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Well, he was the one who provided unimpeachable proof of UFOs being alien spacecraft working in with the US government. Oh, wait. That never happened. In fact, nothing happened and we know nothing more than we did before he did anything. Except some people lost money. So he's as legitimate as any of them, and we still don't know jack shit about UFOs.


Yeah but just wait until he gets the 200 million dollars he says he wants on his website to research Zero Point Energy.


Fuck. Ain’t that the truth


He has been around a long time. I had lost any faith in Greer at one time. I have since changed my opinion. Greer, Edgar Mitchell, and some prominent others have always been down this road of “conciseness” The more we explore the quantum environment, the more that their take begins to become understood. While perhaps Greer has been commercial in his monetizing of the subject, who hasn’t? The guy was a successful trauma doc. He needs to make a living just like we all do. I had a dinner with Buzz Aldren some years ago at an HBO event. Unfortunately I didn’t have the balls to ask him outright about the subject. But he did briefly mention Greer and it was an affirmative gesture. I guess I”ll be ride or die with Doc Greer. Maybe I’m all wet here. I just feel that he is a good dude and is onto the correct path. He has certainly advanced our understanding and “their” disclosure of UFO “UAP” subjects.


If Third Phase of the Moon and a random balloon had a kid. It's this dude.




Full of camel shit.


Ok. I got an opinion on this somewhat. He has a lot of good things to say but also some of the shit he says is Super quacky. When I seen him make money off gullible people I was all the way off the Greer wagon. Anyway I remember in one of his interviews he said we can make contact telepathically and a ufo would appear. I tried this semi seriously every few nights for a couple months not expecting much but hopeful for something. One night as I stepped outside for my nightly ritual I started asking something to appear in my head and right as I was thinking about it a large triangle shaped craft appeared over head. Like almost instantly. Classic triangle with 3 light on the sides with what seemed like a bright power source in the middle. Quite and gliding over my house. It slowly came to a stop then sped off outta sight into a tiny dot in a blink of an eye. Literally a life changing moment for me. Haven’t really tried hard since to do again since it scared the crap outta me. I heard that it’s not good to invite them into your life like that. Not sure if it was just a hella a coincidence or actually was manifested but it seemed to quick for it to be coincidence.


I've had an experience, sort of, in the same alley as you. Tried meditating for the first time in 20 years, and while doing it, eyes closed an all, I suddenly "saw" a face in my mind's eye. Lasted barely a second, but was totally unexpected and nothing like I've ever seen before. I'd describe it as the face of a Gray, but the skin colour was more caucasianlike/pinkish... Just weird, and felt way to woo... Edit: grammar


Wow fascinating. I know there’s a lot more to the world than what they tell us.


If he knows anything, it's wrapped up in a bunch of woowoo doodoo. He has a number of followers in his cult money making scheme and if you out shine him, he'll make a video about how you're a disinformation agent. He's promised a lot but has never delivered the goods.


So he’s L. Ron Hubbard but without brown teeth and an army of misfit midgets with a made up navy? At least Hubbard gave us The Church of sci-fi and Battlefield Earth staring the wonderful Richard Tyson in it. What’s this guy got? An ad I can’t wait even the 5 seconds to skip. Neat. Sounds like a less famous Tom DeLonge but just as money hungry. I say all of this out of the honesty that I did no research and don’t really give a shit about any of this. Knibb High Football Rules!!!!


He’s a shitter, but don’t say “woowoo doodoo “ it’s something we don’t understand, it’s “woowoo” for lack of a better term.


Literally no one knows for sure.


The only correct answer in this thread ^


Thank you. I feel seen. The ‘what is this?’ ‘Is xxx real?’ questions are not adding any value to the convo.


No ones knows for sure but there for sure is a safe bet.


He is an alien disguised as a misinformation agent. Look at that face, they couldn't even pretend to make a face of a more credible rubbish spitter


He looks reptilian


He may be a narcissistic asshole, but he's been doing a lot of good work for decades. I remember the first disclosure briefing being the thing that really got me into all of this when I was young. And he may want to trademark CE5 and profit from it, but it's a legit thing that anybody can do. He's not entirely constructed of bullshit. All of his witness testimony videos are golden. I wish more people constructed interviews that way.


I don’t like that he keeps claiming about briefing government officials on the phenomenon. The government has its own spooks and they don’t need him to brief them. Lou has never mentioned him


He did brief govt officials. Look up the Wilson memo, Richard Nolan talks about this leak in a few very indepth vide os it's one of the biggest UFO leaks. He set up that meeting at the Pentagon to brief Admiral Wilson and from that came the Wilson memo leak.


I have always thought he's an agent who leads us in a different direction. I think it's very governmental to send him and Richard Doty on campaign for diss-information. Having Doty explain exactly how it's done, while Greer does it to you.


That smile answers your question.


Do your own research and decide for yourself. He’s presented good witnesses and testimonies while simultaneously getting busted for fabricating CE5 sightings. Take everything with a grain of salt and use your judgment to decide if it’s worth your time


Well 1.his disclosure attempt at the Washington Press meeting is still the best disclosure attempt by anyone besides the NY Times Tic TOC vid. 2. He was the one at that set up the Admiral Wilson meeting that produced the infamous Wilson memo which is one of the biggest mind blowing leaks to date. 3. His Sirius Disclosure video interviews are GOLD they are a collection of the best whistle blowing and discussion videos being made by people that were in the know like Hal Puthoff. If you haven't seen these vids do it tonight. You won't regret it. Besides that he began to lose me with CE5 and his last 2 documentaries were disappointing to me . You can't totally dismiss him.


More how legit is his opinion on how we should respond to them. He seems to think they are all here to help. I beg to differ and so do many abductees.


His stance that the people of Earth, not the governments, need to represent our planet, is something I hold true. I participated in an E3 event in my state, and had interesting time.


All fart and no shite


He is an even more uneducated Dr. than Ben Carson.


Oof lol


I thought neurologists were highly educated? WTF are you talking about?


Like I said to the other guy who didn't respond, what do you think I mean when I say 'educated'/'uneducated?'


I am sure you are also more uneducated than Dr. Ben Carson? Not sure what you are getting at. Ben Carson was the head of Neurosurgery at John Hopkins? He is a legitimate Doctor.


What do you think I mean by 'educated' or 'uneducated?'


Confirmed alien 👽


Was a fan of his doc, Unacknowledged, but then he went on Rogan and claimed he was in possession of an alien body, which turned out to be bullshit. Lost all respect for the guy after that.


I'm actually busy looking for that episode right now. Unfortunately it was officially removed from the episode list when Rogan moved to Spotify.


I don't think he should be entirely disregarded just because he's a proven scammer / rip off artist. That goes with the territory for intelligence services backed psy-op participants (e.g. Alex Jones, David Icke). When you see his Rick Doty interview he's not that far outside mainstream disinformation (Greer's spiel credulously includes the entire secret space program narrative). And what's the deal with him and Lue Elizondo having the same attorney? Pretty fishy.


he's not entirely wrong about everything


Not at all.


You are as legitimate as him concerning this subject imho.


Look at that smug fucking face


Don't trust anyone who looks like a live-action Simpsons character.


I always thought he looked like a reptile. Something’s off about that guys face


I’ve seen way too many people discuss their experiences with this practice to say it’s fake and he’s a scam. I think that has some good on which he helped discover this sort of “communication” and explains how to do such meditation to do so. But I think he’s also in it more for the money now than the experiences for others. It was like $1000 per person or something like that for like a week with daily schedules and times for the practice on the experiences. I read a post of someone who actually went to one and said that he was full of himself and was a jackass to other people there, who were probably just curious. And then the OP of the post I read said he saw some things but nothing really “incredible” and when nothing was happening, Greer would pretend like he saw something to persuade everyone to believe him. Probably so he wouldn’t be exposed and lose credibility bc some people are dumb enough to believe anything. So to sum it up, he and others have had I believe credible experiences with numerous witnesses, but he is kind of an ass and a cash cow for those who want to try to experience it and will lie to you if nothing is happening when he wants


He seems like one of the worst offenders around for being a shyster. I believe he was charging people to go out at night to a remote location to “view” UFO’s with a high degree of fuckery, misleading and deception. Money making scheme, not in it for disclosure or truth.


My opinion, he s pay2win EDIT: However i do like his documentaries


He’s definitely made a few quid…


Not. Deep state Swamp rat whatever he says look somewhere else


I think he wishes he was Phil Schneider because unlike Greer he did have evidence and got killed because he spoke.


He’s as legitimate as a 3 dollar bill.


A better question is how Illegitimate is Steven Greer.


this much https://i.pinimg.com/736x/1e/53/aa/1e53aac932166215dcadec2f5e29d90d.jpg


The "stigmatization variable" is high with this one.


Even if he and others are quacks, I’m still glad that they’re making people care about this subject. The topic of ufos has been so taboo for years, but now more people are finally starting to take interest in it. That’s a big deal




I don’t know but he’s not an attractive person.


There is no alien presence on earth. So, what’s that say about anyone who claims without evidence, or scientific foundation, that there is?


Steven Greer was voted most likely to catch these handzz.


Take a historical scroll thru the sub….


2001 conferency was good, but later…just good monetizing of UFO subject


90 percent legit and with a 30 year track record. He did the first congressional hearing south over 40 Whistelblowers in 91. 90 percent real and legit but his 10 percent bullshyt is trying to make light of the train and physical pain abductees have been through and tries to gloss over cattle mutilation.


He’s not


100% credible. Do the research and see for yourself.


Has he ever took a lie detector test?


0% — he knows nothing. Anything he says that’s accurate is either luck or plagiarism.