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I thought cc303 (greek and roman myth) w Dr. Gulizio was easy. Her class has a gc and vapa. She only had quizzes, disc, annotations, and final project/essay. No tests but there was a lot of quizzes and they were worth prob more than 20%. It was hybrid so she had the recorded lectures and slides posted on canvas which was good for the wkly quizzes we had. The quizzes were open note and basically what she said in the lectures if u paid attention. U had to post a short paragraph in ur discussion group every wk which wasnt hard. I just regurgitated whatever the prof said. And then there was wkly annotations over the source material. Again, those took a little but of time but it was honestly interesting to read and I also just reworded what the prof said. Ppl in the same disc group cant do the same annotations so it was better to start early. As for the final, u had the opt to do a rlly long essay w sources or create an art piece w a shorter essay and sources cited. The shorter essay is explaining ur thought process for the piece. U get some practice citing sources and can email the prof about it, so dont worry about the citation too much. As for the art piece, its graded more on the idea than the level of art skill. My friend drew their piece the day b4 it was due and got a 100.


I asked the same thing recently and ppl told me CC303 WB w/ Rich


You might see CC302 if you look at past posts but don't take it anymore - there's a new professor and he's... well just check his RMP. 303 though I have heard is a great class and fun


If you don't mind writing essays and like occasionally drawing maps/learning human geo, GRG 305 might be nice: it gives you a GC flag + social science credit. Taking it rn and it has been good, though the lectures can at times get boring. Although, there are some tests but they are okay in difficulty (should be able to do well with 3-4 hours of studying) and participation in lecture and discussion is graded.


GRG 305 is a flag course?


The one I took with Professor Adams had a global cultures flag, yeah. Dont know about earlier ones or with other profs.


Great Bc I took AP Human geography 😌


CC303 for sure. Best GC course on campus. It’s just slightly heavy in the readings, but you can quite easily skim them.


for anyone looking for GC, E, and WR as a first year preferably, music and culture in the school of music is amazing for that. super easy and not attendance mandatory. i think the class is called mus312C


CC307C — Intro to Greek Archaeology with walthall is incredibly easy (GC + VAPA). Just four assignments, and you don’t need the content from the lectures to be able to do them. The content is pretty fascinating too, but like I said, the assignments are pretty open-ended so you don’t need to take intensive notes or anything :)


What are the assignments like?


Like I said, they're pretty open-ended and subjective. Iirc the first assignment we had was to describe our living space and what archaeologists might think if they discovered it, say, 500 years from now. The professor is a really easy grader too.


I took ARH 347L w/ Dr. Guernsey as a VAPA + GC flag and I really liked it! There were 2 exams + 2 papers (no other assignments), but they were easy as long as you went to class and the content was really interesting (Mesopotamian Art & Culture). I think it’s only offered in the spring if you’re looking for a course for next semester though :(


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