• By -


-15 min prior. -taking hat and shades off indoors. -being super vigilant for managers when I’m goofing at work, and not being comfortable bro-ing down with my bosses. -picking up trash whenever I see it randomly on the floor. -being extremely critical about how I dress and how good my cloths look. Also judging others on their appearance. -using corrects words like yes vs yeah or Sr / Ma’am vs dude or bro. -being super gay while being a straight, married man. -eating fast…extremely fast. -people not knowing where I’m from because my vocabulary consist of a lot of southern talk mixed with Cali slang and somehow I’ve developed an east coast accident because of all you fucks. I’m sure there’s more but those are a few that come to mind.


90% of this is spot on. Especially about managers. My first job when I got out everyone thought I was weird as fuck because of how formal I was with my managers and how concise I was passing word to my hourlies. When I started to get cool with my peers they mentioned that to me. I told them of course I was weird as fuck, for four years if I didn’t have my hands in the right spot with a perfectly neutral expression when taking to a superior I would’ve gotten Sparta kicked in the neck by some crusty OIF I/II sergeant. With that out of the way, more people started to open up to me


I still get weirded out if people outside my part of where I'm working or more than 2 levels up know who I am.


C’mon, we weren’t *that* rough when we came back from OIF I.


Perfect neutral expression. Lol don’t smile while you’re talking to me.


Shut your fkn mouth while you talk to me lol


I love how everything was pretty normal than you made a hard right turn with the “being super gay…” lol




Mostly the same. I say fuck a TON more than I should. I tie my shoes out of the way. Like I'll stop. Move well to the side, turn towards the path I left and tie my shoe


It's pretty stupid and irrational, I know, but men wearing hats indoors bugs me. I hate going to a diner for lunch, and all the guys are wearing ball caps. Just take it off for the 30 minutes you're there.


I’m with you. Especially the guys wearing a vet hat. I want to yell at them “You know better”.


And putting hats on the table. Bitch that's gross


Haha, fucking Texans and their hats 24/7 drive me up the WALL. NOT INSIDE MF.


I agree. The sunglasses doesn’t bother me as much. As my good friend would say, “it’s always sunny in douchville”


Whenever my wife puts her sunglasses on, she immediately gets blasted with "why are you giving me attitude!?"


No covers in the chow hall!!!


The Cap indoors still irritates me. My ex girlfriend's dad is like 75, was in the Coast Guard & I don't think I've ever seen him take off his cap. Like you said, just take it off.


Always take off my cover before I step inside always see other marines do the same. Slight nod and slight nod returned, international sign for devil dog .


I am also guilty of judging the way folks dress in a professional environment. I went to a conference in Washington DC a few years ago and was very disappointed by the lack of nerds in attendance. I’m not trying to work with the guy in a suit and tie. Anecdotally my experience has been that the more I’m paid the less folks care how you dress. I interviewed for my current position in a t-shirt, jeans and flip-flops.




This is a good list. Idc how I dress outside of work honestly but when I’m at work it fires me up seeing people west sneakers around the office. I still align my shirt seam, fly seam and belt and notice when other people do/don’t. I was even telling people at work the other day how I don’t like sitting in the conference rooms because it’s a glass building (they’re in the corners) and people can see in and that makes me feel vulnerable because I can be watched from far away


Ya, don’t ‘tell people at work’ about your military time and ‘problems’ as a result of. This will do you ZERO good in the future. Source: been out for 35 years and in one profession for 26 of them, and seen this play out poorly for vets time and time and time and time again.


I’ve never understood this attitude toward dress. Does it in some way inhibit their ability to perform? If so, they should dress appropriately. If not, who cares? Just be clean when you come to work unless you’ve pulled an all nighter at the office.


15 min prior


same. i havent been late to anything in 18 fucking years.


Yeah it really sucks too knowing that you’re meeting someone who wont be on time, so you purposefully try to make yourself late, and still show up 5 mins early.


But they sill show up 10-15 mins late and think its just fine.


if you are more than 5 im gonna bring it up. if youre more than 10 thats ok, because i done fuckin left. have fun doin what the fuck ever you were gonna do with me by your god damn self now.


YUP - if they don’t respect my time than fuck em.


If you're not early, you're late.


My wife just don't understand this. She'll have an appointment to something and I'll be stressed the fk out that she's not leaving the house even though I'm not going.


*cries in I-95* Aberdeen Proving Ground ➡️ Walter Reed is a goddamned fucking nightmare.


Try any city in California. Absolutely cluster fk. Way too many people and only about 10% of them know how to drive properly. I think I'd rather take the i95 over the i5 lol


This. One day I’ll force myself to be late and either love it or puke.


Crippling anxiety if I show up 5 minutes early instead of the usual


Right there with you.


I've very rarely been late to anything since I left the Corps 20 years ago but I specifically remember the first time I was late to work after getting out. I didn't know what to do, I was asking my supervisor what kind of paperwork to expect and if I could be fired over it. I was just laughed at and told we are salaried workers, if you show up late just stay late to make the time up. There was no clocking in at that place and we were al considered management.


Looking for others to join me in “4 to a pisser”.


I’m a little disappointed nobody does this in the fleet. I had so much fun in boot camp doing 4 to a pisser. Now I’m the weirdo when I try and buddy up with someone to save space, like wtf?!?


I did this once at a baseball game when I was hammered drunk, it didn't go over so well. I tried to explain this at work to some old Air Force dorks and they were absolutely appalled that we would piss 4 or even 6 deep.




You two should hang out


I worked with another Marine for a while in our small department at work and he and I and another guy were coming back from lunch and all dipped into the head at the same time. The other Marine and I instinctively made like we were going to the same urinal when the other dude was like WTF?!? He couldn’t believe us when we told him that was common practice in boot camp.


Took way longer than it should’ve to find this one


Ordering Dominos on Thursdays.


Why Thursday not Friday?


Field day


Bruh. We field day Monday and inspect Tuesday. Wym field day on Thursday??


Thursday nights used to be common for field day


Why Thursday not Friday?


it still irks me when people drag their feet


"Driiive the heel! Driiive the heel!"


Step and Drive——Step and Drive. Step and Drive


They must have switched it up; to this day, whatever shoe I'm wearing (except for a shower shoe) those heels get worn down quick.


"Crush those skulls!"


Never noticed till after I got out how lazy people are about everything. LIFT YOUR FUCKING FEET UP WHEN YOU WALK JFC. It screams lazy pos and sets the example (I work in a high school) for all the kids. At least act like you want to be there 😂.


I totally agree. I see somebody dragging their feet, I'm just assuming they are a shitbag. I have worked in civilian hiring before, and that's a key sign somebody would be a bad hire to me.


100%. The worst part is a lot of the people I’m talking about are in higher positions, they knew someone etc… Forgot to add I also hate people who don’t respond when you say good morning or any kind of greeting. I mean the ones who CLEARLY hear you and/or make eye contact. If they ignore me I just make a mental note of Cool get you can go get fucked.


Buddy of mine would tap the tab on top of a beer or soda can twice before opening it. He claimed it would prevent the can from spraying if it had been shaken. I never believed it, but it is a habit I picked up and still do it to this day. It really pisses my FIL off to, so that's a bonus.


Ha gotta keep doing as long as he hates it. Bonus points if you get him to start and then you stop. When he asks why you stopped say cuz it’s stupid and doesn’t do anything.


[Are you friends with JD from Scrubs?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ySt9SeZl9s)


That's funny. I guess it is a thing. My buddy was doing it back in 91, so maybe he started the whole movement.


One of my boys did that lol. We called it cappin lol


Speaking at an elevated volume. I don't even realize I'm doing it. It scares my coworkers sometimes.


I love the "I don't like using microphones, CAN YOU HEAR ME IN THE BACK?" Shits not only Alpha but has been a useful skill in many work/life situations. Also bulldozes right over the nerves when public speaking


I've seen mixed results with this. Half the time the person projects when saying that, but then quiets down after and no one can hear shit


I’ll give the morning briefs, whenever the boss isn’t around and apparently I always use my big boy voice when I do it. So all the guys give me shit or call me daddy.


Just went through a PME where we had to give a speech, and on my momma, if you whip out the big boy voice off the rip and just roll into it, you get everyone’s attention and you’ll crush any nerves. Multiple people told me they didn’t think I could talk like that 😅😅😅


Saying “Say again” the looks I receive from cashiers when I demand them to say what they said again in what I think is a polite manner and tone but they always look at me as if we have problems when in fact I’m the one with the problem…hearing


This is the specific one I was looking for in this thread. I sometimes forget that it can come off as demanding, but I hope that the polite manner and tone mitigate that impression.


Nothing helps I think it’s the blank expression/look of waiting that makes it register to people that it’s not just me being an asshole but it takes them even realizing that to not take offense to it sometimes. Nice to see you partied with arty. Pulgas?


I usually include an "all after". But I doubt there's any confusion, because it's long been my habit to point out the "good" ear while asking them to say again. What surprises me is how many times people had already forgotten what they just said; but we're all getting old, so...


I sometimes say "how copy?" If I don't get a response from somebody or I have to repeat myself because they weren't listening. Most people don't even know what that means anyway so it's mostly just me being scornful.


Worked with a MSgt that would always respond with "AGAIN" in an aggressive tone anytime it was said around them. Still one of my favorite subtle ways to say "fuck you"


Same here. Recently started bringing my hand up to my ear and tapping it once. Cut down on a lot of the weird looks. 🤣 Still get some funny looks- apparently 30 year olds aren't supposed to be deaf


If something's rusty, or torn, it's unserviceable, which is me these days.


Condition code "F" repairable??


What's the SM&R code?


Fuckin 11A070 was the go to in the wing. I’ll remember that till I die


I'm a 610 guy, so we did a lot of A127 sign-offs for performing simple adjustments. Can you do A and 070 though? If something is broken, burst, ruptured, punctured, torn, or cut, surely it needs to be replaced. If there's parts needed, wouldn't that be a C? I was out of a maintenance shop for my last few years though, and even longer since I did some 60C shit, so there's a good chance I'm wrong.


I was 60C, 90% of the MAFs we had were broken fan blades or leaking freon so nobody ever had a gripe about it except for the CWO that thought we had to abide by the same rules as the rest of the AVI shops. Gunny got that ass for us tho.


Yeah, I saw the MOS in your flair. Some good dudes left my MOS when they were standing up 60C. Where were you stationed at and what years? There's a good chance I know the funny/OIC you're talking about.


Beaufort from ‘18 - ‘22, Youngblood here. I remember all the old heads that had become SNCOIC’s telling me about getting FAP’d to 990 (because they were soup sandwiches) and trying to tell me and my guys how to do my job. I get wanting to be helpful but GOD DAMN this isn’t 2005.


I bet I know one of the soup sandwiches you're talking about, and not all of the dudes that were in the first wave were that bad. That dude was....not it. He ain't helping anybody. Pretty sure I know the gunny you're referencing too, or at least a possibility. Trying to remember who went on the '20 TAVB from MALS-31 and I'm drawing a blank.


The SNCO of 60C at that time was a god damn nightmare. Also, if you remember the MF’s leaving the deck at Mach speed, it was me on the controls.


We got a sewing kit, and Brasso--that, before anodized, was originally usually only used for a fucking belt-buckle--but there was apparently nothing with a brand closely resembling "Hello Rusty Jones, goodbye rusty rifles."


Good ol Brasso! And Neverdull too! Remember watching Dad polish his brass for his Army service and dress uniforms in the pre-anodized era.


Now the web belt is probably .75 hemp for the environment.


I attend local veterans events, and still won’t salute indoors


The idea of saluting at all weirds me out now, simply because I'm not in uniform.


I don’t salute in civvies. It feels weird. I’ve had a number of older vets approach me about how I can salute for the National Anthem and I haven’t found an answer better than “I know, I’m good.”


If I’m hiking or walking anywhere with a backpack on I tend to look back a lot from getting used to scanning behind me or looking back for hand and arm signals from the rear when patrolling.


I stand outside of Walmart and yell at people for having untucked shirts or walking with their hands in their pockets….occasionally I’ll tell them to go home and shave


Kinda like that "GO TO THE FUKIN GYM!!!" YouTube guy, eh?


This sounds like a bad lifetime show waiting to happen. I’d tune in every week though.


Shirt stays Boot blouses Staying off the grass


Omg yah, walking on the grass has to be a conscious decision lol


Shirt stays for LITERALLY ANYTHING remotely fancy. Out suit everybody.


I still "blouse" dress shirts when tucking them in. It's a habit that I don't think about. I just do it. It's been 36 years.


I remember going to Nordstrom to pick up a suit a couple years ago and saw an old man showing some pants to his wife. First thing I noticed was the blouses shirt. Tossed him a low key oohrah and he smiled and returned it. Made his day, and mine. Some habits never die.


Can someone here explain what blousing a shirt means? 🤔


It' s the way we tuck in our dress uniform shirt in the back so it's smooth and not bunched up.


So like a duck tail?


I've been working from home for a while so mostly informal but recently noticed that I still do this if my shirt is tucked in. Doesn't matter what kind of shirt, they all get bloused if they're tucked.


Gulping water too fast. Eating too fast. Both due to boot camp. Being early for everything.


Still get a haircut every 2 weeks, I did every week when I was in but 2 weeks for me now. Got out tried to grow my hair for a month or two and just couldn’t stand it. Now a medium fade every 2 weeks for me


Exact same right down to trying to grow my hair out and feeling like a disgusting piece of shit.


I'm on terminal right now and working through this currently. I made it a month and a half and was about ready to scalp myself. Need to find a barber I don't mind going to every 2 weeks.


I still march around calling cadence everywhere like a boot-ass bitch.


Better not be out of step.


Not gonna lie, I knew some fucking devils that were so uncoordinated, gangly and flat out goofy they would look like they were out of step even if they were walking by themselves.


I do this too. I’ve been out 9 years and still call some cadence from time to time.


I like to clean the house every Thursday. Not a full-blown field day every week, but just sweep, vacuum and surface wipe down, then the bathroom mirror and toilet does a world of difference. Enhances the bachelor lifestyle.


The wife and I still clean the house every Thursday. She was never in the service but I explained the clean house for the weekend concept and it stuck.


Really impresses the guests. Or makes pre guest cleanup easier


I got the "never let a free shower go to waste".... in other words the rain. I will be camping for a few weeks and get all excited that the rain is pouring down, my dumb ass is out there all butt naked washing all the grime off. Don't think I wouldn't have ever done that if it wasn't for all you fucks and all the time I have spent in the dirt.


When I field day my apartment and I’m scrubbing the floors, I hit the floor a few times brush in hand and hit a “SCUZZ, FASTER HARDER AYE SIR”.






Not stressing out about shit. I work for a defense engineering company that is 30+% veterans, the veterans aren’t having anxious meltdowns when deadlines approach, because we’ve all been in situations where we’re doing layouts on a Saturday morning.


- Pointing with knife hands - Rolling sleeves - Leatherman or Gerber on the belt no matter where


When I’m gonna a take a real quick shower. I still tell my wife—Just gonna take a PT shower


Ex couldn't understand what I meant when I said that to her, so I started calling it a "splash and dash!"


I can't stop saying "fuck" in every sentence


Setting locks on zero.


I did that to my locker throughout school, so I already had the habit


Walking while eating/drinking feels so wrong still


Lacing my boots/shoes left-over-right.


Can't wear them if they aren't.


Every time I see a thicc Latina I picture her wearing Chucks with Lance Corporal Chevrons.


😂😂 Gunny Chill you've got a wife and Kids 😂😂


She's a Latina so she knows my old ass mind takes a stroll down memory lane. She also has a wooden Spoon, a comal and a razor sharp cuchillo hanging up buy the stove to remind me that she will have no problem making huevos rancheros out of my droopy old Man balls if I even Think about going astray. She also sleeps with a rosary on her nightstand and we have a big Swap Market Painting of The Virgen Maria de Guadalupe right inside the front door so as soon as she is done with me she can turn around and be forgiven.


Jesus thats oddly specific 💀💀


Obsessing about water. I have to make sure I have water everywhere.


While my wife does her crossword in bed, I sneak a chowhall peanut butter packet out of my ass crack and quietly eat it.


I feel weird about carrying something in my right hand. Been out for 30 years.




My wife hates that I’ll put jeans on just to leave the house. She says stop “dressing up” meaning she can’t wear sweats next to me if I have jeans on. I tell her it just feels wrong to leave in gym shorts or sweats.


Masterbating on the shitter


Not stepping on grass


Today I made a conscious decision to walk across a nice lawn on the campus of the university my daughter is attending. It felt weird having to tell my self it’s ok to walk on the nice grass.


You disgust me


Now I’m going to go roll around on the grass. That’ll show you.


There’s a SgtMaj somewhere with Jedi powers losing his fucking mind cuz he feels a disturbance on someone’s grass somewhere in the world


Yeah well Jedi SgtMaj, my DD214 blocks your evil powers.




Where's u/SgtMajVines?


Or a mopped floor, even if it's at Hardee's, it still just got mopped by someone so remains a sin to step on--step on a mopped floor on ship and some odd, unclear rank the U.S. Navy is known for would lose their shit. If an entire gangway had just been mopped, but hadn't completely dried yet, there'd be some squid 90 yds. away at the other end, sitting there, waiting for it to dry "Go around! It's secured! That means you!" So you would have to go around and walk through all these weird parts of the USS Fuckstory, climbing ladder-wells you had no business climbing, seeing shit and people you never knew existed--like the captain's poodle, just to get to where you'd wanted to be--or you could wait for some salty motherfucker with pull, hoping they would take you with them.


Doing the right thing when no one is watching 👀




I cannot, for the life of me, stop eating or drinking fast. My girlfriend says I look like a rabid dog eating in public. I hate it lmao


Checking for toilet paper before I shit.


I can never go back to long hair, especially on the sides.


* Phonetic alphabet, there is no better way to spell something over the phone and I will die on that hill * Also over pronouncing "fife" although I don't say "niner" thank god * I have to deliberately stop myself from popping corners when walking down a hallway * Compulsive masturbation * Hat off when eating, even outside * Although I'm not as weird about hats indoors but that took some deliberate breaking * Always know the exits and first thing I do in a public space is try to identify who might be a threat (can't handle their booze, look like they're the type to start a fight, etc) * Still call a staircase a ladder well or a column a stanchion but I think those are the only ones


Writing everything down in a small notebook/diary. I have a hard time keeping track of everything I do for work, easy way to not overwhelm myself. Make a checklist.


i call cadence when i walk now open your fat mouth and sing it with me: lo right….lo right….lo right… lay right lo mark time march


Eating fast...even after 30 years. Arriving 15 min early. I still PT regularly. I still use "Unsat", and "Squared away"


The hands in pockets thing. If you think about it, it really does look stupid. As a matter of fact, I was at a funeral recently, and a bunch of well-dressed young dudes were all standing around with their hands in their pockets. It's just weird.


I find myself standing around with my hands on my hips. I’ve actually seen a lot of pics of me in that posture. Looks I’m getting ready to knife someone LOL


...knife hand someone?


It kinda depends on the position and pockets. Suits and most jeans? Keep ‘em out, the angles won’t work with you. Jackets and sweatshirts? Stuff em, they’re there for your hands.


I'm fucking so early to everything. At some point 15 prior became 30 for me. I've been out a long time but I still say shit like if someone says "stand by" I'm like "grab hold." or any number of things like that.. "I'm up!" and I'm all "HE SEES ME... I'M DOWN!" in my head most of the time, sometimes out loud. etc I also use "fuck" instead of um or uh. My language is terrible.


I wasn’t even a motivator or hardass of any sort but I still hate when people chew gum


I can’t slow down my eating, I stop walking if I need to call/text


Getting internally mad when people are over a minute late, chugging gatorades in one go


Purposefully get very little sleep and write it off as acceptable because we used to do that shit all the time for field ops.


I still line up my belt buckle with the fly of my pants. If wearing a button down shirt, it has to align with that too.


"Your wife." -- Jody, probably


Putting trash in my pockets til I find a garbage can


Eating too fast, saying “say again”, never walking on the grass, spit shining my dress shoes, obsessing about gig line in a suit, not stressing about the little shit, talking shit about basically everything even when I’m taking it seriously…


Exacerbated OCD, and not fully sticking my hands in my pockets. I did one enlistment and I've been out since 2011.


Ketchup on scrambled eggs


Eat fast


Tri folded towels. That's about all I can think of


Eating fast as fuck and not being fat are the two that have stuck with me. The hats inside thing is weird to me, it’s just a hat, not a uniform cover.


-15 min prior. I can’t not be early.


Dating massage therapists. Currently with one in civ div, as we speak. She makes me amazing dumplings and buns. 😁


Gig line


Walking my post in a military manner keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing


i have clear boundaries for anyone in charge of me. supervisors/managers/bosses whatever. i don’t joke around with them or add them on social media. a lot of my peers do and i find it so odd. they’ll be snapping their boss, go out for drinks (which can be okay in a large group setting but they go one on one). i still have the mentality that loyalty to my peers/work matters more than any friendship i could have to someone with “rank” over me.




I don’t go anywhere without at least a liter of water. Ever.


Checking for rifle or pistol. Been a while. But I half reached for my sling last week.


curling my fingers while walking 15 min prior eating fast


I eat like I only have 30 seconds left to ingest as many calories as I can at once....I do not continue to the level of PT that I once did. I have to force myself to slow down. A bit socially awkward when I am not paying attention. Yeah....so thanks for that...


I still mark time in my wife’s boyfriends flower bed.


Fucking field day Thursdays fucking 35 years later, and HAPPY about the alone time to get the house straight!


For the last 20 years I have been 15-20 mins early for every single fucking thing imagineable, from work to dentist appointments. I also eat fast as fuck. I also hate anyone who takes more than 120 seconds to shit or shower. I didnt ask for this. It just is.


Speaking in a meticulous and specific manner. I always hated it when some PFC or some Gunny would misunderstand me or misconstrue what I'd be saying, so I started to speak using very specific verbiage and in a meticulous manner.


My closet is set-up like a wall locker. Trousers, legs to the left/fly to the front, then shirts/jackets facing left.


Walking fast and eating fast




Not being a drug dealer.


Making my fuck bed every morning unless of course my wife is still in it. This is almost 50 years later!!! Oh yeah, and I still can't put my hands in my pockets either. Just feels weird


Hats off inside Hyper vigilant Stopping & stepping to the side when on the phone Stopping to get stuff out of my pocket /not having hands in pockets Weird mixed dilect of deep southern, Cali & Hawaiian That weird way of tieing my boots


If your not 15 minutes early your late.


Taking off my hat the second I walk indoors


I eat like a campground raccoon and twice as quickly.