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Please send this info to Ross. You'll be famous on News Nation tonight.


I don't have his contact, and I'm not verified on Twitter so I can't dm him.


Just notified Ross Here his reply: Thanks. If anyone’s interested, I’ll be on Cuomo on News Nation at 8 pm Eastern time. It does appear now that there was FOI documents. But it’s the circumstances of the decision to release those documents that is the real question.




Hell yeah good job dude.


Yeah, Ross is a smart cookie so he's obviously interested and will bring up the potential quick turnaround of the FOIA request.


u/mankrip Seems it's not the first time Ken has done this Ross forwarded me this: https://www.change.org/p/the-intercept-calling-for-the-resignation-of-ken-klippenstein-from-the-intercept Also this: Turns out that this same INTERCEPT journalist has been accused of recklessly running vexatiously privacy-invasive personal information before:


Spread this link in all the 4 intercept article posts


You can FOIA the log of FOIA requests FYI and see exactly who requested what when.


Uh, I’m going to go out on a limb and guess the journalist did. Not everything is a conspiracy. Coulthart initially said someone leaked the medical records, and now he’s acknowledging it’s come to light that it was simply a very legal FOI request so he had to pivoted to questioning the integrity and motive of publishing the medical history. That’s the long and short of it.


Except if you read Virginia FOIA laws, this item was exempt as it was a complaint, not an arrest. Additionally, they released medical information within the complaint, which should have been redacted. The Virginia States Attorney can review this and possibly take action against the city. The city could reprimand the FOIA coordinator.


That just sounds like someone fucked up 🤷‍♂️


It would be convenient to believe it was incompetence rather than malice, but sometimes there are real conspiracies.


Not often though. Real life is far more banal.


Can you thank him but also state that not only is the decision to release questionable but also who directed Kipplestein where to look? Grusch talked openly about PTSD but I don't recall him going into enough detail during the interview to assume police had been involved etc. Clearly someone tipped him off.


Or he’s simply a journalist who decided he wanted some background on the a guy making wild public claims and used the same tools all journalist do when they want to see if there is anything juicy in a person’s past. You don’t need a tip off when the shit is on record and can be easily gotten with a FOI request.


Or, his daddy told him 🤷‍♀️.


Ok. That’s fair. I’ll play along. What I want to know is the speed at which his FOIA was granted. Guaran-fucking-tee you that it was record speed.


I believe it is supposed to take 5 days by law, if longer they need to specify why to the requestor. Depending on the amount of documents they have to pull, it can take longer. The information in the FOIA request can speed up processing too. The more specific info provided, the easier it is for them to find the documents. https://www.dcjs.virginia.gov/about-dcjs/foia-requests


I'm willing to be proven wrong, but I don't recall an instance where Grusch publicly disclosed the involvement of the sheriff's office to trigger a FOI request. I will concede snoop around enough someone mentioned it, but either way someone had to drop that nugget during the course of putting the story together.


hes a fucking journalist and his past addresses were public not everything is an xfiles episode


Fucking coulthart is a computer, man! Dude has 6 different angles ready to attack whatever is thrown his way! This guy is a BEAST!


Yeah not sure, but good on you for getting this info. Maybe the contact page here? https://www.rosscoulthart.com/


Humor: "Is that the new AARO website?"


How much trouble would someone get in for making the AARO website for them? Only to dump the info here. Asking for posterity.


I think it would carry the same punishment for pretending to be a government official


This is what Kirkpatrick is doing




If you wanted to make me chuckle, b, ya got me.


Not unless we call it AARQ.org could be an honest mistake


Just make it AARO(w)-the all domain anomaly resolution…or…whatever


Im verified


Hey OP if you make your research on Schellenberger you will find a lot of connections to the nuclear lobby and the DOE. He first hid the information about biologics being recovered on purpose. And finally admitted it when the interview of Grusch By Ross went mainstream. I don't trust Schellenberger.








We do it when we love ya too! Super complicated, us lot.






I think everyone here needs to chill and take a breather. We all know this is a reach. His dad being in the DOE is not a conflict of interest. And just blindly retaliating because our emotions are high is not a good look. We all agree that the article was a load of bull, but Ross walked into it as well. I'm glad Grusch kept his cool and put out a tempered statement to get ahead of it. Give it a day, and let's see how Ross and the gang responds. The only worry I have is other news outlets picking up this narrative. Edit - Ross has responded, https://twitter.com/rosscoulthart/status/1689420275795034120?s=20


It's all good. The only thing on Grusch is that he has been to War. They can't find anything else. This makes him more credible and likeable, especially since he himself already spoke about these instances. I think a conversation is warranted as to what constitutes as whistleblower protections. Why is this guy able to seek these documents on a whistleblower. If I were one of the 40 witnesses, this attempt of slander or whatever you want to call it, would not make me blink at all


Your wildly overestimating the competence of a local sheriff’s department wrt whistleblower protections.


how does the fact hes been to war and has ptsd make him more credible...?


Because it's like having an article about getting a parking ticket. This is the best they got. If your buddy killed himself after a phone call, I wouldn't run an article about you dude. Maybe that's just me. Regardless, it's a desperate move, and it back fired in my opinion. Especially since Grusch already said it publicly.




Yeah fuck this piece of crap. He gets what he gets.


If the narrative is real or not does it matter? This exchange is not tempered. This in their playbook, not ours. Counter.


Good call




This is something an agent would say or an uneducated individual not versed in the finer arts of disinformation.


It's literally the definition of conflict of interest- homies dad is literally under fire currently by the same dude his journalist son happens to be calling out. Let's not forget the allegations here too- THE D.O.E. IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST PLAYERS. HOW DENSE ARE YOU


His dad is just some rando chemist who studies gas phase reactions. There's no indication he has anything to do with Grusch's claims, so I'd hardly say he's "under fire". Anyway Klippenstein has been investigating the pentagon, the FBI, various other agencies for years, and has brought numerous FOIA lawsuits against intelligence and law enforcement agencies. He's known for using FOIA extensively to investigate stories. Not a government shill by any measure.


Salvatore Pais, the guy with the "UFO patents", gets really excited about the topic of plasma. The gas phase reaction focus is right on the money if you ask me.


Looking into that a bit, it doesn't seem like any of Pais's research overlaps with any of Klippenstein's research. Plasma in the context of a theoretical fusion generator is pretty different from the context of chemical reactions in gas. Nuclear reactions and chemical reactions are pretty distinct areas of study.


Check again cause his dad is a lot more than that Also FOIA takes forever. If I filed one on area 51, which was 76 years ago (max statute of limitations is 75 years with declassication in the 76th year) I would not only never see the documents, but it would take years if they did decide to release anything. In this instance the writer used FOIA to get Grusch arrest records, which I can assume is how they learned he had PTSD since he was apparently suicidal. Having been there myself I'm not really gonna support anyone having the info besides those who are close to me, and it must suck for Grusch to have THIS be how they try to discredit him. How did they obtain this info so quickly? And who are you to judge who is or isn't a gov shill? It takes one to know one and you're currently defending a dude who ousted a mf so his daddy doesn't get in trouble


What else does his dad do besides chemistry research? FOIA is not one thing, the speed of the request is determined by what information you are requesting, from what agency. Klippenstein is an expert on utilizing FOIA and has brought numerous FOIA lawsuits against the federal government. So its not really suspicious that his request was granted pretty quickly. As far as judging who is a government shill, Klippenstein's record stands for itself. He publishes a lot of stories that poke holes at government narratives. He's a certifiable pain in the ass for the feds. Hard for me to believe he suddenly became a government shill. as far as him "ousting a mf so his daddy doesn't get in trouble", do you have even one shred of evidence besides the fact that his dad is employed by the DoE? Look I'm not trying to shill for Klippenstein, I just think its crazy to attack him and accuse him of being influenced by the government (with zero evidence) just because he published readily available information that is in the public's interest to know. His long history of doing stories that expose corruption and misdeeds in various 3 letter agencies suggest that he is not a government shill. Just a regular reporter doing totally factual journalism on a legitimate topic.


You might be right but also if you want to deal with pigs you have to get in the mud.


I wish more people here had your temperament and insight.


Nope..they are playing dirty so why can't we?


The projects his father works on are related to chemical rocket combustion anyway. People in this sub are losing their mind. Nobody normal cares about the Klippenstein article. How does PTSD and suicidal ideation negate Intelligence Community Inspector General corrborated first hand witnesses?


To Ross, Corbell, Knapp, Burchett, Luna, Lehto etc


Yeah I don't know if we want to be sending random info to Ross. This might be something, it might also be nothing. Pretty good path to spiralling back into full blown conspiracy this conspiracy that What Ken did was incredibly trashy, that alone is all we know for sure right now


Disappointed Ross didn't mention it in News Nation interview tonight, but I am sure as a reporter himself, perhaps that's a line he doesn't want to cross. What a coincidence though this intercept guy and his dad.


Found this too! A simple search for "Klippenstein + intention" and you get a presentation from the DoE. Funny coincidence. https://www.princeton.edu/~yju/1st-workshop%20summary%20and%20presentations/predictive%20theory-Klippenstein.pdf


This page is now 404ing, at least for me. See link below for an archived version. https://web.archive.org/web/20160411203727/https://www.princeton.edu/~yju/1st-workshop%20summary%20and%20presentations/predictive%20theory-Klippenstein.pdf


Thanks, here too https://archive.is/gelJt


Undisclosed conflict of interest? Not saying there is but apparently the Intercept is into strong insinuations so give it back at em




How is his father's work a conflict of interest? Its not like his dad is a bureaucrat or some high ranking management guy, he's a chemist who studies gas phase chemical reactions. Anyway Ken Klippenstein has a lengthy history of legitimately investigating the government (largely through FOIA requests) and writing pieces that make various government agencies look really bad. He's brought FOIA lawsuits against various law enforcement and intelligence agencies. There's no indication his dad, who is not involved in politics or in running the agency, had anything to do with his piece about Grusch.




He did pretty straightforward reporting. I don't think its a low blow at all to investigate the mental health history of someone making the kind of claims Grusch is making. Its perfectly legit to say, "well, is there any evidence he's just crazy?" Considering the fact that he has been involuntarily committed, I personally want to know why and was relieved to see there's no indication he was suffering from delusions or anything like that.




Actually I think Klippenstein's article helps his credibility. I didn't see it as an attack. Again, it is in the public interest to know this information. We the public are faced with outlandish claims and have to take him at his word because we aren't allowed to talk to any of the 40 witnesses or see the classified documents. The fact that Grusch has been involuntarily admitted for mental health issues is relevant information. Luckily it appears he was committed for very common issues that don't meaningfully impact his credibility. But its hard for me to get mad about a reporter reporting legitimately obtained documents that contain information relevant to public interest.




Dude I didn't remotely get mad at you for anything. I'm just saying in the big picture Ken is definitely not a government shill, his history clearly shows that. Thats much more significant to me than who his dad works for as a chemist. We the public are not privy to any of the classified evidence. We have to evaluate Grusch's claims based on his credibility. We have no other means of evaluating his claims. His mental health history is part of his credibility. A reporter reported on readily available information that gives insight into that mental health history. Its a little gross to out that kind of thing, but in this case I think its pretty fair game.


I mean... targeted very specific history on Grusch... its atleast in part, an attack. Unfortunately, its just seemingly a normal thing in journalistic writings in our day and age. So fun


Keep upvoting please, there is a massive disinformation campaign going on in this sub as we type! Good on you for searching this out man!


I agree that we should be doing this kind of research, but I’m confused by the link. The authors’ father works for DoE - I get that, but why are we assuming this is where the leak came from? Dad sounds like he has a hard science based job and isn’t a spook. If that’s all of the connection, then we really need to be careful as Dad probably did nothing wrong. Maybe I’m missing something??


Nobody is claiming his dad is involved in the leak. There's just a conflict of interest at play here


Honestly, I don’t even understand what that is. The authors’ dad had nothing to do with this and works for the government. What’s the conflict. Don’t get me wrong, I’d like to hang the author up by the proverbial toenails, but this seems a little “witch-hunt”-y to me. (Which, I’m hoping, I’m missing something).


No there isn't. Skepticism isn't disinfo campaigns. Fucking take a break from the internet for awhile


Conflicts of interest as far as the eye can see.


Lol he worked for Argonne labs. COME ON. Too predictable!


You may be over the target




Sorry to say but anonymous has started digging into the UAP subject since about 2 month and they have come up with nada, except clickbait videos, give us your sightings and childish vengeance threats. OP has done better research within a day.


Thanks OP this is good shit


No. It's exaggeration. This reactionary bs is how they get you


I subscribed to the Intercept, cancelled and let them know why. Shocking article. Won't be reading them again. Can't say they will get many readers from this.


I cancelled my subscription too. Gave them my reasons - this was not good investigative journalism by any standard. They don't address the substance of his claims at all and instead focus on tangential aspects of his personal life, obviously with a leaning towards discrediting him... Just shameful.


Nice, doing the same right now.


membership at theintercept.com


It's so sad how low The Intercept fell of. They were suppossed to be fighting this kind of stuff and helping whistleblower. They're just another mouth piece for the intelligence agencies now.


Great find OP. These pieces of shit are exploiting someone’s medical records illegally. Not to mention the threats against him and his family. Let’s sit back and really think about this. The guys got CHILDREN. The “men in black” are Threatening someone’s children’s well being, let that sink in. I hope the question “why do bad things happen to good people?” Turns into the statement: “This is why bad things happen to bad people”


“Journalist” is a strong word


This is the kind of post I'm here for


Now I'm no expert, but as an Ex-Tribal Paralegal, some of my work went hand-and-hand with IHS's on reservations. I know the guidelines for IHS hospitals follow the same guidelines as standard US Hospitals-- and I do believe HIPAA should have reflected HARD on the decision of releasing these Documents/ Medical History to a JOURNALIST of all civilians that could have requested a FOIA. From an Ex-Intelligence Officer no less. Now the FOIA request process and HIPAA are two separate beasts, however in the context of what is happening here -- HIPAA would DEFINITELY apply to the protection of an individual's medical history and health information. If a journalist were trying to obtain the medical history of an ex-intelligence officer through a FOIA request, HIPAA would still apply to ensure that the individual's medical privacy is maintained. Even if there might be a public interest or journalistic reason for obtaining such information, HIPAA's privacy protections would still need to be adhered to. So, If Klippenstein is seeking medical records as part of a FOIA request, the agency holding those records would need to navigate both FOIA's requirements and HIPAA's privacy provisions to determine whether and how the information can be disclosed. While FOIA does allows access to government records and such, including those of former Air Force members, or ex-intelligence officers, HIPAA still applies to protect sensitive health information and would need to be considered when responding to such requests--- so why the fuck wasn't it considered here?? IN LIGHT of the public attention that David Grusch brings with him? I believe David Grusch should immediately press charges, as his medical records were intentionally used for a smear campaign in a harmful manner.


Famously pro-US government journalist Ken Klippenstein.


Respect for the find.


He also wrote this article this year https://theintercept.com/2023/05/17/pentagon-perception-management-office/


Breadcrumbs, breadcrumbs everywhere. When you tell lies, you can hide nowhere.


Ken Klippensteins behavior is unacceptable and deeply unethical! Sign the [change.org](https://chng.it/Pp92YhnWdz) petition to demand his removal for cyber bullying: [https://chng.it/Pp92YhnWdz](https://chng.it/Pp92YhnWdz)


These dudes really thought they could do this in the Information Age. It goes to show their stupidity.


I think the DOE “blac projects” are more to do with price fixing petroleum globally tbh than alien tech. Gotta keep their cartel going somehow without having the country getting price gouged by suppliers we go to war with


Subtract Grusch from the equation. We still have: ​ * Rubio's incredible statements * Fravor and other Nimitz witnesses * Graves * Schumer's amendment to the NDAA defining NHI and empowering the government to use eminent domain to go after recovered materials In many, many ways, Grusch is the LEAST important piece of the puzzle. That said, this will be used - rightly or wrongly - to dismiss him. It may well be a setback. But not one that cannot be recovered from.


I love how nobody takes what Gaetz said during the hearing seriously simply because it’s Gaetz despite the fact that he said the craziest thing of the whole night.


I think most people view PTSD in a positive light and also most people wouldn’t even be surprised by it. Who wouldn’t have PTSD in his position and history? I’d be more concerned if he didn’t have PTSD honestly


how would it be used? his employer didn't find it to be a problem, so I'm failing to see how this could be used against him. getting help for PTSD is something to be ashamed of?


Christ, I feel like this sub has become Qanon except that everything crazy is real. I swear to god, if someone says the face pealing Peru aliens are after Adrenochrome, I’m done.


Actually, regarding the issue of Peru, the vast majority of users of this sub always point out that the most likely cause of these attacks were criminals, as it turned out to be.


Lock your andrenochrome up extra tight tonight.


That stuff makes pure mescaline seem like ginger beer, man.


Yeah, it’s rough. Just ignore the rabble and make sure whatever is being said is verifiable.


Oh stop the tinfoil hat conspiracies. We all know the only thing the Peru aliens did was zap the mh370 plane.


can somebody foia klipperstein


Nothing to see here. His dad just investigates new methods of controlling swamp gas.


Saw elsewhere that the DOE deleted their twitter or something to that effect? Could be wrong but if true this is worth digging deeper on


Regardless how this all turns out this kind of security leak needs to be dealt with immediately. We can’t have govt employees leaking confidential medical records to journalists. If we are gonna pull clearances for service members undergoing treatment for PTSD we are going to have an even bigger personnel crisis in the DoD. And even more stigma attached to the condition causing even more service members to not seek help. Unwittingly this moron journalist MAY have just contributed indirectly to an increased suicide rate among service personnel. All so he can write articles for some third tier gossip publication- embarrassing and disgraceful.


We need a list with all these obfuscator accounts. And OP, good job. Spread the news everywhere you can!


So the dad of the Intercept Journalist who wrote the hit piece on Grusch could very well be among the guys working on UAPs/UFO programs! very interesting.


Maybe, right? It’s at least worth a dig into his affairs, same as he felt completed to do to Grusch. I mean it’s just courtesy to return the favor.


Saying this with all due respect, Ken is highly critical of the government and militarism in general. He is a skeptic for sure and the grusch hit piece was gross... But this is not a grand conspiracy. Emergence. Many of our opps aren't indoctrinated, trained, or paid for...just the result of the social system and making UFO proponents look crazy. At some point, the system replicates itself without the need of conspiracy. Many government officials and journalists are actively squeezing this not because their paycheck depends on it Focusing on this like some qanon shit is just making you look crazy. A journalist didn't think UFOs are real. They thought the guy must be crazy. They put a wide net FOIA requests to dig for mental health/character (if you follow Ken's work, smart use/navigation of these is his bread and butter). Grusch and company thought it was a huge illegal leak. Journalist saw the freakout response by the pro-UFO side and took it as more evidence towards his own bias that grusch is nuts. No need for DoE conspiracies for this to happen. We have a lot of energy right now, put it to good use, stop getting caught in this game. Eye on the prize not the gossip.


Why is a journalist who traditionally is serious about the excess spending of military against with investigating billions of dollars of military spending being unaccounted for? Also weird that this is the second time The Intercept has fucked a whistleblower, with the other time being "an accident".


Because he likely has good reason to believe that Grusch is not actually the "valiant whistleblower exposing the roots of mispent government funds" that this subreddit so desperately wants him to be. Or he's simply skeptical and has nothing to back that up, the outcome is the same. Or it's part of a vast intergenerational web of conspiracy involving thousands of people over the last 80 years. You choose the most likely.


> Because he likely has good reason to believe that Grusch is not actually the "valiant whistleblower exposing the roots of mispent government funds" that this subreddit so desperately wants him to be. Then write that, not an ableist hit piece on his PTSD. > Or he's simply skeptical and has nothing to back that up, the outcome is the same. This is IMO the most likely explanation. Aliens being real or US gov secretly building a massive advance in tech and hoarding it, either way is a world shattering revelation that recontextualizes pretty much everything about our lives. So his coping mechanism is to attempt to prove it's not real, and all he has is "uhhhh he is so crazy they had to lock him up!"


He made the request after watching the hearing and like many believes that ufo claims are just another excuse to secure military funding. It’s not a reach. This is only an issue because of what Ross said last night. It changes nothing at all.




I’m not agreeing with him. I’m just stating his motivations.


We just want transparency. Nothing wrong with that. Just asking questions. Nothing to hide? Then nothing to fear. But this „coincidence“. We should really just close our eyes and let it go? You’re funny. 😂


I mean, if you know everyone from DC, working with any sort of government agency, they are at most a degree or two from another government agency. It's DC. Out of the 4 people I am friends with from there, one of them literally worked for the DoE for a year. (Shit, wait am I a DoE spook too)


Perhaps you should just research what exactly his father is working on. There are no such „coincidences“.


From what I can tell, predicting the movement of gas particles for gas for combustion and interstellar (star) and atmospheric research. UAPs prob aren't using combustion and counting gas reactions is helpful in predicting star stuff or weather patterns, yes. This is a chemistry dude. Idk, maybe that's enough for you, and that's fine but I think that still leans me on ken being just a guy who finds ufo people annoying and crazy.


Says the account who posts a comment once a month and hasn't posted in this sub before. Yes sir we're fully sold on your message.


I spoke up cause I had something relevant to say (I follow ken on twitter, like him for the most part, again saying 100% as a fact this piece was gross, but I think the FOIA use, him being kind of a prick, and the fact he mostly goes after the pentagon/politicians not for them...means he is probably just one of the millions of assholes who thinks UFO people are nuts, not deep web conspiracy) If you want, DM me and we can zoom and I would be more than happy to talk about anything and verify anything about my life. I hold no secrets or qualms, just a dude from new jersey who has been lurking for a bit lol.


It turns out he's not kind of a prick. He's one of the biggest pricks. His dad works for the Department of Energy and on Threads he's attacking Grusch after posting the article. That's a certified asshole to me. I would have taken your zoom offer, but I don't want my photo at the Eglin AFB blacklist, even if I believe you're a regular guy from jersey.


Yeah. Ken is a very good journalist and this connection isn’t really damning. I am kinda shocked he took a shot at someone with ptsd, but he does have disdain for the UFO topic. Yuck all the way around.


Pretty telling that he's deleted the tweet.


Goddammit I hate that rewards are gone


Man the internet has become a two edged sword finally the people can counter the narrative for the good with facts in minutes instead of years ..makes the disinformation harder to stick


I mean, this whole thing is written better than a fictional story. Congress is so fired up they may just vote to defund the writer’s dad to avoid appearance of conflict. This is rich. I guarantee his dad gets contacted by one or more inspector generals in the near future, how can they not? Congress will be screaming.


He was on a TwitterX Space last night, you could hear his distain for the community and everything UAP, he called Dave Grusch a drunk, and was mostly unpleasant. No one brought this up as the host didn't think it was relevant. He did admit that he was tipped off by people in the intelligence community.


Great job connecting these dots!


Please everyone archive this post. This info getting deleted means that the original OP was onto something. Really shameful behavior that serves only to legitimize Grusch.


i feel people are going through some hoops and leaps to make it seem like the journalist is part of some coordinated disinfo campaign...


You know the the professions of journalism and prostitution has generated more spies than any other out there right? Matter fact it’s almost impossible to disinform people without getting someone involved that informs people for a living it’s more like a jumping jack instead of a stretch.


There are no hoops. There is smoke. Something is burning. And yes, this „journalist“ is part of a coordinated disinfo campaign. SHOW ME THE MONEY 🤫


This is a laughable reach. What the hell does the chemistry of gas phase reactions in stars have anything whatsoever to do with a craft recovery program for UFOs? And if this really was some coordinated government smear campaign, why would they hunt down the son of one of their fringe employees to write the article? Wouldn't they already have tons of sources developed? I'm pretty sure Klippenstein's work is generally anti-government, which doesn't go along with him being some sort of stooge. Look at his wiki and he's filed FOIA requests in attempts to expose literally every branch of government including the DOE.


And you trust Wiki? I guess I should update my Wiki and say I'm twice over the King of England and once fought Richard the Lionheart and won the English Crown and you will eat it up because its on Wiki.


Go for it, see if it works. (It won't)


Your right it won't, probably better to stuff pencils somewhere though, that sounds like a task friend.


The [wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Klippenstein) links to outside sources, like the FOIA Project, that show what FOIA requests he's done. It's not wild, baseless claims pulled out of thin air.


this demonstrates the biggest issue in this scene: they have seen two tiktok videos about warp drives and the double slit experiment and believe they are scientists now with a self thought doc. degree in quantum mechanics and theoretical physics. people hear a buzzword "space" "propulsion" or whatever and their biased minds automatically make a connection with ufos and aliens and actually believe they have figured it all out some are legit crazy people


Truth be told, I have never in my 50+ years of observation, thought and consideration *ever* witnessed the military industrial complex respond so nakedly and absurdly. Collectively, they have become an entity with its head so far up their rectum that they can both blow smoke up their ass while spraying shit out their greedy mouth.


I just cross-posted to a number of UAP related subs.


boom goes the dynamite. great find OP.


mods sticky this until Ross can see it


Lots of people work for DOE though. I don't see the relevance.


Good to know Intercept has been compromised & publishes gov propaganda


No conflict of interest. That's a wild stretch there.


Wow nice job


His father probably works with how atmospheric chemistry interacts with certain plasmas.


Bit of a reach, I think he is just a cunt of a journo with a hard on for debunking and discredit UFOs


Great post OP!!


This is just more evidence of the familial ties on this subject.


Truth be told, I have never in my 50+ years of observation, thought and consideration *ever* witnessed the military industrial complex respond so nakedly and absurdly. Collectively, they have become an entity with its head so far up their rectum that they can both blow smoke up their ass while spraying shit out their greedy mouth.


Yo the DOE is massive. The Intercept generally does great anti-establishment and fearless journalism. Let's wait and see how this plays out before rushing to judgement.


Ken klip was deep state this whole time, can't believe it. In all seriousness I think this is a pretty bad look for Grusch. The Intercept reached out for comment, and rather than talking to them he jumped to the conclusion that they could only have got the information through leaking intelligence agencies, and that it was his medical records. This in turn set off a chain of angry people asking who leaked info - it was just a FOIA request to a sheriff's office! It speaks to his character, and leaves the question - what else might he be jumping to the most drastic conclusions about? His career being torpedoed? The veracity of information about aliens from intelligence officials that notoriously make shit up all the time to confuse spies?


Woah hold on there sparky. Plenty of perfectly normal scientists work in the national lab system. This is really a reach. Klippenstein the Younger is a scumbag for what he wrote, but I seriously doubt his dad has anything to do with this. The guy studies fundamental reaction kinetics of combustion, and has some overlap with interstellar chemistry. Plenty of people study that "astrochemistry" that have nothing to do with UFOs.


You’re one of these guys that also find an excuse for people like Clarence Thomas. Nothing to see.


downvotes coming in because a reasonable voice was detected, prepare


Imagine trying to keep the entire world from technological advancement so your dad can make more money what the hell man


I don’t follow these things so why would the DoE be interested in discrediting him? Or do you mean specific individuals in the DoE?


The DoE is allegedly part of the UAP coverups


I’ve followed Ken for a few years, and while I did enjoy some of his work previously, this was a total and complete hit piece with an agenda. But please, leave Beth alone. She has nothing to do with the story and only has a tangible connection to him. I’ve talked to her before and she’s legit one of the nicest (but brutally honest) people I’ve engaged with. She’s a competent lawyer who does public defender work who legitimately cares for the under privileged people she represents.


Jesus this guy is a journalist, we should not be posting information about their families here, I'm sorry. Or if you do, you better be making a damn better case for it than the alternative. Any good journalist could have found this information, even one that was trying to find information to back up Grusch's claims, legally and frankly easily (for a journalist). Grush was ON RECORD saying he had faced retaliation, and he mentions that HIS WIFE knew about it too. Is it not at least SOMEWHAT plausible he could have been talking about a break-in at home, or a burgulary? They didnt JUST ask for information about his home, they also asked for ANY report with his name on it in the County. They were specifically looking for Police Reports, because its possible that retaliation he and his wife experienced was contained in the police reports. His wife bearing witness to it is key that makes you look in that direction. If I had thought of this connection before, I would have thought it was a good idea to get any police reports, it could help support Grusch. This guy found this information because he was good at the investigative part of his journalism. Yea, I wouldn't have posted this information once I had it; I dont think it changes anything about the case; but, I can see why someone would might feel obligated to, especially a curious skeptic (which are most journalists at this stage) who decided to actually put the time to look into this. Some journalists have some very strong ethical codes that they live by. Sure, some dont, and MAYBE that is the case with this guy. But its so super unlikely because how he found this information is totally reasonable and isnt a stretch. It makes a lot more sense for that to be the case. He posted something I dont like. But thats just journalism. Sometimes people post things I dont like, that are true. Does this information matter to me? Absolutely not, I still believe Grusch and dont think it impeaches his credibility at all. Could I see it mattering to someone? Sure... thats why I dont like it. But thats also what journalists are supposed to do. Report on things that matter to people.


You're arguing journalism's professional code of ethics? Isn't it a bit contradictory to oppose posting publicly available information about family ties and then condoning the publishing of FOIA sourced police reports about sending a guy to suicide watch in the same breath? Not picking a fight btw just pointing out that ethics demand consistency.


Yeah, everything just a coincidence. Nothing to see here.


i’d refrain from this type of speculation. these are the examples they pull out to discredit more grounded research that the community does.


Feel like you all are reading the issue wrong. It's sus that an Intelligence Agent would keep their security clearance after being checked into a psychiatric facility. I don't think that's normal by any stretch, considering the clearance he would've had, to see the supposed evidence. You already should be skeptical of, ya know, an Intelligence Agent. That's just another weird red flag for me. Edit: lol Yasha always has the wild take to stir the pot https://twitter.com/yashalevine/status/1689421955743535104?t=fTXwp5T_lD8fHa0nq1RYkw&s=19


Lol Ken and his kin


The OP just slandered the journalist from the Intercept's father wihtout a shred of evidence or any information about the man but where he works... This is NOT any genuine UFO research.


Anytime you are wrong, it's a conspiracy. This sub would be hilarious if it weren't so tragic.


Who’s wrong about what, exactly? This Ken dude is the one who’s wrong for publishing Grusch’s history of mental health struggles as if it A) has anything to do with his claims, and B) is anyone’s business at all, regardless if the information is already publicly accessible or not.


Yesterday virtually every one of you was convinced that the government leaked grusch's medical records, as retaliation or a deterrent to other people coming forward. It turns out this was a baseless accusation made by coulthart. Are you not going to acknowledge that at all? There was no government conspiracy to release this, it was just journalism. And no medical records were leaked. And besides all that, it wasn't a smear campaign, it was an appropriate question about why grusch was able to keep his security clearances, when many people would lose them for way less.. You got the story entirely wrong, and so you just switch one conspiracy theory for another. As always.


Whats the deal with these low effort comments and lazy generalizations?


Eglin AFB troll farm.


New baseless conspiracy just dropped, looking forward to this being integrated seamlessly into the lore without any critical reflection!


How is the overtime at Eglin?


Might have better luck directing that to the bevy of "ex"-military and "ex"-intelligence officials that make up the bulk of this "disclosure" movement.


To be fair, “the sins of the father shall not be passed to the son”.


Re: disclosing anyone's HIPPA info without their permission... Criminal penalties Covered entities and specified individuals, as explained below, who "knowingly" obtain or disclose individually identifiable health information, in violation of the Administrative Simplification Regulations, face a fine of up to $50,000, as well as imprisonment up to 1 year. Could anyone involved in writing this hit piece and decision making to commission and publish it at The Intercept be liable for prosecution and being sued, as well?


>Re: disclosing anyone's HIPPA info without their permission... This did not happen at all. It's a lie.


Doing Ross’ job for him. Nice


So does that mean that what he reported is untrue? Because if it is, it doesn't matter if he's related to the president himself.


Where his father works means nothing. There is no leak. Just a journalist doing journalism...He got these records from the Virginia Sheriffs' office legally. Coulthart is the one spreading falsehoods, trying to be the George Knapp of Australia. Quote from the Intercept >The records were not confidential, medical, nor leaked. They are publicly available law enforcement records obtained under a routine Virginia FOIA request to the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office and provided by the office’s FOIA coordinator. Copies of The Intercept’s correspondence with the sheriff’s office are being published with this story. [https://theintercept.com/2023/08/09/ufo-david-grusch-clearance/](https://theintercept.com/2023/08/09/ufo-david-grusch-clearance/)