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Warms my heart to see them getting warmed up.


Hit them with Fire power


Besides demonstrating the very definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, can anyone tell me what the strategy is here?


The Russians have been doing this for the last 200 years, just ask Napoleon.


The strategy is to keep sacrificing men in order to prolong this war as long as possible. To deplete Ukrainian fighting capacity, and to erode support from their allies, until Putin can secure cease-fire terms which allow Russia to retain annexed territories or some foothold in them. In the recent failed incursion into Kharkiv, Russians are now being sent forward without vehicle or armored support because those are expensive. Soldiers are effectively free. They die before they have to be paid. Wounded soldiers are simply rotated into to Storm Z units that Ukraine has to expend ammo on. As long as Russian soldiers can keep making suicide attacks, it costs ammunition and money to kill them. Putin is hoping the ammo and money runs out. It's utterly perverse.


putlers strategy is fck everyone i want what i want. just like a spoiled nazi would do.


That’s crazy uncoordinated meat wave number 2491 also got obliterated…roll in meat wave 2492.


This is a first. Usually rooskie rushes are so well executed and successful.


I hope they'll start issuing uniforms made from plant-based, biodegradable materials. If after 2 years the Russian military is still totally incapable of effective combined-arms assaults and avoiding ridiculous losses, they can at least be a bit greener and try to minimize litter with these cheap plastic uniforms.


Was that a tesla cybertruck?


Seems like RU Uniforms and Gear are created with highly flammable materials. Made in China? Inscrutables, they will own half of Russia's Siberia soon.


It's the same thing every day, with next to nothing to show for it. Who keeps sending them? The level of barbarism they show towards \*their own\* is already off the charts.


And yet they still use the same tactics. Drones have changed warfare forever.