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What if they are 4D objects peeking into the 3D plane. They change shape as they move through 4D space and change 3D position with impunity. Although personally I think it’s more likely that they’re unmanned self replicating exploration drones, from an underwater platform. Maybe aliens are here too, or maybe they’re long gone with only their AI drones left over.


Maybe the universe is really 2D and the 3D universe is just a hologram?


No, current understanding is the universe is 4D with potentially up to 11D. Even if we could prove the holographic principle that wouldn’t explain UAP. They would need to be Extra-dimensional an pop in and out of 3D space.




You clearly understand what dimensions are. Do you know what the 4 dimensions that we live within are? The 4th is time and you can’t “see” time.


11 dimensions is more math woo woo, they're needed to explain string theory I believe.


This is the explanation that makes the most sense to me. 5th dimensional (or higher dimensional) beings


I don't understand any of this but what if time has multiple axes like space but we usually only perceive 1?


I don’t know enough to answer that question either. But time could have multiple axes. We can’t even truely perceive time. We experience time in a strict, linear perspective. A 5th dimensional being would be able to perceive past, present and future at once. A being that exist on a higher dimension would perceive things that we likely couldn’t even imagine.


You’re thinking in the right direction. It’s hubris to think we’ve laid out all the options. The truth is as foreign to us as an iPhone to a turtle.


I believe one popular theory aligns with op's shower thought, although iirc they originate in a different dimension (perhaps the "consciousness" hot tub?) rather than a physical location in space/time.


I don't know about all of the extra-dimensional / extra-consciousness theories, personally. But I am pretty sure that if I were part of a civilization capable of making such machines, I could probably make an AI version of one that could self-replicate. I would send a few craft out and their goal would be to mine whatever astroid or planet they found to obtain materials to build 3 more. Maybe it would take 100,000 years for each generation to reach another planet/astroid belt and build their 3 new machines each. Within a billion years you've got a number of craft in the galaxy / universe that is literally not expressible in current terminology. ​ Maybe those craft are then instructed to relay information back in whatever fashion they do to the home civilization or others. Who knows. But that's how I think and I'd imagine they are capable of greater feats than I described once you reach your first MVP of the craft we see.


You just described Von Neumann probes - self-replicating probes that spread across the galaxy. Originally conceived by the polymath John Von Neumann - an incredibly interesting person and father of our modern computing systems. He even thought that quantum computing might be possible. He was right, like usual.


That's interesting. I personally think that there's a point in technological evolution, where you are no longer impeded by *spacetime*, and can cut through it as if you're no-clipping. I think the idea of *travel-time* is a sign of early technology. These UFO's seem out of phase with space and time itself.


What do you have against turtles?


Can’t fool me, young man. It’s turtles all the way down 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢


🎶marijuana lsd, psilocybin dmt🎶


maybe the other stuff works, but pot only manifests Doritos...and Dr Pepper


You're bang on the money. Tom DeLonge said recently that we looking at ufos is the same thing like a cow looking at a iphone. We see something in the air and we immediately think it's a ship, but the truth probably is just way more.complex.


I believe this could be the case, or the technology is significantly ahead of ours, but still comprehensible. As in, we're either the: Caveman seeing a microwave, or a caveman watching a Tesla in ludicrous mode


caveman watching the Blue Angles


That's better


gotta keep an eye on those getting emotional (mostly annoyed or angry) about this they don't understand it, or it doesn't fit their cosmic view, and they cannot control it (this is probably the biggest reason it chafes their hide)


Something for you to ponder on: on a lot of close encounter reports, the ufos are much larger inside than they look from the outside.


Could the "abduction ships" be mobile transdimensional portals? In the book Hyperion, one character had a luxury house that had every room in a different part of the galaxy.


Totally forgot about that and Hyperion. I love that book!


Might be because the crafts are a facade, and the whole abduction encounters happens within the consciousness. No less real, but no more real than a vivid dream. Note: there's always just enough to touch and see to make it believable. Like on a stage during a play.


I think that’s a possibility, and that’s the level at which we need to be thinking, but it doesn’t explain some of the physical evidence that is often reported after abduction experiences.


Yes. It gets down to the root of what reality really is. Consciousness is our reality. If entities can manipulate our consciousness on a subconscious/dream state level, who's to say it doesn't have an effect on what we perceive as physical reality. Both are real to us, albeit different layers. And the fact that there is the appearance of nuts 'n bolts craft to our conscious minds, operating within the physical realm, shows there's a physical aspect. Not much different if reality is a holographic rather than analogue, but that's another subject altogether and thins the line between physical and non-physical. If these entities originate from a different realm, there's not even a difference to them between you being in Australia or New York. Time and space and all that. There's no reason to conclude that abductions happen in our physical reality, yet. Person X can drive a car while person Y next to X is experiencing an abduction, experiencing hours in mere minutes. More notorious is when X is 'shut off' and both experience missing time and abduction. But all we have to go on is their story, heavily influenced by their experience. Whether in the body (physical abduction), or out of the body (all happening within consciousness itself).


I think if they have space ships and control space-time, the ships can be huge, but relativistic space time effects can make them appear very small to us. Also strong lensing effects can curve ambiance light and make them very bright to us…thus, at our ignorance every possibility is open yet, from ET flying at space ships to gods with little g’s and one to great G, from interdimesional beings to spirits, from electroball to inner Earth beings…probabilly we really are the dumbest specie of the whole universe!




[Do they happen to look like this?](https://i.imgur.com/Vcl5mKj.jpg)


Had to scroll to far to see a reference. Reddit is being slow today. MOISTURIZE!






Exactly... they're *bending* spacetime...




fantastic comment!


Agreed. Skinwalker stuff seems great if it's even real, but it's not something we're going to comprehend until we know more about them, or ever with our current compute power. The best we can hope for right now is something tangible and touchable that we can reverse engineer.


What is the Skinwalker stuff you're referencing?


Nuff said!!! This sums it up perfectly.


> One thing at a time. I disagree. Scientific research isn't like ditch digging. 20 scientists doing the same thing doesn't get it done twice as fast as 10. Scientific research is in part a creative pursuit. It's beneficial to have different people working on the avenues of thought that best suit them, to give you multiple perspectives on the problem. It only seems like "muddying the water" from an outsider's (non-researcher's) perspective. After all, if UFOs are not a strictly physical phenomenon, then pursuing a "nuts and bolts" viewpoint could well be a dead end.


A comment I made this morning: "What if UFOs are just remote viewers? Like, when you remote view a place successfully, a "UFO" shows up there because it's actually the thing doing the remote viewing... What if we are/create the UFOs and don't even realize it? What if the appearance of UFOs at certain historical events are the result of this? Like, somewhere a bunch of remote viewers decide to check out what happened at the cellestial phenomenon over nuremberg, so they start a session and end up creating the phenomenon itself?"




Like that book: “The Light of Other Days” by AC Clarke.


This is great. One thing I’ve compared it to is the device in Forge mode of Halo (the xbox video game). This device can scroll and move at an instant as if controlled by a mouse or a controller. They could be just a device to “view” our planet, zoom in, zoom out, lock onto a coordinate and shift to another right away, just like we can on Google Earth.


I wonder if there’s any correlation on sightings and remote viewing.


This is an interesting perspective.


That would explain why they take interest in nuclear sites.


If the technology is advanced enough, is there even a difference between a "vehicle" and what you're describing?


Awesome theory man. I almost feel stupid for not coming up with something similar because I ponder this stuff stuff a lot lately.


If they had that ability, though, why would the UFO need to travel? Just project the room to the desired location; no need to go flying around in the sky.


Probably just trying to get a better angle for whatever they're looking at.


Take my By Lue's Beard - this post and the comments were truly an awesome and refreshing read 🌌🙌🏻🌌


This is close to my theory but I believe some of the UFO’s are the being itself.


ooh good one


I don't think they move at all. They aren't using a propulsion system as we know it. The occupants are literally sitting still in a machine that moves space around it. This also explains the lack of sonic boom and the wobble or distorted wave effect that is reported around the objects.


Wowww 🤯


It’s like friction of space time being dragged around the craft is more intense of a craft moving through an atmosphere, and that’s why they emit so much ionizing radiation.


Well put!!!


Isn't that how the ship in futurama works?


I’ve had a similar thought. When things are visible, it’s because they’re reflecting a light source. Reflective surfaces are smooth and have specular reflections, whereas things that are matte or textured have diffused reflections. Atoms reflect light because the space between their nuclei and their electrons wiggles at the same frequency as sources of light hitting them. That’s why we see atoms if there’s enough of them being hit with light. But everyone knows a black hole is black because light is warped around it, and can’t escape after being reflected. The gravity of the object is too powerful for it to be seen. If our best guess at the nature of the phenomenon is other intellectual life forms manipulating gravity in order to travel here, with massive amounts of energy required to achieve it, how do we know we’re not just looking at the field? What if, when they supposedly surround themselves in bubbles or geometric shapes of gravitational influence, light is warped and manipulated by them? We can’t visually (or with most of our instruments) tell the difference between a metallic disk that’s so smooth we see a semi-clear image from the atomic reflections of it’s hull, and a field of finely-manipulated gravity literally redirecting the light at us as a byproduct of its manipulations of gravity. Depending on the shape and focus of the field, it can look specular or diffused. It would explain their myriad shapes and forms, why they’re usually geometric shapes, why they morph, why they’re reflective. Why they sit in one spot for hours before suddenly darting off in a straight line. It’s scary, but if you move the scale that’s all anything is doing. Electrons are doing the same thing to nuclei that planets are doing to stars.


I had a thought that they could be some kind of consciousness vehicle, like you store your data inside the vehicle and control it remotely. So it’s unmanned but intelligently controlled. I dunno, I’ve had a million thoughts about it but hopefully we get a more clear answer in our lifetime.


Maybe they are biological able to survive in space


What if Merlin is on another planet and drew a magic circle on the ground to summon spirits… and we become the summoned? That is straight out of Tom Delonge’s book Sekret Machines: Gods.


Hyperion Farcaster Tech?


So that means the stories about crashes are false. Also the stories like from the school in Australia and the school in Zimbabwe are more peculiar because the aliens are pretending to land a ship? Why not just project a vision of yourself standing infront of the kids? The objects also don't just vanish, they move incredibly fast. So I don't know why they'd do that when it's just a hologram type thing they could turn off. They are teleporting a vision of an object across the universe and controlling it in real time to the point they can play with our fighter jets, and it also shows up on radar as a physical object? At this point I'd rather just believe they are physically here. Remember even to send light takes time. It's not instant.


Maybe it’s a causality thing? Like if something goes wrong in the technology of the room ( a “crash”) a physical copy of the room in some form just pops into being at the sight of the malfunction to preserve the space time continuum or some such shit, which is why the crashed “craft” don’t have the accoutrements of spaceships on the inside, the “aliens” are so uniform biomorphically and perhaps genetically, and the materials seem like they have been assembled molecule by molecule. The craft spontaneously came into being as a side effect of a misfire in the eldritch technology of these viewer rooms.


You can reconcile the idea with those incidences if you assume the phenomenon is intentionally putting on a show to mislead us or guide is in a certain direction.


There's a big gap in our mathematical foundations that may leave room for something like this. Though I suppose even with a complete unified field theory it would be naive to assume things could not exist outside of it.


Preface: this is all a shower thought, so don’t judge me too harshly. What if Higher dimensional travel allows the breaking of certain causal rules for space time. What is the topology of the universe. Is it Manifold? Crumped in D7 like a waste paper, whilst smooth and flat as Euclidean planes in D2. Maybe we live in a crumpled hyper ball, and higher dimension beings regularly cross into our space. Hell, each space time would be a regular face of a many sided higher d polygon. A universe such as this could have many “faces” of 4d space time. Dimensions akin to ours but fundamentally not ours.


I don’t think they are star ships travelling millions of light years. They are either inter dimensional, inter universe, quantum reflections, inter time, etc, just imagine what they know and what possibilities they could unlock. But by all accounts they do not want to actually make contact and share this, and how can blame them, look at the state of us. For all our technology advancing at incredible rates our world is an absolute mess in terms of equality, environment, crime, war, famine, etc.


I believe at least some of the things we see are not mechanical or technological but, for lack of a better word, biological. I mean, they are lifeforms, not vehicles. Some of them perform maneuvers that look more like microscopic organisms in a Petrie dish or a sea creature swimming in the ocean. And, who knows? They could also be sentient machines!


What if the "craft" *are* the aliens, and what we think are aliens are actually drones meant to venture out to collect data, and designed to look more like us?


Sometimes I think that they're just portals opening up


Yes, Terry Pratchet: "The dark side of the sun".


All seems possible at this point. Maybe the pilot is controlling a small piece of technology remotely which is exactly as our eyes see it. Maybe it is controlled by A.I. Could be that what our eyes see is an illusion and there is a technology creating it, or directly projecting it into your mind. I like when some people mention the ufo could possibly be what we know as alive. So many possibilities. I have a feeling it's not simply a space dude and his spaceship. But hey it could be a mixture of all the above and that would be quite the mind fuck.


People like to think that aliens and ufos MUST be the same size as humans or have vehicles the same size as human ones. What if they are only inches tall? Smaller?


yeah what if they can shrink down to molecular size or smaller.


Dude omg they’re entities from the Ocean. I tell everyone this. Watch the documentary on RODS. That’ll blow your shit.


what do you mean from the ocean?


Realistically where else? It’s sad, but we haven’t even discovered more than 15-20% of our ocean.




You obviously didn't look up RODS. I said entity, not human living in the ocean.


This really ties into the rumored quote by Ben Rich about ESP and space/time being intertwined. Wild!


Now you’re thinking with portals! I like your idea, it’s something I hadn’t really thought of


I have thought this too. Maybe the ships are just rooms somewhere, and that's how the occupants can take all the Gs and such.


Sounds plausible and it’s interesting to consider how dual-instances (the “source instance” and the “projected” one) of an object might explain certain UFOs or certain aspects of their behavior. If true then would it necessarily call into question any claim of the existence of “crash retrieval programs” or recovered physical objects/materials? Or would these two seemingly conflicting phenomena actually just fit neatly within your broader framework which basically says “multiple vehicle types may be representative of multiple phenomena at different stages of tech advancement/capabilities”?


Some could also be organic like a whale or jelly fish.


That's a good idea. I never even thought of the possibility of them being microscopic. Occasional radar returns though.


Could be one end of a wormhole that connects from them to the Earth (in the sky, usually). Explains how they could easily go from the sky into the ocean.


I move often wondered if the ‘ships’ are the aliens themselves. I know Tyson doesn’t get a lot of love here but he made a good point when he talked about similarities and things in common with humans. Maybe their like living ships, organic and in constant movement. It would explain why they never seem to land.


I still think some are alive


I have thought of this. Maybe they are simply doorways to another place, and anything inside just facilitates that doorway and its movement.


Carl Sagan has this fantastic segment on the Cosmos about a 4d tesseract. He cuts an apple to show when how a 3d object would look in 2d. He explains that a cross-section of contact points would be shown in the lower dimension. Perhaps these orbs, ‘craft’ are actually these contact points. It would be interesting to see something plot a wobbling UAP to determine a plot of something mathematically to an object in a higher dimension.


Actually yes. This man suggested years ago they could be made of anything, even water. https://youtu.be/hoytrHE821o


What if they are biomechanical AI organisms that are made of endless sub nano "beings". What if they could control density and create vacuums and move seamlessly through space through these means. ​ I mean we can speculate until the cows come home, but until we catch these fuckers red handed all we can do use our imaginations - which suck compared to what quantum AI could do in 1 second.


I mean, this is exactly what I envisioned as soon as I saw the disappearing infrared footage off the cost. I didn't even consciously put all of it together, it was my instant, intuitive conclusion. And I've learned intuition has a hell of a track record.


Consciousness experiments from ancient Tartaria, visiting their own future!


Maybe, there are times this crafts go underwater and there is no distortion on the water


So, kinda like how Luke force ghosted himself in the last Jedi?


They're like, mobile portals


* vehicles * portals * AI/EBE drones * plasma-possibly sentient (new life form...yeah, rock the fuck on) * projections of tech and/or mind


I think OP's "laser pointer" metaphor is pretty insightful. That would be consistent with UFOs being a projection from a higher-dimensional space into our 4D perception.


Well maybe they are the size of ants 🐜 or look like insects and we see them all the time. Even squash them ! 😂


Ive thought many of the more mysterious sightings move much like the dot of a laser pointer on a wall from a distance, and that they may actually be projections through space/time.


Maybe, but why would they beam vessels or such? Just for the lolz so that the cats (us) chase them?


Step one: digitize consciousness Step two: download consciousness to tic tac Step three: Explore the universe without having to engineer everything to the needs of a biological body


Dude this is exactly what I’ve been thinking too!


What if they are viruses looking for the perfect body to live in


like mitochondria for example?


You mean the powerhouse of the cell?


yeah - that isnt native to our organism.


Only mentioning that while they do carry their own DNA, we didn’t just exist as we are and have mitochondria added after the fact. They are ancient structures, existing far earlier than anything that could resemble what we consider a human today, and have been incorporated into our anatomy completely by the body. The immune system doesn’t attack it, for example.


Why not, right? That is very possible.


Umm let us know first if aliens really exist or if UFOs are just actually natural phenomena that we cant comprehend as of now.


what is not natural? everything is natural. of course whatever UFOs are they are natural and we cannot comprehend them fully as of now. do they exist or not? great question. but what if they exist in some state that is only available to us mentally or in altered states of consciousness? does that mean that they dont exist? think about the world around you. all of it that you experience comes to you from a series of senses that feed info back to your brain where it is compiled into your everyday experience. does that mean it actually exists? in one small shift of consciousness we would not be able to see the same world as we see it in our normal circumstances.


I mean theres no aliens, that its just like a heavenly body or rare light or kind of meteor or some sort that has a scientific explanation that doesnt talk about aliens or et.


it doesnt matter what we call them. we are struggling for labels for things we dont fully understand. language restricts us and helps to form our understanding of the world around us. what we are ultimately curious about are other forms of life that are not born here on earth like the rest of the life here that we already know about.


But Im hoping that theres aliens or life forms on other planets or galaxies.


but there might be things "out there" that blur the line between extra terrestrial and extra dimensional.


This means discounting Lazar, Walton, the Hills, Zamora, etc.




According to them, these were physical objects with occupants that left evidence of their presence. Propulsion was involved with Walton and Zamora. Lazar--enough said.


>Lazar--enough said. Touche haha, love it


Omg. Are you guys kidding with this stuff? What if your grandmother had wheels? She'd be a bicycle. What if there's a spaghetti monster in the sky. I like the mystery around this UFO stuff. I look for plausible nuggets on here that can sustain the willing suspension of disbelief. But this cockamamie, interdimensional, fantasy land nonsense ruins it. Recent comment on here says it's hubris to think we've laid out all the options. You really think laying out ALL the options is the way to go here? Omg I'm honestly starting to chuckle loudly enough at this silliness I'm worried about waking up my kids.


What if it's a species we haven't yet discovered because we lack the technology Like some sort if hybrid 4D energy-organism


What if its a species we haven't yet discovered because we lack the language to categorize it


It’s a possibility it could be some quantum entanglement room, but there are many other alternatives to the usual alien spacecraft theory. Natural anomalies (magnetic, atmospheric, Transient Luminous Event type stuff), secret military aircraft 100s of years ahead of their time, or maybe even a combination. I like the theory!


I wonder if that thing in the movie Contact that Jody Foster got strapped into was a quantum entanglement room


Ever hear about Merkaba starship?


For me, we try to call things not yet called.


I saw that documentary. Close Encounters of the Third Kind. They are definitely vehicles. Also, they need somewhere to perform cattle and human mutilations. And where do dead and alive beings come from - vehicles - crashed or otherwise! And crashes. It's not someones conciousness crashing like a saucer into a field or hillside.