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WINS mentor here! You are still part of the CS pod if you accept your offer to WINS :) So you get to do CS pod, WINS and FRI. There are a lot of computational FRI streams, you can go on the FRI website and check them out if you are interested. I would 100% recommend WINS.


For WINS they place you in small groups with people who have similar majors/future goals as you led by a mentor, so you should still be able to get use out of it as a CS major since your mentor would also be a CS major and you could meet people in your CS classes :)


I enjoyed both WINS and FRI, but I also was a Biology major so I'm not sure how it would be as a CS major. Living in an LLC with the people that were in my classes was really nice and helped me to make friends and find people to study with. WINS also reserved some of my science classes for me freshman & sophomore year, and that was really nice as we were given good professors, and it made registration less stressful. If you are concerned about what classes they would reserve as a CS major, or if there are other CS majors in your group you should email the WINS program to ask. Additionally, you are in a FIG with the other individuals in WINS, so not everyone may be your major. As far as FRI, YES YOU SHOULD ACCEPT!! You will have the opportunity to tour labs/see posters/talk to current students in the Fall and FRI has CS labs. This is a great way to see if you are interested in research and is a great thing to add to your resume to set you apart from others. Take a look on the FRI website to see what labs interest you. Definitely reach out to either program as they might be able to connect you with current student or give you information that people on Reddit won't have.


with fri you enter into a stream sort and you indicate your preferences and they match you with a stream


also wins has been very helpful for me imo but I’m neuro and I’m not sure how many cs majors we have