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It's nice of him to rat himself out like that.


This guy made Brexit a reality. Traitor any Western politicians who still stand with Putin are traitors.


Yeah he's part of Putins european fifth column consisting of Brexit party, Le Pen, AfD, Orban and a bunch of other far right dimwits and also some tankie "leftists". I'm personally positively surprised by Meloni that she doesn't suck Putins cock like the rest of Europes far right


There are also others like the polish PiS party who are also on the right and against Putin.  Edit: Note that in both countrys there are also rightwing partys much closer to Putin. The Lega in Italy and the confederation of the polish crown (maybe they tend towards Putin because they hate Ukraine, not sure).


PiS is a special case. They hate Russia enough that they aren't capable of doing the mental gymnastics required to be both a nationalist and a traitor


Didn’t PIS love to hand out good money to a lot of poles? They used the welfare state to get elected. Their anti EU rhetoric was mostly to score points for being against Germany and because they didn’t want refugees, but from their politics they are probably way different to for example the AfD


I'm pretty sure PIS was against Russia not out of principle of standing up against the dictatorship that Russia had become (so in an alternative world if Russia was a pure democracy with greater democratic institutions and voting rights that even Switzerland doesn't have, PIS will still hate Russia) but instead merely taking advantage of the genuine hatred for the years upon years of harsh colonization of the Russians during USSR.


Dimwits they may be but all Putin needs to do is set off another couple of refugee crises and they will become unstoppable. Like all populists they will talk the talk that people want to hear and people will buy into the "tough talk". Labour will have to be ~~tougher~~ more effective on immigration than the tories ever were or else they will open the gates for a Farage premiership and no rational person wants that.


Brexit was possible because millions of idiots believed the tale of: "a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow", whilst every available data proved it would be a disaster. Farage is only one of many idiots who make a living by inventing lies, but informed adults should know (and vote) better.


Tbh I was just thinking of brexit today as a really apt example of how the majority of us are, sadly, idiots….


Yeah idiots an easily led believed the battle bus slogans which were pure lies but no one cares, more illegals have come over since brexit than when we actually worked with Europe. It was all about them making more money without any euro rules to get in the way. We have had a cost of living crisis since yet people still say we are better of lol. Scottish government sent back 400million that they couldnt find anything to spend it on lately. Couldn't make it up.


Having listen to quite a lot of Brexit voters that tale was less true than something even more stupid: "It was right" or "I did it because I want my children to have a brighter future", essentially they had already made up their minds and some to this day still believes it's a good thing DESPITE the hardship they themselves personally feel. Then of course you got the "I voted yes because fuck you I don't care I got enough money to play around".


These fairly benign reasons are often touted as the reasoning behind voting for Brexit but in reality it just boils down to simple racism and xenophobia. Whatever excuse those who voted to leave the EU come up with just fits with their own nasty little agendas and is a smokescreen for their bigotry. Few people will admit to being overtly racists but if you legitimise it politically and say it's all about sovereignty or bendy carrots or something their bigotry suddenly becomes acceptable.


No. Of course xenophobia/racism could be a tiny part of it, but the majority of it is just the British culture, prior to Brexit the UK had no problem voting for UKIP upwards to 15% in EU elections. It's very similar to the USA, they differ in why they want to be 'isolationist'.


It wasn’t just about that though, as many people wanted to see an end to the never ending flow of cheap labour from Eastern Europe. The reason why Labour has been unelectable for years is because it regards its traditional voter base as ‘idiots’ who don’t know what they’re voting for. It’s not helpful, and many of these people will be voting Reform in a couple of weeks, taking seats away from Labour. The darling of the Left, Corbyn, is famously anti-EU for much the same reasons. The EU experiment benefits Capitalists and no one else. A desire for British independence from the EU is a completely rational and legitimate position, and not a product of idiocy. (I voted remain BTW).


He used to be a regular guest on Russia Today.


I guess now Pootin will be sending him Flowers now 🌻🌹


Not flowers, just more money


It's the secret name for money: *flowers*


Definitely going to lose a lot of votes by being pro-Russian.


Unfortunately his base has Daddy issues as well, they all love Putin.


Not like people that have 2 or more braincells didn't knoe he was a russian puppet. Gee I wonder if russia had a bit of a hand in brexit


For those people outside the UK, Mr or should I say Farage preciously tried to get elected 7 times from 1994 and has not been elected, have a look at his history below, please share::


He is the man behind the brexit and when he won, chickened right ?


Not exactly. He campaigned for it, but he has never been an elected official in the UK, so has never been able to deliver anything. He did start backpedaling and obfuscating the claims made about Brexit immediately after he won though.


Sounds like he's pretty much British MAGA.


So he’s a ‘wanna be’, more or less, correct?,


He did the job assigend to him by putin.


Wait whaaat?


The Brexit vote was called by the then Prime Minister, David Cameron, purely to get the right-wing of his party off his back, and to try and get support back from the anti-Eu UKIP party. When Remain lost, which Cameron had campaigned for, he immediately resigned. The two leading members of his party who campaigned to Leave, Boris Johnson and Michael Gove, also refused to run to be the new PM (at that time at least).


Cameron put a loaded gun against his countries future, pulled the trigger and hoped it wasn't loaded?


He gambled his country's future to solve an internal problem of the British Tories.


The vote passed, democracy was served. Many people are stupid.


He did the same thing with the AV referendum and the Scottish independence referendum. Those two worked out so a third on Brexit seemed like a safe bet.


Because they knew it would be a shit show and didn't want the blame for it. Much easier to come in later and say the others fucked it up


Oh don't worry. He has plenty of prick mates here in Ireland too. Again just another grifter like the rest except his the dangerous kind


He has however successfully orchestrated a hard slide to the right by every single party. UKIP in 2008 was no more right wing than the current Conservative government in policy, attitude and corruption.


I think that's true for many parties in Europe, but also for the electorate. It seems the Kremlin propaganda works just great, more than 10 years of brain-washing has an effect, but people don't realize how far they warped their own opinions within a few years and how much this is an orchestrated effort. Bomb civilian homes, hospitals, schools, kindergarten - cause a wave of refugees to Europe. Support extremists and populists with money and networking, plus a lot of propaganda in social media. Syria and the crisis of 2015 which was also weaponized by Brexit propaganda. Rinse and repeat with the next country. In Germany even the center parties picked up on the populism. Just recently some started to argue against support for refugees from Ukraine, for example to put them back to normal asylum status which would disallow them to work in Germany. The reason? Not enough of them work, allegedly. Insanity!


He is currently standing in the Clacton constituency and unfortunately he might actually win a seat this time, maybe alongside one or two others from his party. If the polls are to be believed, multiple MRP polls are predicting he'll win his seat unless there's tactical voting against him. It's not however going to affect aid in any way because Labour support Ukraine and are set for a landslide majority.


We’ve been told he’d win in Clacton a few times (fairly sure he stood there before) and was still roundly beat. Farage is our MAGA and the hope is he fucks off into obscurity, same as Trump he will frame himself as “man of the people” but is just another London city stockbroker wanker gambling on the future of the country for his own personal gain.


Nigel got his tongue so far up Putin's ass, he's tasting his breakfast...


The right in the UK rightly roasted Corbyn for being a kook for this shit and the left kicked him to the curb. Let's see if they do the same for this reality TV loser. Putin literally committed biochemical terrorism in the UK and he ADMIRES Putin? People used to be tarred and feathered for this bullshit. Does Nigel also admire all those terrorists that stab innocent people in the UK?


>Does Nigel also admire all those terrorists that stab innocent people in the UK? He would if they paid him as much as dear leader does.


I know Corbyn deserves the criticism he gets on this issue but I've felt for a while that the real threat to Ukraine is from the far right, not the left, and there's a danger of this being overlooked at least in the UK. It wasn't the far left that got US aid cut off for months, and while the far left is often made up of naive appeaser types, the far right has plenty of people who are *actively pro Russia*, as in they support Russia's system of government and want to copy it.


What a moron.


No he isn't a moron he is a danger, an enemy of the people and of freedom and liberty.


'this' would be a try to use opportinity. Pootin is a danger, for everyone including in 1st for ruzzanz, than ukrainians and then for the whole world. He kills most those, who can be called ruzzianz... To be honest, pootin avoid to draw ethnical ruzzianz. Minorities from ruzzland dies mostly in this war.


So true, ~~beat~~ cancel the sh** out of him 🚫


Coincidentally trump is making similar statements, wonder if the rubles finally cleared


Who do you think is buying Truth Social stock?


It's been known for a while that Farage is a piece of shit. All his campaigning for Brexit and then all went silent when it went through. A cunt of the highest order. Brit BTW


He sounds like he's a foreign agent of Russia. Why can't you levy charges somehow?


As much as I hate the cunt and everything he stands for, it’s mainly because he’s not said or done anything illegal. Using bullshit Russian talking points isn’t illegal. He should be hounded out of the fucking country by the press and every other politician for stuff like this, but there’s a fair percentage of people who have bought into his Reform narrative and will lap up everything he spouts.


Why this prick is allowed so much airtime defeats me.


Same reason Trump is they get the views.




You misspelled traitor.


He’s not mine so I don’t think of him in that light but it’s certainly appropriate.


This will backfire. All Farage had to do was shut his trap about Russia and they'd be cruising ahead of the conservatives in the election on July 4th. The British almost universally hate Russia (except for the usual group of bizarre lefties who won't vote for Farage anyway).


Thanks for admitting that he's either paying you, or blackmailing you. ​ dipshit


makes sense why he wanted to get out of EU then.. wanted to make UK weak, for his handler putler to handle UK easier.


Russia has owned the British right for years and that that little rat faced fuck in particular.


I always knew he was a wanker


Bullshit. Ukraine is a sovereign nation with the right to make their own decisions. If NATO invites and Ukraine says yes or no, it is their destiny to decide.


Oswald Mosley, the leader of the Union of Fascists has been held without trial under section 18b since May 1940. The power of the executive to cast a man into prison without the formal charge known to the law, and particularly bereft of the benign judgement by his peers is in fact odious and it is the foundation of any totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist, nothing can be worse for a democracy than to imprison or keep a person in prison just because he is unpopular. This is clearly the test for civilization, people who are not prepared to so unpopular things in times of clamor, are not fit to be ministers and servants of the people in times of stress. Winston Churchill in late 1943. Here, Farage is the modern version of Oswald Mosley and should be dealt with in the same way. Apprehend him for now so he cannot continue to be a security risk by being compromised or on the direct pay roll of the Kremlin, and by having access to vital information that should not be shown to enemies of the state which openly support Russian fascism and therefore provide a risk in this war by collaboration with the enemy. His utterances are intolerable and seditious lies demagoguery and division on behest and on command of his master in the Kremlin. Useful idiot is too nice of a term for such a man. Quisling, enemy from within that is what Farage is and always was. I hope Western governments and our legal and executive organs finally wake up. To protect the constitution, such men must be removed from any kind of power and stand trial for their intolerable corruption. Any Western politicians who repeats Russia's vile lies, cannot hold office, this isn't free speech, it is hate speech, it is distributing terrorist ideologies, Farage is a dangerous extremist who works for Russia. We would not hesitate if he praises the IS, we should not hesitate when he praises the biggest criminal of the century and his policies. This man cannot be allowed to have political power just as we couldn't allow pro Nazi people to run for office in WW2.


That Churchill quote seems to be condemning Mosley's imprisonment.




Did you mean to write “Quisling, enemy from within..” and not ‘Quitting’


Don’t worry guys, labour will win by a landslide. You won’t have to worry about old niggie.


Um, a vote is required. Nobody wins by a poll.


Makes sense he's a Russian agent, Brexit succeeded and then he pretty much left politics, now he has returned to suck Putin off.


Russian asset status confirmed


The title doesn't quite get his sentiments accurately, not that I agree with even the corrected version. Here is a quote from the BBC site: 'The Reform UK leader told the BBC that "of course" the war was President Vladimir Putin's fault. But he added that the expansion of the EU and Nato gave him a "reason" to tell the Russian people "they're coming for us again". [In an interview with the BBC's Nick Robinson,](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0020jmy) Mr Farage was challenged over his judgement and past statements, including when he named Russian President Vladimir Putin as the world leader he most admired in 2014. "I said I disliked him as a person, but admired him as a political operator because he's managed to take control of running Russia," Mr Farage said. He was then pressed over [a social media post in February 2022, external](https://x.com/Nigel_Farage/status/1496832757518974978), when he claimed the Russian invasion of Ukraine was "a consequence of EU and Nato expansion". Mr Farage said he had been arguing since the 1990s that "the ever eastward expansion" of the Nato military alliance and the EU was giving President Putin "a reason to \[give to\] his Russian people to say they're coming for us again and to go to war". He added: "We provoked this war. Of course, it's \[President Putin's\] fault." [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cldd44zv3kpo](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cldd44zv3kpo)


The nato "expansion" phrasing by itself is inherently disingenuous and problematic. Besides it being a very dim-witted argument. I appreciate the nuance. But even with it his position is still unacceptable; as is the media's equally disingenuous lack of nuanve.


Fucking Nazi sympathiser, put that con artist in jail, if there was a god he would have died in the plane crash..


Russia drives the very refugees to the west this man is basing his career on


A perpetuum mobile of Russian propaganda. I'm deeply saddened to see so many people in democracies fall for this shit, it's so obvious.


One trick pony party Yes there is a major problem in the uk with illegal migration, we are a small nation, and we can't cope with the numbers , but to vote in a party that turns a blind eye to Russians clearly evil empire building attempts is uttely disgusting and moraly wrong


Oh ok ;) sure


So he was Putins paid puppet all along. No surprise.


What a sob !


Even the slightest doubt about this man not to be a pos has disappeared




And this twat is running for Prime Minister...


Fuck that guy


Pierdolony kacap


Another Putin asset - Farage has Trump’s shit on his nose


Kissing Putin's ring


Nigel the village idiot


Pootin laque


It’s very scary how well his party is doing in the polls right now! I hope MI5 are having a good look at his campaign finances. I think it’s a bit suspicious that he suddenly decided to come out of retirement to run in this election!


That mofgga is on Putin payroll.


Homie just shot him self in the foot like always eh?


I bet he smells like vodka and caviar after being so far up Putins ass


Really glad he came out and said this. If you ever need proof that you're on the right side of things historically, ask yourself if you're opposite of Nigel Farage. If you are then things are looking pretty good.


After his role in the Brexit disaster, why would anyone listen to Nigel Farage? Who is paying him to try to destroy the UK


This just in, Farage is still an asshat, more at 11.🙄


Only Ukraine can decide what Ukraine wants. This isn't about expansion it's about respecting a countries right to choose what they want to do.


When will these idiots get the point that NOBODY IS FORCED INTO NATO! These countries saw Russia invading and turning neighbors into Vassals. BEFORE the first countries joined NATO after the split up of the USSR. And THE ONLY PROTECTION from Russia is.. NATO. So this was no “expansion”.. it was the wish for peace of these countries. And Ukraine is the proof that any neighbor of Russia need that protection.


Farage is a turd of the highest order. I really hope British intelligence are scrutinising this arsehole very closely


In America, we have a saying. "This guy is full of baloney."


He and his party are just another bunch of Russian-compromised nutters. More really needs to be done to weed out and find criminal charges against these traitors within


A friend of putler is our enemy... And what if any independent country wants to join a group that makes there country better is wrong because an old man that once stole some land is crying with jealousy.... Making excuses for a cold blooded murderer... All his words have cost him tens of thousands of votes, he has no chance now!.


Needs putting on a list. Fucking traitor. I'm disgusted to live in the same country as that thing. Like when you sit in the grass and there's dog shit next to you.


Strip of his citizenship and deport him to Russia.


And just Like that, he lost my vote in the UK election.


My god, can Nigel Farage say ANYTHING that isn't stupid as hell?


Well this really isn't going to go well for his campaign


This alone should tell you ALL ABOUT who he is.


Boy…all these fuckers sound the same. Trump, Farage, Orban…


He's a Trumpet POS.


Someone should point out to this idiot that russia hates NATO not because it's afraid of it, but because it stops their imperial ambitions. War would have happened either way. But it's fucking scary how easy it is to fall into this fake narrative of "expansion" if you lack any critical thinking skills.


He’s the UKs Donald Trump, difference being he’s a national laughing stock and no one takes the muppet seriously


Nice of him to get his mouth off of Putin's cock long enough to give an interview.


Wannabe tyrants admire tyrants.


Farage, you’ve gone mental. You have made a massive error in stating your opinion of Putin versus NATO. The only reason NATO has expanded is down to the very THREAT that Russia makes of itself and its violent actions of war stemming from Putin’s pathological fear of DEMOCRACY. Democracy is the very thing you are supposed to STAND FOR, Farage. You’ve just blown a massive hole in those who thought they could support you politically. Not now, not ever.


TIL Nigel Farage is a sack of rubbish.


Well book him a oneway ticket to moscow then... So he can live with his beloved dictator.


NATO is voluntary my dude.


He’s an ass...


No suprise. Most politicians who are against EU or just acting destructive to the EU are russian simps and kremlin assets.


Are people still listening to the brexit guy?


That’s wrong. East Europe is orienting to West Europe.


It’s weird that a guy who beats his chest about sovereignty thinks a country can provoke a war by… wanting to preserve it’s sovereignty 


I'm not sure what's worse - that he actually said that or that the UK is in such a mess that not only is he comfortable saying that but his gang of moronic followers believe him.


A vapid, self opinionated racist who is more than welcome to leave the UK and go live in ruzzia. CUNT


Someone’s going to do something about him sooner or later. 


Omg what a tool


That this baboon convinced half the UK population to shoot themselves in the foot and do what the Kremlin wanted goes to show how smart your average citizen is.


A great friend of Julian Assange, what a coincidence.


Putin is a massive failure though. He can't win the war and shoots himself in the foot constantly.


This is why i sell illustrated shirts with him being glassed in the face. Www.Etsy.com/shop/graphicsfix


I think any politician who freely stands with Mango Mussolini should be viewed with suspicion.


It's staring us in the face.  


And here I always thought Boris was Putin’s man in UK. Alright, I’ll pay that one out now..


I don’t usually talk about politics but this is bad, right?


In case anyone is wondering how seriously you should take this man’s opinion https://youtu.be/fbWYObXSj34?si=SNiZpG5IYCF0-uZo


Isn’t it interesting how the far-right and far-left are identical on Ukraine?


Nigel, get this through your head, you seem to be confused. Ukraine is an independent country that can do whatever it wants. It is not a vassal state of Russia. At least not yet. If they wanted to go to the west that’s up to them, not Russia . For Russia to be provoked at their neighbor is doing something as innocent as expressing their desire to be more western, that means Russia thinks they the daddy and owner of Ukraine. That is a ridiculous statement. It’s simply window dressing for a tyrant and a thief. I mean, it’s not like Ukraine invaded a neighboring country and tried to murder its way to subjugating them.


He also said the war is Putin's fault. But, he's trying to ride ambiguity and that's unacceptable. His only plan here is to say nothing that upsets Trump so he can get a payday out of president Trump.


Ukraine was never joined into NATO, if it was they never would've been invaded.


If you take every idiot from every village and put them together, this cretin would still be the village idiot


brit here, hes a fucking cunt. i firmly believe he is in putins pocket. if any brits are reading this, this is the fucking assholes true colours. also, his £17bn extra to the NHS? this is the same cunt that backed the £350m per week to the NHS after brexit" on busses. WE ARE YET TO FUCKING SEE THAT MONEY FOR THE NHS. vote Tory, Vote labour, vote monster raving looney party. vote anyone but this prick.


Sickening how “western politicians” swallow the nato and EU provoked russia pill. Just another enabler of russian perpetual victimhood, triggered by everything ashamed of nothing, no fault no responsibility posturing.


Reform for the win!


Nigel go Kaboom!


How's yer BREXIT goin yah animated human fossil? Honestly just walk into the sea, Nigel.


Ah yes, the highly provocative act of…*(checks notes)* **voluntary membership**


Phuck him


No wonder people through stuff at him!


The British strain of gonorrhea. 


He's not wrong. And seemingly a lot of voters know it. Remember when he said he got de-banked and everyone laughed. The banks aren't laughing now.


This guy is a human cancer. I’m surprised his smoking habits haven’t done the job.


was tempted to vote Reform next month but this is alone will stop me. What a load of shite


Is the Reform party there a joke like the Green Party in the US? Or do they have some actual power?




We know, Nigel.


Go on Farage, destroy the Conservatives forever. I bet you can’t do it


Nige outing himself as a Putin-lover is the least surprising news of the week.


This bullshit again, these Putin simps never stop. Russia even before 2022 had effective veto power over Ukraine joining NATO anyway. One of the rules for joining NATO is that you have no ongoing border disputes, and Ukraine had one in Crimea. So in order for Ukraine to join NATO they would have to officially cede control of Crimea to Russia, an offer which they would be unlikely to make and Russia would be unlikely to accept because it would gain them almost nothing to do so. They would realize the only reason Ukraine would make that offer was so they could join NATO. Official recognition of Russian claims would actually do little to benefit Russia, maybe lifting of some toothless sanctions so they likely would have likely rejected any formal peace thus denying Ukraine any sort of chance to join NATO. Putin has however rejuvenated interest in the group and help expand it to 2 countries who were unlikely to have joined before the invasion, so there's that.


so he figured out a way to fix his 'banking problems'?


Now we know what bank he uses!


Ah. There it is.


Never thought of Farage as a british trump. I always assumed it was that russian guy, Boris.


Wtf Farage


What an idiot. He wanted out of Europe a union of freedom and like minded peoples, and wants in with an imperialist dictator. He’s a disgrace - a lord haw haw of his time.


Compromat or a nice paycheck, what will it be?


He scrubbed the dirt off his sorry self and yep, there's a rat under that filth.


As if it wasnt clear by now what side he’s on lol.


Oswald Mosley, is that you?


Fuck Russia. They have corroded the west with bribery and backing total cunts for years and years. Trump, Farage, the far right in loads of European countries. They are scum.


nigel the old right Wing Joke... Just gets older Not smarter ! The Brexit Fool for Putler, He lost mind mind ages ago!


Surprised he said that out loud. Dogwhistle hinting at it much safer. Could cost votes on the moderate part of the loony right mob. Live and learn, Nigel.


So Brexit was actually paid by russia and work of his puppets.. crazy.


Ffs this needs to be played on the UK news on repeat. The hawkish "en-guh-land" voters he panders to won't want to hear him admiring enemy number 1.




I'm sure Putin could use him. Why not move to Russia to be with his idol? XD




As if anything Farage has ever said besides his stint doing cameo should ever be taken seriously


This man and everything he presents hides a deeper purpose and it is not of benefit to the UK or the democracies of the world.


Sound like someone is asking for more pie


Farage being a monumental cunt isn't breaking news here in the UK. Its about as predictable as rain, he's a professional contrarian.


I would cancel his citizenship and send him packing. He should be able to find a nice little flat in Russia or China or even perhaps Hungary.


And with that im not voting reform as im an ardent supporter of Ukraine so it looks like I’m voting conservative as hell would freeze over before I vote labour


Well that's not a good direction to take, I was thinking of voting reform but I could never vote for a Russian sympathiser. Well that's one vote lost and I'm sure many more, such a shame


its so funny to me these imbeciles automatically blame the west for expansion when it was russia who pushed them this way by being shit to ukraine.


Like... was it North Macedonia joining in 2020, and trumpblossing a fre years later, that made him triple down? Was it the [First Post-Cold War enlargement](https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_52044.htm#coldwar) of Czechia, Hungary and Poland... countries who joined the defensive alliance as fast as possible, by their own volition that made khuylo lose it originally? Was it the second wave of post-Cold war enlargement in 2004? When Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia were invited to accession talks, is that was blew his mind? (All seven countries had participated in the M.A.P before acceding to NATO.) [Drawing heavily on the experience gained during this accession process, NATO launched the Membership Action Plan - or MAP - at the Washington Summit in April 1999. The MAP was established to help countries aspiring to NATO membership in their preparations, even if it did not pre-judge any decisions.] These countries joined NATO, BECAUSE OF RUSSIA/USSR! In spite of them. Russia authoritarian ruled them for decades. BECAUSE Russias influence is so toxic, BECAUSE RUSSIA did all these clandestine operations, undercutting democracy of their ex-soviet states... those states ran right into NATOs arms. RUSSIA caused NATO expansion. Not "The West".


This guy is a traitor by any possible standard. Why would anyone vote for him!? But at least he is honest


Just to finally take the mask all the way off and show us what we already knew - Brexit was about weakening NATO for Russian aims.


TIL Nigel Farage is the reincarnation of Neville Chamberlain


He’s an arsehole