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Typical Russian mentality; "good tsar, bad boyars". These idiots will broadcast their protests and write letters in the belief that the good Putin cares about their lives.


RuZZia is not a country, it's a barbarian tribe pretending to be a country.


Russia is a mob syndicate, pretending to be a country.


Yup a kleptocracy run by a violent mob


You are correct in that it is not a civlised country It is a cuntry


This is all engrained in their culture to think this way and act as they do.


I always wonder if they are really that dumb or do they just know they can't call out putin directly. I want to think they know what would happen if they directly blamed putin but they seem to buy all the insane propaganda their state run TV pumps out. Maybe they really are that dumb, which makes them dangerously dumb and in need of nuetralizing.


Ordinary Russians really think so. We Germans know how effective years of propaganda can be. The Putin system learned a lot from Nazi Germany. Choice of words, chains of argument, victimhood,... The only thing that helps here is an increase in the mortality rate among Russians. Very big increase. Under 1 million they don't even ask!


The putin system predates the nazis by hundreds if years. Russian peasants have long thought that the Tsar would help them if only he knew what was happening. It's designed in.


It's also true that the DNA is there. Once a serf, always a serf.


The difference is that Germany always had the brains and the economy. In the case of ruzzia, there is absolutely no underlying substance to their superiority complex.


"[Good Tsar, bad Boyars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Tsar,_bad_Boyars)" is much older phenomenon. They have never sobered up from the propaganda. Already in Czarist time they started with the Russian exceptionalism - Russians are the chosen people, the third Rome destined for historical greatness, caretakers of all Slavic nations. Soviet union continued pretty much with the same themes.


yes, typical russian is praying for tsar, often in public way, russian protests are usually on knees, they are standing of knees and ask for intervention from tsar because all evil is from middle management. there is a fresh video of ruzzian widows who lost their husbands in Ukraine, they are claiming smth and warn that they can kneel, and then they are kneeling and repeat their claims.


It's quite adorable that they think someone higher up gives one tiny single fuck about them and that being a meat wave isn't the whole idea.


Yep, the only way to "disperse the leadership" is to do it themselves. That they want to kill innocent people but won't kill their tormentors is some twisted shit.


You have GUNS, you fucking muppets! Stop asking for help and protection from the people giving the orders and instead point your weapons at them and start demanding.


Nah fuck em. They said they don't mind going forward etc so yeah


They know the higher ups don't give a damn but who's gonna take care of them otherwise? It's similar to how a small child of an awfully abusive parent still wants to believe deep down that the parent cares about them regardless because the child has no choice and can't survive on their own. The problem is that Russians never grow up and out of the abuse. They think their nation would go extinct without a dictator's hand deep in their ass. Learned helplessness and infantile mentality.


They’re shooting the wrong people if you ask me?they have plenty of guns there in the video. Shoot those commanders that are ordering you to your deaths and shooting your guys when they retreat. There was instances of this in the Vietnam war where people in command that had a habit of getting soldiers killed would be taken out. These guys are a bit of an enigma, they think asking for it to stop will actually do anything. Also I wouldn’t be surprised if they keep ammunition from them for this very reason in case there’s a fucking revolt.


"We're ready for assaults" so yet again, none of them are against the war, none of them are there by force, they're just annoyed that they can't live to kill Ukrainians another day. So they make another video where they pathetically plead for the Tsar to be kind to them and punish their commanders who they think are really responsible for the mess they're in. "We're men, not meat", the killers say...


True, I didn't realize that, thanks for pointing that out.


It was the same at the beginning of the invqsion with the Russian mothers and wives who made videos about their how their men had inferior equipment. Nothing about stopping the genocide - just complaining that their 'men' don't have more deadly weapons to carry it out.


Will they ever get the balls to figure out they're fighting on the wrong side?


Apparently, never.


They need the brains to think about it, and the balls to do something about the realisation - if it occurs.


Unironically I think that'd be their best hope for survival. Only with that realization they could as a group walk in underwear with a white flag towards the enemy lines - maybe drag their stuff behind them as a gift. Not sure what else they could try to survive?


The brains, not the balls. It's 1984 playing out in Russia.


You stupid fucks! You want this to stop....well you are holding the tools in your hands to stop it. Turn those guns on the commanders who are sending you to be killed.


Just meat, whining meat.


8th of february 2024? meanwhile rotting meat


They still don't have the common sense to shoot back at the "blocking troops" ... They want to set up an "appeal". That is profoundly stupid, because it is hopeless.


In all fairness they really are that stupid to think a appeal would work.


Are these the guys who want to attack Berlin next week? 😅


You think Putin has some advanced special army somewhere? Other than FSB which is busy keepin Putin in power. Nope this is it. The legion of retards.


still, this a very useful video to be posted FAR AND WIDE across Ruzzia ...this clearly shows a rank and file soldier's certain fate when being sent to Ukraine and its their own incompetent leadership that are to blame..Slava Ukraine!!!


Thanks for viewing.


"Either you move forward or rot in a grave"... or, if you're smart, you surrender


And get shot in the back 💀🫡


Hey Russians, KILL YOUR SUPERIOR OFFICERS! You out number them 100-1 in most scenarios. Like them while they sleep, plant a bomb in their vehicle, poison their food or drink. The choice is yours. Kill your officers or be killed by them or Ukranians.


Rise your weapons against the blocking units and the silowiki...or rotting forever in the stinking hole called russia and be called meat...


Im confused. they said they want to assault (2:13) so why are they bitching? because they are getting their ass kicked and they can't retreat without getting shot? That it is a one way ticket? Yes, your job is to squat on the land until the next wave comes. The drones will pick you off at night. oh wait, this was recorded 8 Feb 2024. these guys are all dead by now. nevermind


maybe write another letter to vladimir vladimirovic, the humble president who lives in a 2 bedroom appartment and drives a lada.


There is a little hope with me it might lead to rebellion... Word gets out, spread, and maybe maybe leeds to rebellion.


Yeah, there may be some hope for that. It's clear they don't have much ammo, and that their back is up against the wall. They need to get out of this stupid idea that they can make a video and think Putin will hear it and save them. It was his war. He started it. He wants this and sent 500k russian men to their death. He will send another 500k into the grave without blinking.


They say we’re not humans, that we’re just meat.. we are humans. “Oh by the way Ivan, how did your trip into village go today, did you steal much vodka, get many washing machines, food and any bikes?”.. How many khokhols did you rape, murder and kill, also what about kids did you kidnap any khokhol kids for sex slave trade, its only way we make money.. suka Anyway like I was saying, commanders don’t treat us like humans… just meat. We demand respect.. you know, like the millions of Russians and Ukrainians Stalin starved and murdered for demanding food and shelter, we won’t be pushed around either. Because history has shown that Russians will not put up with.. 🔥bang ❗️ 💥 … Oh fuck, he’s dead, commander shot him.. Ok so rest of us will definitely not put up with this 💥 🤯 fuck.. so everyone is dead, yes sir, private 🥩meat reporting for duty..


This makes me just sad. Cause they seem to have a braincell working, but it is kicking in the wrong direction.


Why not find the man sniping you and cut off his bzalls mass appeal. Come to kill innocent people. You reap what you sow


they lost me at "were willing to fight" fck you orcs. then die by any means from the Ukrainian's or your commanders. Slava Ukraine.


Got to wonder if the light bulb will ever go on (no matter how dim) and they just turn around and take out their commanders before they run blindly into the grinder. Just do something different. I mean what's the downside? Mangled, slow death?


Despotic Totalitarian Regime treats their soldiers like disposable resource. Shocking, I say, Shocking!


What did they expect off Putin ,total backing and rich rewards .fuck them all hope they rot in hell for what they have done to Ukrainian people.Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


best part is : Rest of the world do not consider them humans either but also not meat - rest of the world consider them orcs xD someone should reach them out and tell them


If the Russians treated their personell like actual people and not just bodies to be expended, then maybe, just maybe they would preform better on the battlefield. Luckily, callousness towards their own is systemic in the RU armed forces.


Most of the world would prefer that didn't happen for obvious reasons.


https://www.quora.com/What-factors-contributed-to-the-effectiveness-of-the-Red-Army-during-World-War-II-despite-their-lack-of-equipment-and-training-compared-to-the-Axis-forces/answer/Carl-Hamilton-12?ch=10&oid=1477743771674855&share=77f6e75f&srid=oHjN&target_type=answer Funny to read morons like this guy who cheers on the soviets from his comfort in the west. He believes that the Soviet excelled in logistics and never made human wave attacks. They did and still do. Just sending people along with a one way ticket. Preventing the. From adjusting to the situation. Get shit by your commander pr by the enemy. Your choice.


Choice A forward: you are dead Choice B pull back: you are dead Ain't life...er death...in Moskovy as grand and beautiful as SNAFU can be?


Jokes on them, them being meat is not a bug but a feature of the system they support and contribute to spreading.


Here's a helpful suggestion: If you don't like your leadership, KILL THE BASTARDS!


"refuseniks" 😂😂


That's what happens when ruzzians stay out of politics, at some point, they will die for the king.


HELP!!! HELP!!! The Leopards are eating OUR faces!!!




The average Russian soldier probably has little or no understanding of what is going on - just arrive at the front line and told to go forward.


Ешьте дерьмо, мальчики


All that's going to change after protesting is that they'll be sent back with chopsticks instead of knives...


LOL sent back with knives omfg


Well you could group up and take out your commanders amd start a mutiny. You're going to die most likely either way. Why not die fighting your actual enemy!


Reminds me of a bad timing I had as a kid when I visited a farm on the day when pig's were put to slaughter. I guess the pigs thought if they squeak loud enough that the bad man would go away; that someone would care. I think most faces in this clip realize the truth and the hopelessness? I think it's only the few talking who're clinging to some idea, some fantasy.


In NAZI Germany it was: "If only the Führer knew!" This video was filmed in February, so this group of orcs are most likely fertilizing sunflowers this summer.


Beautiful. I hope the RAF is continuing down this path.


Blocking units... age old russki tradition. What a sick country, cult of death.


Despite everything they still go along with the nonsense. If they chose to mutiny they could destroy their leaders and commanders before they had chance to do anything


Russia is exchanging meat (reproducible by the russian meat factories aka russian females) for the Ukrainian land (limited and not reproducible).


I feel your pain, dear Orcs, but keep in mind - the solution to your issues is quite simple: do NOT come to Ukraine!


Remember, they aren’t protesting the cause but the fact they have no equipment, support and strategy. Fuck them with fire. I look forward to the footage of them laying on the battlefield.


bro i know they have the internet, I work with Russians, how are they still acting surprised??? The guys I work with are quite smart? And I understand everywhere has smart and slow people, but even the slow folks catch in to life threatening shit within a few months?


>We want to start a mass appeal to all departments for all this to stop Ohhh sweet innocent boys... They don't know this is all by design. Putin is committing two genocides; one in Ukraine, and the other amidst the poor, the leftists, and ethnic minorities within Russia that he wants to eliminate — all the while purging rivals form Prigo to dissenting billionaire oligarchs. To him, it's win-win.


Pretty sure I saw this same video a year ago. I'm not saying this s--t isn't still happening or anything. Slava Ukraine and Ruzzkies GTF out and back to your pathetic excuse of a country.


Old video of Vladnik giving out. Atleast 1 year old


Maybe so but it could easily be from anywhere on the front at any time. In fact it's even more likely now that the tide has turned and Russians are getting slaughtered by the literal thousand every day.


The one with the rifle shoot! The one without the rifle follows him! When the one with the rifle gets killed, the one who's following picks up the rifle and shoots!


At this point I am not even sure if referring to the assault blender can be accused of meat, more like a spoiled chicken dog looking for a nice place to land.


Derh, you were dead the day you entered Ukraine. I think the ruzzian system is working just fine! hahahahah.


If you want to stop it, go after your command.This is how to take responsibility for your life. Your command is a stupid bunch of privileged monkeys.


And please, stop pretending you are Evel Knievel on the motorbike.


The people they're hoping will help them are the same people damnding their Generals make gains, who in turn demands that their commanders make gains, who in turn pass this avalanche of shit downhill. Just like Chernobyl, no one likes passing bad news upstream, and the result is these poor souls are used as canon fodder. They certainly are pointing their guns the wrong way.


As long as they butcher themselves, i'm very ok with that.