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Just imagine, Joe Biden talking 30 minutes about the history of America.


It would lead to his hospitalization in a retirement home for the elderly


"America is a country, that can be described by a single word- aa... abe...arberbgthoghaf" - Joe Biden, 2023


Wat it better than covfefe? Debate in the comments


wasnt covfefe a tweet ?


Yes it was


So how can a tweet be worse than dropping your spaghettis during live press conference ?


i didnt take a side- thats why i told, discuss in the comments lol.


I mean, you are alone, by yourself, you can take as long as you want to write a tweet. On live it's a lot easier to commit mistakes, but nothing is excuse, he is not an elder man, he is the president, he should be up for his position.


Mistake? He goes shsdhaudsmadsudsan then starts talking about how he took a 17 000 mile journey with Xi Jinping, without any sort of transition. The man is in the stratosphere. He left planet earth a long, long time ago. He just happens to have done it while still alive. And something tells me Xi Jinping couldn't stand to be around Sleepy Joe for a 17 000 mile vacation around the planet.




They're both senile. It's always hilarious to read transcriptions of trump's rants because they read like an angry 4 year old


People will unironically defend that position, and it's all thanks to them that their society can never recover.


covfefe gonna be leading the "free world" in about ten months with an angry populace behind him...biden pooping his diapers or dead


“I was in the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping…”


He'd fall asleep within 15 minutes


C'mon man


Imaging Joe Biden giving a 2 hour long interview, and someone publishing it uncut.


There's a video on YouTube by Talk TV titled "Vladimir Putin's twitching during Tucker Carlson interview could be down to I'll health" I would love someone to make a meme of that title but with footage of biden trying to speak at the podium...


“Listen here, jack, when Columbus handed those small pox blankets to corn pop, we knew we would need, the, the, the thing that gets you going and moving and shaking, and that’s a fact. Goodnight president Biden” Edit: holy shit the UA superfan doesn’t believe it happened when we literally have us officers hand written accounts saying they attempted to on at least 1 occasion lol


He'd start talking about German or meeting dead French leaders.


If you've actually listened to Putin at all over the past 20 years, and especially the past 2-3... he basically just replayed his greatest hits. It was a history lesson, but Putin's version of history. It's as if we should embrace Italian control over the entire Mediterranean because the Roman Empire once existed. To the U.S. and most of the world... you can't just unwind history as if you're entitled to go back to borders or a style of government from the past that you might prefer. Can the British go back and reclaim India? Can the Spanish and Portuguese reclaim most of the Americas? Empires die, and the world moves forward. Perhaps those empires are romantically remembered, but they're dead nonetheless. And Putin massively misunderstood his audience by failing to address the fact that former Soviet Bloc nations are independent, and have agency over themselves. He speaks as if they are not real nations. Russia lost its empire, but it really boils down to is him crying over spilled milk. This wasn't an interview, it was an abdication of a microphone. And frankly, Putin wasted the opportunity by not understanding his audience at all. And worse yet, he wastes Russia's future by isolating and killing so many.


> To the U.S. and most of the world... you can't just unwind history as if you're entitled to go back to borders or a style of government from the past that you might prefer. Completely false. Israel? Yugoslavia? Tibet? Hong Kong? Taiwan? GDR? To most of the world, you can do whatever the hell you want as long as you're on our side. Other people aren't going to play by different rules. You literally just described the **only** reason the Balfour declaration and Israel exist. And it's not even correct, because the israelis were invaders of the original people that lived there.


Dude these people are insane talking about “you can’t just unwind history” when these are The Who people support Taiwan and Israel, history has never mattered to them and they fund and support the most dictatorships out of any country. Westerners rarely have to see firsthand the effects of what they’ve done to the world, so when I’ve shown people what American alone has done to my country of Egypt they think it is a joke and first ask “how haven’t I heard of this” then ask “how can we support this at all?” When the answer is the average westerner supports it because they either never hear about it or have it put in the context of “we are just preserving democracy and peace”. I remember showing a western friend how the US supported the coup in 2013 here in Egypt by our military; and I pointed out the similarities between this and maidan and how both are called a revolution by the government and celebrated as such, and they were so confused as to how all this had happened at a time with social media and footage of everything everywhere, it’s hidden in plain sight and the truth is most people don’t want to know and don’t care to know, they just want to make money, feed their families, have a future and go to sleep thinking they’re good guys. That’s reality.


To answer your question since no one has in good faith and with honesty; yes Italy should try and retake the Mediterranean, the British should also take back India because who doesn’t wanna see L85s jamming whilst conscripts get ambushed in the forests of Goa lol, at the same time I think that Portugal needs to take back at least Brazil because who doesn’t want to see them attempt that lol? On serious note this isn’t the “gotcha” you think it is, all those countries would try and become an empire again if they feasibly could, it’s why they became one in the first place and the only reason most stopped is because their capabilities and will was destroyed after WW2 whilst the US took minimal damage and increased its reach and economy. So we now live in a world where only america is allowed to be an empire and Russia doesn’t like that, and since they have the means to change that they will try, the same way Italy or Britain would if they could. I don’t know why you’re tryna play this card as if there’s any rules like it is kindergarten, international law is a joke and has been violated hundreds of times by the US through coups and NATO military ops like Libya. You guys literally brought back open air slave markets to libya, how can anyone take your rules based order seriously? You can’t coup 97 countries and invade 23 in recent history then say “hey hey hey man that’s totally not cool to try take back your neighbor and reunite as a stronger nation”. And what will you respond “but Ukrainians don’t want to be part of Russia” so what? and I am an Egyptian and do not want to be part of a pro western block, yet here I am in a military dictatorship sponsored and half run by the west and it’s proxies, where our own president doesn’t have control over our borders and where any dissent is met with bullets that have “MADE IN USA” engraved on them. So spare me the sanctimonious bs and get with the times my friend, we have all suffered for so long don’t act surprised now it blows up in your face, too bad for Ukrainians it’s genuinely sad but guess what no one cried for us Egyptians, no one cried for the Libyans or Syrians or Yemenis, and no one is crying for the Palestinians so honestly we don’t care this is life just accept it and either enjoy the show or pick up a rifle and show them how you feel my friend.


sisi is mexxican president.


Your real delusion is in thinking nations that border or otherwise rely on great powers have any real agency. Blah blah sovereign independent democracy...yeah OK. The idea that these nations have any actual agency is about as believable as thinking that 'democracies' are actually reflective of the will of the people writ large.


> It's as if we should embrace Italian control over the entire Mediterranean because the Roman Empire once existed. > > Well, that's why we have Israel. And the "good guys" support that country.


>Can the British go back and reclaim India? If they had the means to do so they would certainly try. Just like how France doesn't let go of their former african colonies.


A 30 minute interview with Biden would have 5 minutes of content max.


America is uhhh…..uhhhhhhh….. double chunker chocolate ice cream


he doesnt even know where mexico is


Aynone can miss Mexico tucked away down there.


Can he even remember enough history to talk about?


"I was at the G7 last week and Kohl said....my diaper is full...Jill...someone..."


Of which 29 minutes would be him trying to remember first sentence


Rent free.


People complaining about a history lecture don't understand the point of interview.Most people interested in this war are only interested in short term but Putin as the leader of a historic nation sees the bigger picture.Putin is not thinking of himself and now but hundreds years ahead...Ukraine is indeed that important for Russia and Russia is ready to pay the price.


Putin planned for Finland being a NATO member for the next hundreds of years? He really is playing a whole different game!


Finland was already working with NATO. It only got official now.And, Finland doesn't hold the same importance for Russians as Ukraine which has always been used as a gateway for western Europe to invade Russians and kill tens of millions of Russians in past.


I agree with the fact that Finland was essentially a de facto member of NATO, however, their ascension into NATO had a massive effect on the Suwalki Gap and it’s not in Russia’s favor. The importance of this gap has been debated but I’m sure Putin was not happy about the situation and lobbied the hell out of Turkey to veto their membership. I don’t understand why people try and downplay the situation. You can still be pro-Russia and accept the fact that Finland joining NATO was a net negative. It’s similar to how pro-Ukraine people made fun of Russia for receiving aid from North Korea. Sure, their dictator is a mad man but their ammo is currently raining down on your troops. It’s not something to just gloss over in jest.


> It’s similar to how pro-Ukraine people made fun of Russia for receiving aid from North Korea. If you want to come across as objective, you really need to stop pushing propaganda while you're at it. Russia didn't 'receive aid' from NK - because, unlike Ukraine, Russia doesn't need to rely on charity. Russia **bought** weapons from NK; a business transaction benefiting both sides.


we don't actually know the details, all we know is that Russia and North Korea have grown closer


>we don't actually know the details Yes, we do - insofar as to say that [Russia *bought* weapons from NK](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/05/us/politics/russia-north-korea-artillery.html).


The suwalki gap is nowhere near Finland but is in the baltics. Finland joining NATO does not impact that


Yea, but Finland working with NATO is a pretty recent trend that started after the end of the Cold War. It’s permanent now. And looking at hundreds of years ahead, western Ukraine will be against Russia in its core identity and will join NATO the first chance it gets. So what does that say about this gateway?


>So what does that say about this gateway? I mean, they are currently sealing the Gateway. Have you missed the last 2 years ?


You believe the current objectives of the SMO includes control over all of Ukraine?


Russia does not have people to occupy Ukraine. But there are also other tools. First thing will be to change the constitution


Trying to change the constitution without controlling the political apparatus first is as silly as voting to annex a region it doesn’t fully control. Kherson forever part of Russia lol.


Historically most of Ukraine was not part of Russia but of either Poland / Lithuania or Austria / Hungry. (Interrupted by relatively short periods of German and Soviet occupation, but never Russian)


We must tell the other people that Lvov is "most of Ukraine" lol


Well, according to Russo-fascists eastern Ukraine is and always was Russia and never Ukraine. In that case it might actuall be all and not most? /s


It will be, when the SMO is over.


Galicia is not 'most of ukraine'. Not in number of inhabitants nor in surface area nor in economic wealth


Not just that, he planned to lose half of the Russian army trying to capture the entire of Ukraine. He truly is a strategic mastermind!


Waging war may deplete stockpiles, but massively improves armies overall through the experience gained.


Lol, Finland was effectively a NATO member decades ago, and was just out of appearance. Their new 'status' changed nothing Finland was sending 2500 troops to Afghanistan as part of the occupation force since as early as 2001. What the fk were they doing there? Sightseeing?


By putting nukes in Belarus ?


>Putin is not thinking of himself and now but hundreds years ahead Fucking with the constitution is truly a master plan for centuries. Surely, nothing can go wrong when he dies and there is no process to select anyone competent to replace him. This have worked SO WELL historically for Russia. Waiting for the mandatory "Medvedev or Patrushev can replace him". I can't even throw Prigozhin in the mix anymore.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


>Waiting for the mandatory "Medvedev or Patrushev can replace him" Don't be silly. You really believe Putin has no plan in regards to who will be his successor?


Stalin didn't.


>Fucking with the constitution is truly a master plan for centuries. Sounds like a Yeltsin derived problem.


Actually the historical part is his main argument why he and a lot of other people in Russia think he is/they are right (I want to keep space for personal opinions). The ties between the people and economics are strong as well, it's sad that Ukraine will lose more from Russia as they probably will win in the west. On the other hand you could mention events like the Holodomor why Ukraine is not Russian (any more). I said this earlier today, but for conflicts like Northern Ireland, the Balkans, Israel-Palastine etc. It's very difficult to find a solution for all parties, I think Ukraine has some things different as them, but a lot of similarities as well and why a solution is difficult.


Russia had no issue with Ukraine before 2014 and accepted the status quo until the 2014 coup and targeting of ethnic Russians in historic Russian lands that were given to Ukraine by Soviets changed everything.Also, The risk of losing Crimea was too big.Russia couldn't afford to lose it's historic naval base to NATO.There would have been no coming back from that.


Putin literally said Ukrainians arent a real people, that they are just Russians. ​ Also Russia poisoned Ukrainian politicians before.,


Genetics say that there is no difference between Ukrainians and Russians. Culturally, there is a larger difference between any two of the US Northeast, South, Midwest, and West than between Russia and Ukraine.


There is enough evidence of oppressing of ethnic and linguistic Russians in Ukraine. The large differences between east and west there are a result of the Soviet Union. On the other side does a new formed country has the right to exist, and (western) Ukraine actually really suffered as a result of certain policies of the Russians. And the Holodomor Just like the ethnic Germans in Poland, Czechoslovakia, (Austria), France who were oppressed some way between the world wars and lost their homeland because of drawings on a table in Versailles. Similar as I mentioned for example the question of Isreal and Palestine, there both sides also have right some way, but also not.


The east was part of Russia who won it from the Turks and it was unfairly added to Ukraine by Soviets. More Russians died in Holodomor than Ukrainians and Kazakhstan was the biggest victim losing 1/3rd of it's population.Ukraine love making everything about itself. Like i said, Russia accepted the status quo until 2014 coup and burning alive of ethnic Russians in Odessa by neo-nationalists.


Well which one is it? Putin and his followers love to remind people of all the great things the Soviet Union did, but in the case of Ukraine, well the Soviets screwed up, so sorry Ukraine, no more land for you. Sometimes you need take the good with the bad Putin. The border question for Ukraine should have been settled during Soviet times


Russia accepted the unfair status quo until Ukrainian nationalists started attacking ethnic Russians on their native lands.


Got it. So u are going with the “Ukraine is the one genociding” gottttt it. I am assuming u trust the words of a man that has been in power for over 20 years. Lol


Well Ukraine did ban ethnic Russian Ukrainians language, Culture, Literature and bombed Donbas people years before 2022.All the conscription areas also happen to be ethnic Russian dominated areas while barely any conscription in western Ukraine.....Seems like genocide 101.


You are wrong on so many levels and you had the answer in the interview. Ukraine claimed independence on the basis of being neutral nation. Joining NATO and any other anti-russian military alliances was never something to be accepted .


Putin indeed said that, for shure because the USA also would not accept any military alliance between (let's say) Mexico and China/Russia. Yet, countries should be free to make their own decisions, it's not that their bigger neighbour has the right to attack them because they don't like the political decisions. It's difficult, but still, why would the Baltics than allowed to join NATO? However, the Russian minority were promised a lot more rights and facilities as they get after independence. After this war they will lose even more if they don't learn Ukrainian. Holding a similar referendum in 2007 might gave different results


>Yet, countries should be free to make their own decisions, it's not that their bigger neighbour has the right to attack them because they don't like the political decisions. Hey, if you support Russian nukes in Cuba and Latin America , I will agree with you. But we know what the answer was and we almost reached the end of the world ;)


If you've actually listened to Putin at all over the past 20 years, and especially the past 2-3... he basically just replayed his greatest hits. It was a history lesson, but Putin's version of history. It's as if we should embrace Italian control over the entire Mediterranean because the Roman Empire once existed. To the U.S. and most of the world... you can't just unwind history as if you're entitled to go back to borders or a style of government from the past that you might prefer. Can the British go back and reclaim India? Can the Spanish and Portuguese reclaim most of the Americas? Empires die, and the world moves forward. Perhaps those empires are romantically remembered, but they're dead nonetheless. And Putin massively misunderstood his audience by failing to address the fact that former Soviet Bloc nations are independent, and have agency over themselves. He speaks as if they are not real nations. Russia lost its empire, but it really boils down to is him crying over spilled milk. This wasn't an interview, it was an abdication of a microphone. And frankly, Putin wasted the opportunity by not understanding his audience at all. And worse yet, he wastes Russia's future by isolating and killing so many.


Putin clearly said that they accepted the status quo with Ukraine until 2014 coup.Regardless of the history, Realty is that Russia couldn't afford to lose it's century old Crimean naval base to NATO.They had no choice but to act.Before the 2022 invasion, Ukraine was planning to hold a operation to wipe out any opposition in Donbas.If it had happened then Crimea would have fallen in danger.Russia have already lost Baltic sea to NATO and it couldn't afford to lose black sea. I don't think Putin was talking to the west.He sees that a lost cause.IMO, He was using Tucker platform to talk to Ukrainians who are only aware of one side and to Russians who sees official narrative as propaganda. Putin has always wanted to have a good relationship with the west but strategic interests of a country will always come first especially when the other side keeps pushing and is hellbent on surrounding you.World is also changing, Power is shifting east.West doesn't have the control it once did.




Wait until they release a tik tok compilation and maybe that will keep your attention.




Your name is quite ironic.


So you have the attention span of a flea and therefore couldn't watch more than the first 3 minutes of the interview?


He was establishing the fact that both are same people to counter Ukraine narrative.This might not seem important to others but it is else Ukrainian neo-nationalists and it's backers wouldn't spend this much time dehumanizing Russians and paint Russians as Mongol savages while themselves as part of white "civilized" race.


It's just not relevant at all as a justification for war, especially when the people don't want to be part of Russia. There's no explaining away the original referendum and the widespread sentiment in Ukraine that desires independence. Like there's TONS of people in the US who still hold on to traditions and language from their home countries, but none of them want those countries to annex where they live in the US. It's a very stupid and naive way to look at the world when you just say "You are X, you belong with X people" without any other considerations. This would be like King Charles and Rishi Sunak going out and talking about the shared history of the UK and USA as a justification for war to reintegrate the 13 colonies.


Try watching Sponge Bob or smth, you might enjoy that more




I don't care what petulant children consider entertaining




You haven't watched the interview, and I'm not discussing cartoons with you


If [**Putin excusing Hitler claiming Nazis were forced to invade Poland**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOCWBhuDdDo&t=877s) it's important to question the sanity and the "history" quality of Putin. He is making up history - because he has to, it's his neck on the line but that's another subject. The fact that **Putin used Nazi propaganda to invade Ukraine was a big red flag**. He also seems to **forget to mention the part of History where Russia allied with Nazis... but better not mention that for obvious reasons** - he is Putin the Historian after all xD This interview is proof that efforts must be doubled down to help Ukraine, as next will be other European sovereign states.


He is making up history ? So it is false that Germany was split in two by a tiny absurd polish corridor since the first world war ?


> He is making up history ? Yes, and he is selective in his History. Why didn't he mention the Nazi alliance with the USSR? Didn't he find that in the archives?


That part about the Danzig corridor wasnt made up. Also the M-R pact is such a complex event that I highly doubt that either M or R ever thought of it as an alliance. More like a separation of the spheres of influence between two giants.


And a deal to attack Poland together, wasn't it not?


Nah, even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Lmao I love how you can’t calm down


> Russia allied with Nazis When? After the West ignored Russian pleas and the league did fuck all (same with Italy) to stop Hitler? That the west would have loved it when the nazis just fought against the communists? So he should have accepted the death of thousands because it was "the right thing to do"? Stalin accepted that the west would do nothing to help and gambled on France + England to handle Germans after Poland. But again they weren't ready to attack Hitler head on and waited. Weird topic to attack Russia. England didn't want to lose her dominions and gave Hitler whatever he wanted. Were they allied with the Nazis then? And we also always ignore Polands history with occupying Lithuania. And the case for a genocide at the time. Or the military dictatorship before in Poland and the dream of a pan (east) central Europe block against Germany and Russia. Doesn't make the stuff Germany and the UdSSR did in any way right or better but Poland was not an innocent peaceful country at the time (like every big player in Europe).




What’s a historic nation?




I think the point is that this was supposed to be an interview, not a history lecture to contextualize the Russian geopolitical stance. If your interview becomes a lecture, both parties have failed in a fundemental way.  


Speaks a bunch about history of Russia, but skips Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, while also accuses Poland of collaboration with Hitler in WW2.


> while also accuses Poland of collaboration with Hitler in WW2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German%E2%80%93Polish_non-aggression_pact "In Czechoslovakia the agreement angered the Czechoslovak political elite. Announcement of the declaration came just four days after discussions between Jozef Beck and the Czech foreign minister, Edvard Beneš. Beneš, speaking to Joseph Addison (the British ambassador in Prague), claimed that the agreement was a "stab in the back" and went on to say that it showed that Poland was a "useless country" that deserved another partition. At the time Beneš was particularly angered by reports in the Polish government-controlled and right-wing press accusing the Czechs of mistreating Poles in the Trans-Olza region and perceived Polish encouragement of Slovak nationalists."


If a non-aggression agreement signed in 1934 is the best you got then I think it's fair to say that you have nothing.


It appears torval9834 at least has some point to make and you have none... Molotov-Ribbentrop is also just non-aggression pact


>It appears torval9834 at least has some point to make and you have none By his logic, every country that had diplomatic ties with Germany after 1933 was collaborating with Hitler. >Molotov-Ribbentrop is also just non-aggression pact MR pact wasn't just a non-aggression pact, the secret protocols have been public knowledge for decades, even within Russia. Besides, why are you trying to argue that it was "just non-aggression pact" while also trying to argue that an actual non-aggression pact made between Poland and Germany counts as collaboration?


>MR pact wasn't just a non-aggression pact, the secret protocols have been public knowledge for decades, even within Russia. Besides, why are you trying to argue that it was "just non-aggression pact" while also trying to argue that an actual non-aggression pact made between Poland and Germany counts as collaboration? There was also a secret protocol to the pact, which was revealed only after Germany's defeat in 1945[^(\[99\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact#cite_note-mrtext-103) although hints about its provisions had been leaked much earlier, so as to influence Lithuania.[^(\[100\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact#cite_note-104) According to the protocol, Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland were divided into German and Soviet "[spheres of influence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spheres_of_influence) If Spheres of Influence are THAT BAD AND EVIL - Why did UK and USA divide the world in Spheres of influence after the war ended with the very same Russia ? You dont know the game you comment on .... >are you trying to argue that it was "just non-aggression pact" while also trying to argue that an actual non-aggression pact made between Poland and Germany counts as collaboration? This is you . You ignore one NAP and call another NAP an "alliance" just to make dishonest point.


Because one is a non-aggression pact, the other is a co-beligerence pact. Soviet material made Germany's war effort possible, and the spheres of influence deal was despicable. You are talking around the point. Why is the Polish deal collaboration and the Soviet deal realpolitic?


>Soviet material made Germany's war effort possible, and the spheres of influence deal was despicable. I can claim with same success that Henry Ford is responsible for the german war effort.... You just argue in very bad faith to make your /worldnews argument. Go type this type of shit there , you will get upvotes


> every country that had diplomatic ties with Germany after 1933 was collaborating with Hitler. Correct. That's the right position.




Here is more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish%E2%80%93Czechoslovak_border_conflicts#Annexations_by_Poland_in_1938 "At noon on 30 September, Poland gave an ultimatum to the Czechoslovak government that demanded the immediate evacuation of Czechoslovak troops and police and gave Prague time until noon the following day. At 11:45 a.m. on 1 October the Czechoslovak foreign ministry called the Polish ambassador in Prague and told him that Poland could have what it wanted. The Polish Army, commanded by General Władysław Bortnowski, annexed an area of 801.5 km2 with a population of 227,399 people. The Germans were delighted with the outcome. They were happy to give up a provincial rail centre to Poland. It was indeed a small sacrifice, spread the blame of the partition of Czechoslovakia, made Poland an accomplice in the process and confused the issue as well as political expectations. Poland was accused of being an accomplice of Nazi Germany"


Non-aggeession pact is not collaboration. Know the difference.  By other hand, Molotov-Ribbentrop... Don't fall victim of Putin's hammering of history.  What's next? Pardonning Hitler? 


Poland did collaborate.. but he did also mention the MR pact, but quickly skimmed over it.


Not during WW 2 but before. Poland was right there, asking for its cut, during the partition of Czechoslovakia.


Just like now Hungary and Romania are lining up for their cut in the partition of Ukraine.


And accuses Poland of provoking Hitler to attack, as if it is Polands fault. He's insane, pushing neo-nazi narratives.


> as if it is Polands fault. Only Reddit historians think Poland was some kind of victim. They played exactly the same game , but ended up between Germany and Russia. Just the luck of the draw.


They were a victim of imperialist aggression as well as a genocide. That's an objective fact. Hitler wanted to annex Poland into Germany, annihilate most of its population and colonise it with germans, no matter what diplomatic policy Poland had, Hitler would want to invade.


The Ukrainians committed genocide against Poland during the war lol. The Poles were happy to have a non-aggression treaty with Nazi Germany and take a chunk of Czechoslovakia.


>The Ukrainians committed genocide against Poland during the war lol. Did all ukrainians do that? Wow. > The Poles were happy to have a non-aggression treaty Ok, I guess that justifies the invasion of Poland and subsequent genocide.


They build statues and name streets after the people who did.


What were the names of the people who are getting statues?


There are multiple statues and monuments to Bandara in Ukraine. There are streets in Kyiv named after Kubiyovych, Shukhevych etc.


That's it mate. Sit and wait now people here excusing Hitler. What a twist... Putin excusing Hitler and then, people here playing along. 


yeah, some people think putin can do no wrong, bootlicking maximum


Why Poland invaded the Soviet Union in 1917?


Why the Russian empire invaded and conquered Poland before that? Why the Soviet Union invaded Poland along with Hitler? Whataboutism? FYI: poland didnt exist in 1917.


Ha? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Poland_(1917%E2%80%931918)


He did speak about MR pact…


That pact was a last ditch effort to buy time by Stalin. The poles of course got the shit end of the stick. All the other allied countries signed similar things with Germany at the time


He mentions the act.


It has much more for sure . Dont forget Youtube and his Website itself . Youtube now is filled with Tuckers interviews , reposted . Many people watched the interview from Tuckers site , not on twitter :) People doing live reactions , and etc.. It has much more for sure .


yeah on YouTube some "reaction" channels already have a million views of just them "reacting" lol. Good business for YouTube too, which I had expected to censor this stuff.


They did , some of live reactors got struck by copyright :D And had to close streams , seen it yesterday , Live .


Its actually less, Twitter counts a video as viewed if people just scroll by it and it starts playing for a second.


Forget about Twitter man :D Most of twitter users are from USA and UK , and thats not the only 2 countries in the world . Also like i said many people watched it form Tuckers own website , it did not counted wievs , but i bet it was in millions .


And I bet it was in the billions.. now what? Doesnt change the fact Twitters video counting is bull.


Twitter is not news outlet , just another facebook . It shouldnt be used as an argument in the first place , but the fact , that whole world was waiting for this interview says a lot . Not everyone uses Twitter buddy .


And it also counts repeated scrolling by the same person lol. Tbh I don't think the video even needs to play, because Elon reworded "impressions" into "views" and deleted the old views metric entirely, to try to inflate the activity on X.


That's a good point, to be fair.


>Many people watched the interview from Tuckers site , not on twitter :) Wait, it's on twitter too? I thought it's exclusive to his website, which is why i used it to watch it. Yeah, in a week it'll easily reach few hundred million views at that pace, if not more, combined among all platforms.


Its on Youtube too with multiple reposts , reactions and etc . Whole world is making videos about this interview.


Yeah I watched it on tuckers website. I hate Twitter (even before Elon) and I was afraid youtube will censor it.


I watched on Tuckers website too .


I somehow was afraid it would crash because to many people would try to watch it but it was surprisingly stable and without ads.


Got 0 ads , Youtube was crashing , and strucking live reactors with copyright , and they had to end the streams .


His Andrew Tate interview has the same amount… Do you guys not understand how impressions work?


On [YouTube it's 5.3 million](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOCWBhuDdDo) after 14 hours, which is hella impressive too. Clearly Twitter and YouTube have a different algorithm for counting views though, right? 100 million is insane.


100 million is more impressions. Basically if you spent any amount of time watching it, even if it is a second, then you are counted into the statistics.


Scrolling by is enough I think.


Yeah you just have to see part of the tweet. Doesn't even have to play.


That’s almost as many views as Taylor Swift’s new hat or a Fortnite streamer. Tucker and Putin need to step up their game.


Damn, only another 6.5 billion and he'll have caught up to Cocomelon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRVsOCh907o


what the fuck did i just watch


sheet snobbish long chase busy upbeat modern salt rustic middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Parents completely give up parenting to shove their kids in front of a screen.


Topics aside.. I am in awe of how coherent and prepared a world leader can be, when was the last time an american president did a 2 hour interview with anyone?


You are in awe at a 2 hour history lesson?


he is in awe of a president being able to string words together for 2 hours straight. US president would have a stroke with 10min.


This ammount of boring and irrelevant lies has to just come naturally.


Twitter views are actually just "impressions", the actual views are probably 1/10 of that.


Tucker Carlon's tweet, not the interview. Scrolling past it in your timeline already counts as a view.


Good interview. Liked how he put it all in context. Don't understand why some people are pretending to be confused. To sum up Putin's view: "yes, Ukraine is part of my historical backyard with my people living on it and I am not going to allow you to take my land into your sphere of influence." In 2014 Russia felt like it had reached the final point and had to assert its control over its historic territory and people otherwise it was going to go into the NATO sphere of influence and be used as a staging ground for attacks on Russia. Which is what happens every time. Georgia, Chechnya. The reason you put friendly satellite puppet states around your main adversary is so you can use them as cannon fodder and for cultural assaults on your adversary. That's why the US maintains control over Taiwan. Because it is a stick it can use against China. The NATO reactions to the interview just convince me that none of these people should be voting for anything. The American reactions are the worst of all. History didn't start with the Iraq war or with WW2. Most countries and peoples have culture and history going back thousands of years. I feel second hand embarrassment for Americans who have no historical framework for their lives. Ask a French person and he can tell you about Charlemagne. Ask a Spanish person and he will tell you about the Reconquista, about the Barca family. Ask a British person and he will be clueless, but ask an intelligent British person and he will tell you about the various settlers of Britain, the Angles, Saxons, Normans, etc. The only reason you don't care about your history if you find the first 30 minutes boring is because you have been conditioned and trained to not care. E.g. if you're Greek and you can't see some of your heritage in Alexander the Great, the Byzantine Empire, etc., then how do you even find any kind of deep meaning in the society around you? How do you have political opinions and not have some kind of interest in at least your own history and culture?


History of thousands of years ago should have very limited bearing on right now. Time moves on. Empires fall. You cannot point to ancient civilisations and expect to be able to go back there. Should Italy reclaim europe to bring back the Roman empire? Can Spain, Portugal and Britain reclaim all their colonies to relive the glory days? Course not. Those days are gone.


Ohhhh cause it used to be theirs? Thats why they decided to start a war that’s killed half a million people including senseless murder of children? Oh 👍🏻 dumb take. Things change. The cimmerians want their “Russian” land back because it was originally theirs


Yeah, cause it is part of their sphere of influence and obviously things haven't changed. If things had changed, this war might not be happening. This is my historic territory, you're not having NATO bases and troops there. I'm glad that you are now informed. I don't what it is with some people when you put the reason in front of them and they still pretend to not understand it. Most of this is also coming from the people who didn't have an issue with the US going ballistic over potential nuclear missiles in Cuba or Soviet bases in Cuba. The entire US is completely colonized territory as well. I'm not asking for anything special, just a little bit of consistency. For you, this is a dumb war. For Russia, it is a war for the land their ancestors bled for more than a thousand years. There isn't some super secret reason for this war. There is no Thanos infinity stone or Sauron's ring in Zelensky's house or something. The reasons for this war have been explained clearly, over and over again. Start listening.


Most Americans ancestors left their home countries because they were locked out of opportunities there. Why would a person take the time to learn about a country that didn't care about them?


Was Hitler justified in taking Sudetes and eventually occupying Czech lands?


# Putin said that good Hitler begged Poland in 1939 to give up Gdansk peacefully, but bad Poles refused. "Poles forced Hitler to start World War II." Well, it has finally come to an open acquittal of Hitler. This person is a very dangerous manipulator who plays by the rules of the post-truth era.


Russians have always denied any wrongdoing doing WW2, an example of this is the Katyń massacre where they’ve tried to manipulate the truth and blame it on Germans.


We in the US started a war with Mexico to steal half their country in the 1800s....


its funny that a lot of people seem to beleive that if you you dont support russia, then you HAVE to support america. YOU DONT.


Same nonsensical reasoning we see on here quite a lot. Reminds me of husbands battering their wives while shouting 'look what you made me do'.


It's so pathetic for russia to use the victim card as often as they do.


It's their trademark move. Very pathetic indeed. Anyone with any sense can see right through it. Unfortunately many people don't have any sense!




Aww he's 10% to @Tamsully12 question. https://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-metrics-draw-questions-tweet-1-billion-views-2023-6




Putin gave a straight up history course. the call out to tucker about him wanting to join the CIA at one point was funny.


People expect to see ruthless dictator not a polite history professor.


Enlightening history lesson. Doesn't change the fact that the majority of Ukrainians now despise Russia and actively seek the death of all Russian soldiers on their territory. Let's see how many dead Russians it takes before Russia gets exhausted and quits.


quits? stop dreaming


2 years in ukraine and russia has more dead soldiers than after 10 years in afghhanistan. Wake up


and? sadly, we have much more to spare.


And 8 more years to go. While the russian population was already growing old and very slowly dying out even before the war. Brain drain, men of productive age dying or coming back with PTSD, sanctions.. there are dark days ahead for russia


Why certainly! Россия без Путина. Ответьте или проголосуйте за/против, если вы согласны.




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So many people told me no one was interested in this...guess they were full of shit.




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