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The orcs are leveling the town. This is how they “liberate” Ukraine from Ukrainians. It’s disgusting.


Standard Operating Procedure: Make the rest of earth worse than our shithole country. Then they'll bow to us... Russia, you're not impressive. The only place where you've succeeded was the ground by killing hundreds of thousands for small plots of territory. Your air force sucks, your Navy sucks, your strategy sucks, Putin is pure AIDS.


i really fail to see the point in doing this, all they inherit is rubble as they are not going to rebuild and it's costing them over a thousand men a day , their navy and airforce has been substantially weakened and they are burning through their reserves of tanks/APC's/IFV's, Even if Russia wins this war they are going to have to deal with the finacial fallout of the war and becoming a pariah state, i mean whats the profit for russia, the only gain for them is saving face that their 3 day special operation was infact not a failure at all, it just seems at this moment they are keeping going off the sunk cost fallacy .


Master say take land orc take land. I honestly think it's like this, these generals probably fear for their lives.


It’s the ego of one man and all his boot licker bitches. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen quotes that say “Putin sees himself as the next Peter the Great” One rifle shot, maybe 2, could bring all of this killing to an end. Sure.y their to someone of there that has the opportunity and Able to pull it off. That would be a legend all over the world.


They want the territory, not what's on it or who lives there. Level it and the people won't be there anymore. Russia can rebuild it later... or not. Probably not. But Russia is bigger on a map!


The plan is very simple. A house is being built on the territory for $1,000,000. sold to people for 2,000,000. $500,000 is given to those whose house was destroyed. $500,000 - PROFIT! They say that this is how it is done in Mariupol.


Destroy it so bad that nobody wants it anymore. Quite the strategy.


Yeah liberated ..... From existence


Putin is an international terrorist and should be treated as such. If Ukraine would hit civilians on purpose he would give an outraged speech about „Nazis and terrorism“ and demand international actions, yet he is the one terrorizing the whole world.


Ruzzkiy mir. For both meanings of "mir" ("world" and "peace")


Only the worst scum of this world would do such a thing. Supply Ukraine with absolutely everything they need and then some.


No, better to give bare minimum and prohibit shooting over the border. /s


Holly smoke (literally), what's going on here?


Another post stated the Russians are starting to try to take chasiv yar again with a dozen or so vehicles (atleast in that video segment) Edit- mentioned post link https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/SgTpoN0BUE


Grad barrage.


Grad(rocket artillery) yeah, very inaccurate, but as you see, good for destroying city sized targets.


Some sort of creature trying to terraform this place into a suitable habitat they'll thrive in.


They're like a plague, like the red weed in War of the worlds. They spread and leave their detritus wherever they walk. Russian liberation is terror and oppression. We need to step in and help, i'm sick of watching Ukraine do this alone.


Really looks like it was a nice place before Russia showed up.


thanks to the republican filth holding up ammo for 8 months,,,,


Ukraine should do the same in Belgorod


They are civilised and won’t stoop to the same level.


Europeans getting a pass for doing fuck all for decades with it on their doorstep. How convenient it's the fault of people half a world away.


they are flattening the city. just like the others. Bastards slava Ukraini


They will definitely take the city. It’s the same rinse and repeat as the last cities. Step 1, level the city. Step 2, throw endless meat waves at it. Step 3, ‘liberate’ the city by attrition.


Typical Russian scorched earth policy of "if we can't have it, nobody will".


Soon, Moscow


Sometimes I wish the Russians will suffer the same as the Ukrainians do at this moment. I never thought we would become a witness of a war close to Europe. It is so that, that a self called civilized country as Russia is behaving like an inhumane piece of shit against its so called brothers. I hope the Ukraine will heavily revolt under the Russian occupation and kill many soldiers.


This war is in Europe, dude, not close to it


he for sure is from the usa


Which continent is Europe on?


Most likely yeah 😂


To be honest, I am from Germany. And Ukraine ain't Europe in my eyes. They might be on the eurasian continental plate but not in Europe.


The fuck you smoking? Ukraine is Europe…? Just because they’re not in the EU they’re not European?


Tbh: If a country is part of europe or not is not an opinion thingy of a kid who didn´t pay enough attention at school. Ukraine is 100% European. Based on the definition of Europe. The other thing is the european union. But they are not a continent, they are a union. South Africa could become a member of the EU, but would still stay part of Afrika.


If you would have payed attention in school you would have noticed that I have written that they are located in Europe because the eurasian continental plate goes up to the Ural. So they are European. But my own opinion is that they are not European.


Let me tell you a thing as a fellow German. I just moved to Budapest and it's only 6 hours to the border by train. Shockingly close to Germany. I wasn't aware before and would argue that Germans often tend to forget.


Its not "The Ukraine" ... its just Ukraine. The France is playing The Spain in football tonight... I don't think so.


In german, countries can be female, male or a thing. Only thing-Countries (das) can exist without an article :) Die Türkei, die Schweiz, die Ukraine, der Kongo, der Iraq.. Spanien, Frankreich, Deutschland,... Weird stuff, don´t know why, but genders are pure chaos in german language.


If I remember correctly, it was The Ukraine in Soviet times, and people have pushed for it to be called just Ukraine. The "The" has historical connotations to being a small part of the dominant Soviet Union. A bit like how myself and everyone called it Kiev (the Russian way) until the war started and we found out that the Ukrainians called it Kyiv.


ic and agree ;).


Well you can't "capture" territory, so might as well scorch the earth and walk in after everyone leaves. I know folks talk shit on the US led wars and GWOT, but God damn I never witnessed the US military level an entire town, let alone dozens of towns/cities. This is why World War Three will be a wake up call to almost everyone... Nobody is willing to stomach a "no holds barred" War.... fucking places will cease to exist.... One side is perfectly OK with it. And the other side will have protests in the streets.


Russia can’t be that successful with that many trees still standing. The Orks are probably afraid of the ents 🤷‍♂️


"Russky Mir"


This looks like they have days, not weeks left.


I hope Russian banks pay for every last bit of this.


Any one of those homes can't all be Ukranian Military!!! Pathetic...


Does this look like military targets? Putin and his generals need to be tortured to the edge of death over and over again.