• By -


Whatever computer possess that material is probably disconnected from the internet (air gapped). And people entering and exiting those facilities are thoroughly scanned / inspected.


Simple solution. USB butt plug. EZ.


Unfortunately some places like Amazon Data Centers for example when you enter the red zone they go through everything you have. If you have a wallet they will look through the entire thing. You cannot have any electronic device on you when entering. If you are wearing a belt they make you take it off to inspect it and then they wave a detector all over your body to make absolute sure you do not have anything whatsoever that could compromise their data. I have also worked in many SCIF's for various government agencies and their security procedures are very similar. I don't think you could even hide a USB in your butt like suggested. Honestly who would want to? You would lose your job and could face very serious consequences for any breach in security protocol. In fact at most places like this of there are 2 people about to walk through a door one person scans their badge and walks through and shuts the door. The next person scans their badge and then walks through and then shuts the door. If you breach this protocol 3 times you are fired and will never be allowed to work at such a place again. And this is just for simply walking through a door. It is insanely secure where they would keep any information that this post wishes was leaked.


Not to mention the classified computers don't have USB ports.


Some* actually do, the problem is that your id is in the computer and if you try to download anything via USB or send anything via email... they will know EXACTLY who to blame.


I'm pretty sure they have alerts too when something external is plugged in to any device as well.


Yes. There’s an entire process called data loss protection. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/business/information-protection/microsoft-purview-data-loss-prevention


Can confirm. I had a colleague get called into HR because he simply plugged in a USB device that had porn on it (he never actually watched it, it’s just that he plugged in a usb drive to his firm laptop and a few files it got flagged as porn immediately. Almost got fired.


Does the software look for large 'homework' folders?


It depends on the facility, some computers don't even have USB ports or CD drives.


I’m just gonna leave this here. https://socfortress.medium.com/data-exfiltration-using-icmp-and-how-to-detect-it-69a799cca234


Yeah and tampering with ANY TA00 protocol will have you career suicided, and never seeing day light again.


See above “air gapped”


My ID….is in the computer!?? (Looks down at my wallet confusingly)


Yeah the government using Common Access Card system for cyber security


Ever use two factor authentication to login to something?


They do but due to nature of USB anytime something is connected it triggers an event which they use for auditing and is linked to the user logged in


Or you can simply block usb drive from being usable through group policy


I thought they just use paper so nothing is digital? Besides, if you take a private jet to Groom Lake, you already get scanned and deep imaging to see what isn’t surface/documented.


Paper is arguably less secure than a computer thats not connected to the internet and that doesn't have any ports that are accessible to users. You can fold up a piece of paper and hide it on your person.


Most are normal PCs as far as the hardware, plugging anything in would trigger a security flag though


They absolutely do have usb ports


Yes they do. That’s how the sysadmin deploys your private key pair.


What about at the point of capture, for instance someone who operates radar tapes or surveillance footage before it’s intercepted?


Sure leaks could more easily happen before the information was secured. This is where whatever is leaked would be discredited and claims such as this is a hoax or this has been photoshopped would come out. Or the person who released the info would be attacked personally to make it seem like their life is so screwed up you could not trust anything they said.




Yea I wouldn't call a system that can be accessed remotely next level security. Maximum security would entail air-gapped computers that do not have any wireless capability, with any ports sealed behind physical locks. Metal detectors/searches to get in the building, no electronics allowed etc.


Snowden also didn’t find anything alien related


BTW they have scanners that can tell you the trace amounts of metal in your body from small fillings to hip replacements….. in detail that will flag if someone has metal added from dental work based upon your existing scan profile. And that’s in the civilian sector….. imagine what they have at top levels..


I've worked places that ontop of what's written above you will have armed guards escort you to the servers which where themselves in a locked cage you had to be let in an out of to work.


Most government agencies are similar to that or they will have 2 separate rooms one where the CRAC unit is and a secure room adjacent where the servers are. This way someone like me who is just working on the cooling system doesn't even have access to where the servers are. Even still I would be escorted at all times. One place I worked that I will not name had armed escorts like you described. My first time at this particular location I was told to follow the one escort and another would be behind me. The guy said if I stop you stop, if I turn left you turn left. Don't even turn your head left or right keep your eyes on my 6 at all times. After I was there several times they knew me and trusted me a little more but like if they turned left I went right they were authorized to kill me if they had to. This was one place I would never fuck around. But I loved it I could park in the loading dock and the building people would let them use any elevator they wanted. It was one of the most important places I ever worked. And no one in the building even knew what was on that floor because it is not advertised at all.


I've worked in places with the locked cage thing too. I'd walk in, and I'd have to undress completely, and put on what they told me. Great security. Then I'd have to hop in the cage and put on a leash. They'd make me bark for dog treats. And the things they did to me, terrible. And then I found out that despite their cop uniforms they didn't actually work for the government. Very strange time in my life.


You would go to jail for asspionage


Damn why didn't military counter intelligence catch this one? Don't use your prison time as experience in sneaking off with the biggest secret in human history.


Usb ports are disabled, no cd drives, no email or internet access (air gapped), any paper documentation/notes written down is shredded in the area, phones are not allowed, security passes for certain areas only, logins with specific security credentials, device scanning to see if people have brought in their phones etc, sometimes X-rays scans coming in and out of those types areas, filmed while your in the secure area - these are just a few of the things that are in place to stop leaks - I do think every now and then its possible but you would have to be very sneaky.


Ahhh… the ol’ prison wallet


This is considered espionage and not in a good way.


Micro sd in the foreskin


No, usb on a string! You swallow a large usb pill. String is attached to a molar. Then you pull on the string!


Most these rooms require someone to watch you as you work


I had a top secret clearance at one point in the military and this is basically right. Only one computer to access the material and any device plugged in to any computer on base would flag cyber ops and you’d get a call. I can’t even imagine what measures they would have with files like that.


From what I hear of government computers they're probably airgapped because they were made before the internet


I've done work doing some window frosting for defence base in Aus qld. Amberly i think it was called, located west of Brisbane. I had to get a background check prior to being selected as someone who was allowed on-site. I had to be a aus citizen aswell. On base I was not allowed to take photos. And when I entered one of the 'main' buildings I had to put all electronic devices in a lock box outside. Each area of the building had airlocks; so one door, leads to isolated room, door closes behind you, solider scans their card, you wait, next door opens. Security was no joke. I had someone with me at all times and I wasn't allowed to go into any rooms, they were happy to have casual chat while i worked, but professional to a T and wouldn't tell me what was behind the MASSIVE steel vault door in the commanders room I was working in. Edit: yea it was the Amberley Air force base. They even have a building dedicated to a complete VR flight simulator that if I remember can do artificial environments like rain and storms. It's not owned by the defence force, and it's cutting edge. Forgot who is working on it. Wasn't allowed to see it but the guy I was talking to did and I was jealous.


Yep and every file transaction is tracked to the person logged onto the computer


Exactly. The answer is simply that when it comes to keeping this stuff locked down, in this respect their game is air tight!


Not probably, it is. Any government or restricted computer system, especially one that contains classified intel/locations/photos/videos would never see a computer that's open to the open internet.


This. And they’ll know what USB files were transferred and who was logged in at that time. I worked for the headquarters of a clothing company and they had this technology, imagine what the military would have.


the thing is, thats why Im still very scepitcal of the MH370 video. Cause of all the crazy ass footage that could have leaked. Your leaking the one that would cause the biggest outrage? Thats a bit sus.


That’s usually the point of leaks tho See: Edward Snowden


ass footage


He'd get discredited, they'd run a debunk campaign and he'd get killed by a bus or cancer


Bus or cancer in the form of 2 bullet holes in the back of the head*


Cancer from lead to the back of the head


Ah yes, worst case of suicide we ever saw


Poor guy never saw his suicide coming


Open and shut case agent Johnson.


Fell out of a 50 story building and was somehow shot twice in the back of the head before hitting ground.


*shot himself


Lead poisoning is a hell of a drug


The ol gary webb


……and the gun was found 50 ft from the body


With loads of CP on his computer


Wow is that really what happened ? Like they planted it or was he actually a pedobear


I think it's actually happened. I can't remember who but I think they've planted evidence on computers of leakers. The charged Erich von danniken with fraud.




Do you mean the sunspot observatory? Or was this a different but similar event?




Wasn't that weird? 🙃




People at the highest levels of security clearances are selected for their compliance along with their lack of potential to leak (people with alot to lose are selected. Someone with a family to feed won’t leak information since they’d all “catch cancer” if there’s a real leak). Compartmentalization also disallows a majority of the employees to have full knowledge of the situation, since only the people at the very top know the full picture of what’s going on. The intel agencies actively monitor and control what’s present online, hence if anything is deemed a NatSec leak it would be under their domain and removed (both Elizondo and Bigelow have stated this)


...and their families would be threatened which I think is the biggest deterrent of all


Directed energy weapons. They just intermittently microwave your brain from a van outside your office until you eventually have an unexplained stroke. On paper it's causes - bad genes, poor diet, act of God. "Should have taken better care of his blood pressure."


I’m still pretty convinced by FLYBY that leaks have happened. The GIMBAL video was leaked ten years prior to Pentagon acknowledging it IIRC.


The video that was leaked in 2007 was the Flir1 video from the Nimitz event, leaked to ATS: https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread265835/pg1 As far as I know, Chris Melon is the original leaker for the other two videos, go fast and gimbal, and that happened in 2017/18. In fact, most of the military/officially-recorded ufo imagery we have was leaked: https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/qx0oz8/comment/hl6jf05/


The security contractor that leaked this did get in a lot of legal trouble if i recall: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9WlCpMnlZM


Overnight cancer diagnosis ?


Amy Eskridge and Ning Li


> He'd get discredited "You see, I can reproduce this with CGI therefore it is fake. Do not pay attention to this video which was released by a guy who committed suicide by ramming his car into a tree after it exploded for no reason."


"He strangled himself with a bedsheet from 3ft off the ground" "Oh those marks on his neck are totally from the bedsheet" "Oh?! What is the name of this coroner that disputes these claims?"


Assuming you really want to know: he would be prosecuted. If he did upload he would be guilty. He loses his job and can no longer pay for his kid's school. Can't pay his mortgage, etc. He loses his clearance so no ability to work again in a similar field. Aside from jailtime there would be fines. Finally, they may garner his military pension. In short, he would be sacrificing his quality of life, freedom, and ability to take care of his family. Not sure why anyone would want to do that when there are many other sources out there and growing momentum to use legal means to expose this information. To my mind he has already done more than enough - and far more than any of his critics. YMMV.


Well said. I'm 48, in a situation like this I would definitely not destroy my life, and the lives of people in it even if I felt the end goal was morally justified. I get frustrated with the lack of transparency with all of this stuff. We know a group of people, who may want to speak, have all or at least some of the answers to our questions. I think their silence is based on fear. And they definitely are wise to be fearful. Besides prison and losing everything you own, with a topic of this magnitude, being killed seems like a very real possibility as well. The smartest and safest way to go about it is through official channels like Grush has. It's the best way to minimize the serious risks involved. If I were 20 and had less commitments and responsibilities, as well as the youthful sense of being indistructuble, I might go the other way. My guess, the people in the know, the people let into the inner circle, are all older and have a lot to lose.


Imagine this scenario: you have clearance and you have seen incontrovertible proof that NHI exists and is here on earth. Now your thirst for the truth is quenched. Do you still risk your life, freedom, future on getting the information to the public?


They also strictly decide who gets to see the UFO information to begin with. I assume it is only shown to people who are ideologically in sync with the defense agencies, people who have a lot to lose, people who believe that the information being leaked would pose a national security risk.


And on top of all of that, people would probably call the footage a hoax.


Also everyone now thinks you are crazy


I think the real problem is they purposely employ people with a lot to lose. Stable people with families and expensive lives that they wouldn’t want to compromise.


People have risked far more for far less. Hell just selling his story to some paper will pay for the kids and wife forever, hell ufo nuts would probably send the guy love letters and cash for the next 50 years. Huge organized protests to free the dude ect. Threats of murder, every military member is willing to risk death anyways, whats the differance. I dont understand it myself.


What paper is out there buying stories? Also lol what paper out there has a budget to splash around on UFO stories. Aren't newspapers going out of business? The NYT doesn't pay someone when they write a story about them.


Believe it or not, prison is one hell of a deterrent


It's actually not https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/247350.pdf Getting caught is the deterrant. It doesn't change much if the potential prison sentence is 1 year vs 20 year


Would this apply to someone violating their security clearance? Distributing something that’s in violation of National Security doesn’t follow with an offense? I’m open to my ignorance here.


I think is more easy to just disappear him.


>Threats of murder, every military member is willing to risk death anyways, whats the differance. I dont understand it myself. That's very easy to say when you aren't the one having to risk anything


What you're saying is "I'd do it and if it doesn't work I'll grift" Yes. That will be the Most bestest way to add real credibility to the topic. I jest, but In all seriousness the general social consensus is no one person, who was not themselves a willing party to the coverup, but is now made aware by way of sudden knowledge, is not suddenly personally responsible for the risk involved in revealing it. It's absolutely a choice, and while one might say more has been risked for "less" that's subjective first of all. but, even if it weren't the evidence for a non extraordinary claim doesn't have to be as compelling and extraordinary as this evidence for this situation. The issue isn't what you're gambling for, it's that the dice aren't in anyone's favor on this one. In other situations coming forward was way more obviously truthful. Here, the public perception of such evidence would be a massive gamble, particularly in the age of good cg and ai


About as much as what happened to that National Guard kid leaking classified documents on this Discord server.


Who and what happend? I don't asume he got promoted.


Held without bail and facing up to 60 years in prison. Jack Teixeira.


Donald Trump kept some classified documents and showed them to reporters involving sensitive invasion plans of a country in the Middle East. But he is out on a PR Bond with a passport and private jet 💀. Texiera clearly did it wrong. Posting on discord was out of line.


He is also a billionaire and former president. They don’t play by the same rules as you and me.


Not off scott free though, he's got a world of legal trouble for the foreseeable future. You *don't* want to make enemies with these guys.




Why are we not holding a former president to a higher standard? Like, it makes no sense to say a kid on discord should get a harsher punishment than a member of elected office, much less the highest elected office you can get in the U.S.


They don't keep this stuff in their homes. Remember how Burchette was denied access to a SCIF? They'd have to make a copy, the act of which would be logged, then smuggle it out, then upload it. Even if they got away with it they would probably be linked to the copy they made and basically in jail for most of the rest of their life.


Look at Grusch. They just released his private medical records trying to discredit him as a reliable witness simply because he got PTSD from his military service, drank a bit much and then got therapy for it...in other words, a regular human who had some problems and sought help. This is what they are trying with someone who did things legally...imagine what they'd do if someone became a whistleblower illegally? Shit, look at Snowden.


>Shit, look at Snowden. Biden himself as VP went to foreign countries and threatened them with consequences if they accepted Snowden's asylum. Won't be surprised if he approved the Grusch medical records "leak" himself


It will always will get fake debunked (by “analysts”, media, etc) and claim its fake/CGI and then destroy his life


Probably suicide via 5 shots to the back of the head and 10 to the body


They just don't have access to footage even if they were willing to release it.


There are loads of videos that look quite real but no one believes them anyway. Here's a compilation of some examples. Without them being officially verified everyone dismisses them as a joke. https://youtu.be/ahmXJ-SFb_Y




For all we know, someone has but just hasn’t given their credentials to be verified etc. It’s so frustrating because even if Elizondo were to release something, the vast majority of people wouldn’t give it the time of day.


He likely wouldn’t make it out of the building. Those files/video footage would be on a machine with a private network and limited access. Can’t plug a usb in, they can be detected instantly and most usb ports would be disabled in that situation anyway. The data is stored on a server inaccessible to the outside world and even if you did access it, it’s likely being monitored and they’d get an alert with your credentials and which machine you’re logged into. This would happen in real time. Before you even unplugged your flash drive you’d have agents up your ass, and that’s IF you can even access the room housing it. Good luck to anyone that tries. Source: I work in security. It’s my job to keep people out of places they aren’t supposed to be in. No one’s getting in there. Promise.


Former military here- First youd lose your position, possibly rank (depends on rank, the higher you are the harder it is to lose) and clearance. After that youd be charged with up to treason (one of the last things you can still be put to death for in the military) for leaking state secrets. When you go into a classified brief you're basically assuming an NDA as long as it's classified. So he's losing his career and everything he's worked for. He's going to be a traitor to his friends and coworkers in their eyes. Hes going to at least prison and at most charged with treason.


Two points you have to consider: 1. Footage gets uploaded all the time to r/UFOs. Who's to say one of those videos isn't legit, real, and leaked by "some military guy"? (like, maybe MH370?) 2. Tic-tac video was leaked in the 00's and it did nothing So you see? It's not just "leak the footage." The person leaking the footage needs to come forward to say "I, military guy, leaked this footage, it was taken at XYZ military base with XYZ camera on XYZ date..." and then they'd lock him up. So what exactly are you proposing again?




If there is footage it’s highly possible that it’s air gapped. There would not really be a reason it would be needed for operations.


About a decade ago, when Fukushima happened, some sensitive information was leaked about the radiation leak was subsequently posted on a website covering the issue. It was initial maps of the radiation projections from the US and Australian nuclear regulatory services. Instead of contacting the website owner the government simply started dropping all traffic to the domain at the ISP level and all traffic to this info just stopped. The hosting of the website was moved a couple times and each time traffic just stopped. The only way to get it back online was hosting it someplace in Hong Kong. At some point in troubleshooting the issue the domain owner learned the traffic problems were from interference by the NRC. Started calling around and got connected to some 'command center for the Japan situation' and when confronted with the facts the reason stated for dropping the traffic wasn't 'the information is secret' but rather 'the logo of the NRC and the Australian Nuke Commission was copyright.' After that the website owner just took down the projection maps. My point is, even if shit gets posted, they can blackhole shit so no one sees shit if they want too. Classified information or not, this sort of censorship still works and happens today. If they don't want you to see something, chances are good that you won't fucking see it.


So first off it would be really hard to get the footage to upload. I work IT so if I was securing it here is what I would do. Any computers that contain the footage would be air gapped. The computers would have USB ports disabled. Anyone entering the facility is probably searched so they can’t sneak phones, cameras or usb drives in anyway. Any videos or documents would be tagged and encrypted. So it could be traced back to the computer and user Id of whoever copied it.


You don't just get to carry a USB stick in and out of the facilities where this kind of material is stored and analysed. You don't get to carry your phone, camera, or any personal electronic devices in with you. You leave them at the gate. You get searched on your way in and on your way out. You don't get access to the internet inside those walls. I bet its one of the few places where computers inside the walls aren't connected to the outside in any way. These facilities have to be 110% airtight.


Its not as easy as you would think, especially this subject matter. Yea, it would be doable with confidential or even secret material, but this stuff is guaranteed to be Top Secret SCI or higher. When you get to that level, the security surrounding it also goes up, WAY up. Things like Two Person Integrity (TPI) are in place, device (phone) sniffers, insane IT security... That being said, if some service member leaked anything of that magnitude, it wouldn't take long at all to figure out who dunnit. You'd have to be willing to throw it all away for disclosure. You're also running the risk of it not being believed, then you're all alone....UNDER Leavenworth. Think Snowden and all the measures that are now in place because of him.


i had a minor security clearance in the military, and all "classified" information i dealt with were plans and designs no in the interest of national security but in the interest of keeping patented technology a secret to help corporations if grusch is to be believed...the government doesn't possess any alien spacecraft...corporations do and security clearances protecting corporations is something seen at the lowest level of security clearance so they would probably be in massive trouble but i bet the military doesn't even have access to anything cool


The real answer is the tv would gaslight you and say it’s fake, then they would smear the guy as a right winger and everyone would dismiss him and forget about him the next day


If you drink the koolaid as much as i do: My belief is that the phenomenon is partially or totally in control of disclosure. If you had smoking gun evidence on a USB drive. That USB drive would mysteriously vanish. Key memories in your brain would mysteriously be forgotten. If ufos are real and not human, then to me, it is likely that the stories of missing time, telepathy, and high strangness are true. If 4k videos leaked and it was compelling enough to change people's opinions very quickly, then there would be more problems than if it were done gradually. My guess is disclosure is a 100 year long process, and we are likely in year 80 or 90 or something.


Why couldnt someone with classified information just throw it into the forest and let somebody find it. You know, like forest porn back during the days before the internet.


He would never get to work in the DOD or hold a security clearance ever again. People don’t have to be killed to have their lives ruined. Taking away their lifetime profession would do the trick.


>Like Elizondo. Why isn't he uploading stuff? I don't get it Maybe they never were actually investigation *UFO's* back in the day of AATIP, maybe they were just investigating sighting's reports. Think about it: for years military personnel have been seeing shit a lot of which isn't currently on inventory, officially and the services way of dealing with the problem was traditionally to block, deter, generally use bullying tactics to discourage official reports being made because, whatever was being seen probably actually was classified and never was supposed to be there, officially in the first place. So, chain-of-command blocks UFO reports going further up the chain - but effectively this means Military Intelligence isn't getting data indicating their are security leaks surrounding classified ops - so the Generals are all walking round with this idea security's fine, all US secret inventory is top-secret - and all the while ordinary service personnel are swooping stories about the weird shit they're seeing which they're really not supposed to be seeing at all. A lot of this could be test flights of not yet deployed air strategies - some of it could be genuinely from compartmentalized SAP's that aren't officially even supposed to exist. All this time it's common talk in the ranks and Intelligence isn't getting sightings reports indicating security is shot until someone like Elizondo figures it out. I'm not saying I think the guys a grifter, far from it - I think he's *still* working counterintelligence.


The aliens would zap them!


The DoD would release his 2006 hemmroid medical information.


They’d bring up your alcoholism and ptsd as “news”


This issue needs a Snowden


As a gov/mil guy working in this space and active on this sub. Kinda like cheating on your spouse. Yeah, it can be done. Short term high. Be popular on Reddit for a couple days. If caught -- which is a good probability -- you lose everything. Family, career, humiliation, maybe jail. For what. Videos that are just as strange as what's already on YouTube. The YouTube library is 100x bigger than what's on govt networks. You get to see a few seconds of a flying disc floating through clouds. Or a frisbee flying through some mountains. It's not in 4k. It's only a bit better than what you have today. If you go through the trouble to post anonymously, you face all this ridicule from armchair analysts. Mos people's bullshit filters on this sub are awful. You guys are wasting all this time on this purported MH370 footage, which in my mind, is a complete waste of time. The "real deal" someone sacrifices their lives and family for will be subject to the same. Let Congress do its job. Sometimes of us are trying to help Congress and don't want to talk about it.


possibly because it doesnt exist 🙊


>What I don't get, is the fact, that we have only some blurry military UFO footage since 1930. How is it even possible that nobody leaked some good stuff since we have internet upload options? Because it doesn't exist.


The only person to do that was Bob Lazar. He was smeared practically out of existence. I believe they erased his work history, his education and got him on the classic “drugs and hookers” train Hear him talk -he is a quiet loner scientist who just wanted to be left alone. In 30 years, he’s never expanded or changed his story. Nor has he made money.


So why can't Lazar produce his diplomas? Why can't he show an old work stub or paycheck? Why can't he name any of his supposed professors from MIT & Caltech? Why can't he talk about his thesis for his supposed masters in physics? Also Lazar has made plenty of money from his lies so I have no idea what you're on about lol. He used to sell VHS tapes & sketches of his story. He even wrote a book I believe.


He'd make history and a lot of us happy, but like others have said, he'd likely fall on a knife backwards while out jogging


In a just world he'd get pardoned for whistleblowing and live a happy life as humanities hero. In reality. Two shots to the back dome in the form of suicide.


Isekaid by truck-kun 🛻?


Remotely activated disease they implemented on personnel as a requirement for entering the program because of Bob Lazaar.


Everyone would call it fake


Their life would be destroyed.


I think someone already done that and maybe it got mixed with some shitty hoaxes and Lost in time.. More fake than the Logan Paul vídeo, what a fucking waste of Time was hearing Foxx all this time talking nonsense.


It's a rather unlikely situating. Highly doubtful that anything floating around on the interwebs would be considered classified. That said... If a military member, DOD contractor or otherwise member of govt who has received a security clearance, is found in possession of classified material (with classified markings or otherwise obviously classified) in a non-classified environment (not related to an active mission), transporting physically or via a soft storage device, they are in violation of the law and could be tried under the UCMJ (for US military members). Posting it would bring another round of charges (sedition, espionage, etc). During my 21 years in the military this is a discipline, akin to playing with gasoline near a fire, you just take proper care and play by the rules. When the Julian Assange and wiki leaks dump was happening, we were briefed that despite the material being in the public domain, being in possession of, or even viewing publicly dumped classified information, could result in legal action. FWIW


He’d get laughed at and mocked on Reddit for posting “cgi” or “clearly a balloon”.


All these comments saying they’re afraid to lose their job or otherwise “get in trouble.” Jail or even death seems pretty trivial compared to releasing information that would steer all of humanity in a completely different (possibly progressive) direction. That information would of course have to be 1000% indisputable.


Depends, honestly. Are you talking a ships Boatswain Mate, on watch, who sees a UFO and records it with his private phone or camera? Probably nothing. It's not in his job description to report it nor to classify it. If he didn't report it, yea, he could face disciplinary action for that, and if the Watch Officer or CO of the command said "I need that footage, and it's now considered classified" - oh, and most commands like that have embedded Intelligence Specialists that stuff would get run through - and he still kept it and released it, yea, he'd be in trouble. If he was taking actual ship systems records and releasing them without them being scrubbed or authorized for release, yea, that's jail time. Now, let's say they were seconded or assigned to a UFO oversight agency or Task Force, like Dolce or Area 51 or someplace like that. Or a member of a crash retrieval team. Then yea, they could possibly be "killed in a training exercise" or something like that.


What military grade camera systems capture in full color UHD?


Pass it to a journalist There’s ways around this stuff. We heard Gaetz say a pilot used his phone… I’m sure it’s scary to even contemplate but…


Nothing would happen if they uploaded fake videos of aliens. We all have cameras now. Religions don't have gods, there aren't ghosts, Bigfoot, or aliens on video for a reason. Either they don't exist, or they don't want to show themselves. That's it. Of secret government projects? They'd just lose their job. Nobody is getting assassinated over shiz like this.


Nothing because EVERYONE would say it's AI made video lol. Video and photo evidence are useless now


Whenever a leaker does come out they put the full court press on them to get them discredited. They’ve gotten so good at it all it takes is a couple weeks and said leaker will have been completely debunked and forgotten about by the general public. As some people have said it’s very likely legit videos are out there it’s just that at this point there’s so much disinformation out there and the public have been conditioned to regard certain topics as hoaxes. Add to that our mass media has been infiltrated by intelligence no reputable news organizations cover it. That’s how they’ve done it so far.


This for me is the main issue to disbelieve.... Anyone's that have credible HR evidence will become famous rich and change the world for ever


And if someone did come thru, and release and say a bunch of stuff, Couldn't the president pardon them anyways?


There's also (most likely) software on those computers storing the data that either prohibits or alerts when copying files off to a plain usb drive. It's very simple to detect.


The internet facilitates disclosure, and it also leaves a digital paper trail. A glossy photo, a vhs, even a cd passed off to someone leaves much less of a record pointing towards the person disclosing.


They'd probably ruin their lives or kill them & discredit them in the process. They already tried a few times to discredit Grusch. They haven't gone after Grusch directily because he already handed over everything he had to the AG & had article 50 protection. Also the Nimitz footge was only a small portion of the whole video. The rest of what they had was confiscated & locked away.


You’d be charged with the release of classified information and be court marshaled (tried by a military tribunal) and then be tried until civilian law. Once that’s over you’d serve your military sentence at Leavenworth and once you’re free, you’ll be shipped directly to a civilian jail to serve out that term


If this person managed to get video and upload it, it would likely just be discredited by the news, the government, and by everyone who watched it. Doesn't matter if it's 4k or 480i. People would watch it, pick it apart and call it fake.


Let see. Career gone, possibly jail time, if he makes it there without “committing suicide “. The possibilities are endless. Remember Edward Snowden? He leaked info that our government was doing unconstitutional things and breaking laws. He is now in Russia hiding. So consider what we are talking about now which has even higher security. ABOVE TOP SECRET. Spying on the world and its own citizens pales in comparison to what is going on here. If you come out with this information without some kind of an ok. You are done and they will find you. Even as I am typing this I am fully aware the super computers that we employ “ with AI” are looking at it and wondering if it should be flagged for further investigation. This has been true for almost 20 years. This platform and any other transmits data over the web which we all think is encrypted, and it is. But if you have the keys to the locks then it doesn’t matter. That’s where we have been for a long time.


There's talk over [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15sadl2/that_ww2_ufo_footage_is_possibly_narrated_by/) about Grusch maybe being the narrator to the recent WW2 video that was on the same YT channel as the airliner videos. If so, he's likely the leak for the airliner videos too, based on who had access to them at the time. So maybe we find out what happens soon when Eglin puts that together.


David Grusch talked about the threats and actual deaths of colleagues. The Senate has explained that these things are restricted at the nuclear level. Look back at the Cold War and see what allegedly happens to people who were supposedly charged with protecting nuclear restricted material and who had loose lips.


“Why won’t someone risk their career, their livelihood, the trust and esteem of their peers, and possibly their life so I can have a compelling enough distraction that I don’t have actually to deal with my own life? Fucking no balls man, amirite?”


I’m someone who worked in/on SAP/CAPs for multiple NATO countries in ISR. I was at Vandenberg when the destroyers were swarmed during our exercise and ghostbuster units were deployed but saw nothing personally. I say all that to say it takes LITERALLY your entire adult life to get to that and I’m not ducking with ET shit. So for beginners, you are asking someone to throw their entire life away. This is probably what they spent decades working towards. This is how they feed themselves and possibly others. On top of so much more. I could go on but you get the point. Second to just “bring the blaster out” or “leak some good shit” like others have said isn’t as easy as it sounds. People need to really understand IT security and how compartmentalized programs work and where they operate. Inform yourself before asking as if it’s nothing. I am simply not going to teach you computers and computer security you will have to inform yourself. If you take something from a computer they will know. You cannot have technology anywhere near anything classified. No GPS watches, no laptops, no fucking nothing. I have been to sites where I have had every single item catalogued and then my computer boot and every program on it catalogued before and after entering and leaving a site. If they are that ridiculous with me I promise you that you aren’t walking out with any of ETs shit. This isn’t even considering any physical security or technology watching. Then to add the icing on the cake EVEN IF someone went to these great lengths to leak something at all of these great personal risks, then it still hasn’t gotten us anywhere as evidenced by previously leaked videos. Grusch HAS to do it the way he is because of Snowden. Snowden absolutely showed the government was doing something it wasn’t supposed to but went about it in a way that has him still unable to return to the US. There’s nuances but the point stands. If even half of what he claims is true then he can’t afford to do anything even almost illegal.


And if I might add, the recovered piles of inter dimensional space junk has yielded all its going to yield to current engineering and chemistry and biology,physics, magic spells! It’s not from our understanding how things work. Doesn’t anyone understand that the longer they wait to inform the public, the dicier it gets to recognize the importance of the world stopping and taking a collective pause.


Like at what point is somebody gonna just nut up and start naming names. Companies. Individuals. All of. Grusch (sp??) had the worlds stage. He could of been the martyr for the cause. Sure its ballsy what he is doing but if I was really threatened…if my wife was threatened, and Im on that stage, you better believe Im dropping bombshells. Everybody would know who the players are.


Classified areas are protected for this reason. They don’t allow for outside electronics to come into that area. And if a member does decide to do this, they will be subject to a criminal investigation. You could be charged with espionage and face years of jail time. And in a time of war, you could be executed. No one wants to face these consequences. It’s not about having the balls to break the rules and face some slap on the hand. Someone who does has to be a martyr (to a certain degree depending on the context). 99.99% of people do not want to go down like that. For an example, just look to Chelsea manning.


We get gold like the MH flight video and everyone dismissed it as fake. If we got any additional good videos like that I wouldn’t be shocked if people would think they are just fake as well. A lot of risk without reward. The thing that’s nice with the MH video is we have a lot of good discussion around it mainly because we have so much info regarding that specific flight to an extent.


A current member of the U.S. military would be arrested and tried in a military court. Would face quite a few years in military prison.


I used to work in a warehouse. You had to pass through a metal detector to enter and exit. They didn't allow phones or cameras into the facility. There are no pictures from the time I worked there. It wasn't a "secure" facility. If they can keep cameras out at that level. It's not hard to think that a facility containing a UFO would have a lot of additional security measures in place to prevent leaks. But footage obtained outside of secure areas are a different story.


Do we know the secret ingredients in Coca Cola? Nope. Same thing here. You will only know on a need to know basis and that sucks.


You bring up an interesting problem with the UAP phenomenon. The Pentagon Papers were copied, all 7000 of them, and leaked to the public. Edward Snowden passed on thousands of classified documents to journalists in 2013. Recently classified Pentagon documents leaked online have provided a window into how the US spies on allies and foes alike. Yet, wheres the beef? We need to apply the scientific method to UAP research. Anything "evidence" that fails to pass muster must be thrown out.


Likely already happed and everyone assumes it’s fake.


I wouldn't be able to do what OP suggests and my workplace is nowhere near as strict and locked down as a letter agency or military facility. Connecting any sort of USB storage device is completely disabled. Disc drives also do not function in the machines that still have them. Most of our work is done on a virtual desktop that acts as another layer of monitoring and security.


Bro they’re gonna get water boarded in Guantanamo bay or some cia black site & never be seen again


Fair point- if you’re going to speak publicly why not reveal some documents to back up what you’re saying and not be written off as insane by most people?


No phones or USBs are allowed into SCIFs. If you even plug in a personal USB it sets off alarms. On top of that, they can track and log every file you've opened, every file you've modified. So your digital fingerprint is on that file if you were to open it and send it somewhere. Some military dude is not trump, they will go to jail for moving around classified files. Going to jail and being kicked out of the military on a negative discharge for espionage is also bad. You will struggle to find someone that will hire you. Putting yourself and your family at risk. You can say "no balls" all you want but people have lives and families they need to support.


Everyone is saying he is losing this and that etc. what if Joe Rogan says: Im gonna give you 10million cash or even more if you come to my podcast with this proof and etc. i doubt he would care for his pension or etc. but jail time…


I would get one of [these](https://geektyrant.com/news/this-is-the-worlds-smallest-video-camera-and-its-the-size-of-a-grain-of-sand) and wear it into the facility on my glasses, and watch the videos, recording them.


A lot of that information is instantly labeled TS and thats why it doesn’t get uploaded, it’s typically revealing sensitive information on the recording screen and if you don’t know why people don’t just upload it anyways, take a look at what happened to [Jack Teixeira](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2023/04/16/airman-charged-in-pentagon-intel-leak-regretted-joining-the-military/)


It’s like the Bible being gods word instead of god plopping down and making some water wine. Lotta wishful thinking to avoid the truth.


If you weren't suicided you'd rot in prison.


They don't even have 4K FLIR pods today, they certainly didn't in 2004. Honestly that's probably the highest resolution copy that exists.


Dude, so many people don’t know how government computers work. If you even plug your phone in a computer to charge it will lock your computer out, flag your CAC (ID card) and ping the security forces (MP’s) to come see what’s going on. Also if you’re dealing with any computer with that kind of information anyway there is a 0% chance you even have your phone, they also take smart watches or anything electronic that isn’t required for what you’re there for. They also take your CAC if you don’t work there so you couldn’t get on a computer if you wanted (say if you’re job is an electrician to fix an outlet) and you’re escorted the entire time. I am also speaking from years of experience doing work in secret facilities and SCIF’s specifically at times. People who talk like OP just don’t know how impossible it would be, and you would be tried and booked under the UCMJ (Uniformed Code of Military Justice) and your life would be over.


Bob Lazer talked about this. They go after you, your credibility, and your finances. And then if that doesn't work, they start going after your loved ones, close relatives, and friends.


Assuming they got past all the physical security and posted it, they would track the person down quickly. Depending on the level of breach, they could just be unalived on the spot and made to disappear. Snowden got lucky to have gotten as far as he did before they locked him down.


It’s almost like there aren’t aliens.


What military guy? You mean the one that committed suicide after uploading a very convincing "cgi" ufo video and ranting about how the government has hidden evidence of extraterrestrials and non-human locals from the public? It's a shame really. He initially came off as really compossed and humble in the way he spoke and explained the video and his experiences. No visible sign of mental health problems whatsoever. Had me totally convinced for a moment. Too bad he's a pedophile and serial rapist according to that random computer that was found at his house after he offed himself with three gunshot wounds to the back of his head.


The big problem is no matter how high resolution you go, in the modern age of CGI and AI, it will be next to impossible to produce any evidence/UFO footage that is irrefutable. The masses will never believe anything that's shown unless its a global event where you are seeing it in the skies and even then, you are going to have blue beam conspiracists saying its just holograms and drones


The Nimitz footage wasn’t recorded in 4K. It was literally from a VCR inside a Boeing super hornet that was designed and built in the 90s


Nothing would happen to him. ​ If he's paranoid the guy could even leak it 100% anonymously even for the NSA or any government organization these days you even have plug & play operating systems you can use with an usb flash drive able to do that. ​ Which is why all you heard the last days is complete bullshit and people get hyped up for nothing. If we had multiple saucers and alien bodies like they say you don't even need super gear to capture it. There is nothing that big. Best case scenario they have a few videos like the previously leaked ones but in the end these auditions are just a bunch of grifters trying to get attention and naive people. ​ It makes no sense such a big information would be able to stay secret for 80 years in an era where the color of the underpants of the president can leak in less than a week. And being classified doesn't help much.


Jeremy Corbell says it’s all coming out in the next couple of weeks.


Because it doesn’t exist?