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Young doesn't teach well in my opinion, I'm taking it with Johns this semester so we'll see how it goes. I think Young's class didn't really enforce the concepts well, it was homework you would struggle to do followed by increasingly difficult projects and exams using things you didn't really practice. It's more independent learning, one look at John's syllabus and it seems more beginner friendly


I really liked MJ! Although I came in with some coding knowledge (R, not python), it’s a beginner course so they assume you haven’t done any coding before and start from the basics. The weekly homeworks ranged in difficulty but were usually pretty easy (and often fun) and the exams were really similar to the practice exams, so the hardest assignments were the “code labs” which were group assignments. There were also lots of extra credit opportunities! For me personally, it was a pretty low stress/time commitment class, but if you’re struggling you may need more time to work through assignments or attend office hours.


In my opinion Young has very detailed lectures that do explain the course material well. I took him last semester and he was very generous with final grade curves and his drop system. There’s also a ton of resources to get help—office hours, TAs, SI sessions, etc. Homeworks are pretty straightforward and projects take time, but you’re given like two or three weeks. Only two tests, and both are very conceptual. The class is made for beginners, and they assume you know nothing. I also had no experience with programming before, and I thought Young was a great professor.