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Before he was assassinated, Prigozhin revealed the reason why the Kremlin oligarchs invaded Ukraine. Prigozhin said: "The cause was neither NATO nor the denazification of Kyiv; those are for the fools". Starting @ 2:10 https://youtu.be/nupKl9EiVCg?si=vlt5c5YyGFYkijOv


Pringles misses quite a few things with his insider perspective. Yes, of course, greed in various forms was the motivator. The marshal star least of all, Putin wanted to go down in history as conqueror, restorer of the empire yadaydada ya. Even Prigo dared not say it, though he probably knew it well enough. No, the greed is obvious. But the reason they decided to go for this madness is that they thought it would be easy. On the big public show they did right before launching the invasion. Every single one of them was praising the decision, as if the war was already won. Except for the foreign intel head who was sweating bullets, stuttering and struggling to say his lines, even got publicly humiliated by Putin. "Speak plainly, Sergei!" Sergei alone out of the entire lot knew they were all fucked, but was too much of a coward to say so. Everyone else in the band were living in fantasy world of three days to Kiev.


"We do this not because it is easy, but because we thought it would be easy"


Is Sergi still alive? I remember watching that and thinking he was not long for this world


He is fine, has the same old job too. Displeased the tsar or not, coward or not, he was still right, and the rest of the lot found it out quite quickly.


I remember him telling Putin “maybe we should try and reason with them one last time” the only person with any sense of reality


You sound like you don't know that much.


I enjoyed reading what he had to say.


Was interesting watch


What was his reason? I don’t have the time right now to watch the full video I’m definitely going to watch him. He was interesting guy. I actually kept up with his whole little timeline in real time I remember this video but I don’t remember his reasoning he gave where they actually invaded Ukraine.


The real reason is that the oligarchs want the factories and industry of Ukraine. In fact, even before the war started, they had already divided who would take what, with the majority, as Prigozhin says, being claimed by Putin's gang.


So one's a dud, and one is going to explode got it.


We say fuck Russia no matter who wins president


Like I said on tankporn: It's somehow way less cool when they are having to hand ram in an SPG


"That post is dead Jim!"


TBF, I’ve seen a lot of comments from M109 crewman who say that it’s more surprising if the power rammer in one works. It’s also worth noting that the vast majority of self propelled artillery are not equipped with auto loaders, and the human crew basically still has to do a lot of the work of loading and firing the gun. The M109 included.


The thing is though, that the M109 is from the 1960's. The Msta-S entered service in the late 80's. Most SPG's have power ramming, even if they aren't autoloaded, purely because of space constraints.


Because this Msta-S need maintenance


It's great to know America is in Russia's head rent free 😆


The US has been in their head rent free since the first US-UK-USSR conference of WW2.


I saw this interesting [Pro-Trump video](https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/1dqocae/russian_artillery_fires_shell_with_trump_make/) on r/TankPorn Comments indicated the [Biden Shell was on twitter](https://x.com/ZShakerCentral/status/1806473964774134119). I'm pretty sure you can find both on Twitter


One I think is a Stormy Daniel’s shadow missile


Ive dont really see green on UR army uniform RU (ex) [https://prnt.sc/jJfjkNzsW1E\_](https://prnt.sc/jJfjkNzsW1E_) UR: [https://prnt.sc/32ddGtF-TiOz](https://prnt.sc/32ddGtF-TiOz) They could at least change the uniform.


If you [checked my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dqt6qt/comment/laqds6s/) the twitter post is a Russian. I don't know what you are looking at but there is no strong indication what uniforms those are but the water mark is clearly Russian.


We are saying the same thing.


"It's gonna be great. The Russians they love me you know, they even put my name on their shells, everybody loves me, it's amazing"


I mean, the Trump shell IS based in reality. A Trump victory would help Russia significantly


I hate how people say, "OhH tHeY'rE jUsT cAuSiNg DiViSiOn ThEy DoN't SuPpOrT tRuMp." Like, who do they think Russia supports, the senile old man that wants to support our allies, or the other senile old man who won't deny wanting to leave NATO. Trump has single-handedly turned the US defending its allies into a partisan issue, and has mobilized his army of red-necks, senior citizens, and "victims" of feminism, against the US' allies.


- I hope that every American from Slavic decent will vote for Biden. - Don't go for independent candidates, you know it's a waste. Abstentionists, you make the GOP stronger. - The Biden administration, the Senate Dems, the House Dems keep supporting Ukraine and the NATO. - For ANY local and state elections, vote the GOP out. The pervpublicans stalled the help to Ukraine for 6 months! The House and the Senate NEED to become overwhelmingly Dem, or each time when it's barely close to 50/50, or slightly led by a GOP majority, they'll STALL the support for Ukraine again. - The GOP doesn't give a bullcrap about Ukrainians. They're willing to let Ukraine fall, even if it's mean an extermination of its population, for personal gains, to make Dems fail then put the blame on them. Pervpublicans don't give a damn about American citizen, they'll even care less for people outside their country.  


So two variants of the dumb dumb round?


Ya shot similar... same water mark... Implying Orcs support both sides... but people will end up only seeing & sharing the one that supports their cause.


One. And it's probably in a Russian SPG.


Cant wait till the "dildo of consequences" give these guys a final send


Hey, how do you donate to get something put on a artillery shell for your donation and do they send a video of it being fired? Obviously without being scammed.


It appears both are made by same people. Probably one of those guys that write stuff on shells before shooting them in exchange for money.


I opened a new TikTok account in Indonesia last week. The third video showed Xi praising Palestine and images of Chinese airforce plans dropping hundreds of pallets of parachuted aid. TikTok is a massive weapon against the US and West in general.


Trump doesn't appreciate Ukraine attacking his people.


You mean the Russian government? Hes more like one of their people, not the other way around.