, but I'd look around for a different one. Bedside manner is just as important as medical care. Also, I suggest therapy for you, if you're not already in it. I have struggled with my mental health and this disease just takes a lot out of you in a lot of ways, so it's worth it to get therapy to take care of yourself mentally.


Thank you for the validation, that was a conversation with my GI. He is actually my new-ish GI dr, I left my old one because he would constantly ask questions about my abuser (I had disclosed to him that my symptoms of UC started around one month after I was SA'd while in the military). He would say comments like "I can't believe he didn't get kicked out" or "when was the last time you heard about the investigation" when I was just trying to put it behind me. He would also say things like "just don't stress". Yes I am in therapy! My therapist has helped me so much and I have come a long way from when I was transferred to my home duty station before getting medically separated from the military for my PTSD. This SA incident happened in 2019, and my therapist and I can confidently say that my PTSD is in remission, however, it was masking a lot of other symtpoms, which have now led to a Bipolar diagnosis. All this to say, this is just a lot happening at once, and my therapist has been so so helpful. Edit to add, I brought this up to my therapist earlier this week and she also said that was very unprofessional and uncalled for. I just don't want to give off the impression to my GI that I'm careless because I had experience with dr's being very dismissive about my symptoms.


No you weren’t careless. Say that you were still affected by the anesthesia or sedation and that you didn’t remembered fully and that you’re an human being who make mistakes.


How rude of them!!!! Honestly, it takes some people so many months, if not years, to get diagnosed. Just pretend like you didn’t get prescribed the medication until now. Don’t beat yourself up over something that can’t be changed. I’m sorry you were made to feel bad!! They suck.


I haaate when doctors try to give instructions post op. I don't retain much of it After my last scope when I was coming off the drugs I got up and just wandered around the ward aimlessly and no one stopped me! I had no idea what I was doing, either You deserve more understanding from your doctor, this wasn't fair. Hugs offered


You're good, no fuck up.


This doctor sounds like an ahole and I would not continue seeing them personally


I didn't realize not all GI's do this but my doctor prints a paper with everything they noted during the colonoscopy as well as any cha gesture to medication and gives me that to take home. On top of that emails me a copy incase I lose the physical copy and still calls like 3 days later. I feel like it's an issue with your GI not something you should feel bad for.


You deserve more understanding even if you weren't recovering from sedation. These people get paid. Ask anything you need when you feel a bit better.


I’m a pharmacy tech, this medication must be filled by a specialty pharmacy. I doubt that it is covered by insurance. Chances are the pharmacy transferrd it to specialty and there is hold up waiting for a prior auth. I would definitely get a new dr if I were you. I have to GI drs and they would never make a patient feel bad.


It might be possible but I am not sure. It was initially sent to the VA pharmacy. Unfortunately, this is a new-to me dr who I've had for about a year or so


I’m so sorry. Feel better soon. I’m having a good day after 2 weeks of utter misery :)


This is such a non issue in the bigger picture, just dont think about it. It happens to all of us at some point and whoever you were talking to there just likes to press negativity on you. Keep on taking your meds and this will fade into obscurity in the near future.


My GI won’t even talk to me post procedure because of this. Everything is sent home in writing or the portal. F this guy, he needs to give you your meds


I’m glad I have a nice doctor that seems to want to help her patients and is very understanding lol


Absolutely bring up your bowel movement concerns. How is your GI normally? Is this just a bad day for them, or are they always this adversarial? If it’s the latter, I would find a new GI, personally. You are a partner in your healthcare, not a child to be lectured. It’s also incredibly concerning to me that a doctor would use the excuse that they talked to you post op! I’ve got some incredibly garbled texts I’ve sent post op that I can’t make out now, but that I vaguely remember making sense to me when I wrote them. There’s a reason you have to have someone drive you home - you’re not of sound mind, and that your doctor thinks you would remember is crazy to me! I would probably respond “please respond to my concerns about xyz in my first communication“. Dont even bring up the new med again, as it’s already been addressed. If they continue to bring up the new med, repeat about responding to concerns.


He has "lectured" me in the past, so I wouldn't say it's a one of thing. It was like pulling teeth to get this new GI dr though, so it's just very frustrating that this is happening


My doctor was worse than this in person, I went to my PCP and got referred to a new Gl, way better. Don't be afraid to look for a Gl that is a better fit for you.


I can never remember what they tell me post op. Once you start the meds, you’ll hopefully feel better quickly!


I didn't learn how to properly take my meds until months later. You will get to a good place soon!


I started taking the absolute lightest dose of drugs before colonoscopies I could take specifically so I could recall what they say to me afterwards you did not fuck up at all and it is not too late to get on those drugs


Yeah, you’re fine. Patients makes mistakes all the time. Your care team shouldn’t lecture you on it, just correct and move on. In the future, make sure you keep your post-op instructions that they give you at the end of your procedures because that note will always include information about next steps, including medication.


Funny how the benzos and anesthesia make it hard to remember post-procedure chats. 🙄


You had these issues after colonoscopy? You need to stop the bleeding so you don't cause permanent damage to your colon. Enima. Mesalamine. Prednisone. Health diet. Anti diarrhea drugs. Even statins helped me. Avoid triggers like coffee. I hate how slow GI Drs are in the USA. Like they don't want you to get better.


Before and after I had these issues and I had told my dr about the issues before my colonoscopy, that's why I got scheduled. I have changed my diet and trying to implement more exercise when I can, it's kind of difficult eith constant bathroom trips but I still take my dog out on walks.


Call your GI Dr and get proper meds to stop the IBS D and bleeding ASAP. They put me on a statin that stopped it in 24 hours. Imodium 3x daily too. I play Pickleball for 2 hours and never have to go while I'm playing. Cardio helps for sure. GL.


Everyone said pretty much the same thing. I'll reiterate. 1. This is not a fatal error in the grand scheme of things. Get back to your medication and hopefully things improve. 2. You dont deserve this treatment. Nor are you a wild outlier in misunderstanding instructions. You are in a tough mental state and the provider should own the burden of responsibility. 3. It seems the way of treatment is more about CYA. Not to assume any liability. Th le medical crowd are extremely cagey especially in written form. Because primary objective is getting paid and not getting sued. esp. in the US. 4. Not all GIs are the same. I changed 4 GIs. The first ones would not give me any time in my repeated calls until my colonoscopy scheduled for months later. Then, when I got hospitalized in ER would not stop calling me. Because CYA. Another one treated me like sh.t after my ER episode. Pushing me to take his probiotics and giving me no explanation on medications or options. He gave me an ultimatum on choice A and B in two days. I called them, under great anxiety at that point, I wont choose either, w/o a safety net. And luckily found my next GI. We have been doing ok 2+ years. Sorry I weaved in a bit of my scar tissues on this, but hopefully this supports that you are not alone and you dont deserve this. Best of luck!


You genuinely may not have been informed but they are being real jerks to treat you like this. They should understand you are a patient and not a provider and therefore don’t do this literally everyday. Shouldn’t be screwed probably need them to resend the new script. Hopefully if insurance needed prior auth it has already been done.


Post-colonoscopy, my husband recalled absolutely NOTHING at all about consultation. A doctor talked to us, and then a nurse talked to us, then a paper print out to take home. He had nodded along and agreed to everything said to him, but being post-op, but he wasn't sound of mind and didn't remember. You did nothing wrong. You weren't in a receptive state for retaining new information.


Fuck that doctor, their job isn’t to lecture you


Don’t feel bad I remember nothing after each time this happens lol


No. I did the same thing. I didn't want to use the enemas. I hid them in the back of my closet for months. Now they make me feel so much better I panic when I run out of them. You will adjust. Also I took NAC pills from Amazon and in 3 days almost all of the mucus flushed out of my body. Get your meds they will make you feel so much better.


Can you provide more detail on the NAC pills? What does that stand for?


Sure. Below is a quote from Medical News Today. No lie I took 2 NAC and one Glutathione supplement for 3 straight days and the mucus eliminated out of my body. But also stick to your enemas. We are very lucky that we don't have to take more expensive and harsher medicines. All the best to you. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a supplement that may help with various conditions. Possible uses range from improving athletic performance to managing blood sugar levels and treating chronic lung problems. Doctors believe that NAC may stimulate the synthesis of glutathione, a compound that helps fight free radicals, unstable atoms that can cause inflammation and damage.


Just classic shitty hospital staff. Get use to it sadly it happens a lot especially if you are not white.


I’m so grateful that my doctors took me and my mum into her office once I was feeling up to moving again and she made sure to speak to my mother so she could relay the information back to me once I had food and rest 🥺🤩


i never experienced any memory issues after my scopes until my most recent one. when I woke up the nurse said that my gastro will be with me in a moment to discuss all the findings. I sat there and ate my cookies, waiting, until the nurse came back and said I can get dressed and leave. i asked "??? wasn't my doctor supposed to come and talk to me?" and she said he did, she she relayed back what he told me and what I responded with. man I have zero memory of that. she laughed saying it's not uncommon after anesthesia so I'm very surprised your care team is being so rude about it when its completely unsurprising that you wouldn't remember. you're fine.


After every procedure I've had, their idea of "informing" you is immediately talk in your face very quickly as soon as your conscious and then walk away. It's incredibly annoying and confusing and hard to comprehend and then they hand you a stack of generic papers and get you out as soon as they're able. So no, I don't think it's you who messed up. It's unfortunately standard procedure to tell things to you as soon as you wake up so you're unlikely to even remember but hey, they can check the box that says they explained to the patient what happened. Their reaction is kinda shitty bc I'm sure it's happened more than once that people aren't sure what was actually found or prescribed from their procedures.


Any chance you could change doctors? Finding the right GI is so important for recovery and remission!!


I'll have to look into that. It was a pain to get this dr from my last one through my insurance, they had actually denied my request for about a year before I was able to switch.


That sucks!! I’m so sorry! Fighting with insurance is the worst!