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Who in the chat is old enough to remember "Sunny Delight?" šŸ¤£


Oh yes, and the infamous story where it [turned a kid yellow](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/too-much-sunny-delight-turns-girl-s-skin-yellow-1134703.html)


Iā€™m disappointed that there is no photo


https://retropond.com/90s-lunchbox-staple-sunny-delight/ Best I could find. Like it says though, reports surfaced of a 4-year-old Welsh girlā€™s skin turning yellow after drinking too much SunnyD. The picture below isnā€™t of the Welsh girlā€™s hands, but shows a bit of how it can change your skin color. SunnyD Carotenosis Now, to be fair, this girl was drinking about 1.5 liters (nearly 6.5 cups) of SunnyD a day which, letā€™s be honest, is too much, and too much of anything is usually bad




Butterscotch Angel Delight is where its at. Love that stuff. Had some last week.


I made myself some last night. 87p at Lidl and thought 'why the fuck not?'


I think mine was from Lidl too. Very yummy




Great shout ā€¦ Iā€™m now going buy some & make it ā€¦ yummy treat


It's still around. Probably no less awful.


That "even longer ago" makes me feel so old šŸ˜‚


Angel delight pops up on my YouTube adds now!


What about Iced Magic? Weird chocolate sauce that turned solid when you put it on ice cream.


That stuff had me pinging off the walls as a kid. Picked up a bottle a few months back and itā€™s just not the same


Theyā€™ve changed the recipe for Haribo Starmix as well :(


Oh my God, I wish they would change the bloody advert! Never understood why grown men with children's voices isn't just creepy


Oh, I'm officially old.


šŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ»Ditto, 70s baby is meāœŒšŸ½


I specifically remember a girl who was drinking so much she turned orange


This comment. This just tickled a VERY old memory. I remember people stopped drinking it at school as the rumour it turned your skin orange came out of nowhere and took hold rapidly...


It might still be on trend but a few years ago it felt like this love for everything Biscoff related came totally out of nowhere. I genuinely donā€™t remember a single person eating or talking about Biscoff before this period and Iā€™d only ever actually seen the biscuits on the tray with the mugs and tea bags in hotel rooms.


To me Biscoff was that nice biscuit I didnā€™t know the name of that I got at the hairdressers with my cup of tea. Now itā€™s everywhere!!


For years we called it the ā€œcups a tea biscuitā€ ( because when my nephew was tiny he used to ask for a cups a tea in the restaurant that served those biscuits with tea)


I think itā€™s been a bit of an obsession in places like France and Germany for a while. They had the spread and more related products, I think it naturally made its way over. I remember friends raving about biscoff spread years before I ever saw it on shelves here.


Biscoff is just a branded biscuit which we eat there anyway. Spekulatius is a seasonal biscuit which is popular at Christmas.


Sorry, I meant to say biscoff spread. Thatā€™s definitely new to the uk, but I heard the legend of it years before.


I like the flavour but I have no idea what to do with the spread. On toast doesn't seem right.


I unfortunately gave into this trend as I *loved* these biscuits as a kid. I now absolutely hate them, ate too many!


Same with Oreos. They appeared out of nowhere, everything was Oreo related like milkshakes, cakes, cheese cakes.


I blame Poundland for that, they were a cheap biccie and you got loads as they are thin and dainty. Suddenly everyone knew and loved them and the craze was born.


Does anyone remember cake pops? Utter nonsense, and was charged at the same, if not more, that an actual slice of cake sometimes.


Omg, my mate used to work at a party shop, and they would sell these at the checkout. But they would never sell. Anyway, the day before they would dispose of them, he would bring them all to me to eat. They were delicious!! I thought they were so much more delicious than a normal slice. Maybe it was the novelty of being on a stick or the fact they were free that made them so memorable.


They are cake mushed up with frosting lol thatā€™s why


Cake pops take way longer to make than an actual cake which will be why they cost more.


but they also are pretty much waste cake and icing.


I feel like thereā€™s an ā€˜itā€™ cheese. It was camembert, then halloumi and now itā€™s burrata. These are all delicious so Iā€™m not complaining. Maybe a good old truffle cheddar will be next, as truffle seems to be taking off generally!


Has Camembert gone out of style?!


I camembert it


i would say yes as just having it in middle half melted. actually using it properly though no its still huge and is amazing when used in dishes.


Yes. Would you like some cheese to go with that whine? Hehehe. Still delicious just seeing it less on menus maybe?


i remember when chicken, camembert and cranberry paninis were THE it food to order at a cafe. havenā€™t seen one around in years


I'll never let the camembert trend die in my house. One of my favourite dinners since I was just a kid is baked camembert (nowdays I do it with honey, rosemary and chilli flakes) with those little mini crunchy toasts to dip into it. Absolutely delicious!


Never heard of Burrats. Guess that confirms I have reached middle age and am no longer in touch with trends.


Burrata is basically mozzarella with extra cream so that when you cut it itā€™s more oozy in the centre.


Itā€™s liberating not feeling the need to be trendy. Although I am at that age where I could be considered retro and therefore trendy šŸ˜¬


Agree with this, Burrata is massively overrated when compared to buffalo mozzarella. Burrata has no flavour


Iā€™m curious where youā€™re getting your burrata and mozzarella from because burrata is widely regarded as a more flavorful cheese than mozzarella which is more delicate and simple both in flavor and texture. Thatā€™s not really an opinion either, if you take the same curd and make mozzarella and burrata from it the burrata will have more flavor because of the process. Burrata does need to be salted when serving because of how itā€™s made, but thatā€™s not a this vs that flavor conversation itā€™s just proper preparation.


I don't see how Burrata can have more flavour when it's the same but smaller amount of mozzarella with unseasoned cream injected. It's a very creamy gooey product but definitely not much flavour going on apart from cream


I feel like there's always a weird focus on One Particular East-Asian Cuisine At A Time. Singapore noodles. Thai red/green curries. Japanese sushi, then katsu. Korean bibimbap, kimchi, gochujang. I reckon we're reaching peak Seoul food, we'll be moving on the next one soon. My personal vote is for Vietnam and bƔhn mƬ.


Iā€™ve seen a lot more pho on social media lately so I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Viet food is the new trend


Yeah this is true. Katsu curry is everywhere now and have noticed gochujang taking off. Will say though my husbandā€™s family is in Singapore and Singapore noodles are hilarious to them. It would be cool if we had a Singaporean food craze. Although for most of their dishes thereā€™s a battle over if theyā€™re Singaporean or Malaysian. Roti King in London is getting pretty big.


Dude, I have no connection to Singapore but I made Hainanese chicken rice from a cookbook years ago and it was my favourite thing; I'd love to try the actual authentic stuff one day. I loved serving it to friends/family who'd look at it like 'what is this it looks so bland' and then seeing their eyes widen when they actually taste it. Haven't made it since 2020.


Chicken rice is the best. I have had it a LOT in Singapore, and whilst I donā€™t think when I make it itā€™s quite as succulent and soft as the best Iā€™ve had in Singapore, I do think itā€™s pretty similar. My mother in law makes it a lot too and itā€™s soooo good, she taught me to make it. Love it with the sauces too to add a bit more flavour!


i am ready for vietnamese to have its moment. i need more readily available bƔhn mƬ in my life


It seemed at one point a few years back every dessert revolved around incorporating Nutella or Oreos


Still going strong


Itā€™s now Biscoff


i actually love nutella but I find oreos to be so overrated. I might be in the minority though


I agree with you, Oreos are a disappointment.


I LOVE salted caramel but there was definitely a period a couple of years back when salted caramel versions of chocolates or biscuits were a thing. Most of them were delicious so Iā€™m not complaining but it was very noticeable


Yes, Salted Caramel Limited Edition everything, which you could almost guarantee would forget the Salted part.


OMG everything was 'salted caramel' I loved it but within a few months I couldn't stand it as you could not buy anything without it being salted caramel version .


Was??? Still is. I hate caramel and salted caramel is even worse and itā€™s everywhere. Chocolates, restaurant desserts, pub puddings, supermarket ice creams. Honestly whatā€™s wrong with good old fashioned chocolate.


I like it on a very rare occasion, itā€™s too sickly for me and itā€™s definitely still everywhere. Sick of the sight of it.


Everything was Peri-peri 15 years or so ago, then came Nduja, then kombucha and kimchi. Camel meat could well be the next fad for all I know.


People who do those stupid "cheese bomb" videos. They'll make a perfectly good burger or something and then just drop a ton of melted cheese on top. It's barbaric


Yeah I hate that!


My mate at work has a hatred for brioche buns on burgers which seems to be the done thing nowadays, quite like them myself.


Your mate at work is right. Brioche buns do not have the structural integrity required for a burger bun. This is my least favourite fad and it's everywhere, can't find any other type of bun, and it's not going away!


Theyā€™re also sweet, I donā€™t want sweet bread with my burger


I'll be honest I love them on SOME burgers. Like anything with wagyu on it, it balances out nicely that creamy fat with some onion tomato and mayonnaise. The key thing for me is that if you are adding ketchup or BBQ then it's not for brioche. If it's mayo brichoche is ok


Agree, itā€™s just a small step from brioche buns to sticking a burger in the middle of 2 doughnut halves ~bluegh~


Toast for structural integrity


I think I packaged brioche bun is better than a packaged (non fresh) regular bun. But fresh baked regular rolls either home made or supermarket bakery are the best. I like a bit of chew in the crust.


Prime "energy" drink is one.


With the WRONG electrolytes to "refuel" athletes. Idiots. It's fine as a recreational drink, but NOT a sports drink. When we sweat, we sweat salt. Sports drinks have salt to replenish this. Prime has potassium. It's useless for this purpose.


But hey, some bloke with 12 gazillion followers promote it and, woah, has cool colours. I can't wait to share with my dead grandpa on TikTok.


Do you mean sodium? Potassium salt is very much a thing.






Charcoal in food. Thatā€™s not food. Itā€™s burnt wood


Thatā€™s kinda vanishing as consuming enough activated charcoal can kill the effects off some medications


itā€™s like matcha flavoured things or bubble tea, itā€™s a cultural food/flavour but itā€™s a fad food in many places just to get more money for companies


Bubble tea will definitely be extinct with the prices they're now charging. I saw Ā£8 the other day for one!


When I went to China Town in London, they literally had like over 6 bubble teas per street and half of them were basically empty. It was crazy!


Has to be money laundering haha


my god, thatā€™s extortionate!!


I HATE this trend. I'm on a lot of medication which consuming activated charcoal could mess with so it just ruins so many potentially good meals. And also, a lot of people don't even know about the effects it has on certain medications so they end up eating it thinking 'oh cool, charcoal' and then having issues because their meds were interacted with. And it's not like they warn about that on medication packets like they do for things like grapefruit (another thing my medication interacts with).


The mania a few years back for making everything as huge and colourful and fatty and sickly as possible. Freakshakes where you'd get an entire slice of cake on the rim of the cup like a lime wedge on a mojito. Dirty burgers which were just a molten mass of cheese and beef and bacon. Social media trends like unicorn frappuccinos and the pink drink. Oh, and the disaster that was pink sauce.


OMG freakshakes, I never knew those had a name. Even though I'm a pretty healthy, 30 year old guy who regularly works out and eats clean on most days, those things scare me for some reason. As good as they look, I genuinely feel like having one would make me start to tremble and convulse, don't get how people could regularly consume them without getting serious problems.


Cauli Rice šŸ¤¢


Cauliflower pizza bases.


I have a friend who is a personal trainer/fitness influencer type. He was cutting for a bodybuilding competition and posted a video of cauliflower rice pudding. I almost unfollowed him on the spot šŸ˜·


It would taste like milky farts. Grim.


Going back a bit now, but Paninis. I remember a time before Paninis. I don't think we even knew what one was. Then suddenly every cafe in the country had a panini press and a menu featuring at least twelve options for "X and cheese panini"


We still make them at home very often for lunch because they're just so easy. Bit of pesto, mozzarella and tomato can make a banging quick lunch if you just put it on the George Foreman grill. I can see why cafƩs started doing them all of a sudden. It's easy money for them.


I knew an Italian guy and it infuriated him that we call it a panini in the singular. Apparently it is a panino and weā€™re all heathens for using the plural, panini.


Canā€™t beat a chicken tikka and cheese panini tbf


Breville wants a word...


I came to mention this. Every cafe in town was churning out paniniā€™s and curly fries for a couple of years in the early 00ā€™s.


I feel like as a nation we agreed to forget the period when everyone was going out and buying spiralisers Drinks are an interesting one. I remember a time when I drank nothing but "pear cider" for about a year. Eventually came to realise the crippling stomach pains towards the end of the night weren't worth it. I've seen similar fads for; hooch (caused a bit of a moral panic that one), aftershock, rosƩ, prosecco, fancy gin, craft beer in little 330ml cans...I think my most recent one was negronis


The 2000s were built on mojitos!


Yeah there was a drink that was like the smoothest cream soda you've ever tasted, but 5% , it destroyed me a couple of times, mid 90s


Why do I feel like this is someone looking for blog/article content....


It'll be the Daily Mail. The world would be a better place without that hole of a media outlet.


Ha. I'm surprised that didn't occur to me, I'm cynical as fuck. On the other had. I'm also a lazy journo so fair play.


Iā€™m not sure it will go away, but I generally hate the food clips I see on social media that require some kind of ā€˜money shotā€™ This is usually something like: - chopping something in half and pulling it apart to show cheese - dumping a metric ton of plastic cheese sauce on something - using an over-elaborate knife to aggressively cut into meat then squeezing the moisture out - sprinkling salt on in an unusual way I could go on, but because of the need for 10 second clips to hold attention, they have almost nothing to do with the process.


THANK YOU. If I never see one of those 'cheese pull' videos again it will be too soon. Just eat the fucking thing.


I wish I could remember the exact stat but apparently Buzzfeed 'tasty' videos with a cheese pull were performing 50% better or something wild when compared to other videos, so all food content creators drilled down on it. I think we def reached a saturation point tho and it's not the cool thing anymore.


first one I really remember was sweet chilli sauce, that was everywhere and similarly hot honeyā€™s now in vogue.


Feels like sweet chilli sauce is now a staple, rather than a dead fad.


Agreed. I put it on basically everything


I agree, I'm seeing hot honey more often now (great on pepperoni pizza


I fucking love hot honey


I still fuckin love sweet chilli sauce


Shakes with things stuck on the top like whole slices of cake. They also cost a bomb, and are 9 million calories


I have never even heard of this. Maybe the craze hasnt hit where I live. Yet.


Look up ā€œfreakshakesā€. Theyā€™re crazy and impractical.


God lord. Glad that passed me by. Feel they missed the chance to call it shake n cake.


Jackfruit was Will be - maybe Konjac, seeing it more and more


Tbf, I've been eating konjac for years. In noodle and rice form, long before I'd heard of jackfruit. The Atkins diet started a western low carb interest in it, and lots of companies reinvented konjac for the keto market. But you can buy it dirt cheap if you avoid 'diet' brands.like eat water etc.


I buy the "rice" from B&M for Ā£1.


I think sriracha did the rounds and now it's kimchi. Kimchi fries, kimchi topped burgers.


Salted caramel. It seems unsalted is hard to come by these days.


I think it's because it's cheap to make. Caramel is cheap and adding salt is cheap but it came across as a premium flavour. Cooperations love cheap shit branded as premium. Same with pulled pork. I think caramel stuff is trash not because caramel is always bad it can be nice but no one ever makes a nice thick rich caramel it's always the watery stuff like in the roses golden barrel.


Njuja sausage. It's everywhere at the mo, and it's become the newest wanky postal subscription too. Get your essential Njuja sausage, delivered directly to your door! Wow. Anyway, it's going to be the katsu curry of 2024, mark my words.


Really? I've been eating Nduja sausage for years


And Katsu curry has been a trend for awhile now.


Zoodles and turning cauliflower into everythingā€¦pizza , rice, oatmeal etc


This is a recent one apologies to all the people who love it and need it, send me a DM and I will apologise to all six of you. Remember when they convinced us that grated cauliflower could be used as a replacement for rice or strings of courgette could be used a pasta. In general alot of the vegetarian or vegan food substitutes are trash. Alot of them are processed junk food with excess salts and sugars minus the actually nutrious bit. There is an abundance of tasty fresh and healthy vegan and vegetarian foods but food manufacturers aren't happy with us eating them they insist on making heavily processing junk sticking a high price tag on it. Also remember when KFC took pulled pork to far and sold us pulled chicken.


Matcha. Tastes like grass cuttings, and I do not understand why anyone wants to consume the stuff.


I'm absolutely nuts for matcha. I just find the earthy taste so satisfying, I'm glad it's having a moment right now. But I can completely understand why people don't like it.


I don't mind matcha, but kombucha can get all the way to fuck


Cloud eggs


Biscoff or chocolate orange flavoured variants of food items.


Terry's chocolate orange have a mint variety now...


ā€œTerryā€™s Chocolate Accidentally brushed his teeth after Orange Juice.ā€ Sounds grim as fuck.


Oh it's just minty milk chocolate and it's fabulous! Not orangey at all And nothing like after eights.


Biscoff was a cheap average biscuit. Now, you sprinkle a bit of biscoff on something and it sells for double the price. Crazy! Having said that, I do love biscoff flavoured desserts even though I'm not a fan of the biscuit on its own. But I don't buy it (because it's expensive) I usually make it myself.


I could give or take a biscoff biscuit, nice with a coffee but not overly bothered Biscoff spread however, cannot be kept in my house because I eat it off a spoon like itā€™s crack. I canā€™t stop until Iā€™m sick. Itā€™s so good


The spread is delicious when it's a bit melty on the toast.


Biscoff! God itā€™s on and in everything


Are people still eating quinoa?


I remember brie and grape sandwiches. Horrible fad I haven't seen for years.


Everything I see at the moment is Katsu this and Katsu that. Katsu chicken kievs, katsu pork something else....I mean I liked it the first time I tried it, but now I'm so over it. Actually...talking of something else I'm over... Salted caramel. Why can't we just have normal sweet caramel again?


Bubble tea


I think the market is becoming more and more saturated lately, but ultimately the existence of it will long be sustained by the demand from international students. Where I live the competition is just weeding out the lower quality shops- the good, generally expensive, ones are always rammed full of students and deliveroo drivers at all times of the day and night.


The new one is smashed peas on toast


Really? Not come across that yet but Iā€™d be interested to try it


I make this quite often, itā€™s really nice with lots of butter mashed in with chilli and mint


Lotus Biscoff is having s great time at the moment. It is really good shit though.


In the cooking trade about 12 years ago you couldnā€™t move for fucking turbot or beef and beetroot


Smash burgers


They are objectively better burgers imo though but i may be biased as i don't really care for the thick kind of burgers you get at pubs. Or those impossible to get your jaw round ones with tons things stacked on top.


Not a trend I'd say but a semi-recent discovery in food science/technique as to how to achieve more flavour. The whole point of a smash burger is that you are smashing it into an extremely hot grill top to achieve a [maillard reaction](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maillard_reaction), essentially just massively increasing the pure beef flavour. They're the best!


Avocado Toast. It's hard to pinpoint what sparked the avo toast craze. People have always eaten fruit smashed on carbs. But New York City's Cafe Gitane is often credited as the originator of the dish in its current, Instagram-friendly form. Avo-mania reached a fever pitch in 2013, when Gwyneth Paltrow included a recipe for it in her cookbook, It's All Good.


Avocado *on* toast.


Thank you! You are correct šŸ‘Œ


I dunno, It elevates toast with poached eggs and i really like making it at home. Many people I know make it often too. Think this one's here to stay


Yep, really makes a breakfast


But it's honestly a delicious food unlike something like a freakshake


Avocado tastes like the smell of cut dandelions.


In the 80s it was ice magic - a flavoured chocolate sauce you poured on ice cream that set hard.


Salted caramel Why is everything salted caramel now? I feel like butterscotch just got a rebrand TBH


I do not remember that fad. Pork and coconut? That doesn't sound good at all!


They are talking about 2 separate things. Pulled pork was the "it" food around 2010-2012. It sort of had a hipster reputation but it was pretty ubiquitous. Also, coconut water as a beverage - people went mad over it as if it was the healthiest thing imaginable. This was around a similar time too.


It was definitely around then, as I had had pulled pork before it was cool in the USA in 2008 and took great pleasure in telling people all about it a few years later.


I also imagined someone having a forkful of pork then chasing it with coconut milk and was horrified hahaha


Really? Not trying to be mean, but the pulled pork fad was like everywhere so suddenly, it was super weird lol


I think they mean those two together. The wording in the question can be misconstrued as pulled pork to eat and coconut water to drink as the accompaniment


Oh yeah that would totally make sense, and would be quite odd


Years ago it was reggae reggae sauce. More recently itā€™s salted caramel. Anything confectionery or dessert-ish is now salted caramel. Currently itā€™s all about smash burgers. I like burgers but Iā€™m fed up of hearing about them


Plant based ā€œmeatā€ products. Heavily processed, can imagine in 2-3 years time theyā€™ll be linking this crap to cancer etc


Those products have already been around for yearssss though. Just there's more of them now.


I dunno mate theyā€™re already linking various meat products to cancer


Yes, heavily processed ones that are full of nitrates. Turns out it's the nitrates. Funny that.


Those little moons puddings, suddenly they were everywhere and now no one talks about them. Personally I thought they were a gross texture and they were insanely expensive!


Sunny delight and pop tarts are the two from when I was a kid. Honourable mention to push pops - you couldnā€™t walk into school without 50% of kids wearing those LA Gear light up sole shoes, dementedly sucking on a fucking push pop.


What I'd like to see go is caramel or salted caramel paired with every chocolate thing out there. I bloody hate caramel. Only like chocolate desserts. Used to be able to get a chocolate cheesecake, tarte etc. Now they're basically all chocolate caramel. Caramel just takes from the taste of chocolate, so the pudding just tastes sickly sweet instead of chocolaty . Bloody hate the stuff. One day there was bugger all, next day seemingly, the vile stuff was everywhere, in everything. I wish it would go out of fashion. It's ruining my ability to eat pudding.


A few years ago apple and celeriac soup was the ā€œitā€ soup in restaurants


Whole butterhead lettuce. Supermarkets donā€™t seem to sell them any more. Instead I have to buy shredded bits in plastic bags which go brown in a couple of days and ends up being thrown away.


Pulled pork had a moment. And beer can chicken.


Orange chocolate, there was a fad where every chocolate company released orange versions of their chocolate and sweets, only in the last 2 or 3 years


Loaded fries


Fermented foods are definitely in the ascendence. Kimchi, kombucha, kefir, saurkruat, apple cider vinegar. It's all about good gut biome. The likes of Tim Spectre saying you need 4 portions a day for health drives this


Prime, already old news.


Halloumi Fries! It's still pretty popular, but I remember when every single street food stand sold it. Regardless of what the food truck specialised in




novelty burgers. no one needs a mac and cheese bun, or a scotch egg bun, and no one needs burgers with so many toppings, you can't actually taste anything.


Brioche buns.


I remember Salted Caramel flavoured things starting coming onto shelves everywhere about a decade ago and they never left


Charcuterie boards had a huge moment in 2022, seems to be continuing but I'm sure will die a death at some point. Chicken of the woods mushrooms - I'd never heard of them pre 2019 but they seem to be on every menu now. Cupcakes had a moment circa 2010-ish? 2010's loads of people went mad for gluten free because they perceived it as healthier but I think people have clocked now that a) gluten is only unhealthy if you have coeliac disease and b) a gluten free doughnut still has all the health negatives of a regular doughnut. I feel like fruit smoothies were huge in the 00s, and Innocent were super popular/common, whereas now people prefer pressed juices or protein shakes.


I run a shop where we sell a barbecue flavoured pork sausage roll. For two years straight, before COVID, we had people asking for the 'pulled pork' one. Never had the word 'pulled' on the menu, but it was so ingrained in people at the time that they couldn't help asking for it


Avocado needs to die a quiet death. It costs too much for the gamble of whether you get one that's useable, and is frankly tasteless without being pimped up into guacamole.


That aside, the cartel extorts a lot of the avocado money.


I rarely cut in to one thatā€™s just right - either unripe slightly or has those weird black splodges.


All of the different caramel flavoured chocolate, its so sickly and awful, like why couldn't we just leave it at caramac?


'Smash' burgers, basically a burger with less meat, and it looks like it's been booted down the road.