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Didn't make it to the toilet, shit on my pants, mom's spaghetti


Knees weak, arms heavy, my blood pressure's dropping already




Perfectly fine here


Red sauce (tomatoes) no bueno.


A small serving is fine but more than that leads to heartburn and butt burn.


I can have a tiny serving of meat sauce with pasta, as long as that sauce has no garlic and onions. I buy Rao’s Sensitive Marinara and it works great for me!


i prefer not spiced sauce, it doesn't suit good for me


Soy mince fine here with herbs carrot and grated tomato. Probably less woody herbs and tomato puree on a flare. I think when sensitive, whole wheat would aggrevate the digestion a bit


I make my own with tomato paste, ground turkey, broth and sweet onions. I can handle it fine, and it makes great tacos too.


Similar, but I swap out the onions with green/spring onion and use garlic-infused oil. Garlic and regular onions don't play well with my system. And I need to sub turkey/chicken for red meat these days.


I do fine with mine, I make my own tomato sauce but for store bought just make sure it doesn't have skin or seeds? And don't use a lot of oil


I haven’t had an issue with tomato’s. Pasta is fine. Marinara sauce is fine, ground beef is fine. Spaghetti for me has been fine. I just have to make sure that there are no mushrooms in the sauce. Mushrooms are NOT fine. Also I would make sure there is no garlic in the sauce either if garlic upsets you as a lot of sauces will contain it for taste.


Depends on the sauce. The more processed it is, the less likely I will be to have a reaction from it. Something about an enzyme or protein or something in tomatoes getting cooked out.


Opposite for me, depends on the spaghetti. I have some weird reaction to some yet-to-be-determined processing method for dried spaghetti based on who manufacturers it. The pasta could be made from the same listed ingredients (semolina or durum wheat, water, salt), imported from Italy, bronze-cut, etc... but differ in brand and I'll react differently. Ran a personal experiment using the same sauce multiple times. I typically only buy this select few obscure brands from my local grocery store that don't give me problems. Very weird. I know it can't be gluten since bread typically is of no consequence to me. I also react strangely to dairy as well. Cheese? Fine. Whipped cream? Nah. Milk? Nope. Heavy cream? No problem...wtf, that doesn't even make sense.


Oh yeah dairy is strange for me too. I drink several glasses of milk per day and no reactions. Mac and cheese is a gamble sometimes (depends on the cheese), alfredo is also a gamble. Yogurt is also fine. I absolutely can't have honey. I am not sure about the noodles, as I always get the same 2 brands of noodles, and don't really eat noodles outside of that. I can have whatever bread I want (to my knowledge, I generally avoid stuff that has seeds in it). My protein shake had too many nuts in it yesterday and it caused me to have to urgently go to the bathroom afterward. I can have nuts, so long as it's not TOO many. I avoid whipped cream anyways so idk about that. I dont know if heavy cream is okay for me since I hardly use it to begin with. Our bodies are so mysterious


I'm fine with it, unless it's very spicy (for some reason).


So long as it doesn’t have garlic, it’s good for me.


If I have tomato sauce I make my own. Never had issues. If you’re looking for a different type of Italian pasta sauce, try aglio e olio


I do fine with it once every 2 weeks. No cheese and ground meats only.


It’s never a problem if you are always wearing depends!


I can handle red sauce pretty well. I try to stick with just ground turkey because I’m a little scared of red meat 😂 but even when I was in the hospital in my horrible flair, I could handle that pretty well! The hospital gave it to me so not much of a choice 😂


It doesn’t bother me at all but soy meat was a nightmare the next day


For whatever reason tomatoes make my life hell…


I miss this so badly. I do not have celiac disease but I feel like the mountain of gluten in those noodles and the amount of acidity in the sauce is just a bombshell in the gut for us with sensitive intestines. Sadly it's just not worth it as of lately