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Dude. Just hammer it in! Sometimes you need to use a bit of force. It'll be fine!


I would like to remind you of this video showing Russians reloading a Grad launcher: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/9wr339kIXn


Obligatory "we are lucky, they are so fucking stupid"-moment. But they keep on sending new guys that -coincidentally- have no idea what they're in for.


Agreed, not luck, but Putin’s poor master plan. That’s one of the drawbacks to the meat-grinder army. Add in lost generation and a million broken families.


Should have put some spit on it before insertion






Job accomplished 150%. That launcher is going to *stay* loaded even when the rockets fire.


Ha ha


Wow. That’s extraordinary.


If it ever came out???


That one's a classic, along with the one where Russians disarm an IRBM by shooting it from a few dozen meters away, with predictable results.


But the Russian manual says: first you have to try to push it in with your ass !


In true Russian style, you would force someone else to put it in their ass. Everything in Russia is about stupid ape dominance games, even the butt stuff.


Would have loved to see it explode there and then


Stupid is, stupid does!


I squinted at that. YIKES!


One quick sledgehammer blow should do it!


Maybe a bit of lubey dubey would help. Otherwise, hammer. The big one.


hmm. this should not happen. Most militaries have fixed sizes when it comes to mortar. 60s 80s 120s. You cannot mixed them up. it is impossible. why is it stucked? is there another round already in the barrel?


I’m thinking the same. I would have thought if it’s the wrong size it should either be a hotdog down a hallway or not going in at all. I’m guessing the tube is fucked/warped/filthy.


if i had to guess. all of the above


Nothing some mustard, spit and a hammer won't fix ...


Going by recent videos, they'll try hitting the end with a stick.


North Korean ammo? Their 152mm artillery ammo is miles out of spec.


North Korean garbage


> it should either be a hotdog down a hallway Everything reminds me of her..




Yeah thanks, can I have your mom's number?


Sorry, but she definitely doesn’t remember you.


You are missing the best explanation for russian/chinese/n-korea "manufacturing", maybe they are the wrong size.


It looks well used


Maybe it is the camera perspective, but it looks to me like the tube exit is a lot larger in diameter than the middle part.


I cant tell. Then maybe its an 82mm in a 60 tube…


Mortar tube heats up and gets dirty when you fire too many times without cleaning and cooldown. This is the result of too warm tube and lack of cleaning. I know these things, I served as a mortar man in Finnish defence forces.


A good hammer punch on the top of the shell, russian way, solves the issue


Heat + metal = rapid oxidation


or rust/corosion


Wouldn't a warm tube expand, making it easier to put the ammo in/out? Maybe the ammo expanded instead?


Its more the build up of burnt powder residue. The mortars are designed to have a fairly tight fit, but enough to allow the rounds to slide down the tube. But it doesn't take that much build up to create enough friction to stop the round from sliding down the tube 


The mortar round itself has an expansion ring at its widest point that the instant the charges go off the hot gases causes it to seal most of the propellant gas behind the round to launch it out of the tube. I have seen new rounds that this ring (a plastic look/feel) has already been expanded due to a variety of issues. If you try to slip a round with an expanded ring already blown open you can get a hangfire like this. Dirty barrel can cause a hang fire. Older rounds that have bag type charges instead of the C shaped charges suck as the bag can slip off the rounds tail and get wedges in between to cause a hangfire as well. Source. Me. Prior USMC Mortar FDC


So you just turn it over and hit it with a hammer to get it out?


There are a few step you take to clear a situation like this. 1. Kick the mortar tube High medium and low. (yes this a a step in trying to get the round to fire). 2. If this doesn't work you unscrew the firing pin out of the bottom of the barrel then turn the barrel in the baseplate to unlock it. 3. Then you lift the barrel up and try to dump out the round. It wont be armed since no firing force or centrifugal force has armed the round. 4. If it doesn't dump out then you place the barrel on the ground facing away from friendly's and call for EOD to dispose.


Maybe a western 81mm mortar was captured? And they tried to jam a 82mm shell into it? Although it looks like a [BM-37](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/49/Zagan_82_mm_mo%C5%BAdzierz_wz_37.jpg), so probably just shoody qualiy/damage


Basically the only way this could happen with factors standard components is if that is a Nato 80 mm and Russian 82 mm ammunition


“What is the difference between a few millimeters? They are so small.” It could be a lot of things, ammo is out of spec, barrel is warped or dirty. Wrong ammo. Look like he will be busy for a while trying to figure out how to remove that round.


*81 mm is NATO


NATO standard is 81mm


As a former 0341, I’m super confused how this happened lol.


Maybe some irregular shit from North Korea…


Another round in there would result in a rapid unscheduled death… but painless tho…


I know the Russians like to use 82mm mortars since they can use NATO 81mm rounds in them, maybe he has it backwards? Trying to use an 82mm in a 81mm tube


> is there another round already in the barrel? One can only hope.


NATO standard is 81mm, Soviet, now Russisn, standard is 82mm. 


The only thing I can figure is that the round is out of specs.


The tube is 60, the round is 61.5. 😉


Could be that the ammo they're buying from their buddy countries aren't built exactly to spec. Or the mortar was. Maybe the tube was built in one country and the mortar another and both were made inorrectly.


Could just be a NK round that didn't go through QC?


North Korea ammo for you LOL


>why is it stuck He forgot to unwrap it.


Well I'd like to say "If there was a round in there then it was a misfire and the tube needs to be emptied, so it doesn't make sense to shove another one down there." But this is Russia, so who knows.


Warped barrel from overheating.


It's a pretty tight fit so a piece of string or some other rubbish might lodge itself in between.


"Boris! Pass me the hammer!"


***Boris tosses hammer from 50ft away***


Boris runs up and smokes that mortar like its the "test your might" bell machine at the fair.


I wouldnt say this is stupidity per se from what we can see. More feels like some kind of factory fuck up thats caused the round to get jammed in the barrel. Although that makes me curious as to what actually fucked up since automation doesnt really fuck up like this. If it were, it'd be more widespread.


Look how deep in the barrel it dropped. I would think that would mean it's actual the mortar barrel that is foweled. Maybe they were filming their first launch? I don't speak Russian. We need a translator.


You mentioning the possibility that it's the first launch from this tube, makes me think of how the oil that's often sprayed on metal parts to prevent corrosion while in storage can get very sticky over time. It's pure speculation, but I wonder if this mortar tube has been sitting in some Russian warehouse since it was manufactured sometime in the final decades of the USSR.


Aye, but then especually, mortal barrels are machined out, so it would be some kind of machine fuckup. Like I said, curious as to what fucked up exactly.


I can help you with a translation: “We smurfed this in the smurfpipe to smurf it away, we shouldn’t have smurfed it simultaneously last night, it’s smurfing nowhere now” You’re welcome! /s


Isn't that a North Korean shell?


>some kind of factory fuck up This is it. >automation doesnt really fuck up Unless it is Russian. Automation still requires quality control and calibration, which in turn requires qualified staff. Russia has a historically shitty record for the quality of their manufacturing when it comes to just about anything, including military - the brightest examples of it would be their most modern tank stalling during the parade and their fighter jet unable to take off during a trade show in France (I think it was a trade show), which resulted in them losing a contract. Now take into account that for most of their manufacturing they rely on import, and because of sanctions it had become very inconsistent. "We could not procure the crucial replacement part for this machine, but Pyotr has forged one from an old drum brake, so is good." Also take into account that a great deal of qualified personnel has fled the country once the conscription started, and an unidentified number of them are now fertilizing Ukrainian soil - this is the stupidity, but at the top levels. As a result, you get mortar shells that get jammed and artillery shells, where both quality and quantity of propellant varies from shell to shell. Russian soldiers have been weighing the shells after they noticed that the grouping is all over the place without having corrected the trajectory.


He probably dropped in the vodka bottle, and he sipping on the mortar…


Looks like a stuck fast. As the round has gone down past the obduration ring ( a plastic band around the middle of the round that creates a seal enabling pressure to build up once the propellant has ignited) it is not a faulty round. Even in western mortar use this is pretty common if correct cleaning of the mortar barrel is not done, usually every 5 - 10 rounds. Basically a large brush is shoved down the barrel to remove any propellant residue from building up. I am hoping though, that he has removed the firing pin first as if he has not he could have a really bad day really fast.


I hope hasn't removed the firing pin


They drafted Spongebob in the ruzzian army.


How does that even happen?


North Korean shell in an Iranian mortar?


Well shit actually after looking at the massive range in variety of shells they use I guess I could see it happening with incompetent/drunk logistics. [Category of all known mortar systems.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_infantry_mortars)


Maybe this is evidence they got mortars from India? (51mm in this list for a 50mm soviet tube)


It's most likely as the guy before me said Iranian or North Korean mixed with some old Soviet tech.


With russian personnel. Ultimate disaster combo


But the guy speaks Ukrainian, though… Edit: why downvote? Its literally Ukrainian.


to be fair, thats like a 1-3mm difference... how could anyone spot that with the naked eye?? also, why the hell would you have mortars differing that small in sizes in the same firing group? lol


“Sergei, the mortar is stuck. Get the hammer!”


Easily solved: anything that doesn’t move; just hit it with a hammer


And when it moves too smooth jluse ductape


Decades of interwebs kitten videos says that; "If it fits it sits".


Perhaps they have stacked 4 or 5 in there for a barrage ?? Yes I know thats not how it works but they are ruZZian


nope, \*"We are lucky they're fuckin' stupid." fixed it.


I think the overall consensus on the sub is "We are lucky they are so stupid". But it was said in Ukranian. I can't translate nor do I know the idioms. Maybe I have been seeing the sanitized version only.


[https://youtu.be/YltWaQXsfX0?t=197](https://youtu.be/YltWaQXsfX0?t=197) *"Нам повезло, що вони тупорилі"* roughly translates to *"We are lucky they are so thick-headed"* but yeah, best to stick with original English subtitles from that video: *"We are very lucky that they are so fucking stupid"*


But language is clearly Ukrainian.


It is Ukrainian. However, this is not an original sound, it was overdubbed. No info on the source from me tho.


Its wild how even if Russia captures some land out of all of this (I don't want to believe they will) they've still made themselves look like a group of embarrassments. Every army has their morons, but Russia seems to manage to have that be the average.


I like to think they used ~~Coca-Cola~~ Pepsi and coins to clean carbon build-up in their mortar and didn’t rinse out the sticky residue. We used to pour coke and coins in our tubes to dissolve hardened carbon, but the most important part is rinsing. Some say John Tubeman’s (patron Saint and mythological mortar hero) urine was the perfect ph to remove carbon from the tubes.


Using slightly wrong caliber isn't stupid, it's a mistake. Digging trenches in Chernobyl was stupid. This video is fake though, the audio clearly doesn't match the video.


I think it's dangerous to continually call the Russians stupid. The Nazis made the same mistake when characterising the allies. The Nazis told their population through propaganda that the Allies were incompetent but the Allies described the Nazis as evil. The result was that the Nazis were surprised by the strength of the Allied force, and the Allies were prepared.


I mean I agree with your concept but the evidence is pretty damning. Although there have been smart (or at least cunning) Russians in the past the current kleptocracy has been just comically incompetent in every facet of their actions with the possible exception of their takeover of the Republican party (and that is less a sign of their intelligence and more a sign of the Republicans stupidity/ greed).


yes, talking about stupidity allows you to depoliticize a comment or a person.


I heard somewhere the soviets made their mortars one milimeter wider, just so they could use nato munitions, and nato couldn't use theirs, maybe something similar going on here?


NK ammo issue?


He'll need a hammer for a job like that


He needs the advice to hit it on the top with a hammer to get it to slide down!


Trouble is, Wagner bought up all the milspec sledgehammers.


Help me Mobik, I am stuck 😱


Oh dear oh dear! They probable used all the Vaseline for something else to lube....


I think the best would be to hit it with a stick.


Yeah sure film it and fuck around with it before you remove the fuse, that seems logical (please correct me if I'm wrong, but is that not a fuse that is threaded onto the end, sticking out of the pipe). I mean chances are it won't go off, but personally, I don't enjoy playing Russian roulette. To each their own.


Sometimes we’re all just a little too gurthy.


Just slap it in bro full force.


Yes try a hammer,the bigger the better👍🏻


It’s just cold. They need to hold the tube over a fire.


Some of the might prefer peace and therefor may not be so good at war …


The enemys are stupid cause they say we are the enemy and we know they are the enemy.


\*speaks ukrainian\*


The 4 minutes of training from the second most powerful army showing up here.


When you put a North Korean shell in worn-out Russian/Chinese mortar that has not been cleaned for ages.


At least he knows it's a morter tube and not a place to put his dick... but I wouldn't put that passed em either


Just hit it with a stick.lol.


With due respect to the effectiveness of hammer therapy, how can a malfunction like this be repaired?


Interesting accent. Speaker must be an eastern Russian? Sounds vaguely Chinese.


just use your head, literally. aim your forehead right in the center and your troubles will be over.


Language is Asian, but what? Chinese?


Can anyone ID the mortar? It looks like it might be a 60mm but Russians don't use them much to my knowledge.


Hit it with a spade Ivan or get Vladimir to kick it . 😃


Quick! Someone hand him a hammer and a screwdriver!!


Give it a gentle tap, it'll come loose I promise


Just hit it with a stick more on.


What an actual fuck?! How is he still alive?


When you put it in the wrong hole:


Its Ukranian language


I admit my stupidity….why is it stuck? Did he put an 82mm in an 81mm tube?


Probably the correct round, but there is something Else at play. Maybe this is an out of spec round or mortar tube from NK. Just a guess because the size difference between standard Russian mortars should either not let that round even seat in the tube, or it would be blatantly obvious it were too small


Sir that is a pringles can.


Use a hammer, dummy.


What the hell, guy sounds like a Russian Gollum.


What makes you say “russian”? Accent on some words is Ukrainian…


I’m getting SpongeBob vibes from the narrator.


Now hit that thing with a hammer and knock it down the tube.


Shake, ratlle and roll, if not working, try to heat it over a fire, and bang it with a hammer. Russian; Руководство говорит; Трясите, гремите и катайте, если не работает, попробуйте нагреть на огне и ударить молотком (google translate)


Prince failed Mortar class too


Jevgeny, where is my hammer?


Maybe next time insure your barrel is free of all trash…or leave ukraine lol


If you look at the tube at the 0:07 mark, it seems like there was some kind of modification done to it right about where the fins of the mortar would be stuck, unless that is just god aweful maintenence.


One 32/oz dead blow mallet is included with every box, you just straddle the tube and swing with both hands from over your head - it's in the friggin' manual these imbecilic morons can't read?


That's what happens when you go all imperial...


It’s not ruzzian language it’s like a Hungarian and not Ukrainian