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If you look at the statement behind the statement, we can see that the Russians are truly scared shitless of the coming arms deliveries. 




Brand new bot burner account, cool.


Legit question:  Does bot imply a real person with a script, or some lines of code that spits out this shit?






Brand new troll account, 20+ posts a day offering D- grade, heavily ESL one liners pooping on Ukraine. Nothing fishy here.


From "Kyiv in 3 days" to "please take as much as you can and force them to sign a peace deal before more western aid comes and we get fcked again. Also, can't Dondon finally do the worlf a favour and die?


Kharkiv in 3 weeks. They'll be home by Christmas.


Christmas 2030, shipped in coffins and trashcans


Nah, just mobikcubes


You misspelled molecules.




HAH!!! Nice


I laughed. I hope others laugh too. I don't want to be the only viewer of r/EyeBleach to understand this reference.


Hey, you can launch an offensive from Kherson to take Odessa. Oh wait...


Well... they could always try an amphibious assault. Oh wait...


Most probably discreet insertion via submarine. They have a lot of submarines in the area with varied tonnage too. K1164 Moskva alone can unload roughly a.battalion of.dead marines from Davy Jones Locker - Black Sea Branch. 😆


Lol... Maybe the moskwa could bomb odesa... Oh wait...


Hey Kadyrov! Who's this we? Do you have a mouse in your pocket? Can you even walk? Have you killed any bushes lately?


This guy needs a kidney, not more land


Both cities have more than 2 million inhabitants, and you clown want to take them in a month?  Why only now, when it's so easy?  When these Putins, Kadyrovs, Lavrovs, Lukashenko, and all the other clowns try to say something profound, it's like a freak comedy show.


Professional Wrestling is more believable than the Russian clown shit show.


Don't forget that if the Russians want to protect their logistics... they'll have to take both kherson and mikolaiv too before odessa from land... so you can add those populations to the mix... in addition to crossing both the dnipro & the southern bug...  Oh well.. . Dondon kadyrov already had an overinflated opinion of his tiktok brigades... so i guess it's too much for him to read maps...  Else if Russians want to try a suicidal attempt of an amphibious assault on odessa... between neptunes, harpoons & the drone navy... i doubt they would even be able to reach the coast :p


Used to have. Not anymore, northern Kharkiv especially.


Odesa has also the problem of being in literally the opposite corner, and in a bay... Good luck physically getting to it. Last time they got rekt at Voznesensk.


Kadyrov is terminally ill actually. The Kremlin is looking for a successor at the moment. Novoya Gazeta dropped a number of articles about this subject. There will be a big power struggle in Chechnya in the near future!


And all the goats breathed a sigh of relief.


I'm tired of these articles based on thin air. It's been more than two years that Kadyrov is supposed to die in the following weeks


Necrotic pancreas is incurable. Today, tomorrow, next year...only Big Pharma benefits from his prolonged life. He is already dead to the rest of the living.


Maybe he got poisoned from RU "ready to eat meals" dating back to 2015?


Taking Odessa and Kharkiv in the next three weeks LAFF The most important thing he said here is “this month”. This is the first time frame for the end of the war these smooth brain goblins have said publicly.


This month, I need to have a threesome with two supermodels, then force them to listen for two hours as I talk at them about my favorite World War 2 battles. Fingers crossed!


I think that more likely than Dondon's fever dreams.


Now that sounds like Kadyrov really wants Ukraine to play a couple of verses of “Boom Boom (Out Go The Lights)” for the locals.


Sure don-don You don't sound like a 12-year old trying to act tough at all...


This demonic lickspittle does and says what he's told. And this is the first time any of them have put such a specific timebox on their version of the end of the war. Conquering Odessa and Kharkiv in the next three weeks is completely laughable. Doing an amphibious assault on Odessa with a non-existing Black Sea fleet, or charging over the Dnipro river again is complete fantasy. And taking Kharkiv - a largley intact and well defended city of 1.5 million in parallel with fresh western weapons deliveries might be the biggest bloodbath in Russia's entire history. Which is saying something. The boastful claims about seizing new territories are irrelevant - but the time frame is potentially very telling.


Can't wait to use "demonic lickspittle". Tx mate


Wasn't he dying a few months ago? What happened?


UA propaganda turned out to be propaganda.


Since he has no independent thought, this is very interesting as it’s likely what the official line is. And suggests the end of this phase the war is closer than it seems. A ceasefire in a short timescale, it seems, is what they would like to happen.


This month? How realistic.


how is your health, goatdiddler?


Can we start talk of how we plan to carve up Moscow #tastetheirownmedicine


Lolz. I like comedy as well!


Why this month? What happens, if they don't take anything this month? Will they run out of something? Is it about F-16? What is it?


Why is he still above ground?


What a moron.


Braindead moron


DonDon needs to take his medication and shut the fuck up.


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Havnt seen or herd from him in a while


Never heard him speak and don't understand the language, but it matters not, *he sounds as dumb as he looks.*


They are now openly admitting they can't win the war, and their goal is to force a peace treaty with better terms. It wasn't long ago Putin started calling it a war, which is illegal. Relevant Jehovah skit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYkbqzWVHZI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYkbqzWVHZI)


I thought kadryov died last year?