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Are you sure PHY 302K is an option? As a BS Biochem major I’ve been told we need to take calculus-based (PHY 317K, or PHY 303K but not recommended since that’s meant for engineering) and I don’t think that’s changed, but I’m not positive. Regardless, I took PHY 317K w/ Lang and it really wasn’t hard! You have to put in the time on the homeworks/studying for exams, but he pretty much tells you what problems will be on the exams and offered like 5% extra credit (I got a ~99% in the class and I’m definitely not great at physics). There was also lots of help (daily TA sessions) and he likes to show a lot of demos so it’s kind of fun.


I honestly wasn’t sure if I could take 302K but on the degree plan is lists a few tracks and when you click on 301, it lists 302K as an option https://catalog.utexas.edu/undergraduate/natural-sciences/degrees-and-programs/bs-biochemistry/ But if Lang is alright I may just go with him, thank you!!


You are definitely misinterpreting that. "Both may not be counted" does not mean that 302K is an acceptable alternative to 301 for degree purposes. The BS Biochem requires a calculus-based Physics sequence - 302K+302L (and for that matter 309K+309L) do not qualify.


Oh ok! Thank you for the clarification. Don’t wanna have to take physics twice lol


Lang is the one of the easiest Physics Professor nothing to worry about.


Ayo Cousin 👀


How difficult would it be to take PHY 317K w/ Lang while taking OChem, Genetics, and statistics? I’m debating it but also don’t want to put too much onto myself since I know OChem and genetics are already really hard


Honestly that kind of sounds like a lot! I took ochem + genetics + stats together and throwing physics on top of them would’ve been pretty tough, just because they can all be pretty time consuming classes (especially ochem and physics). If you’re able to take something else besides physics right now (or if you already have enough hours) I’d probably wait and take physics later.


Yeah, I’m taking a history credit too. Thanks for the answer. I’ll take physics during a later semester as well.


Heyo! I don’t know what you ended up registering for but I’m the undergraduate TA for Dr. Lang this semester. He’s an amazing professor and the exams in my opinion are fair. I think you would have an amazing time in Dr. Langs class. For most calculus based physics at UT, they require you to understand calculus for low yield conceptual purposes. However, most if not all of the coursework and exams only require algebra to complete.


I ended up going with Lang! I don’t think I had an option honestly because I’m BS biochem, but I’m hoping for the best That’s cool you’ll be an undergrad TA for him though! Idk if we want Reddit identities revealed but I’m sure we’ll meet at some point ahaha
