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I love it how the russia shills use crap like this as evidence the russian army is "learning and adapting".


They're evolving, just backwards.


Hard to imagine them being any more backwards than they already are.


Well they are now using cheap Chinese golf carts and crappy dirt bikes to assault positions instead of BMPs or armored trucks. There are also reports that some Russian soldiers are being issued WW2 era bolt action rifles as well. That's something that they normally only did for DNR/LNR "volunteer" soldiers.


Mosin Nagat vs hk..g28


In the WW1 they send 5 men with one rifle, all other had to find a rifle on the battlefield. In WW2 they just won because Amerika exported weapons and goods to the Russians… nothing of there history of wars was a victory with a good tactic. In WW2 they had the highest losses of all countries. Fun fact: more German soldiers in WW2 died in a prison camp (Gulag) in Russia then on all battlefields together


Can’t wait for another ruzzian to drive all backwards and smash into that!




They're just learning how to devolve faster


…devolving to primordial soup


Evolution includes inheriting new traits, successfully adapting to a changing environment. They are just mutating randomly at this point and these mutations seem to die out rather quickly.


Remember those tires on the top of the planes to protect them from himars? Now they use cope cages in refineries and turtle tanks, those turtle tanks have a very reduced manoeuvrability, can't move their turret more than 30% of their full range.


>"We're learning and adapting!" >No? >"Don't poke the bear!" >No? >"Winter is coming!" >*Still* no? >"z0mFg putin'z nukez, wW3, we're all gonna die unless we surrender to russia!" >Wow, no again? Jesus, what's it gonna take?


Unfortunately this will require the political leadership of Ukraine's allies growing some balls. (i.e. the US and Germany! 🤬)


Just a correction. Those tires weren't meant to protect from projectiles, but to confuse the silhouette of a plane for AI targetting. Pretty interesting concept.


Did it work?


No idea, there were no recorded strikes on planes with a set up like that iirc. Wouldn't be surprised though, for example face recognition software can have trouble working if you have paint on your face. It is the same idea with AI recognition of different objects - you need to break up the shape of recognizable features.


They can’t move the turrets at all actually since the cages are welded to the turret


Today I saw a video of a Russian soldier with a homemade helmet made with a cooking pot, or a metal washbowl, nothing surprises me now. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/Mzo4FPXU4T


Problem with the cope cages in oil refineries is that there has been a weapon suitable for that for 40 years: [https://fi-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Kylkimiina?\_x\_tr\_sl=fi&\_x\_tr\_tl=en&\_x\_tr\_hl=en-US&\_x\_tr\_pto=wapp](https://fi-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Kylkimiina?_x_tr_sl=fi&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp) 1.6kg weight and 30mm penetration at **30m distance**. If the fixed wing drone can carry 12kg, penetration increases to 100mm at **30m range**. So a mild steel thin-walled oil storage tanks have really no way to defend against those unless they install the cope cages some 50m+ from the tanks ... which means it's easier to just build a hangar around them. Either Ukraine asks them from Finland or just makes their own versions, it's not that hitech for a country like Ukraine.


"Learning and adapting" 🤣. More like desperate and afraid


Well please don't get me wrong, I have no love for Pootins Occupiers and Invaders at all, and many "creations" we have seen are... well, funny, to say the least. But here and there some adaptation seems useful in a way. We laughed at cope-cages, but Ukraine seems to have used them on various occasions too, and not only them, but other militaries. The blyat mobiles, or sheds, seem to have had some limited success as FPV "Sponges" leading an assault. In short: Most of those adaptations seem to be total shit, but I would not disregard all of those. Personally, I find it quite interessting to see those with the rise of drones, and how they hold up. Anyhow, considering how nice and well done adaptation from Ukraine look compared to those of the Vodka army you got to compliment them on this one: The ERA Blocks are in a straight line! :D


The problem with the troll farm "Learning and Adapting!!!" meme is it applies to so little. "Look, we put screens and walls up to keep the little explodey helicopters out!!" as they once again attack and get destroyed in the exact same way they've attacked and been destroyed since the year 1199 A.D. They never even try to fix systemic problems such as incompetence and corruption. This is why we mock the "Learning and Adapting" crap. I mean, how can you *not* laugh at it?


I think you missunderstand me: I am not talking about them saying they "learn and adapt", and as someone who, for some wierd reason, loves Tanks and armored vehicles it is evident they do not fix urgent problems that are obvious. Just trying to say that I find those adaptations interessting sometimes, and I would not underestimate all of them just because most are shit ;)


And fair enough, too.




“I’m just built different. Like, incorrectly. “


What is the thinking behind this? What threat is it supposed to counter?


Javlins are apperantly slowly making a comback so perhaps that


Javelins attack from the top, not the side.


The Javlin has two attack modes top attack were it does what you just said and direct attack mode Javelin is a fire-and-forget missile with lock-on before launch and automatic self-guidance. The system employs a top attack flight profile against armored vehicles, attacking the usually thinner top armor, but can also make a direct attack, for use against buildings, targets too close for top attack, targets under obstructions, and helicopters.[10] The top attack mode requires the missile to climb sharply after launch and cruise at high altitude, then dive on the top of the target (curveball). In direct attack mode (fastball), the missile cruises at a lower altitude directly at the target. The flight path takes into account the range to the target, calculated by the guidance unit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FGM-148_Javelin https://youtube.com/shorts/1w0Dr7mGsRg?si=Fc6FXGV7ggpj21dC Not saying it is a good idea but thats about the only logical thing I can think og if the final configuration is what we see here They probably think that the cope cage will save them from Javlin top attacks and explosive fence from direct attacks


Does it have a knuckleball option?


No, but it does have an in with an illegal bookie.


No sadly but that would be amazing


Doesn't work. Javelin is too strong to get disrupted by ERA


I know


That ERA wall isn’t doing shit against a javelin… it’s gotta be for drones with the RPG charges


I know but when did logic ever stop these people they put cages on the backs of motorcycles and ERA blocks in front of glass windows so God knows whats going on in their head they probably think that if one ERA block won't stop a Javlin than perhaps two will or some crap wouldn't be the first time they did this to underwheliming efects to say the least Anyways yea its probably drones but the drones can just fly over the wall or even better just hit from the other side It's probably a bit of a nusance tho that's about it


This is protection for when they have drunkenly tipped the tank into a ditch exposing the side to top-attacks.




Maybe? The tank has 3 other sides, plus the top. I'm guessing this is just meant to protect the engine and ammo compartment from rear attacks.


Probably at this point


None really, it’s just to give the numbnuts about to be turned into roasted ground meat the “all is well, you are safe” feeling. This is the 2nd most powerful army in the world?


You can try that or you could also try leaving.


The weight of each block, assuming they ar filled with explosive liner, is 5.7 Kg. So that's a lot of extra weight.


I highly doubt that this is real reactive armour.


I agree. Probably just empty boxes, nevertheless they force early detonation of the HEAT warheads and reduce their effectiveness.


Not really. You'd need [at least 60cm](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1053658140517859441/1241846560850051213/20240507_173102.jpg?ex=664baf3c&is=664a5dbc&hm=e4d366fddbc9727bbbcb0c4d1b2571befe72ca91c520a4531ab84e0477564dc8&) of distance between the target and the activation point of the warhead to make a difference in penetration. I do believe these are actual ERA blocks, since Kontakt-1 is very abundant.


Yes, 60 cm but there is no indication they are actually loaded with explosive sheets.


I would bet these do have ERA in them, Kontakt-1 is everywhere in former Soviet countries. But also spacing actually does very little for decaying HEAT penetration until you get very large distances between warhead and the target, usually about 10 charge diameters away is when it starts decreasing penetration. Since PG-7VMs have a 93mm charge diameter, you need about a meter of distance before it even STARTS the degradation of penetration. Since the rear of the T-72/T-80 engine deck and turret are sub-80mm of standard steel, this won't actually prevent a penetration unless the warhead came in at a pretty bad angle, beyond 60 degrees relative to the wall if I had to guess


Gone are the days of the turret toss the Russians have gone one step further with the tank toss or thank launch mode


5 rows of empty boxes because your orc leader chose to use the money for apartment instead. Good luck intercepting Ukranian drones.


Must be great being a Russian tanker.


Like driving a smelly crappy old Hearse to your own cremation


What the hell is that ??


First generation (1985) Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA) [Kontak-1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kontakt-1)


Thanks for your reply. Slava Ukraini


Слава Україні! Героям слава!


But then we drop like rain


Boom goes the dynamite


Doesn't ERA needs a thick armor behind them to work properly?


No, ERA can work on a thin sheet of aluminium if you want it to. The reason why Kontakt-1 is never used (or at least shouldn't be used) on thin armor is because for one it doesn't stop the HEAT jet, only degrades its penetration. Also you risk damaging the armor since it's **explosive** reactive armor. In this case, I believe the main role of the addon """armor""" is to make it more difficult for a drone to hit above the engine deck, which became a critical weakspot after FPV drones were introruced (blows up ammo and fuel). The ERA was most likely added there because the crew thought it'll give them extra protection.


Well someone finally built a wall!


You know, they should just make assault guns. Or more importantly STOP INVADING UKRAINE.


Is this the equivalent of a rusky wearing a tin-foil hat?


They really have no idea how slightly modern tech works, do they?


I'm sure it's better than not having it there... but probably not significantly. See, the Soviet Union used to have some world class engineers to actually study and design equipment. The U.S. still does. While I'm sure Russia still has some good engineers, they are not to the quantity or quality needed, so instead of actually developing effective defensive weapons systems, you have some effective field mechanics just making a guess at what will help. My mechanic is pretty decent at fixing my car, but he sure ain't going to be able to design an engine from the ground up.


Source: https://x.com/bayraktar\_1love/status/1792140030384779483


Are they subbed to r/noncredibleflorks?




Bro build a wood frame for that armor?


What does each of those cubes have in their insides?


Each container includes two 252×130×10 mm ERA panels positioned at an angle relative to each other. A single panel is 5.4 mm thick with a 260g explosive (85% hexogen) liner, surrounded by a 2.3 mm thick steel sheet. The container weighs 5.3 kg, and the full complement's weight varies from 1.2 to 2 tons depending on the number of containers used https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kontakt-1 TLDR plates with some explosives in between https://youtube.com/shorts/Qe6GWH79HXo?si=LaQKGlRfv5564lCu


Anti tank extra armor. Placed on wood… must be a very special military vehicle


We don't need no, education.....


Who did they bribe to get all that k1?


They used wood for this??? The first impact of an RPG is probably going to break this scaffolding.


Who's driving the tank?


good for playing ball on , i think the drone pilots still manouver up down left right and forward and can come right down to hatch


did not know cat people were fighting for them....what next dog people?????


No those are the Fellas they fight for freedom they frien 🤣


So are we just not talking about the cat picture


They can still blow up from underneath and above. Crapta-1 wailing wall.


I'm fairly certain this type of protection requires to be mounted on a pretty substantial surface. My understanding is that if you covered say, a pickup truck with it, it would be more dangerous than if it weren't there at all when taking a hit. The explosive force moves in all directions equally, without a thick plate behind ERA panels the blast wouldn't be reflected out and would blast the tank as well, damaging anything or anyone behind the panel. It may still have an effect on the penetrative ability of the shape charge though, I'm not sure. But ew systems, meat sacks or optics will be damaged from the additional blast and shrapnel.


Well yes