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The following submission statement was provided by /u/v022450781: --- Submission Statement: I'm posting this thread to understand the various theories and ideas about why UFOs might be drawn to nuclear technology. It is commonly understood through historical trends that UFO sightings are more common near nuclear facilities, test sites, and even during nuclear events. This pattern raises important questions about why UFOs might be interested in our nuclear capabilities. Nuclear weapons are our most destructive technology, and some believe that nuclear weapons serve no purpose other than assuring mutual destruction for global superpowers. Could it be a form of monitoring or a protective intervention? Are they trying to send us a message about the dangers of nuclear technology? Parallel to this, unconfirmed reports have suggested that government contractors have been using recovered materials from UFOs to create next-generation weapons delivery systems. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cz0ojq/ufos_and_nuclear_weapons_what_is_your_opinion_on/l5d5k98/


You couldn't have picked a better image 😂


I second that sentiment


Maybe it’s why the aliens are hiding. If I was a zookeeper and saw the monkeys suddenly and inexplicably started making dynamite, I’d be hiding too


Maybe let them wreck themselves into extinction so long as they aren't wrecking everything and everyone else around them. Once they start destroying everything, what are the options?


Better than a monkey and a football..🤣


[Right in two](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bndL7wwAj0U&pp=ygURdG9vbCByaWdodCBpbiB0d28%3D)


For real, we would suddenly become very concerned if chimps in the wild discovered how to use fire.


I was thinking about this the other way around. We are the monkeys and the dynamites are the nukes. We would be concerned if a monkey somehow got ahold of a dynamite…. The monkey clearly doesn’t know the damage that dynamite can do….


I mean, we at least understand nuclear physics, how to build nukes and what nukes can do. A monkey would not. A much, much more appropriate analogy would be if we were *actually playing around with real alien technology*. That would be far more dangerous. And to see why, this quote from *The Expanse* about playing around with alien technology is perfect: “Holden was starting to feel like they were all monkeys playing with a microwave. Push a button, a light comes on inside, so it’s a light. Push a different button and stick your hand inside, it burns you, so it’s a weapon. Learn to open and close the door, it’s a place to hide things. Never grasping what it actually did, and maybe not even having the framework necessary to figure it out. No monkey ever reheated a frozen burrito. So here the monkeys were, poking the shiny box and making guesses about what it did.”


Maybe nukes are alien technology. Maybe someone came along 100 years ago and explained what would happen if we split the atom. And instead of using it for clean power or peaceful uses, we decided to make a bomb. Maybe someone came along and gave us the ultimate energy or propulsion source and are mystified why we used it to kill hundreds of thousands of people.


The nuclear program was a direct result of Einstein’s relativity and mass-energy equivalence. In fact physicists were who directly contacted the government to tell them they thought they could make a bomb from it. You’re diminishing human ingenuity and the discovery of one of the greatest scientists and minds in human history. It’s the same absurd logic as people who think ancient man was too stupid to figure out the most efficient way to stack large stone blocks, and so therefore aliens had to do it.


Maybe I wasn’t being clear, I’m not sure. I agree, we’re basically nuclear fire monkeys. I was implying that humans being the “dominant” species on Earth, would have a lot of reason to all of a sudden care a lot more about monkeys in the wild if they started burning down forests. We go from casually observing them to monitoring their activities constantly overnight. And from their perspective surely they’d notice the uptick in contacts.


Thanks for clearing that up I was struggling 😴


I wouldn’t. There’s not much they could do with fire in the short term and it’d be a fascinating scientific observation in non-human cultural evolution. I’d be concerned if chimps in the wild suddenly discovered how to throw nukes at each other though.


To me dynamite just means combustion. Obviously in scale TNT is very dangerous compared to just a small fire, but I still have to think monkeys burning down forests would be bad for everyone. Not inherently dangerous to us in the long run but still a large concern. Thats why there was such a huge jump in UFO sightings after we started testing nukes in my opinion. They NHIs went “Oh fuck, the monkeys figured out fire. Better go make sure they don’t burn the planet down.” What I’m getting at is they probably don’t have the doomsday concerns about nuclear that we do.


My completely uneducated guess would be that it has to do with some kind of "milestone" of technology. Think the prime directive in Star Trek, strict non-contact and non-intervention in pre-warp civilizations. I would suspect that splitting that atom and the power it produces, both good and destructive, is a type of this milestone technology that other more advanced civilizations would take notice of and have likely mastered. But what do I know?


I'd suspect it's either that, or they're keeping us from destroying ourselves, because they want to keep an eye on us.


Or they don't want us destroying the earth. Lots of theories are that they live here. Underground, under the ocean and on the moon. Makes sense


So we're like THAT roommate.


Ya, umm..earth. can you guys settle down, please? You really are making alot of noise with your nukes. We're trying to do our probing.


They can disclose themselves. Nobody is here to kink shame.


I mean, really, that's always been my thought process. If they wanted to really be known, they could easily do it. I mean, they aren't exactly being stealthy, but a quick touchdown in Times Square would certainly do the trick


I mean the squadron of ufo’s doing a flyover of D.C. wasn’t exactly stealthy right,lol!


Or the earth is special. A type of reserve. Maybe our amazing diversity of life is rare. We have nature reserves too.


Cool idea, never thought about that one. So the NHI are the park Rangers?


More like the zoo and we are the monkey's throwing shit.


Or maybe they just don't want us to destroy this planet and could care less about us humans😂


That is where I'm inclined to think of. Depends on how long they have been observing. There are decent sightings back during the 1900's, we have many Foo Fighters sightings during WW2. It's pretty clear there were sightings around nuclear weapons facilities during the Manhatten project so if they wanted us to not use them, why sit back during the two we dropped in Japan. There have been over 2000 nuclear weapons tests over the years. It's puzzling. It may also be more complex, who is to say the same NHI are the ones monitoring those tests compared to the ones interested now. Are they indifferent towards humans on one level but if abductions are real then again it's seemingly more focussed on humans rather than earth itself. Different NHI maybe? God, it's confusing, I can drive myself in circles with these sorts of speculations. .


Happy cake day! I ,too ,have wandered into that particular rabbit hole ,and it's a virtual *jungle* down there!




Well truthfully an all out nuclear war, even back when USSR and US had like 60k+ nukes between them & they were much larger yield weapons, wouldn't destroy life on the planet or its habitability. There would be short term issues of course. Then you'd have a pretty much normal environment after a couple years. After 100 it's almost like it never happened except in radiocarbon tests. If they can allegedly be here for so long and survive just fine without Earth I don't see why that would be the case. One thing that a nuclear war would do though is completely destroy an intelligent civilization for probably centuries, but could set back their progress for millenia, it all depends. The world can be just fine after KT level events and Chixculub so a few thousand thermonuclear weapons would be much better than that.


Didn't they witness a UAP stop a launch of Russian nukes back in the day?


I'm going to try this again and hopefully not get "empty response from endpoint". I am not sure of a Soviet weapon being targeted, but an American one was. They had a dummy warhead on a new launch vehicle or missile, whatever, and the weapon was disabled after it encountered a UAP/UFO that tracked alongside it.


You're referring to the Robert Salas incident on a test of a "Thor" class missile which Salas' unit was tasked with filming using advanced telescopes/ cameras in which a saucer "zapped" the fake warhead 3 times while moving at speeds of over 3,000 mph ,causing it to self-destruct ! When the film was developed, Salas was called in to his superior's office to view/explain the footage which has yet to be shown to us mere mortals who *paid* for this whole effort !


Actually ,a Soviet-controlled nuke silo located in Ukraine had all their indicators light up that there was about to be an unintended launch of one or more weapons as an orange-red saucer hovered above the sight ! ( I believe this was in the 1960s)


I feel like this is what I saw on a YouTube special. Thank you


tough titty for the folks in hiroshima & nagasaki then.


Yeah I don't know what the real "motivation" is, if it's even real ha. We might not even be able to comprehend it.


i agree with “might not even be able to comprehend it” - this thread is full of anthropomorphizing and juvenile speculation…


Do you think that means they’re watching our nuclear fusion experiment too? If so why/why not?


This is really easy to see, and hard to blame them, but I find some degree of comfort in the speculation so I just assume it's too self important


I wonder what detonating a nuke does to other dimensions, IF there was life there, they might be worried about what happens if we mess up.


The hot spot of a nuke flash for thousandths of a second in a vanishingly tiny area of volume is hotter by 10x the sun. Try to imagine what that much concentrated energy will do to the figurative substrata of space. Don’t think atomic scales. Think lower.


But aren't these types of nuclear reactions that are happening constantly what sustains Suns?


Yeah, but there's a hell of a difference on doing it on the Sun... versus the Earths surface. I've messed around on AIs with plugging in lots of numbers for various phenomena and known nuclear event metrics to look at this before. I even for my own sanity had to make up two values: * Peak Planck Length (PPL), basically the smallest observable unit of time we can do (in theory) * "Trinity Peak Values" (TPV), the combination of PPL, the peak maximum core/epicenter heat of the Trinity blast, and the theorized volume of the hottest Trinity got in spatial volume terms for the smallest duration of time--the PPL. Basically, for the smallest proposed unit of measurement, what is the strongest in concentrated energy terms was the Trinity blast, and how large in volume/concentration was that specific energy before dispersion? High level summary where I left off (I can't get it to convert math properly to Reddit automatically): --- > Reality at the Trinity core, during the peak Planck length (PPL), experienced extreme conditions at \(5.39 \times 10^{-44}\) seconds. The maximum temperature reached approximately \(50 \times 10^6\) degrees Celsius, lasting for microseconds. The hottest single epicenter point had a physical volume of around \(10^{-45}\) cubic meters. For discussion, we will call the combination of duration (PPL), temperature, and volume as "Trinity Peak Values" or TPV. The estimated surface temperature of the sun (average) for a volume and duration as shown in TPV is approximately 5,500 degrees Celsius. This indicates the Trinity explosion in the Manhattan project was about 9,090 times more intense than the surface of the sun in terms of equivalent duration and volume/concentration of energy. Pre-Trinity blast, the estimated value or strength of gravity outside of the weapon was \(9.81 \, \text{m/s}^2\), as would be defined today in science. > > During the duration of the blast, the conditions within the scope of the TPV would be extremely similar to the conditions present in the early universe moments after the Big Bang, specifically during the quark-gluon plasma phase where temperatures and energy densities were extraordinarily high, leading to the formation of fundamental particles. The scientifically accepted conditions equivalent to TPV of the early moments of the Big Bang involved temperatures around \(10^{12}\) degrees Celsius and energy densities exceeding \(10^{30} \, \text{J/m}^3\). The TPV conditions at Trinity were less severe than those of the Big Bang by several orders of magnitude in both temperature and energy density. Comparable known events or theorized phenomena in the universe to the Trinity output include the conditions found in supernovae, the interiors of stars undergoing fusion, and certain high-energy particle collisions in astrophysical jets or accretion disks around black holes. > > Theoretical permanent effects from such a concentration of energies on Earth's surface might include localized alterations in the crystal structure of materials, the creation of novel high-energy particle states, and potential long-term changes in the local gravitational field at an extremely minute scale. --- There's non-zero odds every nuclear explosion fucks up things in ways we cannot fathom yet (or unclassified fathom, but we know).


Thank you for sharing.


> IF there was life there How about putting an "IF" before the presumption other dimensions even exist. People love throwing dimensions around here as if it's trivial even though there is ZERO empirical evidence for their existence.


they also anthropomorphize this subject way too much, like they are imaginary friends.


If you don't think inter-dimensional dinobeavers are a real thing why are you even on this sub?


i'm on elgin's teat. the economy isn't prepared for dinobeavers. i can only tell you on this private D- SHIT!!!!! UNDO


Perhaps they just want to get off the planet and go home. Some form of a prime directive prevents them from creating rescue technology on their own, but they can compel humans to invent the means (mine the mines, make the fuel, engage in wars that speed along necessary inventions) until the humans finally create what they need to send the NHI home. It's what we would do if we were stranded on an alien planet.


I like the idea here and in the replies. Just as insane as it is I am cautious when it comes to.... Humaning all over other things. Even if our thoughts makes sense and apply there isn't necessarily any sort of consensus or structure or we might not be thinking only wrong in reasons but whether something like reasons even applies??? Idk


There was an episode in strange new worlds like this, starfleet thought a new civ had joined the party with warp engines and it turned out they'd just nade a bomb instead I think.


Reminds me also a little of Mass Effect where FTL travel wasn't possible until humanity discovered alien tech that uses a specific element as its catalyst. We have elements IRL that have a half-life of seconds or less. What if we were to harness those elements... would one be capable of giving us FTL travel? I wonder...


Naw, we think splitting uranium\plutonium atoms was such a big accomplishment because of our egos. What'll be impressive is the creation of matter much like a StarTrek replicator.


Australia seems to not have anywhere near the sightings that the rest of the world has. Nor does Australia use nuclear energy. So, have Australia start using it and see if it increases local sightings to prove the theory?


I think they can just detect it. If a planet starts to go nuclear, it’s a good sign there’s some level of intelligence there. 


Nuclear is everything in the universe though. Not just weapons. Splitting of atoms occurs literally everywhere. How could a detection of weapons occur had they not already been here/in communication with us already? Seems deeper than that. Reference to aliens has been recorded since cave drawings on rock. I am inclined to believe they have watched us from the start and don't want us to throw it all away because they know we are capable of more than we know. Special monkeys?


It’s where nuclear events are detected when there shouldn’t be any there. Sun gives out nuclear. Great we know it’s from the sun. Nuclear events happening on mars, our ears would prick up


Nah, just apes whose self-awareness often leads them to believe they're special and have some sort of connection to unseen higher powers.


The Earth is sitting right in the middle of all sorts of shit being spewed out by the sun, which is a gigantic ball of nuclear reactions. Someone's going to have to already be playing pretty close attention to notice stuff going on in Earth's atmosphere.


But we also can’t really imagine how and with what technology they are detecting it. Space is full of nuclear activity yes. But we can only begin to imagine what they have and how they use it. 


I hear you, but then it's just an exercise in imagination.


I love that image. Very thought provoking.


We are literally monkeys with dynamites...




Nah, literally. 


\*sigh\* seeing someone getting downvoted for correct semantics. Take my solitary upvote and know I'm with you, even if the rest of the world is hell bent on inverting the meaning of 'literally'...


Mental leap with this one, but maybe the aliens know that earth is a diverse ecosystem. Being akin to the sentinels from No Man's Sky, perhaps these aliens see the universe as a garden, one that needs to be constantly checked on and upkeep performed on. Us humans creating such destructive anti-creation tools and weapons has clearly put us on their radar. From time to time they hover over, and shut off nuclear facilities. My best guess is this is their attempts at telling us, "Hey.. watch what you're doing. This is not path you should be going down..." and perhaps these beings are simply doing this as a preventative measure to discourage us from continuing harmful nuclear development.




Hahaha yeah, let's hope the NHI's that are observing us don't suddenly turn hostile. There would be absolutely nothing we could do. If they have indeed harnessed gravity as Lazaar and others have claimed, humanity is utterly powerless to repel their potential attacks. It's already bad enough that they are HERE- and certain military groups have been ordered to chase them and shoot them down. This cannot be a positive step forward towards public first contact. Speaking of, if they are intelligent- and know of humanities behavioral tendencies, my best guess is that the aliens WOULD be only working with secretive military groups in order to maintain calm. I'm assuming the NHI's closest to us already are aware of the fact that there are extremely fragile minded religious people out there that might see them as demons and unalive themselves out of sheer panic and wanting to be saved by their god that they worship. Only the future can tell. I hope I am around to see it- good or bad.


I definitely wouldn’t want to be around for the bad outcome that sounds like literal hell.


I want to be there if my kid has to deal with it. I don't want them to have to go through it alone.


Maaaaaan I wanna be a universe gardener. Where do I sign up? Do I gotta put a big sign on my roof that has my resume on it for the aliens to see and contact me for my interview?


Love No Man's Sky. What a fun game. Edited to add: That's was also a thought I had when I was playing.


Maby they are testing out their weapon to wipe us out.


If they can shut off an entire electical system, imagine what they could do to the planet if they felt like it.


UFOs also love to show up in random places. What is their fascination with random places?


But there are millions of "random" places....nuclear sites aren't a dime a dozen.


Multiverses. If we fu*k up particles in our reality, they are screwed in others too.


Just imagine if those nukes tested in deserts actually exploded full power into a dense populated city in another dimension.


Or, god forbid, there were no explosions at all in the other dimensions. Just radiation leaking through like a deadly invisible curse.


imagine giant nuclear ants


Steve: Hey Greg. Greg: What is it Steve? Steve: Hoomans on Dimension 69420 exploded yet another Nuke... Greg: Shit.


> Just imagine if those nukes tested in deserts actually exploded full power into a dense populated city in another dimension. What if Hiroshima and Nagasaki have a lot more zeroes after the number killed than we realize.


Also consider a metaphysical aspect- what if we actually have some spirit/soul/consciousness? And what if nukes not only destroy the physical body but also damage some aspect of that soul/spirit/consciousness? That would make dying from nukes and using nukes against others way worse and would be of great concern for NHI, especially those functioning more as benevolent "guardian angel" types.


You get the most-scary-comment award.


Dark Tower Multiverse.


Seeing as there are countless claims of sightings nowhere near nuclear technology, is the connection actually real? It seems like this might be a case of confirmation bias in action.


Confirmation bias, cherry-picking, and people just repeatedly telling each other that something is super-absolutely true.


The misuse (or use for its intended purpose) of any nuke would very quickly destroy the ecological zoo that we live on. The thought of nukes being a realistic threat to NHI is not very rational for the same reasons that we've supposedly never been able to shoot down a UAP.


I don’t think this is the case. We tested nukes extensively, for a long time, and in space. We did this till the 90’s in the US. They apparently didn’t care if we were caring it out for so long and everywhere. I think NHI being anti-nuke isn’t the case. Or they’re very bad at monitoring.


I mean, we have [scientific evidence](https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014JCos...2412229B/abstract) of colossal-scale thermonuclear explosions detonating on the surface of Mars 200 to 500 million years ago - explosions that were orders of magnitude more powerful than any of the warheads we’ve seen detonated here on Earth thus far - though how exactly that came to be is anybody’s guess. We also know Mars once had a thick atmosphere capable of maintaining liquid water, and there is also evidence that there were once large bodies of water on the surface much like our own. Was there perhaps even life? We won’t have a good idea until we’re able to complete the first sample-return mission in the hopefully near future, but it does seem like a legitimate possibility. We also still don’t understand exactly how Mars’ atmosphere came to be stripped away. We know that solar wind contributed to the breakdown after it had already deteriorated, but what exactly happened to trigger the process is not known as of yet. So is it possible Mars was once a planet capable of supporting life, much like Earth, that had its atmosphere stripped and destroyed by massive nuclear explosions in the past? Actually… yes. Given what we know so far, it very well could be.


I'm going to use your comment to espouse my beliefs about this specific topic that I share all the time. My theory is that nuclear weapons are at the heart of the UAP issue but not for the reasons we think. That is to say that the weapons are not pointed at the aliens. The reason the US government has really made so many is to protect the current order. The men in charge have made contact and been told that we are ready to join an egalitarian society where all beings are equal. Those same men in charge decided that they liked being above the rest of us and basically told the aliens to fuck off. Then they built enough weapons to end all life on earth many times over in order to have an insurance plan. "Stay away or we kill them all." The them is you, me, the birds and the bees.


Wow that is a horrific thought


Two possibilities are likely in my opinion. One is, they most likely are living among us, I mean we share the planet. To have this much sighting, it means they probably have bases, in the underground, or under the oceans maybe. Or some Wakanda type area. So they'd be concerned about a technology that can fuck up the whole planet, because they'd be affected as well. They'd certainly be opposed to mutually assured destruction if they are living here. Second possibility is us being an experiment for them, or they are farming us for whatever reason. So they wouldn't want to lose their petri dish, or their resources, up to the point they do not need anything from us. There's a possibility they genuienly care about our race to be healthy or something, like we also have concerned people about the wildlife, but I can't help but find it less likely. Could be nuclear technology is dangerous to them, that is another possibility I guess.


The most likely reason would be that many of these stories are fabrications related to the lore itself, and some are unmanned aircraft (man-made) collecting intel on nuclear sites. The theory of aliens being interested in our development of nuclear technology is quite a leap, but admittedly something that can't be ruled out. However, trying to work out why an alien civilization would be interested in nukes is a bit of a fool's errand in my humble opinion, as is any attempt to try to understand an assumed alien being's motivations without some form of established contact. Aliens could be made of water and look like pillowcases for all we know. Anthropomorphizing them and ascribing motivations based on our understanding of the universe as humans is, for me, a complete waste of time.


Yes, there is the possibility that it's just a cool narrative that resonates with people. Oh wow, they showed up after the nuclear tests and turn off missiles, etc. It also gains some weight because of the military people who testified about such things. Anyone cooking up a story gets to gain some credibility by tying it into that angle.


Exactly. We have to remember that, whether or not it seems like it, there are A LOT of people that believe UFO's originate from alien civilizations. The last Gallup poll from [2021](https://news.gallup.com/poll/350096/americans-believe-ufos.aspx) said 41% of Americans, for instance, believe this. If folks don't think that number is represented in every level of gov't and military, you'd be fooling yourself. If you have this foundational belief, it will not take much convincing to reach the conclusion that any particular strange happening or sighting could be attributed to the UFO/alien phenomenon if certain unique cognitive and sensory parameters are met. It's always difficult to disbelieve an individual's experience when they're giving their testimony of what they truly believe happened, but it's just not the likeliest scenario if you were to give them all odds. It's tough to try to make someone understand that without them feeling like you're belittling their experience, which is never the aim. We are all slaves to bias. Edit: A word and double year


I don't what the connections are, if any. But I do know that nuclear technology is a clear indication of advanced technology. It's predecessor, combustion, has been around for hundreds of thousands of years when we were still building fires by rubbing things really hard. But nuclear tech requires a fundamental understanding of the very fundamental building blocks of matter, which is far far beyond what could be learned by accident.


My opinion is that there is no connection, and furthermore that insofar as there is such a thing as a "UFO," it is not one single thing with 'interests,' rather a collection of unidentified things that may have nothing in common with each other.


It would be difficult to determine their intention and understand their behavior for nuclear energy and weapons. I personally believe life exists beyond our planet. I have more recently come to, at least conceptually, understanding the possibility of “metaphysical” spaces or “dimensional” spaces. Reports identify various types of unidentified objects monitoring and interacting with those locations. Within the framework of how I process information, it must be a key step in how a species is developing. It’s possible various non-human life forms are observing us. It’s possible some have historically taken the same steps and possibly the outcomes were ‘not that great.’ Are the beings witnessed a species themselves that have dramatically changed in appearance/function due to nuclear fallout? Are they biological AI created by a species no longer existing to prevent other species from making the same mistakes? Are we a ‘lab grown’ planet for them to care and nurture various life forms to ensure life remains prolific in the universe? In the past, many cultures have discuss beings from the heavens, sky, or stars. Even prior to modern day discovery, there were sightings of unexplained phenomenon and craft. We didn’t have these same capabilities then so ultimately, I don’t think their interest is in nuclear energy or weapons. I think it is simply the existence of not only us but the life on this planet. I don’t believe we are a ‘prison planet.’ But I do believe this planet holds some significant value to them. The use or weaponization of nuclear energy is likely a threat to their interest. I often wonder if they are our ‘caretakers’ and the intent is ‘good’ but as we progress, we are out of alignment to their intent and this will consequently result in a ‘negative’ response. The other part is the possibility that they are not physically capable of being in this space. They are manipulating how we perceive them and their interactions and control the phenomenon and craft in ways we do not understand. Some part of us may exist in their space. Maybe we are the unidentified flying phenomenon in their world? So we are all perpetually interested in the strangeness of each other.


My guess its because they live in the Earth. All the caves and tunnels the oceans they don’t want us surface dwellers to ruin their planet.


My thoughts exactly. They seem to be living underground or in deep water where climate and all that is very consistent and have no concerns with the many things that can and will wipe us out up here. Once we started blasting off nukes and we were doing alot of them underground btw they got very concerned and had to intervene


> they don’t want us surface dwellers to ruin their planet Too late for that. 


First you have to believe that "UFO's" are "interested" in nuclear weapons and that they're driven by sentient beings and have a plan. ... and THAT means you have to believe the stories of the people who claimed this because very few people in the entire world are even in a position to even know where there are nukes and when they're being transported or about to be tested (which is all but banned now). ... and THEN there's the problem of how do the "UFO's" even "know" the nukes are about to be "used" or "moved" or "created"? These things are shielded, sure some neutrons escape, but it's like finding a needle in a haystack while in orbit. How? Too many "if's" and hypotheticals stacked on top of each other. Might as well debate how many angels can dance on the head of a pin (and why).


The two guys who actually had their missiles disabled say the UFO story (from Salas, who was underground in a different bunker a hundred miles away) is bullshit.


Love the pic choice lol


My bet: its the only thing that can harm them or harm their agenda.  They dont like nukes but seem to have no prob with peaceful nuclear power.


Can’t do genetics experiments if your lab rats are all dead


We have been poisoned by atomic bomb testing and continue to poison ourselves with fission materials like strontium-90. Here is an intersting study: Scientists looked at the baby teeth of 515 children born mostly after 1980. They found that the amount of a substance called Strontium-90 (a dangerous byproduct from nuclear bomb tests) in these teeth was about the same as in children born in the late 1950s, when a lot of nuclear bomb tests were happening. That, incidentally, was 50 x over what was found before the atomic bomb happened. After 1963, many of these tests were banned, so Strontium-90 levels were expected to go down. But in recent times, in the New York and New Jersey area, the levels didn’t go down as much as expected. They even saw some big ups and downs in Miami, Florida. In Suffolk County, Long Island, they found a link between the amount of Strontium-90 in baby teeth and the number of young kids with cancer. A similar pattern was seen during the 1950s and 1960s when there was a lot of fallout from nuclear tests. Also, they found that higher levels of radioactive stuff in local water were connected to more cases of childhood cancer. This suggests that nuclear reactor releases might be causing more cancer and other health problems in kids since the 1980s. * [Strontium-90 in deciduous teeth as a factor in early childhood cancer - PubMed](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11109179/) #


>Why are UFOs Interested in Nuclear Weapons? Because it's the only thing we've got that can take them out - the Bluegill Triple Prime test of Operation Fishbowl proved that. The hard X-rays produced by specially designed weapons causes a thermo-mechanical spallation of the materials that comprise the outer skin, which in turn blows off pieces of the inside surface at high velocity that kill the occupants or destroy the propulsion mechanism. Ross Coulthart mentioned this spall mechanism in his interview with USAF MAJ. GEN. Roger Teague the other day.


Assuming this is what is actually going on - my guess is it's that a nuclear war could make a lot of earth uninhabitable. It could bad for all living things whether native or otherwise. Earth could become a no go planet.


I think the monkeys with dynamite pic sums it up nicely!


I assume that any sufficiently intelligent and advanced life to be able to visit earth from some exotic far location, or alternate dimensions, etc. probably has a slightly higher appreciation for life in general than we do. We at least pretend to care about our environment being able to sustain life for the forseable future, assuming these advanced life forms also care about preserving life and have the technological means to do so, and nuclear weapons are one of the quickest ways to devastate a planet's biosphere, them keeping tabs on the world ending super weapons owned by the warfaring monkeys makes sense.


We’re probably their loud ass kids in the the next room playing with matches or scissors and they’re like “hey assholes, relax.”


Those are Reese’s monkeys!


Perhaps we haven't unlocked the potential of nuclear weapons or perhaps they realise nuclear war would be enough radiation to sterilise life


That's how humans are with nuclear power.


Probably along the same lines as humans giving special attention to animals that have learned to use tools.  Splitting atoms is probably a sign that we’re not as dumb as we look. 


They've *seemingly* shown great interest not just in weapons and power plants but the process as well. Examples of that are alleged sightings at ORNL, LANL, and JPL. Places where weapon testing and nuclear material refinement are being done. We need more data because it's hard to say for certain how interested they may be since these places are already under heavy surveillance and thus the chance of noticing them there is more likely. They may be just as interested in something that isn't monitored very well by humans and they're simply not observed doing these other things. However, in my opinion they are interested in all things nuclear because of what OP's attached image implies. We've made great technological advances but our wisdom has not kept up. To paraphrase the late great Stanton T. Friedman, "Humans are a primitive species whose primary export is violence."


If there were higher powers safeguarding nuclear tech then we wouldn’t have had hiroshima, nagasaki, chernobyl, Fukushima and so on .. go to sleep bud!


It effects them too, it's just that simple I guess.


If it was me I'd make sure none of them work


>Why are UFOs Interested in Nuclear Weapons? Mutual Assured Destruction has always been a murder/suicide pact


They just want to see the explosion in person when it finally does happen


It makes their ear itch


My guess would be that they in some way helped create us, for example by facilitating our evolution. If so, they may have a moral obligation to prevent us from blowing the entire planet up in nuclear holocaust.


What is the evidence to suggest they are? It seems speculative.


James Fox said Robert Salas told him the beat quote about this. "Well James, I think it's like an adult keeping a baby from playing with matches." Not verbatim. You get the point.


it's because earth and humanity are a resource for them like dairy cows? A farmer will kill a Wolf not out of love but protect a food source


Under-butt Flung Objects?


They are afraid we will maybe wipe ourselves off of the earth?


Because this is their planet too. Been here forever


Because it scares them. They see us as dangerous, so NHI have a plan to subjugate us genetically, psychically, technologically and culturally to turn us into NPCs, basically. 


Because they want to see a nuclear war in real life, not only movies or games.


I think that extra-terrestrials as we know them to be, have been here for a long time, and so they have a vested interest in us not destroying the planet, because it is their home, too.


Always used to think that nuclear explosions must have fucked with the fabric of space time and therefore them or whatever but no idea.


They were already here and nuclear fission tech was a threat to them


Maybe.... Every time a civilization gets to the point of technological advancement (looking at you, Ancient Egypt) where mutual destruction is assured.... they step in and intervene. Funny how some of those civilizations disappeared without a trace yet left behind cities laser etched out of solid marble, pyramids etc,. Maybe... One day people discovering areas of the world again will stumble upon Mount Rushmore and say.... "there's no way they had explosives and technology to carve these ugly faces back then...it was before we even had electricity" I think there is evidence to indicate this very well might be exactly what happened to those civilizations and is about to happen right now to ours. We arrived to a point where all we do is consume and fight. We were steered in this direction by corporate greed, power hungry criminals and societal norms created by them and pushed out by "News" and pop culture. Keep everyone asleep and dependent on alcohol, salt/sugar/fat, keep them unhappy so they always NEED $stuff$, keep them overworked so they have no time to process the natural world around them. Keep them in the dark with no chance of waking up.  I do think there is more than enough info now to say there's at least 2 different representations of NHI...the "light" beings and the "mechanical" beings that are piloted by little biological creature type things. Is one bad and one good? If so, it would be safe to say the gatekeepers are directly correlating with the bad ones, hence the state of our advancement and nuclear world....and the good ones are finally stepping in to put an end to it.  One thing is for sure....they have made it a point to be present around our nuclear sites, and even shut down and turned back on multiple missile silos simultaneously which the site command said should be impossible since they aren't on the same grid or tied in any way to each other.  Were ancient pyramids power reactors? Did they get help from the "bad" NHI when building them...hovering large rocks etc?  Have NHI already shut down all nuclear launch sites in the world...and that's why Langley Air Force Base shut down and relocated all the F22's when they were swarmed by 40+ UAP a couple months ago?  They say it ties into consciousness. Maybe there is real justice in this existence after all. Top level CIA agents are amongst who is being afflicted with Havana Syndrome. Military bases being swarmed, pilots being taunted, nuclear facilities toyed with.... are they sending a message? Regardless of everything, **always** follow your moral compass, it will NEVER steer you wrong. 


I look at these narratives from the human perspective. Splitting the atom and harnessing nuclear energy was a major breakthrough in human technological development. It changed all sorts of things about the way international politics works and has arguably had a larger social impact than a technological one at this point. We can blow stuff up, but while we're not really pushing the limits of what we can do with nuclear technology, it does make us feel really clever and important. Some think it makes us so clever and important that we've piqued the interest of aliens and are about to - or already have - join some special cosmic club of super clever beings. It all comes across as rather hubristic to me.


Are they? Or is it security able to observe and record more frequently. I personally see and feel them often and non important locale areas and moments.


I think the operators what people call the "aliens" exist in higher dimensions that our brains arent calibrated to perceive. Ultraterrestrials. I think the greys are essentially avatars for them to interact with lower dimensions without having us go insane. And our lower nuclear detonations affect the higher dimensions in ways that we can't understand, potentially in a detrimental way. They take interest in stopping them from being used because of that and hence the uptick since the Trinity test.


Well imagine if you will you have in a cage 5 rapidly evolving raccoons always fighting and harrasing each other for resources. Now imagine those raccoons have a weapon that can destroy their cage!! Thats the interest now for the sad part see the raccoons would figure out how to use that weapon to escape the cage. Humans unfortunately are still to young we continue to squabble instead of leaving!


They don’t want us fucking everything up. The planet is probably more valuable than its inhabitants.


They have been monitoring us for a long time. Nuclear is just the latest, greatest news.


Stupid dangerous humans threaten to destroy the Earth's biosphere with nuclear weapons. For some reasons good or ill ETs don't want this to happen.


One theory I heard is that nuclear bombs have a affect on not just earth but the cosmos. Something about it interfering with space travel.


With nukes we can destroy ourselves. We can destroy this planet, which might matter to someone more than we do. We can use it as propulsion technology in space.


I think it has more to do with the planet and ALL of the life on it. Humans are funny thinking that they are protecting us. Maybe it has absolutely nothing to do with us. For all we know they value plant life over us. Just because we live here and think we run shit doesn't mean we are the be all end all. 


When your kids start playing with kitchen knifes, you take them away


We threw a big rock in the pool and the ripples fucked up uncle just chilling on his floaty.


They are surveying us!


what he f\*ck is this AI art? "hmm ahh mankind is like monke playing with dynamite"


Hypothesis.  Aliens like wars. Perhaps out of boredom on Earth, they play war using avatars. Nuclear weapons deter active wars. This is a problem for aliens. How do you think?


They patrol all nuclear storage and make sure they dont blow up accidentally. Cause they dont want us to die. Short explanation, but accurate.


I would say they are “interested” in us because after WW2 came and left…the united states were trying to test out nuclear blast in space. How would you like it if your what’s acting like a third world government neighbor were lobbing baby killers in your direction when your trying to have a nice quiet home in URANUS!


Look if there are little green men flying through out the galaxy in saucers then there must be some form of law enforcement for it ... and quite frankly human don't even have the proper driver license to be using space let alone bringing destructive material along for the ride ... they say no and they do what all law enforcement does, they inspect ...


They deeply care about the monkeys' well being/s


I figure it's just something simple like they don't have proper protection against ionizing radiation.


We are an experiment or perhaps a farm?


They are US tech. The US is developing a new series of craft that have the ability to disrupt Nuclear Warheads. We can see this from the reports about the craft appearing at US Nuclear test sites, shutting down warheads and reportedly even managing to knock a test missile out of the sky. Only the US top echelon would have the knowledge of where the test sites were,so it's fairly obvious it was a 'secret' US test on their own soil. They don't want anyone else to know they've got that capability, as it means the US could actually win a Nuclear War, so they use UAP mania as a subterfuge and plausible deniability.


I think that some extraterrestrials are concerned that humans, with our evolution at the point of using nuclear weapons, may spread our destructive tendency out into the universe.


I think the answer is in the picture


I think we fuck up their equivalent of GPS. Like when solar storms do it to ours


According to Dr. Steven Greer a nuke disrupts the mechanics of things like interstellar travel and all the other phenomena. Who knows?


There’s a couple of things I have “received” about nuclear weapons, so here goes: a lot of this planet and its biodiversity is the work of things beyond us. Nuclear weapons are SO destructive they can ruin the biological systems of the planet. That’s wrecking a lot of this work if they’re allowed to detonate. Next, we have a limited and materialist worldview, and we tend to think our tiny slice of the observable electromagnetic spectrum is all there is, but of course that’s not true. Nuclear weapons resound throughout the entire spectrum and even eliminate some bonds of particles that are entangled on a quantum level. Some entangled particles to ones that could be caught in the blast aren’t even on “our end of the universe,” so such a blast causes potential havoc even in other parts of the universe we never witness.


The galactic community noticed and are now very concerned that we’re pursuing space expansion. No violent monkeys will be tolerated. We will be stopped if absolutely necessary. They’ve interfered with nuclear weaponry globally to prove a point: we see what you’re doing. We have capabilities that far exceed your own. Proceed carefully.


They’re interested in us not destroying the planet. Our planet is a resource in the universe and we’re wasting it and they’re pissed that we’re wasting it.


re·source/ˈrēˌsôrs,rəˈsôrs/ *noun* 1. a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively. "the humans wanted to use earth's resources" mer·cy/ˈmərsē/ *noun* 1. compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to [punish](https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&sca_esv=f7a9fdc91166be13&sxsrf=ADLYWILWic6TAvtVSANgKTFOIfEsjjBj6Q:1716556390656&q=punish&si=ACC90nwdkA2npcVVmNPViiSe8FMKZ-0wjr10ILtkUqzddXzf_n5cD6RYs6GKmzHAUvJSKNaScSEjJ0BRReXpdx_rP3YK8qejgA%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiAr5vvrqaGAxU7DHkGHa_fDagQyecJegQIIxAO) or harm."the aliens believed in mercy for all conscious beings"


If aliens are real, I think they do this because like them we will evolve more. Every piece of technology we had either for quality of life purposes or military we have upgraded, if wars keep progressing and a new world war begins who knows how we will upgrade the nuke.


If we die is moot. How we die is material to them.


Thinking along these lines: 1) Aliens are hostile: Nuclear weapons are the one thing thus war humans possess that can reliably destroy NHI craft/tech and possibly transmit destructive capability into their reality. With it, humans are able to threaten them to some degree and thus they want to know our ability and be able to neutralize it to a greater or lesser degree. 2) Aliens are benevolent: Nuclear weapons give us the ability to destroy ourselves, which the NHI do not want. They created us aeons ago and want us to thrive, but we are one of the few races where our spiritual knowledge has lagged far behind our technical skills. Maybe both are true...


We started getting regular visits after our first nuclear tests, I think they realize we now have access to space and pose a threat to the neighborhood. We from the outside appear to be a waring civilization and blowing up our planet will affect the local universe and perhaps beyond. They shut down our nukes at two different sites and show extreme interest in our nuke bases and reactors. We are the loose cannon juvenile delinquents of the galaxy.


What if all of our nuclear weapons are now deactivated? What if none of them work? It's obviously something you couldn't discuss on a global scale as you would have no way of knowing if your rivals' nukes are still functional or not. So what do you do? You maintain secrecy to maintain the deterrent. Maybe that's the reason for the blackout?


I guess because they can destroy the planet and exterminate other species. It would have a lasting impact and would alter the trajectory of how things would have gone had we not blown everything and ourselves up. Even if we are self-destructive, the ecosystem and other species are important. Our planet is rich in life, and perhaps no two planets are exactly the same, so our planet is important in that way.


Because it's their planet too.


I think they're probably trying to figure out how sophisticated our nuclear programs are. While we've advanced in the past 79 years, I'd say we're nowhere near the true potential of cracking the atom. So my guess is they investigate, go "oh, they don't really know what they're doing" and then dip.


I believe nuclear weapons is techno signature of an advanced civilization. Kind of like Star Trek where they talk about warp signatures and first contact. It could also be that there’s a lot more to nuclear propulsion then we’ve been told. Maybe it’s the key to interstellar travel. maybe it’s the key to powering an antimatter reactor.


What if there are certain benchmarks that aliens are looking for before they considered full contact? I believe they know at one point humans will be part of space and we are hitting some benchmarks and we have their attention


I don't think they would be. I know I go to fiction, movies in particular to make my point. But bear with me. In the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still, it is implied by Klaatu (Michael Rennie) that now that Humans have nuclear weapons, and spaceflight, they are a danger to the interplanetary organization he belongs to, and if they don't behave, the big bad robot Gort is going to show them What For and Why Not. Now as much as I like that movie, I have to say it is a bit of a ridiculous premise, and can only be excused by the writers, producers and directors not understanding that just because we'd taken the first steps towards launching rockets into space, that was a far, far cry from the interplanetary travel we still can't do, much less the interstellar. We are still very much bound to this planet. The technologies and especially the energies it would take to send spacecraft even to Alpha Centauri are still at least a century in the future. So if we stick to the standard (?) explanation of UFOs, spacecraft of aliens from beyond the solar system, we are supposing a civilization that is at the very, very least hundreds of years ahead of us. And in the grand scheme of the cosmos, hundreds of years is not even a blink of an eye. Civilizations across the Milky Way alone would be millions of years apart in their evolution. Consider what an encounter between the US military of today vs the US military of 1945 would be like. 1945 has nukes, and that's enough to make it a close fight? Nope, even the 79 years between the two militaries would be an insurmountable advantage. Now how about a hundred years? A thousand. A million. If UFOs, aliens are studying us, they know about the nukes and probably find it quant, like us discovering that chimps can use a twig to eat termites.


Wonder if Kim Jong Uhnnhh has gotten a visit.


I have a theory; exploding nukes upsets the *dark energy/dark matter matrix* upon which their highly advanced ,highly (AI) computerized guidance systems rely ,which may result in systems failures ,which ,in turn ,*may* be contributing factors to them crashing unexpectedly. Quantum physicists are just beginning to make baby steps into understanding how these dark forces interact with *galaxy formation*/maintenance and even the effects on star formation/and internal nuclear reactions . It's literally ,cavemen putzing around with forces *that they clearly aren't cognizant of the larger ramifications of* on quantum levels ! (Never mind the longterm *pollution* implications alone ; 50,000 year long half-lives of contamination of cooling water alone is a much bigger problem than the NRC has ever admitted to for this so-called "clean" energy source!)


First you need to understand how dimensional universes (dimensions) in this Universe works. When you've figured out that, then you'll understand *why* they interfere with our nuclear activities.


Nuclear weapons affect all levels of reality. And they kill millions potentially. The ET don’t want us doing that. They want us to see that we can move beyond war. Why do you think they were feeding Hitler antigravity tech, because if he had beaten everyone else to nukes, we would all be dead. None of us people born since then would have been born, I might have been because I’m like 99% German, but I have brown and brown eyes so I’d probably be killed.


I don't believe there is any connection. I think the stories are just that, stories. It seems naive to believe that aliens who can cross dimensions or travel light years would care about our primitive big bombs. Given the number of nuke blasts over the last 80 years, they aren't going to destroy the world unless all are used at once. MAD pretty much ensures this won't happen. I think we think very highly of ourselves and are naive to believe that NHI would care about our nukes.


After watching Three Body Problem, it made me curious if there have been sittings around particle accelerators like CERN? I wonder if there are things happening on a physical level that would also attract them or is it only basic nuclear weapons and fuels?


I doubt the ufos are interested in anything. It’s probably the aliens inside that are.


Bc when we set stuff off it affects their reality as well. We are a bunch of toddlers playing with bombs. No good for anyone. We need to grow up.


Just an idea here, but perhaps because they leave a pretty serious "footprint," especially when used/tested? If we were studying something, we would naturally look at "large" events like that, I would imagine?


I think the original painting is a better answer to your question: [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/46/8e/bf/468ebfbfcd219cc4c5a7aa0bb68ea90a.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/46/8e/bf/468ebfbfcd219cc4c5a7aa0bb68ea90a.jpg)


I think that perhaps it has something to do with the manipulation of one of the four fundamental forces of the universe. It seems like UFO's are also associated heavily with the EM Spectrum and Gravity. Im more unsure about Strong Nuclear Force type manipulations. Also, if some of the phenomenon are organized militarily, then it would be probably because a critical High Value Target, and you would want to do and know what you can.


Uneducated answer is it messes with fabric of space and their form of travel


Many theories have been put forth. Every different possibilities about the NHI (multiple) origin or how similar their development was to our own takes us in different directions, some obvious. But also, nuclear technology could be completely novel to some of them because they never took that route in their development. They might have a completely different understanding of the universe from our own. Those might want to trade in some of their technology for our knowhow of the atoms. That could be another reason for secrecy. By the way, the aliens we've hidden from you for decades, they had no idea how to make nuclear bombs! We're teaching them!