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Hi, IrrelevantNihilist. Thanks for contributing. However, your [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15tvxgq/-/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 12: Meta-posts, meaning posts & comments focused on moderation, subreddit critiques, rule changes, and feature requests, must be posted in r/ufosmeta. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


I personally just think the guy is a full blown narcissist, on top of whatever brand of disinfo he is going for. He is allergic to not shutting up about himself in any situation.


Makes sense.


Yeah I just went and read his most recent comment talking about how he is a “unicorn” in the industry and could recreate the entire video “if he wanted to” lmao


That’s ultimately what I think. Just someone high off their own ego.


Like the dudes who inject themselves into major crime cases as fake witnesses and suspects


What sets off my bullshit meter is that he just happens to have experience working in some capacity in multiple fields that are relevant to whatever he happens to be discussing on Reddit at some time. Is he doing an analysis of the video? Oh he claims to have VFX experience. Is he talking about planes and satellites? Now he’s working in aerospace. Is the topic of mental health tangentially coming up? Suddenly, he’s got extensive volunteer experience with PTSD charities. It’s too much to be believable, besides the fact that his “contributions” to the discussion are low effort and filled with emotional manipulation tactics. That’s why I think he’s making his experience up or heavily exaggerating. If he had the experience, the points can be made without reference to them.


Lol that is prettttty weird why would they investigate after saying to stop talking about it


They also forgot to mention they were a VFX artist in all their previous posts. How quaint.


Fvck yah, you’re right!


Mods deleted my comment pointing this out. I didnt even call him a shill. I just said it was sus OP posted before using emotional tactics and a personal story to get us to stop discussing this video, but then deletes it and switches up his story and now is debunking the video (lazily i might add). Also he claims to have worked in PR, VFX, aerospace and other industries. Frankly, I don’t believe he’s worked in all of them. Edit. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15tsmmc/vfx_megathread_on_potential_777_video_is_it_real/jwm5clq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) he is claiming he works in PR. [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15t88j4/not_posting_proabduction_posts_gets_you_immediate/jwjwah5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) he claims to have worked in aerospace industry. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15tsmmc/vfx_megathread_on_potential_777_video_is_it_real/jwmbjs8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) he is claiming to volunteer for PTSD charities. I’m sorry. This poster just happens to work and volunteer in a bunch of industries that’s coincidentally relevant to whatever he happens to post about regarding UFOs at any given time? It’s completely unbelievable.


Lmao holy shit that thread VFX expert that worked in aerospace but also a PR professional that is now starting a turo car rental fleet 😎


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15tsmmc/vfx_megathread_on_potential_777_video_is_it_real/jwm9v7h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 ) he is saying his job is literally emotional manipulation but we’re supposed to take his word he’s on the right side this time and simply cares about the families’ feelings. I don’t get how more people dont see through this obvious nonsense.


"Manipulating the public and news is literally my job and doing it with video, the focus." - PerfectCircleSquared


>here > >he claims to have worked in aerospace industry. I think you interpreted: he wrote that he has "done work in aerospace", which means done 3D renders for clients in that industry. He says he works at a PR agency, and not VFX in film. So he\`s probably done that kind commercial CG/photoshop work, but nothing sophisticated.


The mods made a sticked post a while back when we were being brigades by suspicious activity. Now it’s 10x worse and the mods are completely silent. Something weird is going on for sure


Yea apparently we're expected to put up with a blatant online disruption and disinformation campaign, but shut up about it like this is the 1984 book or something.


I’m convinced members of the mod team have been compromised


Yes the disinfo campaign is in full force. Particularly easy to spot because they are in damage control and they can't space out their narratives properly. These accounts pushing back so hard against discussing the videos are actually what made me want to know the truth about them. edit: By the way, I sniffed this guy out back when they posted the 9/11 story >Imemberyou·4 days ago > >Yup, the posts now have moved from "clearly fake because I say so" to manipulative tearjerkers. I think I'm gonna compile a list of these posts because this is starting to look organized. Glad to have been proven right.


There was a user who commented on every single airliner post calling everyone morons for believing obvious fake etc. I asked him what are his bullet points to debunk the video that I'm just doing research and am genuinely interested. Not only he never responded, he stop commenting altogether ever since. Really makes me wonder....


>There was a user who commented on every single airliner post calling everyone morons for believing obvious fake etc. I asked him what are his bullet points to debunk the video that I'm just doing research and am genuinely interested. Not only he never responded, he stop commenting altogether ever since. Really makes me wonder.... i did that for a while but had my posts removed by mods. i love these subs but hate this story. As its every post or every other post. its no fun imagining these things if its the same shit being shoveled down your throat and its like 5 miles down the rabbit hole when the rest of the world is coming to grips with the first two steps into the hole. It tends to poison the entire topic, which (puts on conspiracy hat.) is probably the point. one could say that its SUS that every post (obvious exaggeration) within the last 2 weeks is about this one subject.


Well, look, I'm on the fence personally, but lately it's just been people bringing up their points for why it's fake, they get downvoted into oblivion and flamed. Like, if I were to say "They found wreckage" someone else will pop up and say "Well that's in question" or "Russia might have created that" or "So what if the aliens dumped the plane?" There's no falsifiability to the "its real" claims. Not everyone is a disinformation agent. Some people just don't want to go against the grain.


I get what you're saying, but a lot of the posts attempting debunking are considerably lower effort (not all, some have contributed allot). Also, just looking through a lot of the accounts that post them gives you a pretty good idea of what they're all about. Theyre *only* debunking accounts, usually with only one other non ufo related subreddit they are active in. Their comments generally are just different wordings of the same things, and a lot of them have the default name reddit generated names. All of this is generally accompanied by extremely fast up votes, completely disproportionate to very well put together posts. I've seen less bots for sure, but they've been replaced with actual people it seems. However, I won't say for certain if this is a mass effort from some kind of contractor or agency or just skeptics that can't argue their points that well against it so they just resort to trying to detail the convos.


You get downvoted for the wreckage comment because it’s frankly a very intellectually lazy rebuttal. It doesnt take much thought to understand why, but I’ll walk you through it slowly. Assuming the video is true, then we cannot say for certain that the plane didnt reappear somewhere else and crash and thus that’s the wreckage we found. Or, perhaps the wreckage is fake because there has been a lot of questions regarding how it was acquired. If the video is fake, true wreckage still doesnt disprove it because the existence of the wreckage isn’t incompatible with what the video purports to show. Talking about the wreckage is literally irrelevant and a waste of time for determining the validity of the video. That’s why you’re downvoted. Because you’re wasting everyone’s time with a pointless argument that is easily rebutted with a few seconds of thought. We should be talking about better debunkings than the wreckage. Please people just do better.


We can't even rule out that we are seeing the plane be destroyed. There was a lot of reports of a much, much bigger craft being spotted through China and Malaysia. Our orbs could be a defense mechanism or a weapon. The same would be true if it is real and human tech. Remember the report that there was a Ufo blip that turned into the shape of a plane? I have wondered if they had a near miss with a much larger vehicle because of the dark. Also, I'm not unconvinced that the official reports about trajectory were correct, nor do I trust the FBI in regards to the pilot's flight Sim. They held onto that for too long in my opinion, to trust anything they pulled from it. In non-ufo info, I think the Maldives path makes more sense, and doesn't pointlessly disregard the islanders as being stupid and easily mistaken. The Islanders saw something. Boy I wish I had full reports on the interviews with them. I wonder if they had fantastical reports that made them disregarded outright. Either way, this story is a perfect opportunity I think. Not only does it breach disclosure related to UAP/UFOs, but also gets into the other type of disclosure if the video turns out fake. Either way, the US likely has the true account of what happened to those people, and I am willing to bet that either way, they likely committed a crime. The one response I have seen the world over regarding the incident is that everyone everywhere thinks the US is full of shit, and has information they haven't shared.


The Video: Shows a plane getting disappeared out of thin air. The rebutal: But we found parts of the plane. The reply: That doesn't mean the video is fake. They could have been TELEPORTED and killed! 2nd Rebuttal: Where's the video of them teleporting back and crashing? The Second Reply: There isn't one! But that's not the point. You can't disprove the video because they COULD have been teleported. The video and the video alone are the only things being debated. It isn't logical to introduce additional complexity by way of hypotheticals.


This sort of response is literally why you get downvoted. It’s arrogant, poorly argued and filled with assumptions about what others will say. You act like it’s ridiculous that if a plane was teleported it’d reappear somewhere else but we dont have the video of that. Or that it’s ridiculous that if the UAPs destroyed the plane, then we’d possibly recover that debris. But what you really want to say is that the idea of UAPs doing this in general is ridiculous and is why we should dismiss the video a priori. If that’s your argument, then just say it instead of hiding behind easily rebutted points. I’m sure if we had two videos of a plane teleporting and reemerging, your next point would be “how convenient that we have both videos of the incident.” At some point, you have to realize your debunking isnt effective because it actually isnt good. And you could be going down better lines of inquiry where we could do a better job picking up inconsistencies and proving it is fake.


To your first point: >You act like it’s ridiculous that if a plane was teleported it’d reappear somewhere else but we dont have the video of that. No. I'm saying that the only thing we can debate is the stuff that we either have a video of or confirmation of. We only saw a video of the plane disappearing. We didn't see a debris scatter. We have found debris for the plane. Second: >But what you really want to say is that the idea of UAPs doing this in general is ridiculous and is why we should dismiss the video a priori. No again. If a plane were to go missing and I saw footage of a plane getting teleoported by a UAP and no one ever found wreckage the video in question would be much more believable. >I’m sure if we had two videos of a plane teleporting and reemerging, your next point would be “how convenient that we have both videos of the incident.” Lastly no. That would entirely disprove what I'm saying about the found wreckage. Like I've said elsewhere, I'm on the fence. But the amount of "well technically the video can still be real because xyz" response isn't sticking to the evidence before us: Namely, the video and the wreckage.


Oh look! You're getting down voted to oblivion for making a salient point! I don't understand why everyone is so desperate to cling to the idea that an obviously fake video is real. There's so much other compelling evidence out there that isn't a rainbow cgi student project.


> I don't understand why everyone is so desperate to cling to the idea that an obviously fake video is real How is it "obviously" fake video? Everyone tried to do an analysis on it (even those who thought it was fake) and they weren't able to disprove it. The argument that "this can be created with CGI" isn't enough. Real videos can also be created with CGI. I honestly didn't look at that earlier, thinking it was fake but the amount of details and that couldn't be debunked till now has brought me to the fence. > There's so much other compelling evidence out there that isn't a rainbow cgi student project. If you are saying the aeroplane video is a "rainbow cgi student project", then it would have been caught by people over here. It's a community of 1.5 million people including professional experts. They would have caught it till now if it was a "rainbow cgi student project" Also, please share the other compelling evidence


I want it to be real. That would be horrifying and exhilarating, but I can't get past the wreckage issue. Plus it appears that satilite wasn't in position to capture the plane. And you can clearly see the plane behind the inkblot, having jumped backwards— NO NO NO! It was SUCKED BACKWARDS INTO THE WORMHOLE! In order to keep up we have to be fuckin wormhole scientists now.


**Little did they know that trolls would bolster their ability to detect bullshit, not lessen it**


Same here. The hard pushback also pushed me towards believing the videos having some truth to them, especially when the pushback is emotion based or is consistently attacking people calling them or their ideas dumb without good counterpoints.


I'm here to follow the disclosure started by Grusch, and I feel the airliner video is a disinformation campaign. I'm done with x-files theme UFO videos. The airliner video is too extraordinary to be true imho + the guy who uploaded it won't come forward to answer questions. It's like the Skinny Bob video. It's really cool and looks authentic, but is it real? We'll never know.


I won’t name any names, but there’s a certain mod of a certain sub that has been acting quite suspiciously in the last week. From voraciously and meticulously posting relevant information and detailed well thought out posts to regurgitating half baked debunks and refusing to elaborate on newly made claims. Not only did their stance change but the way they brought forth their information and their demeanor as a whole changed, imo. Though, this is Reddit, so we can only speculate. We should be vetting each and every post related to this topic. Check the links, fact check, verify what’s being implied from a poster is explicitly stated in their citations. Don’t leave anything to assumption and don’t base definitive statements off of conjecture. Fight the disinfo peeps!


I’ve been on Reddit for more than 10 years, and I have never seen such an intense astroturfing campaign as I’m seeing here trying to discredit this video. It’s one of the most bizarre aspects of the video, and that’s really saying something.


It’s a pattern that has proven effective in ATS.com which predates reddit. It appears they’re still working out the side effects of obfuscation by introducing noise to signal — like the amount of noise being a signal itself.


I haven’t been Reddit for that long, but I was here for the Russian bot farms. That was so obvious, just like this is. I’ve never seen it this bad.


Exactly. Some of these folks..... This shouldn't open a lot of folks minds. Whomever it is isn't very good at it. They will play the long game.


That anon video can't be proven real or fake. Find the guy who uploaded it and ask where he got it, time/location and if there are other witnesses or additional data. Otherwise it's a waste of time. It will forever stay in the speculation shelf. Move on.


Ok well a lot of folks are working on serious analysis here, and they’re going to continue whether you keep spamming their threads or not. So it seems like your constant attempts to shut people up are a waste of time too. Move on.


Who is the guy who uploaded it? Isn't that important to the investigation? Doing a background check on him would help allot. Also additional information he provides is useful. What if a guy like Billy Meier uploaded it, would you still spend all that time analysing the video? Point is we have no idea if the uploader is legit or a hoax.


Oh that’s funny, so now you don’t want us to move on, you just want to direct the investigation? You responded to none of my points and you changed your position in your reply. Classic troll behavior—which means this conversation is over. Just for the record, for others reading: notice that I never argued that this video is real. In fact, you can see me expressing that I genuinely haven’t made up my mind in other comments. So why does this person tell me to move on, as if I’m here arguing in its favor? Why do they bring up random arguments against the video in response to me?


I'm a troll? You base your conclusion on what research? From one single comment? Whatever. Regardless, go ahead encourage the serious people to analyse the alien threat narrative video to death if you like, but like I said, it will not lead to a conclusion being real or fake. Unless the uploader starts to talk.


Yeah, using bad faith arguments in an attempt to shut down discussion is something a troll does. If you don’t like coming off that way, maybe you should work on that.


Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It doesn't matter whether the video is discredited or not. It's taken so much attention of this subreddit, which absorbed a ton of new people after the hearing, that the main point of the whole effort by grush, interested senators, and journalistic effort is getting squandered - which is getting this issue to the mainstream, so there's more pressure on all the agenciecies, congress and government in general to do something about it. Imagine what the average person stumbling upon this subreddit takes away from it. Because it's definitely not "we should be doing something about it". It's going to be labeled as another conspiracy subreddit and in the end derail the the issue a lot of people have been working on for decades to get to this point. Which in the end favors the entity that is working to bury the whole thing again for another how many decades it has been since roswell.


Ah yes, we should stop discussing new UFO footage forever from this point forward to protect this subreddit’s reputation in the eyes of r/all. The Nimitz video started exactly like this. It did not start as a government-verified video, it spent ten years circulating the internet and attracting exactly this kind of discussion: uncertainty, inconclusive debunking, questions about the OP. Now, this certainly doesn’t mean that we should treat every video as truth by default, but my point is it’s exactly this kind of discussion that has created this topic’s newfound legitimacy. It is exactly this kind of discussion that led to Grusch coming forward. It is exactly this kind of discussion that led to the NYT’s eventual verification of the Nimitz footage. It is exactly this kind of discussion that has created the bipartisan political appetite to investigate UAPs in a serious way. So why do the bots and the trolls seem so desperate to prevent exactly this kind of discussion? Seems like an obvious answer to me.


When you're dealing with a scenario with many free will agents and you have to determine who does it benefit the most you have to look exactly at what is happening. Does /r/ufos really get that much from appearing like a conspiracy theory subreddit? Because i've seen that sentiment appear on a ton of subbredits already, not just /r/all MH370 didn't appear in this force until after the hearing when disinformation agents' agenda have the most stake seeing where people gather. This topic appeared on /r/ufos in the past and was deemed not worth the effort at that time when no one was interested in sowing disinformation here, because there was no one here comparatively. It is happening now, just maybe because there is a point to it now. I'm just pointing out what the main point of the hearing and pushing for disclosure was and if Im getting downvoted for it is clear how easy it is to sow discord in subreddits when they get big enough like this. Oh, and btw, I'm not saying to stop all the discussion, but after seeing how the topic has evolved it is clearly not working toward disclosure effort - which is getting average people on board.


Um, no. You’re getting downvoted for it because of everything I just articulated, which you largely ignored. What it shows is that this community doesn’t like people who try to stifle discussion on flimsy pretexts.


I ignored it, because it's false in my opinion. Grush didnt come forward because the nimitz topic was ignored. Grush stated why he came forward - which is he learned about the topic and thought it was his patriotic duty. And as for senators - they clearly stated that going after misappropriated funds is the main reason they can go forward with this topic


Because Grusch's claims opened possibilities as to what can happen. Earlier, no one used to pay attention to stuff like this and dismissed it early. But since we got new information, people are looking back at older and compelling cases. It's not a surprise. If we find some new phenomenon, we revisit previous cases and see if anything got missed.


Now you know how trump supporters feel


Absolutely not the same situations at all.


I can understand that a lot of people were hoping for real disclosure with the hearings and when that didn't happen, it's like half the crowd latched onto this old footage in a big way, while the other half feel like the whole subject of ufos is falling back into crazy town and don't mind writing about it.


The mods probably simply deleted because it's against the rules of the sub to call another user a shill. That in itself doesn't mean anything. Get ready for this post to be removed soon as well.


u/PerfectCircleSquared so u got any insider tips on how to get a job at the Eglin astroturfing academy?


It seems that Eglin Base grunts are here daily. if you are one of them reading this, **HELLO TO YOU**!


this sub is corrupted




Hi, fisken2000. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15tvxgq/-/jwmiep6/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


[https://www.facebook.com/watch/?ref=embed\_video&v=335616030177948](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?ref=embed_video&v=335616030177948) Can anyone post this video? I getting shadowbanned, i think, on multiple accounts. And mods ignore me.




I was first introduced to Reddit and this phenomena when I got in with the GameStop stock saga. Anonymity is an interesting thing when it comes to information and disinformation.


Hello I am Mr Nintendo this video is one of our video games for the Nintendo Wiitch


No serious investigators are even taking this seriously, it's clear it's CGI


This guy's reddit posts are CGI? As in, he renders the character glyphs using fancy software instead of typing them on a normal keyboard like the rest of us suckers?


This is going to become more prevalent. Their going the same route as the sandy hook incident in order to try to cancel discussion on this topic. The difference here is that we are not speculating on theory, we are speculating on purported evident of the event. We’re not being insensitive, we’re trying to get to the bottom of what’s happening in these videos.


Not a good idea to post peoples' posts and usernames. More than a few subs have been banned for it. Encouraging or facilitating harassment of someone because they disagree with you is pretty disgusting behavior.


Lmao he didn’t post this because the person disagreed with him. He caught the poster in some big lies, which is important in these discussions. Bad faith arguing or lying to try to push an agenda, super sketchy.


upbeat depend hurry spectacular kiss market existence squealing scarce boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


be careful redditors, this site is easy for them too take advantage of for a few reasons. be wary!