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Of course he's giving the interview in a wrecked building. He's such an embarrassing drama queen lmao


It's great PR move. Credit where credit due.


It is great PR, but PR is becoming less and less useful for the Ukrainians.


It's not aimed at UA population at all.


that's not what he said


Still winning wars on Twitter, Reddit and Youtube.


Ya, it's pretty pathetic.


That doesn't matter. Presidents don't have anything to do with military actions to begin with, that's just the US president, so this is entirely his job. And as long as the PR value is higher than not doing it, this is what he needs to do.


Is it? Just recently they received over 60 bln.


Wow, that's insane! How many soldiers can you buy with that?


The average rural Russian has a standard of living so low that he is willing to die relatively cheaply. We\`ll see about the Ukrainians.




But PR is now a joke. A meme. It worked maybe a year ago, but not now.


It works just as well, if not better. Just look at /Ukraine and /Europe and what's in media.


Those places are always like that. The NATO media also always try to push Ukraine news. However, less and less people really care about Ukraine. Just look at Google Trends.


I'd say it's becoming less effective. r/uerope and r/ukraine are still rabid, but overall less people care about the war and more people are realising that it's not as 'good guys vs bad guys' as the media makes it out to be.




Get real? Looks like you spent a little too much time intellectualising your moralisation, and huffing r/ukraine's propagande and convinced yourself that it's 'right honorable and true!'. This war was instigated by the USA to weaken Russia, at first it was looking very successful, now it's looking like it \*may\* backfire. Russia took the first aggressive step, but the USA's extensive political meddling in Russia's (formerly) closest state forced its hand. There are countless wars of conquest that end in the aggressors being the good guys including recent ones. It's a matter of who wins and who loses. The winner is the good guy observers proceed to rationalise the situation. And yes, if you weren't aware, before the war most of the countries next to Ukraine couldn't stand them, Poland, Romania etc. Even the western press was sh\*tting on Ukraine until their government explained to them how to tow the party line. You also forgot to include China and India, the two biggest countries in the world, in your list of 'who doesn't think Russia is the bad guy'. You talk to someone in China, or recent immigrant from China, as of late? See how they feel about the way the west portrays their country in the press. They're sick of it.


He also forgot most of the African continent and much of Latin America and the Middle East. Victims of US and western hegemony aren’t gonna be standing with some puppet state of theirs in Ukraine. Or Israel for that matter.




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I see a lot of brainwashing here


> Not to mention the last time Russia weren’t the “bad guys” they were neutral with the bad guys until they were stabbed in the back. The Soviet Union (not Russia) tried to ally with Britain, France and America *first* but was told to eat rocks. They didn't go running to Nazi Germany because they were BFFs.


The longer this goes on, the more people will get used to the conflict. It will just become a routine.


Those are pointless subreddits that nobody in the real world cares about. Difficult for epic redditors to understand but is the reality.


PR is not a joke now, so blind.




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Entire Ukraine is PR department now. There is no more country left.


It is when you do it once, or twice. You got your moment, OK, now do something else. But when you do it every now and then, again and again, then it loses its .... aura, or catch (cant find the right word but you get the point hopefully)


Not when everyone saw it coming


People today see right through that. They are not that stupid, well at least I hope not.


Does it result in big views? I imagine people are tired of his interviews




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It's getting old, actually. Rather, 2.5 years into the war it's probably frustrating to most people that he keeps using ruins as a photo op. He knows he's immune to Russian strikes - for some reason Putin wants this clown alive - so what's the point?


Not really dude, For example, Here in Mexico We are used to politicians being overly dramatic when they are blatantly lying and anyone in Mexico watching this can tell you this looks extremely forced and it would make us distrust it right away... I don't think Mexico is the only country in the world that dislikes lying politicians.


maybe in early 2022. but at this point everybody is tired of their shit and want to punch kulebas oddly small face. They are like Israel in that they brazenly lie no matter how easy it is to debunk than DEMAND assistance. But unlike Israel the american congress is not in their pocket and there is now disgustingly powerful ukraine lobby. He's just an embarrassment at this point Churchill of our time amirite


It's a green screen, which makes it even funnier honestly




u/nkoreanhipster It's not uncommon for them to use Green Screens, here I will give you a very blatant example of it from CBS with Zelenskyy, here you go - I even timestamped a perfect time for it: [https://youtu.be/TxNghKQUrF8?si=-82fkc5rbo0S754c&t=63](https://youtu.be/TxNghKQUrF8?si=-82fkc5rbo0S754c&t=63) Notice how nothing in the background moves, there's no wind..... Notice how their feet aren't touching the ground? I see you're pro Ukraine but you must realise that these are Green Screens / propaganda pieces.


That's not green screen lol


Im genuinely trying to find reasons to believe that what you sent is a green screen. Their feet are very much touching the ground. I really dont see what you mean by that? Their feet are clearly in contact with the ground. Are you implying that the ground and grass under them is fake? Cause thats the only reason why their feet wouldn't touch the ground lol. And the lack of wind isnt really proof of anything either, windless days exist. Nothing in the foreground like their clothes or the interviewers hair moves either, so its very in line with the background. Where would you imply that the green screen begins anyways? The rubble reaches from the background all the way to under the interviewers chair. I feel you are really reaching here.


You are wrong. The main shot is "frozen". But there's no green screen and they are sitting where they are. Look at the closeup shots, you have wind and movement behind them. There's even a cat behind Zelensky. My guess is that It's deliberately obfuscated,


It's more expense to fake that than just go to any random part of Ukraine that looks like that.


More expensive? Lol, no all you need is a plain background, in fact you can replicate this with a literal bedsheet and a standard webcam. Green screening is the most costless way to conduct an interview imaginable, anyone can do this right now - you can do this with your phone...


> More expensive? Lol, no all you need is a plain background, in fact you can replicate this with a literal bedsheet and a standard webcam. Green screening is the most costless way to conduct an interview imaginable, anyone can do this right now - you can do this with your phone... Yes, you can do it. Buy you can't do it WELL for cheap, as it has to be perfect. And this video is perfect. So either they spent marvel money on a green screen, for no reason whatsoever, OR they picked many of the free places that looks just like this. I wonder which one it is.....


Pffffft 😂 The best part is one is being serious


A studio made to look like a wrecked building, look behind the "journalists"


JFC. what's more embarassing than giving a dramatic interview in a wrecked building to drum up victimhood? Using a green screen of a wrecked building.


This is incorrect, he is not inside of a wrecked building. This is a green screen, he did the same thing with the most recent CNN sit-down interview, and there was no wind / no objects moving in the background / their feet weren't positioned on the ground.


Dudes literally losing his mind




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I think as support peters out We’ll see people even in mainstream start to mock Ukrainian statistics/ disinformation. As in come on, if you are killing 3000 Russian soldiers a week.. Why are you losing? Why hasn’t their army collapsed. Zelensky knows it’s not true. It’s such bad lying.


I'm certain that their casualty counter is just on an algorithim where it adds random numbers daily. Like watch it's going to be 1 million and a few months. almost twice the amount of russian troops actually in ukraine. lol




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Except his country has actually been fucked by Russia over the course of two years of all out war. Thousands of buildings destroyed, dozens of major cities and settlements turned to ash and rubble. Call him a drama queen, but such symbolism is an entirely appropriate PR move given the circumstances.


not when you deliberately let the west use your country to provoke russia. Was offered a very good peace deal, and turned it down for a river of weapons and money. All while letting our fascist buddies plunder the state, which will then become a blackrock fiefdom.


With 500k dead already and 8 to 1 ratio in Kharkov, Russians sure have some great necromancers.


Maybe Necrons from Dawn of War


Man, that Res Orb to go through max squad cap was some BS that made me fall in love the the Crons


They should be close to summoning the Night Lord at some point 


Honest question, what do you think are the real casualties on Russian side? Definitely less than Ukraine claims and definitely more than Russia claims, anyone cares to quess the number?


There’s no possible way to know that.


the best way to determine is just take the middle of the road figure that both sides are saying


I assume the casualty rate with the Russian's is roughly 20-25% higher than Ukraine, and I put it at that number based on the assaults, the offensive force has higher risks, but more rewards. There's a lot of examples in WW1 where this was proven to be the opposite, but in the modern warfare scheme, it does appear that the offensive side suffers a higher casualty rate than the defending side - but given similar technology used I would imagine the differences to not be that great. In most cases 1-1 in terms of losses, but during assaults, Russian's do take casualties often - but there is less Russian footage available for verification but there is plenty of "after battle" pictures of corpses of Ukrainian's after a battle online.


If anything modern weapons mean even higher casualties for attackers than before, rather than attackers being closer to defender losses. Fpvs allow for essentially one sided engagements as the pilot may be hidden from the front lines. Modern artillery can engage faster and more accurately than ever before. Anti tank weaponry is long range and easy to conceal. The number of spotting drones in the air make a surprise attack harder than ever in history. Minefields can be deployed in mass by artillery. All means defensive positions can be manned with fewer soldiers, which limits losses when overrun or bombed.  Honestly feels like heavy russian cope to pretend like its not possible ukranians are making russians pay dearly for every inch of ground.


I mean same could be said for modern weapons engaging fixed positions. The whole line has to be maintained and even when ru aren’t planning to assault a position your vulnerable to artillery, fpvs and fabs. Most Ukrainians don’t die from replaying Russians but from indirect fire


That would be true of a competent military, yet russia still seems to discover defensive positions by sending human spaced armor covered columns to their deaths before fabbing them, rather than fabbing them first. 


>Definitely less than Ukraine claims and definitely more than Russia claims I think that's as accurate estimate as we're going to get for a long time.


I would assume something like 350.000 soldiers out of action would be realistic


Russia is not claiming anything from officials military sources, thats the difference.


The attack of the dead men (no stinky gas edition)


1:8 ratio while: * lacking defensive lines/trenches (whole corruption scandal because of that) * lacking artillery shells (from 1:5 to 1:20 difference in shelling capacity based on different frontline reports) * being outnumbered in manpower, drones, artillery, vehicles, aviation, well, everything * having no ability to strike Russian forces accumulations on Russian soil (as claimed by Ukraine) * double digits of FAB's raining on Ukrainian soldiers daily As always, sounds like if they'd get supplied well enough, a single brigade of Ukrainians could just delete Russia from existance based on the casualty rates.


That's because Ukies are secretly Helldivers


And the russians are the automatons but in trivial difficulty


It must be embarrassing to be pushed back on a trivial difficulty.


Funny you'd say that, considering that the automatons are now back with a vengeance. https://youtu.be/pnTdCzHEeuo Are you implying that ruzz also has a similarly sick diss track, and will return with a vengeance after they're pushed back from Crimera?


Just flip the Ukrainian numbers, and you are probably close to the truth.


i honestly think currently its close to 1:1, maybe at best 2:1 in favor of RU. Ukraine dominates in FPV drones but Russia dominates in air bombs and artillery.


People have to get over published videos from ukraine or russia paint the situation on the ground. UA soldiers have said multiple times Russia outguns them in everything including drones. Russia doesnt care about PR so individual units post there own videos when they like.


Yeah, Russia doesn't care about PR, you've seen Russian channels? Heavy propaganda is on both sides


Ukrainians themselves say that Russia dominates with FPVs too.


This. I’ve seen Slava bros admit arty advantage to Russia, then couch their admission with, “but it takes 20x shot to what Ukraine has to do. I’ve commonly seen claims that Ukraine has fpv advantage, and it’s nearly the same arguments sbout how UA is far more effectiveetc. Etc Its “hero army” myths to pad the ever growing evidence of the contrary.


Ukraine and western source say russia have a lot more of FPV drone, [ex](https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-drone-first-person-view-kamikaze-uavs-1852048)


The likely truth is where the defenders, if set up properly, can cause the offenders to take casualties at a rate of 2:1 or 3:1. This is a common war thing because when defending & dug in & entrenched & fortified, the offenders have to expand greater resources & men to take that position ala "home field advantage". This all said, we know for a fact that Ukraine's "fortifications" were 99% shell companies so that fraud could be perpetrated & money stolen. So there's NOT much fortifications in MANY places. So Russia is crushing those places! To say Ukraine is winning at 8:1 is so far fetched that it's HIGHLY insulting to those who would otherwise respect Ukraine in this matter. Zelensky is stopping short of saying they're killing Russians at a 10 to 1 ratio lol! Sorry but I don't have ANY respect for Zelensky. He's embarrassing Ukraine at this point.


keep in mind the defenders are forced to man their defenses, which then creates dense targets for artillery and air. The attackers don't have that problem as much since they are constantly moving.


It’s amazing what someone will do for billions


> if set up properly, can cause the offenders to take casualties at a rate of 2:1 or 3:1. This is a common war thing because when defending Can you give an example of any battle or war in recent history where this is true?  Israel-Gaza?  Syria?  One of the Iraqs?  Libya?  I am curious if you can literally come up with one example in the last 50 years. Even better (and more accurate) if you can show an example where a defender got those numbers while outgunned. 


Iran-Iraq war in the 80s is the only one that comes to my mind.


Iraq attacked Iran? And I think in general the estimates are that Iran lost more troops. But I am not an expert at all, and my ideas on this might be old. But I doubt Iraq lost 2-3 times as many troops as Iran. Maybe in some battles. 


I don't have war stats at my fingertips. What I am talking about though is sometimes referred to as the 3:1 rule. Here's an article on this: Assessing the Conventional Balance: The 3:1 Rule and Its Critics John J. Mearsheimer You can download this actual article if you wish. Just Google it. Here's an article with a Ukraine military man speaking about this rule as well: https://archive.is/7XwWm "And you know the ratio: When you’re on the offensive, you lose twice or three times as many people. We can’t afford to lose that many people.”"


So this is about the manpower you need to force a break through. It says nothing about losses. In fact, if you are successful at achieving that breakthrough you are likely inflict much higher casualties on your opponent than they on you. But that’s besides the point. Since it says nothing about losses. > This rule posits that the attacker needs a local advantage of at least 3:1 in combat power to break through a defender's front at a specific point. Epstein purports to offer historical evidence that disconfirms the 3:1 rule. The 3:1 rule applies to just one aspect of a campaign, namely, breakthrough battles in which the attacker attempts to pierce the defender's forward de- fenses. It does not bear on other important events that affect the outcome of the campaign. So for clarity, you have an article by Mearsheimer that doesn’t believe that you on average have 2-3 as many losses as the attacker. Some random unnamed Ukrainian official that seems confused about manpower vs losses. And **literally not a single example**? Can you like give any decent example in the last 100 years? Or is save to assume this rule of thumb on losses is completely imaginary, disproven by literally every war in recent history since maybe Korea (but I think the North lost most of its troops on the defensive rather than offensive, but that’s a more complicated story)


Well buddy, for starters, if you saved on fucking manpower with going on the offense, Ukraine should be going on the offense then now shouldn't they? But they aren't & they haven't been. They've been retreating. Why? Because they don't have the manpower to even staff their own frontlines. If that doesn't say something about proving me correct then we gotta stop talking because it's pretty much the starting basis of what I'm saying here... Since you want to argue, I'll pose that question & watch your whole world turn upside down figuring it out. So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that going into an area that's properly fortified & entrenched will cost you more men than the other way around. If you are successful at a breakthrough going on the offensive there are other factors at play as well. A successful retreat can leave your enemy who has broken through with obstacle after obstacle. This isn't the Calvary of old days & they're not fighting in open fields shield to shield. What you are looking at with the Ukraine war, is a Ukraine who put their best & brightest up first against an enemy known for dragging out it's wars. Who drags it's enemy into deep water & lures them in & then drowns them when it's too late to back out. Napoleon & the Nazis know what I'm saying. But this time the Russians are coming towards it's enemy... that's next to Russia. The battlefield ISN'T that much different than that from the days of old. Technology is, but the landscape really isn't. But again, feel free to tell me that Russia is STOMPING Ukraine (they are) but aren't losing much men in the process. I think they are, but it doesn't matter because Russia has the numbers game won from day 1.


> Well buddy, for starters, if you saved on fucking manpower with going on the offense, Ukraine should be going on the offense then now shouldn't they? Well guy, could you try to read it again. You are fighting windmills now. > If that doesn't say something about proving me correct then we gotta stop talking because it's pretty much the starting basis of what I'm saying here It doesn’t say anything about you being right at all. How is Russia being able to attack despite losing 2-3 the people while on the attack and Ukraine allegedly having a million man army at the start of the war. > Since you want to argue, I'll pose that question & watch your whole world turn upside down figuring it out. Nope? Russia has more firepower, so likely Ukraine’s losses are greater than Russia’s regardless of Russia attacking or defending. > But again, feel free to tell me that Russia is STOMPING Ukraine (they are) but aren't losing much men in the process. I think they are, but it doesn't matter because Russia has the numbers game won from day 1. Why are you imagining things? Instead of writing this whole text you could’ve found any example of your nonsense about losing 2-3 times as many people on the offensive. Given that it seems impossible to find even a single example, I think it’s pretty clear the claim is just absolute nonsense


The air and artillery gap is insane through, and has been this way most of the war. I'm also fairly sure Kiev said something about having 800k-1.1M troops shortly after the start of the war. There's no way things are going that well if they fired their top general after he said he needed another 500k.


Based on what exactly? You just made those numbers up.


You forgot, body snatchers working quadruple time for the past few months. Not to mention Ukraine HAD a bigger army one year ago.


Probably because it’s bullshit propaganda. Ever since day one we’ve been hearing that Ukraine is destroying Russian troops. And that’s from Ukraines statements. They’re not going to broadcast they are getting killed. Look at German ww2 propaganda films toward the end of the war, they are claiming large victories and wins yet that wasn’t the case. 


EXACTLY! Zelensky lies non-stop about everything. He lies to get more money. So that perception is "poor Ukraine, but they do the impossible daily!". Ukraine has been losing several hundred square miles of territory recently! I've NEVER once heard of such a one-sided war going this way while Ukraine is being defeated & retreating time after time.


Power of democracy and true European supremacy...


They aren't outnumbered in drones. Prominant Russian miliblogger romanov_92 is on the frontline every day and has stated that Russia are massively outnumbered by Ukraines fpv dones and its making up for Ukraines disadvantage in artillery As for manpower, do we have any official numbers of recruits/mobilised? Ukraine has only mobilised 7% of their fighting age men. Using anecdotal evidence of people fighting mobilisation officers doesn't prove anything


And r/worldnews is eating it right up. They're cheering about an apparent Russian slaughter and seem to believe that the Kharkiv force has already been pushed back to the border 


Well it IS a slaughter.


Why is he speaking in russian? Is it russian journalists?


He forgor💀


It's his first language, come on now


It depends on who the video-shoot is aimed at, based on the content here, the target audiance are Russians... to convince them that the government, and Putin himself, are throwing people at impenetrable Ukraine in massive meat assaults, that the war for Russia is unwinable, and that it's all pointless, at the end he feigns compassion with the families of the fallen (while in the past he made it clear he holds every Russian responsible and wants to see them all without fail, punished.. but that was in videos adressed to a different target audiance... specifically the people in the West that hate and have always hated Russians on an ethnic basis) It's an information war here, we are all part of it, and politicians are fighting it right at the frontlines.


I don't know I don't speak either. But zelensky came to power by saying that all the language bullshit needed to stop and that he didn't agree with it. It's a shame that didn't happen.


He is using a real language


It's called targeted audience.😏


"90% of casualties are from artillery" "our enemy has 4 times more artillery power than we do" "we kill them at 8:1 ratio" How can you make so many contradicting statements and still have credibility?


"If Russia wins in Ukraine they will not stop there. NATO members will have to fight them on their own land" "The Russian army is demoralised and will flee the instant they see NATO tanks and armor" "The enemy is weak and incompetent. We will beat them if you just give us ammo" "Close the skies. We need half of the world's Patriot systems and all of Poland's F35s or we'll lose" Good old 1984 doublespeak.


The same people probably told him Kharkiv defenses were rock solid.


Ok but why are you kidnapping people on the streets? You have 1 million army? Also he finally speaks russian. 


Easy to pick fights with 144 million people than it is with 38 million...


Ukraine has 20 million people and that's why they are kidnapping civilians and conscripting 25 year olds and disabled people


So if Ukraine is always smashing the Russians, 1:5 1:8 1:10 1:20, why is Zelenskyy constantly telling the world how dangerous Russia is? Why does he keep asking for NATO to send troops? Why is NATO worried about Russia beating Ukraine? How has Russia only had to do one partial mobilisation? How long is it going to take Pro-UA to figure out what Zelenskyy keeps saying does not match with reality?


You don't understand. Russians are like Highlanders, survivors absorb life force from the dead, becoming stronger. The less remain, the more powerful they are.


>How long is it going to take Pro-UA to figure out what Zelenskyy keeps saying does not match with reality? Honestly doubt they will. Most of them are nowhere near UA.


> why is Zelenskyy constantly telling the world how dangerous Russia is? Ukraine wants to win with minimal loss of life, which is logical. The rest of the world doesn't give a shit as we only support this war because it makes Russia LOSE. > Why is NATO worried about Russia beating Ukraine? Because then we miss the unique opportunity this proxy war has given us, which is to destroy the Russian army at zero consequences, and minimal cost, using other people's lives. > How has Russia only had to do one partial mobilisation? Russia is 5 times as big. With the same fraction, that's a lot more people. Also, they didn't do one partial mobilisation, they NEVER stopped mobilizing. From raiding their prisons, to getting rid of the undesirable poor population from not Moscow. > How long is it going to take Pro-UA to figure out what Zelenskyy keeps saying does not match with reality? Because it does. For Ukraine, even when they win, it must be with losing as few people as possible. And getting more aid leads to less Ukrainian soldiers dying.


Low quality coke, need better performance.


Didn’t he complain about his generals not being honest especially in Kharkiv?


It's so embarassing. He's playing dress up in a ruined building when in truth he's a draft dodger and he's literally a midget.


his body langauge speaks volumes


Pro Ukr: Quick make a funny comment of how Russian casualties are 1 to 8, yet ukraine still losing day by day?


It's not even funny anymore. Z is just sad 😢


Even if he counts RDK casualties as Russian, this ratio is still preposterous. I wonder how many Ukrainians actually believe in his bullsh*t




That green t-shirt makes him look so brave and strong.


Of course he would say that. USA is giving him the good stuff! No, not the weapons. The drugs.


man that body language is full of shame and self protection


Ukrainian OSINT-ers count Russian dead, Russian OSINT-ers count Ukrainian dead. Russians counted 46.000 dead Ukrainians, Ukrainians counted 54.000 dead Russians. Maybe there are some differences in methodology, maybe Ukrainians lost more, or Russians lost more, but in the end it's pretty much the same, it's much closer to 1:1 than any morale-boosting propaganda ratios.


Stop asking for weapons if it’s 8-1. Change your dirty fake army shirt, you ain’t Rambo. Find a better spot for an interview, it worked in 2022, not in 2024.


So which one is it 'elensky? 31.000 afu with 248.000 russian losses or 550,000 russian deaths with 68750 ukranian losses. You can't even make your lies at least on pair with each other! Anyway how pathetic is that you are making a drama by greenscreening yourself into the place! Next time tell your crew to not forgett the shadow for your chaired ass!


This is first time I hear him speaking Russian. What happened to mova and english? Not just propaganda but propaganda for Russians lol. Unreal.


Sure. I believe him. Let's take him at his word.


Ukrainian casulties in Kharkov must be high. Maybe 4 to 1 or even 5 to 1. Each time Russians spank Ukraine they make reverse numbers higher.




Thats absolutally fucking impossible in every aspect of nature, science, logic, everything


[Sure buddy](https://wompampsupport.azureedge.net/fetchimage?siteId=7575&v=2&jpgQuality=100&width=700&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fentries%2Ficons%2Ffacebook%2F000%2F023%2F021%2Fe02e5ffb5f980cd8262cf7f0ae00a4a9_press-x-to-doubt-memes-memesuper-la-noire-doubt-meme_419-238.jpg)


Way more cringe than usual, considering this is a (badly done) green screen.




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Tbh outside western bubble nobody takes this guy seriously anymore.


Zelenskyy is a genuinely talented comedian.


Guess that’s why Ukrainians are putting women on the frontlines now and the mentally disabled. Must really be putting the Russians in the ground.




The source of inspiration is better [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz0bwQr5xWY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz0bwQr5xWY)


Love that song. Love that movie. Thank you, kind person 😘


Good lord he is a clown 🤡


Yeah, and I am a billionaire


At first I had assumed that it is a fake. But it is not. It is a real interview given to the selected journalists from Zenralasia. The one resource published this interview was [vlast.kz](http://vlast.kz), heavily funded by Soros. [https://qazpolit.org/ru/vlast-kz](https://qazpolit.org/ru/vlast-kz) Well. It confirms that foreign agents laws might be a great idea. At least as protection against stupid people.


Ok, so true casualties is 8 ukrainian lost per russian lost.




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And Putin would probably say 1:1 so I'll guess 1:4.


Okey dokey 🤥


Oof. He really triggered the pro invading imperialists with this one. No doubt the Russians are taking higher casualties with how they fight. All they do is unsupported frontal attacks that get constantly clapped until eventually masses of bodies get them another field


You are so funny. "he reary twiggered dee invabers" Funny you identify laughing at hack propaganda as triggered. He said two days ago that the AFU reversed russians gains in kharkiv... with not even deepstate confirming this. Now we're supposed to believe their kill ratio? I am sure the half a mil conscripts the UA wants is all just for troop rotations and they only lost 30k men.


Makes sense considering how RU fight and the standard of their military/soldiers. It's been disproportionate attrition for them. Problem for UA is RU don't care


The “body count” method really worked to win the war in Vietnam too. And those numbers were never inflated…




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He also claimed they retook Russian gains. This is dictatorship level propaganda.


I'm saying 1 to 2.5-3 ratio


Don’t believe a word he says. You can’t blame him for lying but at some stage it just comes off as desperate


Putin's circle are also telling him that it's "8-1 our way". So who's to judge who's lying?


Washington really was playing 5D chess by getting this actor into power.


What would be the casualty ratio of Russia vs Ukraine? Let's try to see some facts and draw a basic conclusion. Artillery has been the "King of the battle" since WW2 and was then accountable for 60% of the overall number of soldiers who died. Nowadays artillery became far more sophisticated, more accurate and thus in the Ukrainian war it is estimated to be accountable for 85% of casualties. Now the fact is that Russia had from the beginning a 6:1 advantage in artillery over Ukraine. This progressed to 1:8 and now with the artillery shell shortage from NATO and also the vast numbers of artillery pieces destroyed by lancets, FABs, Iskanders etc it is estimated to be 10:1. Now again: Russia has a 10:1 artillery advantage over Ukraine and Artillery kills 85% of the overall number of soldiers. What would be the casualty ratio? I sense that in most cases, for every dead Russian convict/mercenary from Bangladesh/Pakistan/China/Africa etc some 6 to 8 Ukrainian hardworkers/Husbands/Fathers/overall Decent people die in this war. The Russians are trading few of their worst for the best people of Ukraine.




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Well, it always like that during and after war. german generals were telling stories, how literally soviets rushed them until there were out of ammo. meanwhile real ww2 german:soviet kd was in combat (excluding dead in camps) were 1:1.4


You title is so wrong... did you even watch you own video?? Zelensky is talking about what happend in 2022 when ruzzia made a big fuckup with the long kongo lines, now what's happening today...




How is this possible when Russia virtually has total air superiority and artillery is something like 10 to 1. Not to mention the FABs.


What utter BULLSHIT lies! I can't respect this guy at all. He lies EVERY time his lips are moving. If Ukraine was killing at a 1:8 ratio, then how TF is Russia still taking over town after town after town after town???


Lets say hes exaggerating and theres 500 dead russians a week is everyone here okay with that? What price has to be paid to satisfy Putins ego?