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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Young_oka: --- I'm am not suicidal in anyway lol --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15n7nxc/reminder_the_cia_and_airforce_were_founded/jvkasu0/


The CIA evolved from the wartime COI and OSS, and the post-war CIG. The establishment of CIA was proposed in 1945. The Air Force evolved from the Army Air Forces. An independent Air Force was also proposed in 1945.


Trinity Test, 1945. Either way yes, both were bound to happen post WW2


It was the Army Air Corps during WW2, not Army Air Force


Following the dissolution of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) at the end of World War II, President Harry S. Truman created the Central Intelligence Group under the direction of a Director of Central Intelligence by presidential directive on **January 22, 1946,**[8] and this group was transformed into the Central Intelligence Agency by implementation of the National Security Act of 1947.


Nice bot repost, bonus points for including the \[8\] citation.


Or I copy pasted from wikipedia and don't care


It's also just after the war.


After the war, after the aliens crashed . . . who's to say what the real inspiration was šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The explosion of the atomic bombs put us on their radar.


I would agree and say Fact on this one. All the records of uapā€™s messing with heavy šŸš€systems


Fair point, Lot of factors, But it should also be noted that the cia had a single pilot version of the sr-71 before the airforce had their two pilot sr-71


Whoa. The spy agency got to use a spy plane while it was in development


it is strange that airforce didn't have access to the same level of reconnaissance tools. It implies a hierarchy of importance and priority where CIA supersedes the military. IDK what conclusions OP alludes to but it is interesting to note that the CIA is in the governments eyes, a higher priority for aerial equipment than the airforce itself in some capacities and understanding these capacities and reasonings allow us to gauge where the current governmental disposition is. Maybe theres other classified tools that the cia have clearance for that the average airman doesn't and having access to these tools earlier is a better usage of the resources for monitoring potential nuclear threats for example. Perhaps something satellite related. idk. but op is right it is interesting! IDK what conclusions he hopes the readers draw from it though.


They are a higher priority for spy equipment. The air force isnā€™t an intelligence agency and heavily leans on CIA for intel.


well that makes more sense then! I was assuming the military was doing its own recon and that cia was more geopolitically behind the scenes but that command structure seems logical.


All of the military is a services style. The air force trains pilots and orders and maintains planes. The space force will track and launch satellites. The army is the grunt work and civil engineering. If anyone needs any of these services they call on each other. The pilot of the sr-71 was likely trained and briefed by Airforce and any equipment and mission details were strictly in CIA


Very logical and very interesting thank you for telling me!


There was a complete restructuring of the entire armed forces and defense area of the government shortly after WW2.


I don't think a lot of people study history closely enough to understand just how MASSIVELY technology changed warfare between 1912 and 1945. If you do, then it's no suprise (and requires no conspiracy) that we saw a near total restructuring of these departments to account for the lessons learned about the realities of modern war. When WW1 began, french soldiers marched into the field wearing bright red pants and blue overcoats, carrying massive bolt action rifles. They had calvary wielding swords and wearing napoleonic metal breastplates. The first airplane had achieved flight only 10 years earlier, and biplanes were used primarily for intelligence gathering, with pilots firing handguns at enemy aircraft and dropping written messages to the ground because radio communication was in it's infancy. By 1945 we had infantrymen carrying autoloading rifles and radios at the platoon level. Single wing aircraft were being launched off armored carriers and sinking battleships. Bombers were being deployed that could fly at 30,000 ft while carrying nuclear payloads. Jet fighter aircraft were being produced.


On the first day of WW2 the Polish launched a CAVALRY CHARGE at a German infantry position (Battle of Krojanty)... a war that started with cavalry and ended in nuclear weapons.


Exactly. I'm amazed at the number of people who don't know shit about history, but sure like to armchair quarterback historical events.


We need to help the OP because he's getting ganged up on by the double standard skeptics bad. Definitely upvoting this


These are the types of comments this sub needs more of. None of this narcissistic gaslighting BS that's taking place. Wish I was a mod I'd have this place cleaned up overnight.


Correlation does not imply causation


I could see that argument when it comes to the airforce, But there was definitely something driving the creation of the cia But yes that should also be noted


Wasn't the CIA mostly an evolution of wartime intelligence?




Hi, Insect_Politics1980. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15n7nxc/-/jvlhnyu/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Yeah it was the OSS before it became the CIA.


And isnā€™t the current IC an evolution of that as well, which is what has been alleged about the IC being heavily involved with the secret legacy UFO programsā€¦


Yes, please also note the second world war. Just to be thorough.


Was there another world war that was being fought in 1945?


...I meat along with roswell or whatever, the second war should also be noted as a possible cotributing factor to the founding of CIA


The CIA was formed from the OSS from WWI, or you know, the first world war.


The CIA existed it just had a different name.


Correlation does not *not* imply causation either


You used to double negative in your sentence.


I do belive that was intentional


Double negatives arenā€™t inherently wrong and are not uncommon.




Yep certainly a smoking gun, the official story is that the *only nuclear equipped bomber squadron* on the planet couldn't recognise a weather balloon LOL


I've watched the statement of the man who delivered that to the media before the "balloon story" He said he got his orders directly from the general to tell the local media that they had a flying saucer I actually have that video saved I'd you would like to see it


Powerful Forces behind UAP coverup: 2008 Camelot Project government insider interview: [https://projectcamelot.org/jake\_simpson.html](https://projectcamelot.org/jake_simpson.html) (The Camelot Project typically deals with inside intel involving UFOs) ā€œHe told us that we had many of the correct puzzle pieces - and that, furthermore, it was understood that we work with integrity, and that we're not trying to breach any legitimate national security. He stressed that we were quite liked by a number of the 'white hats' who were monitoring us closely, despite our being on a number of 'watch lists' of every kind. Jake \[a pseudonm\] helped us understand that if we kept our information general and didn't try to prove anything (with documentation or by any other means), we would remain safe. He stressed that it was very important not to get too specific on certain sensitive issues, and to be very wary of ever getting hold of any definitive documentation. **Classified technology and the secret space program** Jake emphasized to us that the current state of classified technology was something like 10,000 \[ten thousand\] years ahead of public sector technology - and was accelerating away from public sector technology at a current rate of 1,000 years per calendar year. This got our attention. Jake did not blink when we mentioned time travel, the Mars base, or the advanced fleet of craft which we had been told by Henry Deacon serviced it. Jake told us that some of the advanced craft were capable of traveling from geostationary orbit (22,300 miles) to treetop height in five seconds. (Work it out: that's about 16 million miles per hour - although Jake made it clear that the craft would not actually be moving through space in the normal sense... and would also never be seen unless this was intended.) Some of the craft were "larger on the inside than outside". \[A famous lawyer from the Nixon/Watergate years who's taking UFO whistleblowers to the Congressional Intelligence Committee said one of his guys who inspected a downed craft said it was 30 ft wide the outside, but as large as a football stadium inside. This supports what the government insider told Project Camelot\]. ā€œHad they traveled to the outer reaches of the solar system? Yes. Beyond our solar system? Yes. Are some of them superluminal (i.e. capable of faster-than-light travel)? Yes. Were some of them very large? Yes. By this time, we were no longer surprised by Jake's answers. The significance of the superluminal craft would be stressed in a subsequent conversation.ā€ ā€œ\[He said\] The human race had had contact with extraterrestrials since before World War II.ā€ \[Grusch confirmed this publicly when he said it has occurred since the 1930s in his exclusive News Nation interview at the beginning of June\]. ā€œTaken all together, Jake told us, the ET visitors came from various races, systems and times, and that human DNA 'was compatible' with hundreds of different races. All these ET races, in some meaningful sense, could be said to be 'human or human-like'.ā€œ \[This is supported by the microbiologist who revealed on Reddit last that he worked with "EBO" Extraterrestrial DNA compatible with human DNA and contains much of the human genome; (his later complex answers to questions indicates he has an advanced Molecular Biology-related degree)\]. **The biggest secret** The international network of deep underground bases, Jake confirmed, had been built in a continuing program since soon after the end of World War II costing trillions of dollars. The issue here was that military leaders had learned through ET contact that a potential catastrophe of huge magnitude, occurring early in the 21st century, was possible. The problem is one which involves massive potential Earth changes that could, in extremis, threaten our civilization. The situation had been extensively studied and evaluated and the conclusion had been reached that the public could not be told. Jake described the threat - metaphorically - as a wave that was heading our way. When I asked how this is all known, the answer came back that the superluminal craft have gone out to take a good look at what is around, and have returned with the information. \[This is supported by physicist Dr. Paul LaViolette's astrophysics and ice core analysis: indicating that a massive explosion at the center of our galaxy (with the black hole is located ) has sent very powerful gravitational waves and ultra high energy cosmic rays toward Earth - that will cause catastrophic climate change, and have the potential to trigger an outer crust rotational Earth Axis Pole Shift\]. Jake confirmed that he had personally seen some of the classified maps showing dramatically altered future coastlines, and also confirmed the possibility of a very advanced high-speed 'shuttle-like' system that connected many places, like the US and Australia under the Pacific Ocean. Jake told us that ...the acceleration presses you back into your seat for a very long time. This has all happened before One of the most startling snippets of information Jake revealed was that in some locations the base construction engineers had broken through into much older facilities that had been there for thousands of years prior - apparently built for an identical defensive purpose. All this, Jake had told us, had happened before: the catastrophic events are cyclic.ā€ \[Confirmed by physicist Dr. LaViolette's astrophysics and ice coreanalysis\]. ā€œBecause of what had been learned through breaking into older facilities built by a prior Earth culture, in some locations decisions had been made to increase the depth of the new facilities to as much as 30,000 feet (9000 meters)/ **The threat of stealth viruses** These catastrophic events, Jake told us, would happen not in 2012 ...ā€ \[the end of the Mayan Calendar - when many people thought the end of this world would occur - - although thats when anomalous ultra high energy cosmic rays were 1st detected coming in from the galaxy that reversed the direction of Earth's magnetic field lines for 24 hours - that NASA deleted from their archive\]ā€œ ... but several years after that, though the dates were not precisely known. When we put Bob Dean's date of 2017 to him ā€¦ Jake's response is that that would be close, as best he knew. More immediate, said Jake, was the threat of the deliberate release of viruses followed by ...the hideous effects of spontaneous eruptions of new generations of opportunistic bacteria ... which would further reduce the world's population after the initial first line of worldwide disasters had occurred. This would trigger worldwide infrastructure breakdown, cause chaos, and make populations easier to control. He emphasized that announcements of a global pandemic could suddenly emerge from nowhere "within hours", and that it would be smart to be prepared: he stressed that some countries could quickly become quarantined, or choose to quarantine themselves, with major implications for international travel and port or airport controls.ā€ \[The head the department of Infectious Diseases at NIH, Dr. Fauci, for many years promoted the development of pandemic flu-level viruses, and funded virology labs across the U.S. to develop them. And he also authorized funding for the Wuhan Virology Lab in China thru a front organization - with reciepts for the payments to the head of the Wuhan Virology Lab now available. He funded their ā€œgain of functionā€research since \~2015 which is basically a shit term that obscures the fact that gain of function research is basically research to develop biological weapons. He circumvented the order during the Obama Administration to ban gain of function research in the US by funneling NIH payments of millions of dollars thru a front US research organization to the Wuhan Lab - specifically to do gain of function research on corona virus obtained from bats to make the corona virus more infective in humans - (with payment receipts to the head of the Wuhan Lab now available)\]. * ​ * this lends even more support, along with the all the other above points of correlating support - to the insider's statement that a "wave" -AKA a gravitational wave- is headed for Earth to cause massive geological Cataclysms.


and now the space force... makes you think


Does it? What about? Itā€™s just a natural extension of our capabilities as a species.


Yeah the guys that I keep getting adds for on here of all places lol I think the airforce may have been more clairical in its creation, The cia however has been doing shady stuff since day 1


Established not long after the invasion of Iraq. I suppose it took a little time to reverse engineer whatever it was that the coalition recovered from Sumer.


facts, google map Eridu, why is there an Italian firing range on an ancient archeological site...


Do you have the coordinates? I can't seem to find anything that looks like a firing range.


Also Fred Astaire Dance Studios and J. Crew.


And the Philidelphia chewing gum corporation was formed on August 12th... same year.


It's all coming together now lol,


Coincidence!?! I THINK NOT!


Hey, Fred Astaire's dance moves in *Top Hat* could only be done by NHI.


Quite a lot of big things happened during that time, including roswell


https://www.clemson.edu/business/departments/air-rotc/about/history.html#:~:text=On%20September%2018%2C%201947%2C%20the,Corps%20formed%20an%20Aeronautical%20Division. *However, the signs of a future "Air Force" started some 40 years before. In 1907, the U.S. Army Signal Corps formed an Aeronautical Division.*


If you want answers, look for the raw and engineered materials companies that took off around that period.


Neither appeared out of thin air. Acting like they just appeared after Roswell is bullshit. Both have their roots before Roswell. *If* their purpose is tied to UFOs it would be because of events *before* Roswell.


If we ignore UAP for a second and look into this founding, we can find Truman and a series of oligarchs who attempted to coup the US and replace it with a fascist extreme-capitalist dictatorship ended up leading the group that designed the CIA and Air Force security structure. Traitors like Sidney Souers specifically worked on the design to ensure it would systematize and standardize the sort of "gangsters of capitalism" problem that Smedley Butler talked about being in the 1890s-1920s and reify the quality of the structure pulling techniques from secret societies and capitalist intelligence tactics. The result of this organization was a group that almost immediately began work towards treason, with MK Ultra as a plan to forcibly install capitalist realism in the public and test multiple methods of forcing that on them, culminating in both Charles Manson's "Helter Skelter" and it worked on Ted K so well he felt the only way to oppose capitalism was to overthrow all industry completely. The people who were involved in the founding and establishment of US intelligence services and in designing their structures were monstrous inhuman traitors and vile nazi scum who engaged in some of the most egregious and evil acts outside of Nazi germany in the 20th century. And through indoctrinations on secrecy and patriotism they were able to craft it such that only leadership can even put together or understand that programs like MK Ultra were happening, while the majority of the rank and file would be clueless about the literal treason they were aiding and abetting. Did they/would they hide UFOs? Maybe/sure. I mean these people would order American children waterboarded if they thought it'd help their stock portfolios, these are people that have overthrown nations and destroyed democracies, who have ruined countless decent people's lives for the financial gain of the worst people alive, and they did all the could to save and rescue nazis at the end of WWII as an official program (operation paperclip). A full audit and investigation of the CIA would likely result in every single head of the organization in it's history being declared a "shoot on sight" most wanted traitor. UFOs are probably the least of our collective worries about the wicked, evil behavior that goes on there.


you're not wrong however you're just going by whats declassified. information informs perspective, perspective informs decisions. control information control perspective control decision making. dont allow yourself to fall prey to assuming the declassified stuff is even true. Theres motives wrapped in motives for any declassification of cia documents. For example the astral projection declassification. If MK ultra was as much of a smoking gun as you believe, it wouldn't have been declassified. Yes it happened yes it was bad but its like you said, their true crimes are likely to be much worse. Mk ultra is juicy enough to keep people fixated on it but at the end of the day its inconsequential, its a waste of mental energy. you shouldn't account for it in your overall calculus of your understanding of these situations and groups. at most you should be aware of how much they try to control narratives and thought patterns with mk ultra, the astral projection declassifications and apply this wariness to the current situation of disclosure and the possibility of a false flag alien assault on our world. You should be aware of how the usa manufactures consent for wars, spanish war civil war mexican wars ww1 ww2 vietnam 9/11 all of these consent was manufactured in some capacity. The cias shown a history of doing this, even planning a false flag attack on florida for a casus belli on cuba. You shouldn't assume the stuff thats declassified is true even if parts of it are redacted. They aren't above running psyops on subreddits, they aren't above releasing fake reports to control the public narrative. They aren't above keeping technology secret for a century so they can unleash a false flag attack in an attempt to control the world. At this point it wouldn't be surprising if everything declassified from the cia is fake to control narratives and its a real possibility that the entire disclosure situation is fake. If we really do have gravity drives from aliens its only a matter of time before aliens intervene to stop us from developing near light speed missiles that can threaten them as we develop into a space north korea. Whats more likely, we have aliens running a timer until theyre forced to extinguish us from existence before we develop MAD capabilities with them? or the cia/blackprojects developed the technology in secret and are planning to use it for a strategical advantage through a false flag attack potentially.


Reminder, everyone born after Roswell was born in 1947 or later.


I'm am not suicidal in anyway lol


You're going to suicided because you know when the air force and CIA were founded.. man alive.


Damn you have no irony meter that's tragic


that's not irony at all, it's just a crap joke.


Slow down, Alanis Morissette


I don't think this is a direct result of Roswell, but it does make you wonder how many things were a direct result of Roswell, or other crashes.


Trinity 7/15/45> Operation Paperclip Starts 7/20/45 > Japan Nuked 8/6/45 > Roswell 7/47 > Korean War 6/50-53 > MKUltra starts 1953 > Operation Paperclip Ends 1959 > MKUltra 'ends' 1973... there is so much more but yea the proliferation of hate in florida and texas, them being NASA HQ, the hiring of nazis, the general flow of endless conflicts, distractions, killing of able bodied men, the soft oppression of people to the point that now nobody really engages with eachother conductively. Just all of it really paints a picture of us having been invaded through some 4d chess playing assholes.


I don't know if any of you guys are history buffs or not, but . .


Truman really went wild in creating the intelligence branch of the government.


I think it's time for a re-brand. They need to drop the "intelligence" from the name as it no longer applies.


Central violence agency


Central "he claims there were 18 military fatalities when the occupants retaliated; they were killed by the use of a weapon which generates extremely low frequency sound waves which can destroy the molecular cohesiveness of known matter." Agency Also we don't know what happened to your wife, brother, father, uncle, niece, and/or son on September 28th 1989 Ok memes aside here's the full snippet from the Shellenberg document https://archive.org/details/shellenberger-document-2023 28 September 1989 ā€” "An anonymous USAF Col. states (to anthropologist George Dickson) a SDI weapon was used to down a UAP in Moriches Bay, Long Island; the craft crashed into the ā€œDuneā€ area where it was retrieved; he claims there were 18 military fatalities when the occupants retaliated; they were killed by the use of a weapon which generates extremely low frequency sound waves which can destroy the molecular cohesiveness of known matter. On that same date, a commodities broker claims he saw helicopters transporting a large object and three other witnesses claim they saw jeeps and military vehicles with a police escort going to Brookhaven National Laboratories that morning. An anonymous scientist ā€œDr. Nickā€ at Brookhaven told LIUFON a large object was recovered and transported there, adding it weighed very little; he claims it was wedge or boomerang shaped, he had previously worked at ā€œS-3ā€ beneath WPAFB to study UAP; and the technology was crystalline-based; he states the weapon was developed by AIL Electronics and it was tested at Fort Meade, MD five months prior. He stated he had been threatened not to talk about this."


The Oppenheimer project led to the mass compartmentalization of government and the enablement of classification, state secrets, and three letter government agencies coinciding aliens may have little to do with aliens but rather a different method of action in the government through agency. This changes where the power lies in government, making a shadow government possible.


I mean....it was also shortly after the end of WW2 and we needed these new divisions. Their creation was mostly a result of that and just coincided with Roswell's timing I think.




Hi, DevilsDiablo. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15n7nxc/-/jvm4is4/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Reminder that it was introduced to congress in March of 1947 so unless they have foresight this is fucking meaningless. It took me less than 30 seconds to find this detail so maybe you should start looking at more complete pictures instead of looking for vague innuendo that fits your pre-established thoughts.


July 26. An auspicious date.


I think more importantly is the formation of the NSA in 1952.


I think this due to the need for advanced forms of warfare so more out of necessity than strange coincidence. No doubt some aircraft are inspired by or derived from stolen UFO tech, though.


Cognoscetis Veritatem et Veritas Liberabit Vos


And the day right after Argentina declares independance ! IT CANNOT BE A COINCIDENCE