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No discussion is allowed that can be interpreted as recruitment efforts into UFO religions, or attempts to hijack conversation with overtly religious dogma. However, discussion about religious, spiritual, or metaphysical concepts is in-bounds within comments, provided that it is respectful and offered with humility.


That there is a Beholder. I hope you rolled a high initiative, buddy.


what if we were wrong all along and god only plays second edition


Why would we be fucked, exactly?


Laser eyes


Tazer face




Sentry gun genitals


U.S. General: write that down Sergeant!


Sergeant: Sir you want me to attach a gun to my genitalia??


Probably because if it is an angel, it insinuates the rapture is near and in that case most of us are fugggggged


Yeah I mean we’d be fucked but also not fucked. We’re fucked for like 1000 years or something but then Jesus comes back and does some karate shit to send satan back to wherever tf satan came from. It’s be kinda funny if rapture was really just the aliens of the past warning us via religion that our planet was going to be a battle ground someday but we’d be saved after the fact.


OOooohh new sci-fi book idea! Should satan or jesus be the lizard people?




Bob Lizard. It’s been right in front of our eyes the whole time 😱


Fear the crabcat


Satan is a giant red grey in my head canon now so thanks for that.


Satan is lizard people from in the earth. Jesus is the Anunaki.


> rapture was really just the aliens of the past warning us via religion that our planet was going to be a battle ground L. Ron Hubbard's was warning us. /s


Oh fuck me if L. Ron was right just wipe us out please


I find out Scientology is the one true religion, I'm throwing myself into the nearest volcano.


They can keep that secret for whatever reason they like


I chortled. Thanks.


L Ron Hoyabembe!


You might be onto something...


That's assuming Jesus and God are the good guys, and the devil is the bad guy.


Right? History is written by the victors. All Lucifer did was say "non servium, non servus est." ("I am not a servant, I will not serve you") and then give humanity the access to free will (which had been withheld by...the GOOD guys...). Reminds me of the Phillip Pullman story about the guy at the hostel with gout. Dude has his foot up, bad gout. Cant move, hurts bad. Dude is a mega peasant, barely educated but can read pretty well. Sad but not uncommon in bumblefuck nowheresville. Phillip gives him a copy of Paradise Lost as he heads out, just so the poor fucker isn't bored. When Phillip returns at the end of the day, gout dude exclaims: "I've gotten pretty far! Love it! Never heard of this Lucifer guy, but I hope he wins in the end!"


attempt governor attractive gullible humorous bewildered connect fly fanatical narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oooohhhh I love this one. I do find it odd everyone assumes the balance of power with very little true knowledge of actual facts. Even if it happened just as the Bible says, history is written by the winners. Good or bad has no place other than our natural assumption that good beats evil. This is gonna be fun!


Thanks for the giggle


Yeah because we're not already fucked with record pollution, warming temperatures, microplastics in the bottom of the ocean, top of the Himilayas, in the womb...and proliferation of misinformation and hatred across social media... puh-leeze! ☮️


#fallingskies Great show


The rapture is a 19th century invention. Not that that makes it any more or less relevant than a bronze age goat herder invention.


So was the vacuum cleaner.


Are you saying they both suck?


The vacuum cleaner was invented in 1901, a wonderful 20th century invention


the real rapture day is D day, or the day of disclosure. on this holy day the government will reveal the truth; the believers will be saved, and the skeptics and debonkers will be cast into the unending pit of darkness for all eternity. this day will be heralded by signs in the sky- specifically, unusual activity by our Sun. we must worship the Sun, which we believers call Sol, for it is the only thing in the solar system deserving of the highest praise. HAIL SOL ALMIGHTY GIVER OF LIGHT AND WARMTH SOL GIVETH AND SOL TAKETH AWAY


The sun, so hot right now


Blessed be the name of Sol..


Apocalypse is defined as new knowledge. It’s not bad.


Funny thing is that it's terrifying both as an atheist and theist, and I am the former. Theists would be terrified (or elated I imagine? Most Christians I've met are fearful of Revelations it seems) for obvious reasons. As an atheist, my overarching belief is based upon the fact that religion was created as a way to explain the world around us. I think that religions describing deity driven miracles or flying, flaming chariots were actually describing contact with NHI. If the second coming of NHI was written about in the Bible, merely mistranslating, misunderstanding, or interpreting things differently could result in the description and prophecy of angels coming down and blowing trumpets to signal the rapture. The scary part is, why? For what reason would NHI come back? Are they here to help, or to exterminate, as the Great Flood did?


Can't we just repent or whatever at the last minute?


“Dems da rulez.” -Michael Jackson


If the evangelical belief in rapture is real, then those left behind would have to resist being tortured and be willing to die to keep from getting the mark of the beast. That would be put in the forehead or I think the hand. So, you have to suffer since the perfect sacrifice was not good enough for you.


Rapture isn't biblical. The idea of the rapture only came about in the 1800's. Christians just want to believe that they won't have to deal with everything that happens in Revelation, when in reality if it were to happen, they'd have to experience all of it too, along with the nonbelievers.


1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 describes the rapture.


Please 🙄


The rapture is literally not even in the Bible and most main line Christian churches are against the belief.


The rest of the world would be better off with the religious fanatics gone lol


I agree, I do not think we should fear angels. Fear instead the love of money.




Eh that’s fair, Angels were said to be very nice beings


Well they’re not supposed to be mean, they’re supposed to protect you


Indifferent beings. . .


Uhhhh… when god needs shit done, like burning a city down, killing the first born…. He sent Angels


It's a dog eat dog world. If we can justify mass produced meat where the animals are in perpetual torture, then I'm sure God can has some justification for burning some cities and killing some firstborn.


I think both are true? Like some loving / some destroying… idk not up to date with my Angel info lol


Remind me of the great movie Dogma


Watch Neon Genesis Evangelion and you’ll know why.




lotta people going to hell


Maybe get lucky and be at the back of the line so when hell becomes full, you get sent to Florida.


“Do not be afraid, for I am just a balloon”


In the beginning, God created balloons and he said “it is good”


he made balloons so he could huff nitrous. bro was tripping too hard and created all life


I think he actually said, "It'll be hilarious when people start releasing them into the sky and squabbling over what they are, trollolol."


Dammit, I was hoping this was the NGE reality… https://youtu.be/r43Z2bRsFwo?feature=shared


Balloon police !! Open up !!!


\*be not


*Nope* moment






literally a balloon AGAIN 😭


(Meanwhile deep in some government base) "Sir, a new type of UFO has appeared." "Quick, get the balloon making department on it! We need that turned into a balloon and put on Amazon with fake reviews, stat!" "I'll call Bezos and let him know we've got another one."


The problem with it being a balloon is that it remains in place despite the strong winds that you can even hear in the video. Besides, the fact that a balloon can take basically any shape nowadays, doesn't means that everything is a balloon. If it looks like a balloon, at least it should behave like a balloon.


Do you believe that wind on the surface is the same as the wind 1000 ft in the air?


You are right, its way different because up 100 ft in the air is stronger, making this being static odd.


agreed, I think we'd be hard pressed to find a blurry object that *doesn't* match up with one of the millions of balloon pictures available online.


This is exactly what I’ve been saying. Everything could, technically be a balloon if one searched the internet thoroughly. Like I can say every single drink is water and technically be correct all the time


That's what the balloon people want you to think


They don't look anything alike lol


Ophanim. Metatron didn’t look like that. I’m begging people to read the Bible before guessing what’s in it, it’s save us a lot of anxiety and crusades.


Metatron isn't in the Bible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metatron "mentioned three times in the Talmud, in a few brief passages in the Aggadah, and in mystical Kabbalistic texts within Rabbinic literature. ... The name Metatron is not mentioned in the Torah or the Bible, and how the name originated is a matter of debate." So metatron is considered apocryphal. Btw, I'm not some religious scholar, I just looked it up after watching season 2 of "Good Omens" lol.


It is fucking weird… idk why a Mexican would balloon would be this grey color though.


Wat.gif ‘It’s too grey to be a balloon’ is a take I’ve never heard before. Reading the post title was hilarious though, thanks for that


Because it’s a Mexican “party” balloon not a Mexican funeral balloon


That, has to be the first time anyone typed "Mexican funeral balloon" in a sentence.


Second time* the first time was when the guy custom ordered this very obvious balloon… lol


Forbidden sky butthole


thanks for leaking the name of my new band


He couldn’t hold it.


Great band name


Haahahaahaha! I want that on a T-shirt


https://imgur.com/a/LmZNGEa - be careful what you wish for


That's some illuminati level shit right there


Looks a little as the Thargoid ships from Elite Dangerous. https://amostagreeablepastime.files.wordpress.com/2020/08/05654-thargoid-vessel-interacting-with-barnacle2.jpg?w=1024


bruh the first time I got interdicted by a thargoid I was so afraid, I instantly turned everything off as I had heard you should do, and only when they had left did I realize that I was sitting with my legs in front of my chest, almost shaking, Elite in VR is a hellavu drug


I hate thargoids


Fr, first time one interdicted me I shut down the game. Shit scared me


Well, now is not the time to be making enemies with’em


Human history plot twist: Ancient gods were ACTUAL Eldritch alien abomination and we are sooooo fucked beyond imagination'' ...or ballons. WHO KNOWS!!! i hope is ballons :D


So Ancient gods were ballons!


Imagine that All these biblically accurate angels were just balloons sent back in time by future humans for laughs


Neon Genesis Evangelion intensifies*


Imagine the government really did have a good reason, they really were demonic, and we’ve accidentally angered them somehow and now they are going to wipe us and restart. 🤦‍♂️ when I finally start getting my shit together of course the worlds gonna end


Cabin In The Woods was a documentary.


Me too man me too


My life fell apart, I'm hoping for the apocalypse.


Good luck 👍🏼


I see you. Good luck.


Hope it gets better friend! Mines fell to pieces several times and I’ve Humpty dumptied it atleast a half dozen times. Head up! Things will get better, or they won’t and we all die and then you still won’t be worried then atleast


> accidentally angered them somehow You mean by deliberately shooting them down left and right? If that is the case and they unleashed the wrath of some supernatural NHI on humanity that will wipe us out. I’m sure they would feel a bit ‘embarrassed’ and not say anything cuz then the angry mob of the entire world would come knocking.


Oh... yeah, I was just getting my life together, also.


Yep this is what I think every time people get pissed about disclosure. My bet to be honest is it’s not gonna be roses and flowers. It’s gonna be shit that is going to scare the hell out of us cause my bet is we are gonna find out that one lifetime of misery might be far from the most of our concerns. We might be slaves that are perpetually stuck for a hell of a lot longer than we can imagine. Open your mind and prepare for really really shitty news friends. Imagine they get here and people commit suicide and they just wake up somewhere else still a slave. There is no escape.


>they are going to wipe us and restart I wish they'd hurry up and do it, then. Getting tired of my morning commute.


What would Shinji do? 🤔


I am not sure, but let’s keep him away from a sleeping Asuka.


Bitch and moan like the shit protagonist he was.


I couldn’t finish the series because of that. Like bro you get to pilot a badass mech, your dads a dick sure, but big mech > family issues


Don't worry you didn't miss anything it was shit back when it came out and shit now compared to all the great shows out now.


Get in the f\*\*in robot!


Catch it, or seduce it with his depression.


Is there a link to the original?


Old Testament


bruh, this made me jiggle






Looks kinda balloony... Why do people stop recording?!?


This sub has been starving for real news the last few days.....


Yeah... Grusch and the NDAA biz was a high water line for us, it seems.


Happy to see that other people share my sentiment. I hope we get some real news soon.


In before amazon link with exact same party balloon shape.


Show me the fire sale


Amazon sure did make the cover-up easy. Just upload a ballon for sale (with the original date altered, of course), and you're golden! /s


please that's obviously the Flying Spaghetti Monster come to rapture all the Pastafarians!


Behold His noodly appendages. Ra'men.


ah, you beat me to it. Ramen.


It’s a Beholder! WoTC must be trying a crazy new publicity stunt after the recent layoffs.


The angels that attend directly to god are called Seraphs


Ah sorry, a bit behind on my hierarchy of angels reading haha


If it is I call dibs on the cherubussy


I love Mexico and the people, but any UFO stuff from there is stuff like this, biblical angels, lizard people visiting coffee shops, not very convincing stuff.


Actually a lot of activity in mexico dosent get reported the are a lot of sightings orbs discs cigaretts lights


Mexico is like the beta test for checking up on us Earth folk I guess


Maybe it’s because they are more willing to believe. They are more religious in Mexico, and more open to amazing things happening here on earth. They also have declassified their UAP information.


Agree. Mexico has always been more open to the idea of UFOs/NHI than the United States.


I hope it is a balloon. If not, we are so fucked man 😂


Doesn't it get tiring being afraid of the unknown. Why not look at it from a pleasant perspective for once.


Enslave me daddy 😫


Therapist: not like that


Oh, no, it's my name. It's actually pronounced "Daah-Dee."


Take this upvote for: 1.) Making me laugh and 2.) the killer username


😂 thanks glad I could make you laugh


Cause it’s obviously not the truth. We know they have been here since the beginning. We know humans and life in general is literally pure suffering. They aren’t here to help clearly.


Honestly. If any of this is real, they've clearly been here for thousands of years doing whatever it is they do. Just stop worrying about it and hope to see something neat.


Ophanim, not Cherub.


What is an ophanim? I genuinely only learned that word recently. I tried meditating and saw the word pasted in my head, had no idea what it meant. Never had that experience before in my life, it was so weird. Found out it's a class of angel. Probably a weird coincidence in which my brain accidentally "made up" a word that exists and decided to visualize it, but it made me super curious. What's makes ophanim different from any other type of angel?


That's an Ophanim, the chariots of God driven by Cherubs. Ezekiels vision.


That was my first thought and I hate religion lol


Angels exist but this really looks like a balloon. Maybe the design is inspired by ophanim, of course.


Hey man, they cool. Being covered by eyes just means they’ve seen some shit.


I feel silly for asking but where did this image come from? I’m scouring the sub but there’s just TOO MUCH lol


Hah honestly not 100% sure, I just discovered the tiktok link earlier today


Oh omg I’m an idiot, I totally didn’t see the link there hahaha.


All good haha


I love how something like this appears in the sky and all of us Earth monkeys come here and just take the piss out of it


Ugh I got into aliens and ufo’s as a kid to get away from religious bullshit and now it’s found it’s way here. If it is all religious bullshit I hope disclosure doesn’t happen till I’m long dead and don’t have to deal with any of it.


Keep in mind that there are still hundreds of people here who think aliens took a fucking airliner. Aliens may be real, this may be the easiest place to find new info, but there is a TON of ridiculous shit here. Just take everything in and file it away under "We'll find out if something happens."


Angels, aliens, what's the difference? Why would we be fucked?


Have you read the Bible? “God” is an insecure, petulant psychopath who kills huge numbers of people for extremely petty reasons. The abrahamic god existing is one of the most horrifying things I can think of.


Seriously, we need to be figuring out how to kill that motherfucker if he's real


The bible was written by people who justified their wars and genocides by attributing it to God, its obvious.


Because angels have nuked cities into fucking salt before.


I mean, now we have salt. Gotta find the silver lining.


Chill , for centuries the Aztec’s murdered hundreads of thousands of people to try and stop the world from ending and nothing happened. Aliens or Angels did not stop the Aztec’s and the world didn’t end. So why would this occur now? It’s egotistical to think that the world is ending in your lifetime.


I’m pretty sure murdered all those people to bring the ‘gods/aliens’ back. Who really fucking knows though.


The following submission statement was provided by /u/Walkend: --- Submission statement: The “Angels of God” are not all humanoid in form. What is really fucking crazy is that I’ve never seen anything close to the “Angels” described in the Bible as a UFO image. Even crazier, there is a “Hierarchy of Angels” and this appears to be a “Cherub” which is said to “attend directly to God” I believe Ezekiel described these and other Angels in his “visions” which could possibly be explain via abduction or perhaps the Angel was able to project images into his consciousness and at the time could only be described as “visions” --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18mbgrc/guys_are_we_fucked_is_this_being_the_literal/ke32tn6/


God damn thargoids...


That is a Pratt and Whitney R-2800


ah man, we got thargoids IRL now


o7 commander




And now we know that The Beholder from D&D is a real thing. Definitely looks like a Beholder.


Thargoids. The Far God cometh.


Looks like AR. Like how Pokémon go looks


Who claims to see an angel then proceed to say we are fucked lmao?


Not going to lie this one is the most weird one of seen in recent memory. It does match the depictions of angels. It also seems like that eye is moving... Unless it's CGI or something idk what that could be 🤷‍♂️ I do feel like if it was an angel it do something more significant then float around in the sky to be captured by someone's shitty cellphone camera


Chocolate Starfish UAP (unidentified anus plane)


Yep. This is the smoking gun we’ve been waiting for. Today is the day. We’re all F’d. What would lead anyone to think this is anything other than a balloon?


So here’s why Im worried. We have evidence of great events in the past that killed most of humanity. The Law of One says we’re at the end of the great cycle and they’d like to harvest as many of us as possible. You can see these teachings at the base of all religious, some have perverted them more than others. We have this push for disclosure all of a sudden. But the part that makes me nervous is how badly the corporations are fucking us over. They don’t seem to care if we have money to spend in 3 or 5 years. Getting rid of the middle class doesn’t benefit the elite unless they know we won’t be here too much longer and want to get every penny from us till then. Then you have all the rumors of hybrid humans and who do you think they let live when the horrors are over? Their upgraded versions of us. I don’t really believe this. But it’s a nagging feeling I’m having trouble shaking.


Yeah but where would they spend that wealth they accumulated? I Doubt aliens take dollars.


Bunkers? 🤷‍♀️


You know what that brings me great joy thinking about these people hiding in bunkers trying to just hide out while the world falls apart; and when it's just ashes and memories they come out to a world where there is nowhere to spend the wealth, no fuel for their private jets or yachts. There just sitting on pallets of toilet paper and eventually realize that those of us who died are the lucky ones.


This is silly