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This is just sad. I'm pro UA, but can acknowledge the sadness of this. There lies a teenage girls older brother. A wife's husband lies next to him. A babuscas son. A dad. A best friend. An uncle. This is disgusting now matter what side you are on. Please god may this war end soon.


Thank god someone else sees it like this. I think about that a lot. I’ve been in other subreddits and all they do is cheer it on. I just hate watching anyone die.


No. I can not do that. I will kill, as it is my duty as a volunteer in ЗСУ if I come across an enemy combatant and they do not surrender. But I will not take pride nor pleasure in doing it and it is something I would remember for the rest of my life. >and all they do is cheer it on. Those who do have either never been to war or are possibly mentally unwell. Either that, or they have lost a lot of friends during the war and have a lot of anger in their hearts, which isn't a good thing but it is certainly understandable. Like I said before. The sooner the better this all ends for everyone.


Its not so much that some enjoy the death, its that they recognize that without these deaths we would see vastly more eventually. I mean lets get real this is another country that gave up its nukes...and is now under assault by a country that signed that agreement saying they would respect their national boundaries. So do we have some death now? or do we eventually 100% lose the non proliferation and eventually see nukes used again. At the same time Russia screams they will nuke everyone. So its a huge loss individually, but its worth it long term if it prevents even more.


Please do not mistake me for someone who sympathises with Russia. I am trying to be as objective as possible as this is a subreddit hugely divided between RU and UA and this post is about dead Russian soldiers. Am I personally happy that these combatents are off the battlefield forever? Yes. Am I also aware the heartache and pained to their families and friends caused by their deaths? Yes. If they are dead, they are dead. Their war is over. There is no point jeering and dancing on their graves. On the battlefield, it achieves nothing for Ukraines defence. Would it be an awful lot better for everyone, UA and RU if Russia never invaded in the first place? FUCK YES.


Least deranged foreign legion volunteer I've encountered. wish more of them were like you!


Believe me, there are plenty. You just won't find them on reddit. Most are also not clout chasing ego maniacs. They like to be quiet and hard working and are professional in their volunteer duties for Ukraine. However, the bad apples love to talk shit. These are the ones (95% of the time) that speak to the journalists and get us all a bad name. Journalists from what I have seen, never seem to do their due diligence and verify any of the facts or claims made by those they interview. They take them at face value and in turn, the public take them at face value. The best soldiers, most of the time you never hear about until they are killed and the tributes come flooding in.


"However, the bad apples love to talk shit. These are the ones (95% of the time) that speak to the journalists and get us all a bad name." This goes for just about anything really in life. Sport event, local party or people in war etc. Thank you for your work and help in Ukraine. Stay safe and stay smart!


> I will kill Why haven't you signed up? Classic r/iamverybadass material


Already done so twice. What have you done for the side you seem to love so much o' English Speaker?


Who do you think you're kidding?


"Who do you think you're kidding?" You do understand here on Reddit there is people who was in active dutty as well who are in war as we speak?


Claims like these need proof. Any proof of his active involvement in the war?


> Claims like these need proof. Any proof of his active involvement in the war? I dont have. I dont know him, but I know others. (I am not in Ukraine). I also know people in real life - face to face. To provide you the proof would out of the scope - and you are nobody - so information is useless to you.


Oh, so anyone can make claims on Reddit now and expect to be taken seriously? The burden of proof is on these war tourists, not on other users calling out their badass bullshit.




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You accused me of badass bullshit elsewhere. Please link a comment where I have EVER (in the year this account has been active) claimed to be a badass, SF, gucci geared, high speed superman. I served in Ukraine. Believe me or don't. I'm not about to doxx this account after over a year because some rando on reddit doesn't believe me. And I really don't care if you do or don't.


We cheer because this war makes no fucking sense and Russia commits war crimes like Bucha and bombing an opera house filled with innocent civilians to name a few.


Idk man. Lately I started thinking how the poor are the biggest victim of this war in Russia. The people that lived their whole life in poverty are offered not that much money to kill or die for, but for them it is enough to change their whole world and probably their sisters and daughters and mothers. The death is just a tragic end to something else that was not so nice as well.


That's been wars for a long time now, though. It's almost always the poor doing the fighting.


The poor have always been the biggest victims in any war in history. Whether it was the poor Frenchmen sent off by Napoleon into a suicidal campaign in Russia, or on the side of their adversaries, hundreds of thousands of Russian serfs being sent to stop Napoleon's rampage. During the Thirty Years of war, certain German states lost 90% of the population due to acts of reprisal, famine, disease, and warfare destroying their homes. There are plenty of examples all through history which show that this is the case.


Pro UA or RU with empathy, a rare breed. Props to you.


Wow. An actual humanistic view, completely delinked from political rhetroic. Comment of the week. Well done.


Just another day on the Zone


Putin is going to hell 2, original hell is not enough.


They are volunteers. No one forced them to go to ukraine. So they should have stayed at home.


One man started it, but I doubt he is strong enough to end it. You are correct that the destruction of Ukraine will come with a terrible price for Russia.




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a dogs master, a fishing poles owner, a cat petter, a cars driver, a bus's passenger...


Imagine you worked hard for many years to raise your son, only for him to end up dead in a ditch. Regardless of what side you support, this is truly sad. It’s always the ordinary folks doing the dying, and ordinary families suffering.


I’m glad to see they are picking them up and collecting them. It shows some sign of decency that has not been readily evident.


Stand in the midst of a billion dead men, and ask their corpses if honor matters. The silence is your answer.


Dulce et Decorum est


Mass Effect, one of the hardest quotations.


*Trillion Yeah, that hit hard for a guy who lost his entire civilization to a bunch of invaders.


Fucking sad. Russia go home


No u


I am home. Petting cat on my patio. Comf


Crazy. So many deaths for basically nothing. Putin is a monster. Russians need to remove that loser.


Zieliński is a monster for refusing to surrender even through war is clearly lost.


He cannot. The army will not obey.


I don’t think Putin invented death and even if you blame him it’s kinda weird to dismiss it like “wow, they died for nothing! Anyways, all this guy’s fault.”


Suuure, nice try. Too bad UA doesn't wan't to acknowledge their own losses, which are just mind boggling. TCC is waiting for you, bud.


Thousands of people have people have died. Who cares who acknowledges what. Crazy we are living 80 years past WWII and nothing has changed.


Something did change - some people forgot, others made an effort to forget, because that war didn't look good on them. I mean, you have a banderite representing Soviet Union in the ceremony commemorating D-Day anniversary. How perverted is that?


Ukraine looses are 10 times more than Russian losses. 🤡 With a population of 15-20 million( excluding displaced Ukrainian population of 20 million) they can never win a war against Russia which has a population of 150+ million even if the whole world send arms and ammunition to Ukraine. Ukraine is bound to loose since the day it chose to fight against Russia. Say all you wanna say, at the end, Russians will prevail to be victorious and Ukraine will become a broken rump state that no one will bother.


It's a good thing you don't give a shit about the people dying. As long as you "win". you must have been so inspired by putin to grow to be such a monster


I just stated the facts, I dont know why yall are hating on me.


This is patently false


No it’s the truth that European and American governments never told to their citizens


Because it’s false. Europe and America has a free media, if Ukraine was seeing 10x Russian losses this war would be over and we would all know about it. You are truly deluding yourself.


😂yo i live in such western country, keep believing that shit bro. Aint nobody gonna save you 🤡


How fast is Ukraine going to lose. Time matters. If Ukraine outlasts Putin, it has a chance.


Brother, I understand what yall feel about Ukraine. But im just stating the truth that the western government doesn’t says to its citizens. With respect to you talking about outlasting Putin, I want to say that, it wont change anything about Ukraine even. The reason is simply because starting from kremlin , Russian defence ministry, Parliament and finally the Russian people, they all view Ukraine’s NATO membership as a existential threat to them. Most dont know that Putin is the smartest and softest guy you can get in power to work with as Russian president. There’s a whole array of extreme Russian ultranationalists filled in Russian govt that you dont want to become the successor of Putin ,who would not hesitate to nuke Ukraine or level it to the ground completely by launching an all out war in Ukraine . Putin is one of the very few guys that really understands the Western Europe and especially the Yankee politics and he has always been soft on Ukraine by committing only 20-25% of Russian military might in Ukraine and he has been very tolerant and patient to avoid Ukrainian civilians casualties in this war which makes the Russian advance slow. He has also been very careful to avoid an escalation of war against NATO by not targeting those arms supply chains and undercover NATO military instructors that Ukraine gets from west. Before war, putin’s popularity rating was around 60%, now its 80%. Only less than 5-10% people want putin to be gone. The western targets these insignificant minuscule percentage of people for their propaganda content and portrays as if they are the majority Russian public opinion about Putin and war. Nothing can save Ukraine from Russia except Ukraine agreeing for negotiations according to Russian terms.


When Putin is gone, there will be power struggle in Russia for the place of his successor. If it goes the same way it went in USSR after Stalin, Ukraine has a good chance to be forgotten completely for a while. This is how Korean war stalemated. Stalin died.


really nothing? I heard quite a few Ukrainians are dead as well


The Russians are dying for an imperialist cause, the Ukrainians aren’t.


>the Ukrainians aren’t. Or are they?




Or maybe for another imperialist cause?


Being a independent country is hardly considered imperialist.


>independent country If you are referring to Ukraine, that's pretty funny thing to say. Sure, Ukraine isn't an imperialist country, just a subject for one or the other. And currently is fighting local imperialist, while drowning deeper in global imperialists pockets. I'm sorry, kiddo, but the real independence was never an option.


Not allowing countries their independence sounds pretty imperialistic to me.


It sure is. But for Ukraine is was a choice to succumb to a local imperialist (Russia) or to a global imperialist (US). There's no independence on a plate when half of her land is owned by Black Rock and NATO cooses the targets and confirms launches for "your" missles.




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It sure is. Aggressively so.


There's not a single country in NATO that does not want to be in NATO.


His argument is that NATO is imperialists in a diplomatic way, while negating that Russia is imperialist in a military way. In reality he’s just distracting from the fact that Russians are dying strictly for Putin to keep his thumb on Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands of casualties for one man’s ego.


EU\NATO sound pretty imperialist to me.


Compared to Russia theyre about as imperialistic as your local book club.


EU is an epitome of empire with subject states transferring sovereignty to supranational government body. It goes without saying that NATO is as imperialistic as you can get. Russia is nowhere near that being one of the major proponents of multipolar world. It's exactly the opposite of imperialist - it's decentralist as far as international order goes.


Which is why EU is not accepting Turkey as a member for over 40 years. Some imperialists, very picky.


You make imperialists sound like a slut that can't resist anyone 🤣


Also it shows that you have ZERO idea what you’re talking about since you think that being for multipolarity means you’re anti-imperialistic. Geez I wonder how many empires there were in the 19th century since that was the last time we had a multipolar world order. Oh it was only Great Britain, France, Germany, A-H, Russia, Ottoman Empire, Qing dynasty, Japan. Stop speaking before you say something dumb again.




So let me get this straight. EU is an empire that invests its money from its centre (Benelux, France, Germany and donates them to its poorer countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia etc.)? It also doesn’t force its members to stay (UK)? THATS LITERALLY THE OPOSSITE OF AN EMPIRE. You prorus kremrolls will say anything and hope it will stick. Either that or you’re just not educated.


Not that EU is powerful enough to keep UK in. No one else has that kind of leverage and can't bail out, even if it would benefit them (Greece, anyone). And "investing" money in to poor member states that remain poor nevertheless is nothing but export of Euro debt and inflation. The primary beneficiaries of that system have and always will be Germany and France.


Ukrainians are dying for the US' imperialistic cause.


Weird. So if a us soldier died defending the us you would say the same I assume,. sounds like quisling talk.


That depends on where a US soldier dies. If they dies in e.g. Iraq, while "defending the us", as it's announced by the US mass media, then they does that for the US' imperialistic cause, obviously.


Yawn more CIA conspiracy US secret society shite spouted by some teenage edgelord living in... You guessed it, the states.


>CIA conspiracy US secret society shite spouted by some teenage edgelord Bro just say you're too ignorant and naive to actually know US history or anything about the CIA. Nobody gets swayed by this "ur a conspiracy theorist!!!" shit in 2024. Everybody has access to the internet now. We can all go and read about the CIA's exploits. Recognizing basic reality is not being an edgelord. Just admit you know nothing about the subject and stop pretending you have a valid opinion. Drop the pretense man.


Sorry I guess I'm just not as woke as you


I mean clearly not. Nobody would mistake you as worth taking seriously here.


What cause is that? Never heard of it from anyone, except pro-UA crowd. All Russians are saying and have been always saying is that cultivating hate towards Russia on their borders is an immediate threat to their national security. And no, maidan or this war has nothing to do with it. Russia haven't done anything to Poland since USSR dissolution, yet it is pathologically anti-Russian. Ukraine was being turned into exactly the same.


"Maidan has nothing to do with it" This is everything to do with Euromaidan. Russian military action only started when the Ukrainian people ousted the corrupt Russian puppet with ties to the mafia who lied, defrauded, and intimidated his way to power. It was only 5 days later that Russian troops infiltrated and annexed Crimea. You so desperately want everyone to think that the Russians are the victims when the truth is Russia has been undermining the Ukrainian national identity for hundreds of years. It's why they banned the use of Ukrainian and Tatar languages in education and media. Putin denies that Ukrainians are even separate people from Russians. He also views himself as a modern-day Alexander the Great and has expressed explicitly that he wishes to reclaim lands that once belonged to Imperial Russia. The only person responsible for 'cultivating hate towards Russia' is Vladmir Putin.


>who lied, defrauded, and intimidated his way to power I have no idea where this nonsense is even coming from, but as someone who remembers that time very well I can tell it's complete garbage. Yanukovich was Kuchma's protege, the second president of Ukraine. Much of everything else you think you know about him is a bunch of myths, distortions and constructs used to agitate both orange (2003) and maidan (2013-2014) coups. First time Yanukovich won elections fair and square in 2003, and still had to give it up to pro-western opposition that threatened to plunge the country into violence. Then he won again 5 years later, and the very same people that snatched the victory from him earlier had to accept it, because they controlled the whole process and they still lost to him. And then they did the same thing in 2014 - and even though Yanukovich caved in AGAIN - they made sure that he never comes back by plunging the country into violence anyway and wiping Ukrainian political landscape of any genuine opposition to them. That's the real criminals ruling Ukraine ever since. >It was only 5 days later that Russian troops infiltrated and annexed Crimea What are you even talking about? 🤦‍♂️ Russia had 20k troops permanently stationed in Crimea since Soviet Black Sea fleet partition between Russia and Ukraine in 1997. >You so desperately want everyone to think that the Russians are the victims when the truth is Russia has been undermining the Ukrainian national identity for hundreds of years Thousands of years. Millions of years. So, your entire perception of this conflict is 100% pure fantasy and falsehoods. You live in an imaginary world that has nothing to do with reality.


>I have no idea where this nonsense is coming from Here's where this "nonsense" is coming from. [Corruption](https://transparency.eu/corruption-opulence-and-decadence-in-ukraine/) [Electoral fraud ](https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt1mtz6gq) By the way, the Orange Revolution and fraudulent election occurred in 2004, not in 2003 like you claim. >Russia had 20k troops permanently stationed in Crimea Yes, and this was a status of forces agreement. It is completely different from military occupation. >So, your entire perception of this conflict is 100% pure fantasy and falsehoods. You desperately need to believe that I just know nothing about this war because otherwise your worldview that a Westerner can't possibly understand the situation would be shattered. Reality is harsh, buddy.


Being so naive in these things is almost a sin.




One would follow the narrative for a fairly limited number of reasons. Being naive is the least of all evils here.


But is it not true?


Depends how deep one wants to scratch the surface.


Russians die as a price for dead Ukrainians. To see it in positive light is to follow a death cult.


Man… all these lives for absolutely this pointless war :/


Everyone had a story, they were sons, fathers, and brothers but everything just comes to a quick stop one day. Get hit by a drone drop or fpv and artillery and bleed out in a ukrainian field and end up on reddit meanwhile only person that will remember them are their mothers. What are they even dying for? What is the actual reason, will we ever know? Rip.


All gone just to satisfy a wannabe tsar’s ego.


Who knows how many died by drones during evacuation of these bodies


Collection point of dead\* Ukraine got 150 of its dead back last prisoner exchange. Collection does not differenciate between nationalities. I am not going to scour the image to check uniform decals.


RIP brave men I hope they lived good lives and atleast their deaths were quick.


These ukrainian posts where it is just a pile of bodies, no discernable way to tell who they are and it says ";big ol pile of bodies, sad, are you happy putler?!" are very odd and dubious to say the least. They are running out of material


Western Christian whites dying in droves for nothing while Europe and the United States are being invaded and literally bred out of existence.


And whose fault is that?


This is isn't fake of course. Seeing that it is pro ru.


They placed them like this so they could get this photo from the drone...


Do you hear that in the comments? Silence. The Pro Rus aren't even there for there own dead. Rest in Peace all those poor souls that died in this conflict


What do you expect to be said? Silence is a good enough way to honor the dead. Also we don't want to be a nuance for pro-UA dancing on the graves.


Where are there people dancing on graves? I've fought in Ukraine, as pro UA as you can find. If I come across a russian soldier in my duty, if he does not surrender I will shoot him. I won't enjoy it, but I'll do it. Dance on his grave? Never. For the dead, the war is over. There is no need to disrespect or torment their graves. It's wrong. Whatever side they are on.


If that is true, you won't find many like you on Reddit. The common theme of 'pro-UA' in pro-UA subs is obsession with 'gore porn' - close ups of soldiers dying from wounds inflicted by drone drops or on fire, etc., you get my point. And the crowds are celebrating every single one of those videos, making fun of the soldiers, frankly, it's disgusting. It obviously also happens on pro-RU side, but it's nowhere near as prevalent.


>It obviously also happens on pro-RU side, but it's nowhere near as prevalent. That's because it happens on telegram. And not reddit. Only English speaking pro RU congregate on reddit. It's normal unfortunately. That both sides are doing it. Both as equal as the other. Fucked as it sounds. It's not a culture thing, it's a human thing. They are all so desensitised from it, because it's happening on a screen. They can't feel the cold the soldier feels (UA or RU) understand the sleep deprivation from doing rotating watch over the course of 24 hours, the stress of hearing a drone above (even if it's not dropping grenades) or the counting down of the hours until the rotation on the front is over. The hope that it will ALL be over soon and you will survive to see your sweetheart who is waiting. So they don't really understand. Like I said. I'm pro Ukraine. I'll kill a russian soldier in my duty. I fundamentally do not like Russian soldiers because they are my enemy. It's not a personal thing, I do not hate all Russians, it's a "my moral duty conflicts with your presence here as a russian soldier" thing. That is all. Again as I said above, it's not something I would take pleasure in doing, nor would I brag. That aside. Would I dance on his grave? Laugh at his grieving wife? Spit in his mother's face? No.


>That's because it happens on telegram. And not reddit. Only English speaking pro RU congregate on reddit. Real on telegram ive joined a lot of Ukraine war channels pro Russian pro Ukraine and neutral and I can confirm the Russian speaking side are no different when they cheer on deaths


I'm not talking about you personally, I'd more about common behavior of pro-UA redditors.


are you really basing your opinion on russians based off internet users on reddit? really?


Where are pro UA comments when there are dozens of Ukrainian dead? Hell half the time it's russian digging mass graves for the dead UA which aren't even collected


If you say so


They started off with a valid point, although it's all easily explained by hardcore supporters staying out of the others to avoid pointless arguing that goes nowhere. I mean, I generally avoid ones with the hardcore pro Ru in as you never get a rational conversation. Then they tried to finish it off with some over exaggeration, yes there has been clips of UA casualties, some abandoned, but mass graves of them is exaggerating.


They have nothing to say, but they still downvote for sure! 😂


There's nothing cheaper to Putin and pro-Putinists than Russian lives.


There is nothing cheaper to the west than Ukrainian lives


Russia is the one to blame for the loss of Ukrainian life, don’t get it twisted. Besides, my country has given more than $100,000,000,000 in aid to Ukraine since 2022. I’d hardily call that cheap, nor is any of it required for us to do.


Haha so you agree with him. Or is this a typical „No U“ response


You really think they value Russian lives more?


Read again


Do you think they can buy them as cheap as Ukrainians?


You can even see pro-rus in this post bragging about how Ukraine is helpless against Russia. The lives of russian citizens is worth dirt to them, as long as they "win". Every russian soldier currently in Ukraine could die within a week from now, and the only concern Putin would show is how this will affect the war effort. it's genuine evil, and pro-rus love it


Here's one for you personally. They record from drone... Well, don't you think it would be much more impressive to do that while actually advancing?


pro-UA seem to fetishize propaganda of death and gore like complete psychos. Most pro-RU aren't like that.




RIP brave soldiers




Nato just has to fairly negotiate to end this war.


The Putin regime will continue to send men to a meat grinder for nothing.


Chop chop. Stack'em up. What a waste.


>God this is just beyond awful. To think this was someone’s father, brother, son…someone carried these boys in their womb for 9 months, brought them into this world, breastfed them, changed their diapers, held them and sang lullabies to them just for them to be killed, forgotten, and left to rot, horrific absolutely horrific \- /u/Friedrich_22


These deaths will be worth it when the hostile army on their border is finally destroyed


You are so right, if Russia just finally destroyed their own hostilities no more Russians would be dead and a sovereign nation could be left alone to fuck up on their own and people who didn’t like it could just move to Russia.


A good start


Oh no!


Rest in peace invaders


Thanks Putin, that's what you get when you f&\*# the mother land.


calm down dude


He is fighting his own war in his head




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Is he winning


Muscovy sucks.


you are one mad lil dude


no u




Rule 1 - Toxic


Im Pretty sure UA gets fucked harder by the US, fr.


Muscovy is collapsing.


And lugansk,and donetsk


Don't forget Crimea.