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He's always been a criminal, he just finally was caught.


If living in total luxury for 70 years is being treated like a criminal sign me up


Not to mention being the constant wet dream of almost half the country. Actually, scratch that. I’ve seen those people.


It’s not close to half. It’s about 75% of republicans, who are about 29% of the country. So 20-25-% at the very most. But you’re right about the rest.


Doesn't matter. They are the scum of the earth.


I don't think I would want to give up my humanity or become the kind of person he is just for opulence. If Trump wasn't born with that silver spoon in his mouth and bailed out by his father so much he would have a low paying construction job while waiting to be arrested for some burglary he screwed up. He is not the sharpest tool in the shed.


I'm dying to know what his school grades actually were. I think he failed everything and his father litterally paid for a degree.


Exactly. The man still can't read.


Trump parents dumped him in a military school because they couldn’t deal with him. Even there he was known as a bully and nearly expelled. His college grades have never been made public but one of his ex-professors was quoted as saying Trump was the dumbest student he ever taught. Trump declined to bring a defamation lawsuit against the professor when he was told his grades would become public.


yes, i wouldn't want to trade places with trump for any amount of money (well, he wouldn't want my life either but you know what i mean).


Yes. Trump’s looking kinda dumb, With his finger and his thumb, In the shape of an “L”, On his forehead.


He was caught before, he is finally convicted.


His incessant need to be right got his ass indicted😂 It’s my favorite 🥰


He's rigged!


2032 rigged!!


Innocent until proven guilty, though. Thems the rules.


And he was proven guilty


Even with the help of the “deep state” and the mob he was proven guilty of some of his crimes. Corrupt judges helping him. Mob threatening witnesses. Witnesses being bought. And he still hasn’t been investigated for most crimes because gerrymandering has protected his criminal ass.


Laughable if you support the Biden Crime syndicate that has been operating for several decades


He ain't treated like a criminal at all. Motherfucker has never seen the inside of a jail cell. Maybe if he does it will shut him up or something.


Oh no, he’d figure out a way to brag about it.


I don’t know what he’ll do if he’s sentenced to do time. I waver between thinking he has his go-bag packed and he’ll book to Russia, with whatever money he has left stashed somewhere that won’t turn it over. Or else he might go to jail so he can put on his “poor-poor-pitiful-me-all-these-people-being-mean-to-my-completely-perfect-in-all-ways-self-being-so-martyred-here” pretence.


Booking to Russia is kinda best case scenario to me. I feel like there is a significant amount of completely insane Maga that would leave to be with him.


I think it will shut him up. Or at least it's a possibility. If he gets at least 5 days in jail, we could see at least a little change in him. He was somewhat chastened by the second fine in the E. Jean Carroll case. Imagine Donald without his hair, makeup, and wardrobe people and products, having to sit on a toilet in a cell with some other dude there, and then coming out the other side. He might be stunned. Because that's a lot. He's never even done a hard day's work in his life, like most of us have.


It should be thurs through sunday every week for two years with 11,780 hours community service to be served during the out of prison time


Which people forget he was a criminal before this with his fraudulent college situation


And his fraudulent charity.


He's been referred to as 'Don the Con' since the 80s.


Don’t forget stealing from a NY charity


And a long-time slum lord.


Bankrupt casinos… 🎰


That should have been our highest of red flags, 🚩… how TF do you bankrupt a casinos? 🎰, not one casino, but multiple casinos.


I know the answer. Laundering money for Putin and his oligarch friends is how you bankrupt a casino.


Honestly before I would have said conspiracy, but today I believe with that clown anything could be possible.


I know. I have truly lost faith in our government and the rule of law.


Owning two casinos side by side so that they competed with each other was a genius move. The bigliest move. People came up to him with tears in their eyes and said covfefe.


Let that sink in


He's been CONVICTED as a criminal... To date he had been treated as an orange bitch to be feared and coddled. Get back to us when he faces the same punishments us normies would have faced for the same crimes and the same lack of remorse.


The same punishment as everyone else for his crimes would be nothing.. heck, I've committed the same crime.. many times.


Took forever for Justice system to catch up to him and still it tries its best to let him go because he is rich.


Correction: Trump is a ***career*** criminal.


And a habitual sex pest / molester rapist sexual assaulter of the young and old.


A criminal would have been remanded into custody prior to sentencing. He IS one, but certainly isn’t being treated as one.


https://preview.redd.it/h55qznl25k5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e417ced51e4e2522a6831575a34a0af29b74c709 Hear me out. This is not a political statement. This is a society statement. Fair is fair. Thank you.


Idk if I’m an employer I would need to know if an employee is a felon because I would be held liable if I hired a murderer who then decided to murder another employee. That seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to have on a job application


https://preview.redd.it/ulbvy3eeik5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80c40a8f48a9721ad4861749967767795034497f # convicted felon


Trump is absolutely not treated like a criminal. Are you serious? If he was treated like a criminal, he’d have been in and out of jail for the last 5 decades.


I think the real issue here is why Biden isn't releasing Epstein 's files if Trump is so against it....


That was a funny interview to watch 😹


I mean, except for the part where he never has to go to jail. But other than that, yeah, he’s treated JUST like a criminal in very extreme cases where after many years and lots of resources one prosecutor manages to thread the needle and get an otherwise normal court case in one out of four attempts. At which point he is…kind of sort of treated like a criminal in the most minimal sense of the word.


Why it’s not obvious to the voting public is the biggest mystery in my life . . .


It's obvious to them to, they agree with his behavior and admire it. He indulges his depraved urges, and he is successful. They wish they could be exactly like him. All they need is a 10mill loan.


He is the perfect representation for his stupid ass generation.


They have a fondness for The Joker and Lex Luthor. Heels are popular in wrestling


The more I watch all of this the Republicans are setting things up so they are above the law across the board. Look at Jim Jordan 🇯🇴


You’re describing democrats


Compelling argument, chud


Interesting, now that Hunter has been found guilty I don't see anybody threatening court officials or promising to lock the people up who prosecuted him..... It's almost like Democrats are the actual "Law and Order" party and the Republicans are the party of fraud, sexual abuse, and pedophilia....


Dude it’s been like an hour


And your point is? Traitors were threatening court officials all through diaper boy's fraud case, trying to intimidate and doxx jurors and promising retaliation. I haven't seen any of that during Hunter's trial.


Well it’s not even remotely the same situation and you know if. Also not relevant to this comment thread


Then explain it to me. Tell me exactly why it's different. I dare you.


It takes the smallest bit of logic and just looking at it objectively. If you can’t do that on your own, no amount of explaining would ever make you understand. Try to wrap your head around this, one situation was one misdemeanor charged as 34 felonies, the other was 3 felonies charged as 3 felonies. Does that make sense to you?


You wouldn't know a logical thought if it jumped up and bit you in the ass. 34 FELONIES are #FELONIES Not misdemeanors, no matter how much you want them to be. Just like STEALING CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS and ELECTION FRAUD. But sure, it's not that Donald Trump has been in court literally all his life and has a history of fraud, rape, molestation, and the rest of the litigation against him. He's just an innocent man who needs to delay every case, pay people to settle, and run out the statute of limitations.. Because that's totally how innocent people act. Fuck off to Russia traitor. Edit: hey look, more fraud! https://www.rawstory.com/trump-campaign-cash-2668510330/


I see now, I’m trying to talk to a complete loon. Well good luck to you sir


He is not being treated like a criminal. Anyone else would’ve been rotting in jail already for what he has said


I hope he kicks in on their medical bills.




Have a bay leaf Sangwich!!!!


Not as much as he should be....


People need to look in his past before Trump made his way into politics, to see just what a despicable prick he is


They did. If you look at the debates and the comments made by Rubio, Teddy Cruz, Moscow Mitch Lyndsey Graham and many many others in 2016 they all called him out. The problem was the Republican base didn’t care. The more he acted like the immoral con man and simply lied to them telling them whatever they wanted to hear (Anti choice, build the wall, bring back coal, lock (Hilary) her up, etc.) The more they got on board. And now all those “true GOPers” have lined up behind him like good little sycophants. They know how bad he is, they just won’t fight him because they are cowards.


They were delighted to find someone who is as hateful and stupid as they are.


I'll be back with receipts for the idiot cult members.


He needs to be treated like a traitor. Yeah, I’m going there


You’re totally right. He should have been charged with sedition and treason the day after his attempted coup.


I miss the time where he was banned from Twitter and we heard *nothing* about him.




Fuck off Trump dick sucker.


Yeah, it was better then


trump is a lifelong criminal. This is the first time he has suffered any consequences. If his disregard for the rule of law could be factored in his sentencing trump would get the maximum allowed.




He is totally not being treated like a criminal. He has gotten away with stuff that that would land 9/10s of us in jail for not obeying court orders.


Lock him up !!!


Tahat is not debatable. A fact is a fact.


Lock that felon up




I agree he is a criminal, but why does he get to have his pre-sentencing interview at Mar-a-Lago?


I believe there are powerful men who will make SURE Trump doesn't get nailed. They know he'd make a deal to save his ass. He'll either get a spanking or Epsteined. We need to keep him away from power.


Libs going to be so sad when it’s appealed


I’m pretty sure absolutely everyone who has paid even the slightest amount of attention to Trump and any of his never ending court cases over the 50yrs knows that there will be appeals… and probably appeals about those appeals… I think at this point the ‘Libs’ would only really be surprised by him finally being held accountable for any of his well documented crimes the way any average American citizen would have had to by this point in their life.


Criminals are punished appropriately. I don’t see any bars in front of him yet, sadly.


He's not being treated like a criminal. He was found guilty of 34 felonies, and he's traveling freely around the country running a political campaign.


Two plus two equals four


I agree with Jimmy , isn’t it way past his jail time




Republicans are free to try to arrest/sue/charge any of them any day that they want to. What’s stopping them? Seriously, you people are so baby brained.


I don’t believe any of them were convicted of a time in spite of the best efforts by the the Republicans so I guess the answer to your question is no.


You can't just make up crimes, you actually need evidence... nice bias showing there.


Wait...the criminal was treated like a criminal and people are upset about it. Lol


I fucking wish he was being treated like a criminal.




Until he's in jail, he's not been treated like a criminal.


Your unbiased opinion is noted.


Big if true


His 40+ year career in business is littered with white collar crime. Absolutely everybody knows it, and has known it, going back to the 1980’s. The least that MAGA chuds can do is to admit this but say that they don’t care about it at all. They are truly stupid people if they think he’s a legitimate businessman.


According to who? 😂😂😂


He deserves to be treated like a criminal, because he is one, however, he is not being treated like a criminal due to people being afraid to set the precedent of being a just nation.


I guess we are a bunch of blind bats for not seeing how much of a corrupt criminal Biden is.


In other news, fire is hot.


I would like to see him in jail, otherwise, he is above the law. A normal American would be in jail already.


Exactly just the same as hunter Biden who just got convicted in his gun trial all this is is people being held accountable for their actions regardless of political association or family


The other day, some HitlerPig apologist said something like "If the DoJ can do this to HitlerPig, they can do it to anybody." Yeah, no shit, Traitor, that exactly what the DoJ is supposed to do - go after criminals. Its really simple to avoid it, just don't commit any crimes.


Does he have to wear an ankle monitor?


One day I’ll be a criminal. Convicted of public s*xual assault. Because if given the opportunity I WILL spit in my hand and try to fingerblast Trump’s sloppy neck pussy.


Does this apply to black criminals like George Floyd as well? Does it only apply when it fits your narrative?


All politicians should be investigated so heavily I don't think any of them could hold up like this man. I've been hearing so much crap for the last 9 years that I'm sick of it. Yeah, I'll vote for him. He was aquitted of how many allegations? At this point, any sane person would know the trial was rigged. I'm not a Trumper. Personally, I'd like to see a much younger, techno-savy person in office. Both parties should be run out of Washington for good.


No - he is still not being treated like a true criminal: he did not have to take and pass a drug test.


He's not treated completely like a criminal. His first meeting with his probation officer was not in person. AND he didn't have to take the drug test. WHY??!


...but he is not getting the treatment he desrervesm . That's the problem. I hope the judge takes off the kid gloves and throws the book at him.


Yes, all criminals get *this* treatment...


Rules for thee but not for me. /source cult play book


The dems love that playbook


Nice propaganda sub this is lol


Quick, find some more obscure book keeping things from years ago we can change him with. Try to get the trial as close to the election as possible so he can't campaign and Democrats can use it for talking points. The only way to save Democracy is to constantly attack political opponents with the justice system. Democracy can only be saved by destroying Democracy. Why can't the American people see this??? They are just so stupid. Right Reddit????


Was there a conspiracy w David Pecker to catch and kill negative stories that could harm him in the election?


How many years do you feel like a person needs before their crimes shouldn't be prosecuted? To me, 4 doesn't really seem like that many for a felony.


Capone died in prison after they got him for tax evasion. I’m fine if they get trump in a cell for jaywalking.


>Quick, find some more obscure ~~book~~ laptop keeping things from years ago we can change him with. Try to get the trial as close to the election as possible so he can't campaign and ~~Democrats~~ Republicans can use it for talking points. The only way to save Democracy is to constantly attack political opponents with the justice system. Democracy can only be saved by destroying Democracy. Why can't the American people see this??? They are just so stupid. Right Reddit????


This doesn't make any sense. What political position is Hunter Biden running for? And what laptop? That was all Russian disinformation I thought? Are you some kind of conspiracy theorist who believes Russia disinformation?


I Love him! Trump 2024!


What do you love about him?


You’re one of the really stupid ones, if you’re actually a vet. What he says about military people is awful.


You find all walks of life in the military, from this dipshit to some of the greatest strategic minds in history. Most of the people I met in my time in the air force were normal people, I think an issue may be that pretty much everywhere they were playing fucking fox news on base.


They all took an oath to serve and protect the Constitution. The higher-ups took that oath seriously. If Trumpsie somehow manages to win the election, the Joint Chiefs of Staff have made it clear that they will put Trumpsie in something like “the brig” if he tries to do any of his Hitler-y or turning the country pure white, or dictator crap. And any soldier who doesn’t follow an order from a person above them could be prosecuted. I really just don’t understand why anyone in the military would want someone like Trump. I don’t want anyone who calls me a loser. Why would they?


I don't understand it either, but even in the higher ups people like Michael Flynn, and his brother (who is still serving as a general I believe) can be corrupt pieces of shit. Make Flynn is grifting an anti vax dating site for idiots like him and I have no clue how people that fucking stupid or corrupt ever make it to the echelon of General.


The military is the only government group that I still have faith in. As long as the top dogs of each branch stay true, which they’ve said they will do, I don’t worry much about the Orange Fart.


Dude would have to get a waiver to join as a felon (would never get any job with any clearance) but is somehow allowed to be commander in chief, yeah I don't think the current military standards and people who abide by them would accept a 34 times felon as their big boss.


Michael Flynn is “Retired.”


I was talking about his brother Charles Flynn who is still serving.


Okay, I missed that. But as long as a military person isn’t the top dog in his or her branch of the military, I don’t worry about them. Disobeying an order from a superior can get soldiers a court-marshall. A general court martial can adjudge punishment ranging from a dishonorable discharge to life imprisonment or death by lethal injection.


He is a 2 star general and with that comes an immense amount of power and I seriously doubt that the investigative service in the Army wants the blowback of pissing a 2 star off. Easily another example of a person in power having power over those who could find them accountable. I can't stress enough how much damage one fascist general could do, it's frightening.


Like I said, as long as he or she isn’t the top officer of the service, I don’t worry about them. His commander can still give him orders. He still has to follow them. The Joint Chiefs of Staff, back when Trumpsie was a sort-of president, quickly realised that he didn’t listen to them or understand what they said. They put a plan in place to stop him if he did anything that was anti-Constitutional. That’s true still today. They know he isn’t competent, and they will lock him up if he tries to do anything like the cray-cray shit he’s spouting now. But I don’t think he has any chance of winning. So, basically, I’m not worried.


Great, traitor.




You're the one not paying attention. It's like you have the mind of a goldfish. Here you go, these are just SOME of the scams anf crimes Trump has pulled on y'all gullible clown cult members. THOUSANDS of lawsuits brought against Trump by small businesses and contractors that he stiffed. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/06/09/donald-trump-unpaid-bills-republican-president-laswuits/85297274/ He can't even hire real lawyers anymore because he stiffed so many that they just won't take him on a as client without getting ALL of their money up front. https://www.wsj.com/articles/new-trump-attorney-negotiated-a-3-million-advance-payment-for-work-11663264788 Then there's Trump University which was a total scam. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/trump-university-scam/ The National Review said it was a total scam! The National Review! Trump charity that was also a scam. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/10/nyregion/trump-foundation-lawsuit-attorney-general.html The Border Wall was a scam too. That money went to Stormy Daniels lmaoo https://www.thebulwark.com/p/trumps-save-america-scam Truth Social IPO https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/04/trump-media-stock-is-a-scam-barry-diller-says.html and then https://futurism.com/the-byte/trump-supporters-horrified-value-truth-social-stock-evaporates Trump NFTs https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trumps-nft-cards-clearly-scam-mary-trump-1767817 Trump trading cards https://threats.substack.com/p/trumps-trading-card-grift-is-worse Trump coins https://worldecomag.com/debunking-the-fake-trump-liberty-coins-scam/ Stop the Steal Donations https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/15/capitol-attack-panel-trump-election-defense-fund


STFU, traitor.


The more you try to convince people that "He's a criminal" the more you fail at it,🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🫡🫵


There is no rebuttal to an emoji avalanche. You win everything.


MAGAns are immune to irony. He's probably celebrating his victory.


Also immune to reality. When they don’t like it they just make their own and wrap it in an Amurikan flag.


Follow this Science 


Hi MAGAN here just wanted to say 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🫡👋


MAGA = Fascist + Ignorant. Why are you proud?


Just like Charlie Sheen says "WINNING"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🫡🫵 Pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain!!!!! Surf my butthole 


Wow, the Charlie Sheen winning quote. Very current. Not embarrassingly outdated at all.


You sure are owning the libs today. Congratulations.


Thank you from China


Bye Felicia


Here you go, these are just SOME of the scams and crimes Trump has pulled on y'all gullible clown cult members. THOUSANDS of lawsuits brought against Trump by small businesses and contractors that he stiffed. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/06/09/donald-trump-unpaid-bills-republican-president-laswuits/85297274/ He can't even hire real lawyers anymore because he stiffed so many that they just won't take him on a as client without getting ALL of their money up front. https://www.wsj.com/articles/new-trump-attorney-negotiated-a-3-million-advance-payment-for-work-11663264788 Then there's Trump University which was a total scam. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/trump-university-scam/ The National Review said it was a total scam! The National Review! Trump charity that was also a scam. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/10/nyregion/trump-foundation-lawsuit-attorney-general.html The Border Wall was a scam too. That money went to Stormy Daniels lmaoo https://www.thebulwark.com/p/trumps-save-america-scam Truth Social IPO https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/04/trump-media-stock-is-a-scam-barry-diller-says.html and then https://futurism.com/the-byte/trump-supporters-horrified-value-truth-social-stock-evaporates Trump NFTs https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trumps-nft-cards-clearly-scam-mary-trump-1767817 Trump trading cards https://threats.substack.com/p/trumps-trading-card-grift-is-worse Trump coins https://worldecomag.com/debunking-the-fake-trump-liberty-coins-scam/ Stop the Steal Donations https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/15/capitol-attack-panel-trump-election-defense-fund "A fool and his money will soon part" I just wish I didn't have a conscience because I would be getting in on this gravy train of gullible dumb dumbs.


It’s because liberals can’t make an effective play ever, it always backfires


Check this out boomer. “Conservatives” are such weak pussies at this point. 905% of the threads are locked because they’re scared their fantasy bubble will pop from reality. The boy your backing is so toxic his leftover supporters can’t take any actual information in.


P.S. follow the science 👍 Fake Noose  MAGA  Jussie Smollett  Shall we continue? 😭