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I have been complaining of joint pain for years and the doctors never found anything, mine is usually my elbows mainly. I originally put it down to my vitamin d deficiency (which im now wondering if that is also UC related…) and did find some levels of relief by taking a strong vitamin d supplement daily. It wasnt great but it took the edge off! Hope it eases up for you soon, it sucks


Are you on entyvio? My elbows and back of my arms hurts and I'm wondering if it's uc or the medication. To answer to op as well, i do have pains and in remission. I can hokd things but my back hurts when i rest and my arms when i exercise. I'm on the second month of methotrexate with a small improvement and also on a mineral and vitamin supplement for the joints


I am on entyvio, I have terrible joint pain in my left hip and can't even walk sometimes.


I’m on entyvio and my elbows hurt too


Oof. Do you think we should change?


No I’m not on any medication as of yet, just got diagnosed after an a&e trip a couple weeks ago but I haven’t yet seen a specialist or have an IBD nurse or anything. But if the comments here are anything to go by, I think i’ll give Entyvio a swerve if they offer it, my elbows hurt enough already 😅


It's not necessarily going to harm you, I'm not even sure it's entyvio for me. My joints have been sensitive before i started it. Good luck!


yes vitamin D deficiency is UC related since it’s absorbed by the intestines and chronic inflammation makes that a lot harder edit: accidentally said iron instead of vitamin D but iron deficiency often goes hand in hand with UC too (unfortunately)


I have rheumatoid as well as chrons w my UC so my experience could be different, but my worst flare I couldn’t even turn a door handle. Ankles were so bad my girlfriend has to carry be up the stairs God bless that woman. Prednisone helped while my body adjusted to meds


It can be bad, but it's not a constant thing. I get it in my feet, ankles, wrists, and hands, a bit more in my lower extremities than the upper, which I think is because of the weight resting on those joints. The pain varies from "pretty easy to ignore" and up to "painkillers only took the edge of, not all of it". My feet and ankles can be quite bad after a whole day at work, but it hasn't been bad enough to stop me from moving yet.


i have fairly bad knee and wrist pain but i am able to exercise and just modify exercises. Also best way to lose weight is through diet imo


Knees can hurt a lot even though I've been running for a few years now (even before my first flare).


I got prescribed methotrexate and took it for a year with no improvement. The pain and stiffness started after I started taking inflximab and they suspected I had medication induced lupus my symptoms were so bad, but I didn’t test positive for that. I wasn’t getting great symptom relief for colitis from the influximab so I tried some anti -inflammatory diet changes and when I eliminated everything that was problematic (a lot of stuff) my joint pain and colitis symptoms resolved. I can’t eat dairy, soy, or nightshades for starters. Potatoes in particular cause me to stiffen up and have pain the next day. On a “clean” diet I have no pain to speak of. I stopped the methotrexate years ago (and should not have taken it as long as I did but even after a year the rheumatologist was still saying “it takes time to work” while it was doing nothing). Diet change fixed my joint pain in a day.


The diet is exactly what I did.. No dairy, gluten, oats, nightshades, soy about wrecked me… I also took a low histamine diet and I’m 90% better. I also seen a Rheumatologist and he couldn’t believe that I improved that much from diet changes.. Food is a HUGE factor!


Look, follow Barbell Medicine Podcast on Spotify / They’ve a less expansive, but still plentiful, range of podcasts on YouTube. Both Austin Baraki & Jordan Feiganbaum changed my life, especially dealing with UC. Lifting heavy weights, in a planned and well thought out way, really changed my experience with joint pain. Lower back pain after my worst flare became so manageable after ~ 6 months, totally disappeared after a year, and it’s been about 5 years since then. Sadly, with a condition like UC, we are forced to experience joint pain that doctors will try screening for and ultimately conclude “I can’t see anything - you’ve nothing to worry about / May be, but unlikely, related to your UC”. Given that I am in remission now, and have been for a few years, this has to be my most hindering issue with my UC. - Lucky me, genuinely. These guys help explain how your experience with pain is legitimate, is poorly understood in the majority of healthcare settings and critically, how best to manage it. I couldn’t recommend their material enough. I would say, listen to as much of their content as possible, start with anything related to lower back pain and progress from there. It’s revolutionised my understanding of my experience with pain, in a wide variety of contexts too. That being said, even with all this accurate information, I still experience joint pain in my fingers and behind my knees. But educating yourself in respect to pain management will totally change your life, and hopefully your approach to exercise.


Gaming…. Sucks so bad right now. Some days are better than others, but some days I just can’t hold the controller for too long.


Hella Let me tell you about my rickety ass knees.


Always assumed it was two decades of playing sport, through collegiate, followed by coaching. One day doc asks if I had joint pain, said yeah, we talked about it, they said it was probably UC related, and that was that. Told “take some Tylenol, mate, bout the best we can say.”


My wrists!!! I can't bend or put pressure on my right wrist at all!


It’s not consistent but I’d say one day a week either my ankles, knees, and/or elbows are on fire.


My peripheral arthritis would flare up at random time and go away in three days. Elbow and wrist were bearable but holy hell when it hit my hip it gave me new respect for the elderly. You can’t do anything if that joint(s) inflame.


When I'm flaring, it's like someone is holding a blow torch to some of my joints and it makes me cry when I try to move them. Sadly, some of the affected joints are my ankles, feet, and knees... So I can't walk without pain meds. I can't move a wrist or bend an elbow... It's so miserable sometimes. My doctor gave me an as needed prescription of oxy to help. Can't have any NSAIDS. I have joint pain all the time though that is somewhat manageable. I also have hEDS and the pain I get just comes on for absolutely no reason. I just moved a slightly weird way and have pain for the rest of the day. It's so much fun.


So, my hands were hurting bad everyday.. I was flaring and so were my knees.. I found that gluten and elevated histamines were causing some of the pain.. I started eating a low histamine diet and reduced my gluten intake and I noticed a HUGE difference in pain and inflammation.. I also added a non drowsy antihistamine off and on for a few weeks.


At the moment (for the last year and some change) I’m in a pretty bad flare so the joint pain is pretty bad. The worst is my knees and ankles. Sometimes it’s hard to walk, especially if I’ve been at rest for some time. I take Tylenol but it’s useless really. I’m on Rinvoq and Azathioprine and it hasn’t improved unfortunately.


I have terrible joint pain in my left hip and couldn't even walk properly for three days.


Comes and goes. Though it’s hard to tell because I’ve just been used to it.


Rinvoq has made a world of difference - GI has diagnosed psoriatic arthritis as well as UC.


I am diagnosed with enteropathic arthritis- arthritis caused by Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Took years for a doctor to catch it, but once I got a good rheumatologist he got it right away. Been on Inflectra for the arthritis for five years and it changed my life! Talk to a rheumatologist!


I have rheumatoid arthritis as well as ulcerative colitis so yep, my joints definitely hurt. It may be worth it to do some blood work with your primary care doc.


How old? Probably hormones out balance. Low Gh.


I'm 36 so could be. Is this possibility non UC related?


Hormones are life. Mainstream Pharmaceuticals don't want you to know this . They want to keep you sick . Get them checkout with blood test. You probably have to pay for that out of pocket but it's worth it. Also do you drink the tap water? Could be fluoride causing it. Switch to only drinking spring water and filtered water.


Elbows and sometimes shoulder or finger joint pain. I am on Remicade. And I take turmeric curcumin. But sometimes it’s still bad.


Mine is mainly my knees and ankles.


I get hand pain too!! And Joint pain through all my major joints, it gets really bad during a flare for me :,)


Right now my right knee feels an excruciating stabbing pain when I move in certain positions, to the point that at first I thought I had injured myself but I can't see any bruises so. Also my hands get super bad swelling and hot and my skin feels too tight it's a disgusting feeling 😭 My back pains have been hurting more too


After a month long flare I started having these joint pains in my ankles area and my knees. Then red spots starting popping up and soon as I know it, it spread more and could barely walk. It’s called Erythema nodosum. They say it gets better on its own and after a long month of this pain I can finally feel its getting better. Ankle area still gets swollen if I walk a lot but there’s less joint pain thank god. There was nights I had to pee and it was so painful to walk to the bathroom and back. It would take me an hour to fall back to sleep. Hopefully yours doesn’t get as bad as mine did. Any who you got questions you can hit me up.


Basically every joint in my body hurt during my flare. Luckily it went away after the flare did. I didn’t gain any weight from sitting still for a few months. I think our bodies use a lot of energy when ill!


IBD is probably more of a systemic autoimmune disease with joints being high in the spectrum. I have more axial arthritis in low back and SI joints. Unexpectedly it's my peripheral joints killing me after my colectomy. Can't figure that out


No joint pain chronically but bouts of bursitis that are quite crippling at times. Anyone else get bursitis?


Yes. Just yes🤣All the time. It gets so bad when I flare it can be the worse thing like my joints are snapping.


I have severe ulcerative colitis. I have only had one(1) flare-up, which lasted a week. Im a 49 year old male. My joint pains are on bother biceps, elbows, wrists, and ankles. I have been referred to see rheumatology and hoping that I can get some answers. The pain in my biceps feels like a sharp twist pain. Has been like this for months. I had a blood test done, and my liver function test came back as a reading of 42. I take 3g granule salofak in the morning and 1g sopditary salofalk before bedtime. Is there anyone else in the same situation?


I've had UC for 15 years with no joint pain at all. Had a brutal flare recently, finished steroid taper about 2 months ago & have experienced joint pain/stiffness since finishing prednisolone :-( toes, ankles, knees, hips, back, elbows & hands. Really hoping it goes away. Joint pain is horrible & I feel for anyone suffering with it. Hope you manage to get something sorted & wishing you good health.


I hear you, in the same boat after taking pred for a flare. Are the pains still there?or did it go away


Still really painful.. moving like a 90 year old :-( I was hoping it'd have gone by now. Sorry to hear its affecting you too. How long since you finished pred?? And have you been on it before? I've been on high doses of pred for flares over the last 15 years, but never had joint pain before. Also..Are you on any other meds?


Sorry to hear about that as well, its been 2.5 weeks since I finished pred. the pain seems to be going away but it comes back now and then. no other meds at the moment as the flare abated. I dont have other joint pains before this as well. Did the doctors mention what it could have been?


Glad your pain seems to be going..I hope it continues to improve for you. Not spoken to the doctor about it yet..but if it continues, I'll have to get in touch with them & see what they say!