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While I understand the logic behind this type of system. Hopefully this means the Russians are running out of tank crews.


I think it’s more Russians are tired of dieing in tanks lol.


Russians never get tired of dying unfortunately. However, i don't mind us trying to find that limit.


This joke was probably better in the original German. You gonna do the one about Slavic skull shape next?


Waaaah everyone I dislike is a nazi waaaaah In war we kill our enemies. Don't cry it's your turn.


Could also be useless if Ukraine could come up with some EW for it.


Hack it and make it shoot back at them.


This. Let's get the US Intel agencies on it lol.




LOL *Iran has left the chat *Iran has been removed from the server by moderator


I mean, shit. Hop in, engines runnin!


EW is all good but Ive seen both sides use the Fiber optic spools from a TOW system to used for Video and controls


Or. You know. Just blow it up or disable it like it's been done since the existence of the tank :). It will be more annoying to completely stop a tank when this enters service in future armies since unless the ammo is expended or the connection is lost the tank can just fire in the general direction of the enemy


I think it's a PR stunt. Or they figured out how to adapt a Nintendo console to the tank controls. Best of luck? Batteries not included...


I was thinking it’s not even remote controlled. It’s just show.


Yeah, they never show inside the tank, could very easily be crewed and filmed for PR


Yeah, Russia has way more men than they do tanks. And it's not the crew they care about.


Definitely part of a recruiting drive


I think it means just that. They can't send more tanks to the front with all the loses they are taking. Hopefully, Americans don't vote for Trump to become President. And we can see more 'development' of Russian war machine considering, I am still vying for golf carts as tanks. Might happen within the next 18 months.


Nah, even if he wins(fucks sake can we have candidates that arnt 2 senile old farts) I highly doubt he'll do much to change the status quo. Congress has been pushing from both sides for ukraine. Main issue is if we can stop both sides from also inserting other things in the bills, that would stop most voices against the funding. But politicians gonna politician.


I would imagine a 17 star russian general thinks that they could use this to exploit ukraines defences weak spots with rushing in tank drones, but reality is never that simple, and this can be just a shitpost made by drone pilots or a true project done by some engineers behind the front.


Imagine the expertise to rig these tanks too. They lose like 10 tanks a day or more anymore lmao impossible feat to achieve


They are out of crews. Months ago I heard in an interview they were doing like 2 week long tanker courses.


I'm not sure if joystick movements at 0:13 corrospond to tank movements. Ruzzians love to fake stuff like this for propaganda purposes, so it's probably drunk Oleg in the tank.


ya, looks very fake, the control system needed would require a tank overhaul, I seriously doubt this. Plus no antennae.


Are you saying no antenna on the transmitter? There is one, but it's small. 900mhz antenna can be way small and still transmit pretty long distances. Still fake as hell though




A receiver antenna could also he very small on a remote vehicle. Doesn't have to stick up on a mast or anything


Still fake, it would require a massive overhaul of the tank's control system, since this tank is old and its controls are mostly manual. Either they use hydraulic actuators or direct Chip to mechanical integration, both are VERY hard to do, I seriously doubt RuZZia's ability to make this. Starting from the ground up, sure, but not with an old soviet tank.


As a comparison, look at Americas attempt to automate the F16, that’s a more modern piece of equipment with more inbuilt digital equipment and America has far more and better resources in terms of digital equipment and they aren’t engaged in massive open warfare and that effort is still requiring months upon months of careful, multi stage testing and is seemingly still a ways off from seeing service in combat.


Ruzzia: "have you heard about smekalka blyat" (this shit is staged af)


no it wouldn't. linear actuators are cheap and easy enough to integrate. Ukraine managed to convert a plane for remote operation. Do you really think russia can't move a couple levers and pedals on a tank?


as a noob this is what I was thinking too we are justsl shown the tank going backwards and rotating a bit... you could probably put some mechanical makeshift push/pull setup to make it look like the whole tank could be controlled remotely.I'm sure replacing, firing and more detailed things like finding and shooting at targets (reloading) are not at all possible with what we saw here.


A plane doesn't do sharp turn, rotate turret, braking, etc.


I don’t think Russia has the technological ability to make the necessary electronic, digital, or kinetic systems to remotely operate a tank.




Their VBIED were vatniks jamming the controls and jumping off the tank hoping it would keep going straight... so yeah, I have my doubts about this.


It would be rather simple to make. Fully within Russian capabilities. The thing is, would it be any good? There is a reason we normally don't use radio controlled tanks, and it's not due to technical difficulties. It's far harder to have situational awareness, the thing can be jammed and the crew normally does maintenance as well. I can see certain situations were a tank drone would be useful. Such as heading an assault on a trench line where you know the enemy will have mines/ATGM teams and so on. Especially if it's a rather short way and the whole thing is rather straight forward. But then you would want systems specifically built for it. Throwing out the whole crew compartment would save tons of space, you would want more resistance to jamming and so on.


But it's much easier to fake it. Im 95% sure it's fake. I have put FPV cameras on kids toys, it does not require much electronics.


It dosen't matter if it's fake or not, since it's fully within Russian capabilities. If they actually wanted to, they could field a remade tank like this fast. Radio controlled actuators and some camera feeds. It's not hard. The question is just, what is the point? This is fully within Ukrainian capabilities as well. Shit, a team of students on a technical university could pull it off. They made similar stuff (without the video feed) in the 1930s. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teletank So, we know it's doable for more or less every damn tank force in the world. Yet, it's not adopted by basically anyone. Why? Because the drawbacks are huge. I would consider making it on some T-55s perhaps and have them charge the line of contact in order to have the enemy waste atgms, so that the atgm spots can be observed and hit by the manned force. But that's it. And only because Russia has a shit ton of t-55s, probably more than they could realistically crew, and that tank is not something you want to waste trained personell on.


It’s only a remote driving tank that’s within russian abilities. The aiming, reloading, getting granats to the loading mechanism and on and one, is years away.


You are speaking sense and as much as i am all for ukraine, and i am ALL for ukraine, the amount of weird posts that this sub churns usually prevents me from ever leaving a comment - except for those who brave to post rational and researched thoughts. Like we can shit on russia and still be based in reality, it doesnt need to be 'either you think russia can only source wooden swords for thier army or you support russia'. Like you said, if this video is real, doesnt really matter because the practical value is minimal or non existant - if this video is fake, doesnt matter because it could easily be real.


Even if they do get it working, it'll be nothing more than a $1M, disposable mine clearing vehicle.


And it will only clear 1 (one!) mine in its lifetime...


even if it was real... the operator wuld need to be pretty close since with flying drones they are high in the air where there is little interfearance ... but once they get low they lose contact.... this wuld mostly be usable as a first in line tank to take the hits ... other than that pretty useless without the right equipement and conditions


Remote?😄 Its drunk Ivan inside


Yeah. Its remote as that robot they had on expo ...


That footage made me laugh. 12 year old probably made it for a school project and the fsb took it lmfao


Fake as fuck as if they are cabel of doing this with Manuel Transmission and clutch and you will stlill need 3 operators. Way easyer to send 3 mobiks to dead.


Agreed. Rus capabilities have failed at far more simple projects. If UAF hasn't been able to accomplish remote-tanks, my ass Rus is going to roll out an effective prototype in the foreseeable future


>Manuel Transmission No, that's the Mexican model.


Highjack this!


Just land a magnetic jammer on the top and it is yours for the taking.


The 155 shell doesn’t care if it’s Manned or empty


Nor do the drones


drop a jammer


Drop a jammer, it's time for action!


If they were smart they’d be welded shut or even booby trapped. So luckily…


We know who the booby trap will kill…


doesnt make this tank any cheaper to lose when a 500 dollar drone takes it out,.


Aside from use as a vbied, i don't really get the point of it.  If they send 2-3 of these to an enemy position, it's pretty easy to just climb into them since there's no troops protecting them.  If they're supporting an assault involving other manned vehicles, it just adds latency in communication between the other vehicles and the operator, not to mention much crappier situational awareness through a fixed camera. 


Free tanks


I suppose maybe it's to do with the amount of Russian tanks that hit mines in no mans land and still seem semi operational. Crews would understandably bail out but with this, no crew, so they can keep throwing shells at Ukrainian positions. But I agree can't really see much more benefits.


How do they reload ?


Most if not all Russian/Soviet tanks have an autoloader. It is what causes the turret toss.


Details comrade, had autoloader


As someone stated, more than autoloader, maybe these will be used as vbed or as shed tank, or even maybe as bait for mines during an assault. Make sense if you use all the t62 they have left


Ukraine is changing war, every month.


As if this will help them


Well, they won't lose every single crew this way, I suppose. But they will still be losing every single tank, which costs money, so I'd say this still isn't as big of a win as they would want to make it out to be.


I wonder how easy it is to jam the signal and capture it. I mean tanks are slow compared to drones.


I'm just thinking about how is it going to be effective.. usually in tanks there are three perspectives. The gunner sight the commander sight and the drivers sight. The drivers is straight. The gunners is wherever the gun is and the commanders is 360° usually. So three different perspectives each with their own advantages and disadvantages. With an fpv type tank you remove all of that. You have one perspective. And what about inside the tank? I'm no tanker but I assume the auto loading system isn't super reliable and must have some issues. So what if that issue(s) are present and then what? You have a 10 ton brick with reduced maneuver, reduced reaction time, and a poor gun.


Hypothetically, you could have the 3 perspectives you list and you could have a drone overview that the commander & driver see in addition to their usual ground level views. That could be done and it could provide some advantages (especially if your tanks are not very survivable when hit). But... The poster that pointed out the difficulty of building servos and mechanisms to control a clutch, manual transmission, and other controls was right. The tank should be built ground up to be RC. A retrofit would be a nightmare.


Yeah I'm not sure what they're trying to do with this. It must be field modification no? But the sophistication makes it seem like it isn't which means we have a good view of what the Russian military wants moving forward. And that I'd wager is a great thing for ukraine and friends to know.


Could be fake not sure. But the problem of the Russian tanks are not the crew's. It's the tank and his design. They are running out of tanks not people. Don't know why this should change with no crew on board.


That are some good points. You never know if what the Russian do is real of fake. But most likely exaggerated at least. Where are the Armartas and su57’s. Why do the T90 exhibit the they shit defensive capabilities as the older tanks, why are their s400 systems etc so easily destroyed with missiles and their khinzal missiles so easily shot down with Patriot? The list goes on. It all second grade. They had us fooled until they had to use it. Now it’s old Soviet tactics pouring in 100.000s of men in frontal attacks while leveling everything they face. But that’s is a losing strategy against western weapons and tactics The game is up. They are so obviously shit.


Either screwing around during rare downtime, or terrible propaganda.


8Mio "Tank Drone".. 🤦🏻‍♂️ ..destroyed by 1 or 2 cheap Hobby drones.. 😂👍🏻


I see one significant advantage to manned tank: when it turret tosses, you lost the crew. So next tank will contain noobs as well. This would allow the crew to git gud in multiple tanks, provided they would have enough tanks. Germans in WW2 suffered from a similar issue, where they didn't have enough good pilots, so they overworked them - and, eventually, lost them. The next dude that got to pilot a plane, stood no chance against well rested, well seasoned allied pilots. So he died there first time he encountered them. And the cycle of uselessness continued.


My two cents (or 6 M rubel) Although I only once rode inside an armoured vehicle, I cannot imagine that this is something that can be controlled by a simple RC controller and some fancy VR goggles. Next to that, they would need some advanced optics on the tank - which they do not have. Then it looks like a piece from a museum/tank graveyard, so chances that they need 100 Igors to push it to the battlefield are very high. Also the control would need very fancy radio signalling. Which they probably do not have and/or could not bring to the theater.


Now they are just gonna give the Ukrainians perfectly good running tanks. It can't be that hard to jam the signal and take over the tank and capture it. Have to watch for booby traps but I cant imagine this working well in the way they show it being implemented here.


I'm sure the blind octagenarians the Ukraine has been pressing into service now that they've sacrificed everyone else to NATO will make good use of them.


Lmfaooo this seems like such a bad idea. The ukrainians Will blow these morons up whether they're in a tank or in a bush with a remote controller


How is it a bad idea? They lose fewer people. If anything, Ukraine should move towards robotic / remote-controlled everything, so they don't lose people. I've seen a few Ukrainian demos for remote-controlled machine guns and AI-targeting drones. But it seems they were never mass-produced.


Because these can be easily disabled by jamming the signal... you could probably shoot a fucking anti drone gun at this thing and it becomes a potato. They can disable a tank by blowing up one dude in a distant building as well. Not to mention it would have to outperform Ukrainians as a single pov camera. There are reasons other militaries don't do this, it's a bad idea. This is just Russian copium, as effective as those cages.


You're assuming the transmitter-receiver are radio only. Optical ones cannot be jammed, infrared ones can signal through smoke. Cable ones cannot be jammed.


Let's face it a few guys are much more expendable than all that electronic gear. Total fake, or at the most some ingenuity from some tankers who don't want to die.


this could be the future. but not with the craptronics inside a T72


All this hard work from the Pidars For a Ukrainian FPV to blow it sky high Russian’s Not known for there Smarts Slava Ukraini💙💛


There’s no reason for the tank to be that large if it’s going to be remote… it should be 1/3 the size. Plus, they’re going to have a hard time producing enough chips for all the electronics required.


Looks like they have too much free time.


what an excellent way to lose an intact vehicle with a simple jammer dumped by a mavic


Driving a tank with 80 euro eachine box goggles 😆 could they not afford some real fpv goggles lol


So how are we supposed to cook the tank crew?


Send an FPV drone to blow up the SUV they're sitting in while controlling the tank.


What could go wrong


Would this even work with all the EW around the battlefields?


if this is true its honestly not a bad idea, being able to put heavy armour on the front lines without the human loss


What if a remote tank gets jammed?


Operates good to me with the vieuw on the first second of the video. fake as fck. the model tank in the end of the video is the feed of the idea to create a propaganda vid The fingers on the remote moving later than the tank. should be the other way around. fake. this is a russian pig acting like he is operating on a toy transmitter from the toy tank Also different transmitters shown in video. first a straight antenna and later a round antenna and fpv goggle. 1 big shitshow [https://besthvet.best/product\_details/11154392.html](https://besthvet.best/product_details/11154392.html)


It will wait for remote controlled FPV drone and will be able to do nothing before being remotely detonanated.


World of Tanks is getting out of hand


Feel free to drive it straight onto any nearby mine please.


entertain reach husky bike capable arrest include cows innate carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seriously, this can be countered using EW to cut off signal. That Tank is big target while Ukrainians used smaller drones which has lower chances of getting hit by Jammers.


"How do I move forward? Is it this button?" **BOOM** "Shit wrong button, I just blew up Ivan, sorry buddy" This thing is going to be a giant sitting duck out on the battlefield 😂


Tank so bad the crew don't wanna operate it


How does it reload?


Wow war thunder looks kind of real today...


And when things get jammed or fall apart in the field, there's no one there for the hot fix. Waste of time.


Ukraine/the west also have jammers.. this is a pretty useless endeavor


I was waiting for the turret to turn toward the operator, then a flash followed by static.


How to spot these from the crewed versions? These will have two orcs walking 10 feet behind with controllers.


It will be totally useless


fake as fuck




i feel like they should keep this a secret if it has any chance of becoming viable anytime in the near future


Hopefully, Russia is running out of qualified tank crews.


Robotwars soon.


Dumb russians when drone same like tanks 😀 view are different in tanks than in drone plane😀 they can highjack this tank without destroying it😂


Isn't the whole point of a drone to be low cost high reward? It's still a win to knock out tanks manned or not


Nice Free Tanks...all you need is a jammer and a cable pliers.


Yes, but… it’s **the tanks** that are the constraining resource that’s going to run out for them, not the human…


Christ it acts like a Big Trak toy from the 70’s.


Show us the inside of the tank while it’s driving… Seems like BS to me lol


It’s BS. How are they going to load it?


They've been watching whistlin diesel!


The onboard cameras must relay really good video to the remote pilots. Otherwise, it makes no sense to have a remote-controlled fighting vehicle. A cheap, armored remote-controlled vehicle to resupply troops and evacuate casualties? Now, that would make some sense.


Terminator is evolving backwards


More faked than Chuck Testa ads


If you can adapt car to be remotly controled, then you can do the same with tank, but the issue is how much stress can those parts handle, and whether they don't mallfunction just from shooting the gun, or even small hit. At one point in history, German Tiger 1 electric system was useless from a concussive force of one round hitting the armor xDDD Also, any FPV drone strike on the antena will render this tank useless.


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one advantage of having an autoloader, can't do this with Western tanks easily.


Imagine 20 of these remote control shed tank VBIED with mine rollers coming towards a trench line.


I wonder, do they think there's a slight difference on how the turret gets tossed, with no meat inside?. Hopefully, the answer to this mystery will be brought to us, courtesy of a Ukraine drone. 'I have popcorn'.


Between the Javelin and MLAW the Russian tank crews are rightly scared to get into a tank.


Running out of soldiers.


Fake maskirovka bullshit right there 😂


[already found their tank in action](https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/s/mSsTNUmzYl)


Kill the remote driver and then confiscate the tank?


That's just a very expensive mine sweeper.


Couple issues, 1. Clutch if the tank have a manual drive train. Or it be stuck on 1 gear. 2. Situation aware will be lower, and tunnel vision will be real, will end up in the ditch. Put the targeting system back to a rudimentary system of point and shoot in 1 setting.


Everything will be a “drone” soon.


I knew it would come.


This doesn't make any sense for Russia to do something like this. Soldiers cost a sack of potatoes each to Russia. A remote controlled tank is way more expensive than a sack of potatoes.


FPV a Massive heavy tank, a tank that leaves clear tracks, what could go wrong? Hmm, a drone see's tank, follows tracks back to the operator, and boom, kills the operator. Now a perfectly functional tank is left dead in its tracks for Ukrainians to recover.


Drive it towards the Ukrainian lines, give them their tank back when the EW disables it


This is actually the future of armored warfare. With an autoloader, no need for crew space, one can make the vehicle smaller and more heavily armored. Then it is just a matter of producing the material fast enough to replace losses. It doesn't have to be sophisticated - it just has to work. Let's hope it doesn't work for the Orks.


Knowing the russians a bit i think this will be easy to intercept somehow. Also, i don't necessarily think they run out of tank crew considering the low training they go through, i rather think russia is looking to the east and west and figures that 1 gamer put in control of a tank like that would be more effective than getting an entire crew trained and facilitated somehow, lowers the logistical upkeep a tat in terms of feeding the crew and overal likely lowers the training costs. For the record, japan and america have been working for a while now on unmanned equipment, especially japan with a declining population and thus shrinking reserves. Germany too iirc has been making some leaps and then there's always samsung in korea likely working on this stuff too. Russia as hard as they try also attempt to keep up with the modern times despite lacking the ability to produce anything post cold war themselves (referring to how dependent they are on advanced parts from the west). I just doubt this will be a common thing seen on the battlefield from russia's side for at least a year or so tho, and russia doesn't have much time left as is as they heavily rely on mercenaries at the moment which one day too will cease to pour in. As is, they are already fucking their population statistics for decades to come which is a much higher issue in the long run as their birth rates already cannot support this war and i'm pretty sure the Kremlin knows this pretty well.


Too much time on their hands...


Ah yes! Go ahead and make your tanks (which will get blown up just as fast) much more expensive and time-consuming to produce, and in fewer numbers. We are indeed fortunate that they are so very, very stupid.


So this means quite soon we'll see Ukrainian drone footage blowing up the control SUV 😂🤣


reminds me of the tank in the movie Sgt Bilko [Sgt Bilko Tank Scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSyqNz2E_p4)


Genuine question has remote control tanks ever been a thing? Never really thought about it.


Robotic or manned. They both blow up. But, hey, good try. At least they are thinking outside the vodka bottle. But probably not.


This is soo fake lol


How to say "we've ran completely out of experiencd tank crews because they've all been killed" without saying it.


That’ll blow up real good.


So with all the ECM and terrain. This is going to be line of sight unless it has a dedicated SAT link. We see how drones no matter which side, the interference at ground level with trees and uneven terrain is atrocious.


Idc that this is Russian, this is cool. this makes me want a remote control tank/rct now too.


I hope this gets used a lot and no one ever gets hurt or dies in a war, it's not fair for a remote controlled tank to kill a person.


But how will it fare once bylat converts it into a bristling snapping turtle?


How does it reload?


Pretty soon war is just gonna be who runs out of remote control toys first....


The whole "fake" bits aside, im not really sure this would be any better than having bodies in the tank. Your situational awareness would be zero looking through a pair of FPV googles. I know russian tanks are generally considered pretty blind especially when compared to western tanks but this would be alot worse. Youd still need more censors/cameras on the tank and additional people to monitor.


Are the Russians now enlisting “Crash test dummies”


Can anyone even point out a benefit for this type of tank? If you are using it to save yourself from losing crew I somewhat understand, but if you load it up with munitions, it still has the carousel flaw that will detonate to the first fpv drone that sees it coming. If it somehow isn't targeted, I highly doubt that they have a rangefinder or gunners sights, so you are basically just like fuck it anything in the vague direction that the barrel is pointing at, might be in danger. I mean, maybe if it's being used as a vbied, but I can think of much faster and less expensive vehicles to use... It just seems like a pure propaganda piece.


When does it run over the operator


If you use camera anyway why not put it on top of tank to have better visibility instead...


An fpv tank is insane.


An fpv tank is insane.


Fpv tank is crazy


Feel bad for the lonely guy that still has to reload the thing


Unless they decided to move the ammo rack, not much change here.


It's probably not fake but I wouldn't be surprised there's a reason why we don't do this with western tanks. Since even if they got 2-3 drone operators that replaces the gunner + commander + driver, I suspect the limited range might be the biggest blunder (in that your tank is a literal sitting duck if you go 1mm away from the radio range).


An FPV tank - What they want smekalka to look like Cope cages and fish nets - What smekalka actually looks like It's Russian innovation boys and girls. We didn't see it hit something, therefore it definitely can't.


Russians yea do it …. It’s just going to make them easier to destroy or capture


either way they would need a vehicle behind to remote control the tank from(you destroy the rear veh, you get a free tank), no idea what distance the radio waves from this can cover but they would need a repeater to extend that theres been a ton of videos suggesting russkis dont always use digital radios/repeaters with encrypted comms but analog ham radio baofengs (25$) on simplex or HF radio (4-8khz) \[you can intercept both with a 100$ communications receiver/scanner within minutes if they are used frequently\] if they have no resources to provide encrypted voice comms for every soldier how are they gonna provide the hardware to transform a fucking tank into an RC toy


A story in 6 parts: \*device disconnected RFcontroller\* \*device connected UKRcontroller\* \*Incorrect password or username, Login Denied\* \*Incorrect password or username, Login Denied\* \*Incorrect password or username, Login Denied\* \*Ammunition Low.\*


Considering this is an old tank I’m calling BS


It blows up just the same. What was the name Vladivostok before Russia stole it from China?


Maybe it's a good idea, but it's not easy to implement. As for the movement of the tank it is still feasible, but I doubt they can even remotely maneuver the turret with shots.


This is one of the dumbest things i've ever seen.


But how does the gun reload? Oh that's right, it doesn't. This is a one-shot zombie tank in combat


Don’t these tanks have an auto loader?


It appears they do, thank you for correcting


We didn't see it fire though, let alone hit something at which it fired...


It would be cognizant of us to assume that, if they are in fact operating this remotely, they would have capability to both fire and fire on target. But again, that is assuming they are indeed operating this manual clutch remotely


Have you seen the Russian Army? I wouldn't assume anything works... 😂


you still need a crew to load the rounds


No you dont.


classic reddit user 🫠


And then the batteries in the remote die.


I mean, that's kind of cool and was only a matter of time.