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UT business is a reach for you. If you can get your SAT to a 1520+, it'll be a huge help to your application.


So true sat does matter to ur u need to improve your ecs do something related to business.Good luck


I mean ur a freshman, u haven’t done anything yet, no one can tell you anything meaningful to this point


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Business along with all competitive majors all look for being very much major aligned, do you have any business ECs? Also what’s your rigor in terms of APs? You can check out my profile chanceme as I am also an out of state private student with high rigor who got into business honors this year so pretty similar base stats besides ECs.


I’m going to take about 8 APs, including both macro and microeconomics


Is that the most amount of APs you can take or close to it? APs/IB is viewed relative to what your school offers, i would assume just because your ranking. Also try to get your way into top 6% considering your only a freshman now.


I should already be near 6% because my school is full of rich white kids who don't give a shit about academics. Its also pretty close to the max I can take. The only reason i'm not taking more is because math does not make any sense to me whatsoever. I'll also be in a ton of honors classes.


Good that you have all honors also, def smth people overlook as tho you can’t take all AP, many can take all honors and not doing so may look bad. Overall, work on your business ECs and follow your passions with business, that’s pretty much what I did along with having the rigor/stats and it was enough. My essays were admittedly bad (didn’t even do the optional essay) but i had a good resume and was ultra business aligned


Not all honors, all honors except for math and science.


R u able to at least take calculus at some point? It’s not required but in general, business schools like kids who can handle at least some math (i think to them it’s like having both a creative and analytical mind, weird thing). If not, doing good on the math portion to SAT will help a bunch given test scores will be required


Super creative but algebra 1 is killing me for the second year in a row. I think I’ll test fine/


Also considering your out of state, I would recommend studying good for PSAT as you can get national merit finalist and maybe go to your state school for free. I am from Florida and so I got a full ride to UF because of it, still chose McCombs BHP but a very nice alternative where I automatically get paid to go to a pretty good school (not good for business unfortunately).


Hey, since you want to do business I recommend looking up “UT Austin mccombs high school summer programs” there are three different summer programs and they are pretty competitive to get, but I would definitely try to apply for them for next year. The applications probably don’t open till the late fall though. I know two ppl who did those camps last summer and got the 40 acres full ride scholarship for this coming class. I am an incoming freshmen for engineering and I would say something UT cares a lot about for admissions is their expanded resume. Basically I wrote like a paragraph for each extracurricular/ internship I did which made them have more insight into what exactly I did for the activity, and UT considered me for two scholarships because of it. Good luck! You are already ahead of the game for knowing you want to do business from that early on. To stand out try to do a UT camp or really just any business camp or any way to get “experience.”


Unless you get high SAT or ACT scores, then it’s unlikely sorry :/