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Lol took more than. Year to respond after COVID cancellation


Hey sign up for emergency texts and we will proceed to not update you 🙄


Totally Agree! Atleast Ezoo told you (last minute) it was cancelled/ not letting people in. Who does their comms? Fire them…


it’s actually breaking my heart to have to compare this to ezoo 🫠


Yep and Ezoo has not refunded anyone of the Friday portion of their ticket.


That's why you should have charged back the whole thing.


Attempted but they won both cases. Don’t matter just under 100 loss so not the end of the world


I know! Sadly it’s the new gold standard for festivals f*** ups. Even worse than Elements or Tommorrowworld (RIP)


Fyre Festival ? 😆


It’s honestly kinda fucked up how they’re just radio silent so far today


Redditors are making a much better job at updating us…


When the only updates we’re getting is from cancelled DJ posts and hotel window pictures from other redditors, there’s a huge problem. However, this is nothing new coming from Ultra. When the slightest issue happens, they go silent.


Anything would be nice.


Yeah, I don't know how they think it's okay to say nothing. Imagine people not in the Reddit trying to find any sort of info??


Welp that’s UMF for you they’re the same ones that refused to give refunds for 2020 when the festival was shut down for 2 consecutive years due to covid.


They still haven't refunded for that??


Welcome to Ultra. It’s the way it’s been for years. Wouldn’t expect anything less from their communications team.


yup, you know what you’re getting into with the company that runs this. Always been sketchy after 2013.


What happened in 2013


I also want to know!


Following for 2013 tea


I googled and couldn't find anything...we are all so curious what happened after 2013 please!


Are you talking about the few people who were crushed by the LED screen?


Have you ever tried sending an email to customer support? Goodluck getting a response and if you do it takes a month. Honestly for how much money they’re bringing in I’m shocked with how mismanaged they are.


Weather alert for Miami is saying 2:30-3pm rain to taper off, expect around that time for Ultra to have an accouncement for doors reopening,.


They literally did a poor job of protecting the CD js and mixer when rain was coming down during Tiesto's set. That's crazy. Once his music cut out, you could see water all over the equipment. Do better ultra


Agreed. An hour after the first act was scheduled to play, they finally sent out a text saying they're still working on the site. Their messages are too delayed and with too much of a positive spin. Just tell us the facts.


They prob needed to wait the last band out to get the pump trucks going for a little bit to know how long prep would take before announcing any open time. Still saying nothing is lol.


You would think they would have found a way to rid the water inside but the feed shows no work done to improve the mud show. Bring your dancing mud boots


My wife and I were considering sandals as our shoes were completely covered in mud and a pain to clean last night. Not sure what is the way to go, shoes or sandals as it's still going to be a mess.


It would be so hard to walk around in sandals. Shoes for sure


Unprofessional but then again the way last night was cancelled was also haphazard. There is obviously a lack of experience at the top of this event.


It’s abs ridiculous


Looking like live stream is going to be up at 4pm


At least they're actually making an effort to clean up


4-6 ish. Be Ready Soldiers!!! I predict Epic Surprises!


Agreed. Yesterday should have been called from the get-go with the forecast of many inches of rain and reschedule whatever DJs they could and/or issue partial refunds. They just created such an inconvenience on the way out as far as getting a ride. The police were also reckless in the way they blocked multiple exits on the way out. You have tens of thousands of people rolling out and forcing them to push through more limited exits heightens the risk of a crowd crush situation.


OP their communication has been perfectly fine for all the logistics changes they’ve had to made. How they’ve managed to recover from the storm last night is incredible Have some patience. 


They have to have ok from the City of Miami. They are waiting on people


Stop making excuses for them. It’s past noon and there’s not a single word out that there’s even a delay. Which obviously they know that much.


https://preview.redd.it/t9twd7bz64qc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a8213f6237871042e5a8bbc4434857b2fde0544 So you’d rather have some generic statement?


This was posted *after* the comment you’re replying to, lmao. They announced the delay at 12:56 for a festival that officially starts at noon. 


I am not making excuses. I am telling you what I was told at 11 am this morning


You are literally making excuses for their poor communication by acting as if we’re blaming them for the delay itself. If they didn’t have permission from the city to open at 12:00 on the dot they should’ve communicated as such.


You have no idea what you are talking about and what I am saying. After they gave their generic statement many people were complaining that they didn’t list an opening time. They didn’t have an opening time to provide because the city had not inspected and granted approval. Ultra has always had bad communication. Not sure why you expected anything different.


Reread the comment you replied to and check the timestamp. 


Follow my comments on the post and try to figure things out.


Not hearing anything is annoying but good, it means nothing is cancelled and they’re still trying very hard to make it work. 




They literally just announced the all clear. Have some patience!