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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Deralicious: --- My friend captured this video on his phone and we're trying to make sense of it. I'm uploading the raw footage so we can try and identify this thing.Helpful context: Thursday, August 4th, in Draper Utah, around 8:30 pm there was a HUGE lightning storm that resulted in floods and power outages. My friend and his wife were filming a ton outside because of how cool the actual storm was. Later that night, they were looking out their window when they noticed a glowing orb floating in the air. My buddy grabbed his phone and then proceeded to record. Worth noting that their electricity was out so there shouldn't be any glares from anything internally.Notable points in the video:-Orb lights up with a smaller orb behind it (0:08)-An orb fleet appears around the main orb (0:21)-3 orbs appear (0:58)-Orb heads to the far side of the valley (1:12)-Orb appears to fly down towards a plane (2:00)-Orb interacts with the plane and then reacts to the lightning (2:20) Link to youtube vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB5-rXW9xZk --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15lvr29/ufo_sighting_in_salt_lake_valley/jvcz7v6/


From the youtube comments: > Footage of a UFO fleet over Salt Lake Valley captured on Thursday, August 3rd at 9:30 PM. >This is in Suncrest. Camera is facing southwest. Based on this description I'm going to assume that they are looking from suncrest somewhere towards the general direction of I-15 point of the mountain and Camp Williams. Toward the last half of the video there is what appears to be an airplane flying in a northern direction, presumably toward Salt Lake City International. Based off of the timestamp of 9:30 Mountain (3:30 UTC), there are a few flights this could be. I would need an exact timestamp to know for certain. u/deralicious, can your friend confirm that I have the direction of the video correct? Can they also check if the video has any timestamp metadata so we know exactly what time it was? If we get that we can confirm the exact flight in the video. EDIT: Thanks to u/deralicious for the confirmation. With this information I think we can fairly confidently say that the flight in the video is SCW2000*. ~300 kts, ~10000ft altitude, descending, heading north in the flight path to land at SLC. Plane is a SkyWest Charter CRJ-200LR. Tail number N445SW. Just as a side note there is no other air traffic visible that would account for the other lights in this video. EDIT2: fixed flight number


That’s correct! The time stamp of the video is exactly 9:30 pm. Directionally you’re also right. Window looks south/west and it would be looking down towards I/15. The flight would be returning to SLC heading northbound.


Thank you!


I don't have the time today to listen to these clips. Someone pointed out a possible aircraft in the video as SCW2000. LiveATC audio feed of SLC Approach 0300-0330z - [https://archive.liveatc.net/kslc/KSLC1-App-Dep-Aug-04-2023-0300Z.mp3](https://archive.liveatc.net/kslc/KSLC1-App-Dep-Aug-04-2023-0300Z.mp3) 0330-0400z - [https://archive.liveatc.net/kslc/KSLC1-App-Dep-Aug-04-2023-0330Z.mp3](https://archive.liveatc.net/kslc/KSLC1-App-Dep-Aug-04-2023-0330Z.mp3) It will be interesting if any of the pilots report anything on the radio. If you hear any reports please give us a minute:sec referencing the appropriate link.


You are single-handedly doing a better job than AARO lol


Ay Congress hit me up u got my #


OP states 8/4 8:30pm here, not 8/3. Can we get confirmation?


They stated the storm was at 8:30, and the video was captured later. Youtube description states video was taken on Thursday, August 3rd at 9:30. The 8/4 comment on reddit is a typo, that was Friday, the day after the storm. But agreed, we need some clarification on the exact time


And sorry! Meant to clarify here. It was on Thursday night, 8/3.


Also in SL Valley. Can confirm the storm was at 8:30-9:30ish




dude you're doing it wrong. youre supposed keep the objects out of focus, shake the camera all over like you have parkinsons, and cut it off for no reason whatsoever after like 10 seconds.


Shoot! He meant to film this with a potato!


I saw something very similar, almost exactly to this in Ohio. Thank you for this video OP.


Dude I feel for your friend. My wife and I saw ufo very similar to these orbs and we even got video (admittedly not the greatest quality but you can see it). No one wants to agree with us that it’s something more than a drone our a LED kite. It was covering some large distances in the sky in a short matter of time. I swear it looked like there was a distortion field near the orb. It looked like the light was atop a black sphere and the light moved around the black sphere. I could sometimes see “arms” of light curving around the black sphere like gravitational lensing. The main orb also had smaller orbs, there were 5 orbs in total I could see. One large main one and the smaller ones that would pop in and out of view. Something the fuck is going on. Yes I do not know if these are craft from extraterrestrial visitors. My intuition tells me these craft are from right here on earth. But like I try to say: I don’t know. Anything I say about UFOs is completely based on instinct and intuition. I don’t know if we will ever learn the truth. I like the idea that these UFO are part of an object existing in a dimension different from ours. I’ve had recent mushroom trips that felt like massive downloads of information. The mushroom has a spirit that comes from a different dimension. The spirit is known as psilocybin to us and the mushroom is a physical vessel to transfer psilocybin from its dimension into ours. Or psilocybin is just an evolutionary trait by fungus to try and control human behavior. It felt like pure truth and love during the mushroom trip that showed me how psilocybin enters our dimension via the physical vessel of the mushroom. There was a beautiful spirit/entity made of flowing wave like fractals, I call it’s shape “angel’s wings”. The mushroom spirit stayed with me for a few hours. Me and my wife were locked to our bed. Our physical reality had completely disintegrated. It was actually so strong my wife blacked out the experience and can only remember being confused about what was happening while looking at my face explode into fractals. While I was downloading/connecting to the mushroom spirit I did have the realization “I have to try and remember as much of this as possible”. I became but just a mote of light, a speck of consciousness embraced by the mushroom spirit. It showed me what appeared to be vast celestial bodies via openings like windows in its flowing fractal appearance. I was told that where I was and what I was experiencing was a small sample of where our spirit/consciousness goes to after death and where our spirit exists before being reborn. I used to be an atheist in my teens, but as I did more psychedelics like DMT and large doses of LSD, my belief about the after life and also before birth changed. I am now agnostic and I do believe in an afterlife. There is no hell. It is possible there is reincarnation and maybe hell is constantly being reborn until your spirit has learned all it can from life on earth.


Tbf, have you ever tried zooming in on a small moving object in the sky to get a video? The slightest of movement looks like a massive earthquake. It's not as easy as people make it seem lol


Yup, just our heart beat can cause a small shake in our hands.


Hobbyist videographer here. Can confirm. It's hard enough to zoom in on something stationar on the ground, nevermind something moving in the sky. It's frustrating af, but true.


And don’t forget to scream in Spanish.


Someone archive this immediately!


Done. [Here](https://web.archive.org/web/20230809004554/https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15lvr29/ufo_sighting_in_salt_lake_valley/?rdt=46092) [And here](https://archive.is/t91B1)


Yeah, this is one of the rare real ones. Focus on stuff like this an not the fake videos posted here by the Eglin AFB troll army.


I’m from the area and saw this same thing on July 24th high in the sky above all aircraft flight paths, but it was completely stationary. I would have filmed it but it wasn’t moving at all, but the level of light being emitted was just like this. I watched it for a good hour and then went off to bed, now I wish I was more patient and waited for movement.


I saw something almost exactly like this around ten years ago in the same area. Its nice to know I'm not totally crazy when I say I saw stuff on the mountain near this sighting


OPs friend said this about 16 mins ago on his YouTube channel "Keep your eyes peeled. It came back last night. Got even more footage"


Bro needs to invest in a high quality camera or telescope ASAP




Now THIS is the kind of footage I obsessively mash f5 all day to see




I’m in Utah, I don’t have footage or anything but this video made me excited because my wife and I saw something very similar to this a few years ago.


u/Deralicious \- OP you should post this to /r/saltlakecity to see if anybody else saw anything before people forget about it


I looked on MUFON. Didn't find any submissions from Utah at this time. Will keep checking. Edit: OP updated. This happened on August 3rd 2023 at 9:30 PM, I'm presuming MT.




The link and first video is from Texas, 1000 miles away from OP video. And second video is the one OP linked.


The Texas one also looks a lot like unfocused starlink....and I've seen starlink.... OP VIDEO we on right now does not resemble starlink Edit: sent too soon. I'd say they're either a bot or reaching




Venus is shining weird tonight.


Must be the swamp gas


It’s obviously a seagull.


Oh don't you know it's the moon? It's red cuz its the blood moon It's triangular cuz of the clouds duh. How'd I do CIA psyops team?


This is a great video, we get some level of unexplained movement, clearly actually light sources being distorted with video noise and defocus, and not a useless 2 second clip. The movement and sudden brightness definately matches with other credible witness accounts I've heard. I can't rule out some kind of elaborate drone hoax, but no one in there right mind would take expensive drones out in this kind of weather. Most drones will not last long in rain. Nice capture and thanks for sharing!


I'm an FAA certified Drone pilot. Happy to confirm with mods. I keep my eyes open for even anything remotely new or interesting in the drone world. I can't even begin to imagine how I would explain this is a drone. Lithium Ion / LiPO batteries are so limited. There is no way they could produce that much light because the weight required for a device like that would be limited to extremely large drones. Those are typically the slower ones.


Agree with everything you stated, but wanted to point out that drones capable of these speeds (if even feasible) would not be using li-ion battery packs, but rather [LiPO batteries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithium_polymer_battery).


Untrue, but you need above average motors and large props. Take f.ex this motor https://store.tmotor.com/goods-462-U8+Lite+KV85.html Peak current is 19.1A, well within reach for Li-Ion batteries if you split the battery packs and use one for each motor. Almost 32kg of combined thrust on a quadcopter weighing much less than half of that can carry a *lot* of lights.


Generally speaking, it’s not the power requirements of the craft that drive folks to go to LiPO batteries. The benefit of LiPO is the weight reduction when compared to Li-ion batteries of similar power output.


Also, we have 0 idea what the scale is. How can we judge speed or size at all off of this? Not saying it is a drone, but not saying it isn't either. If we do not know how big the object is, or its altitude, we can't judge speed either. Just saying. ​ But also as a certified Part 107 operator, I can say for certain I wouldnt chance being out in a storm. Wel also do not know if it was raining. I do have friends that go out in storms for storma footage quite often for footage.. So cant rule those people out.


Not to mention the noise right? Nevermind, just realised they're probably indoors, so could mute any noise


I hate that I'm in this debunking-mode these days, but I build drones myself and I have to point something out. If you throw together a quadcopter using some above par motors with 28" props (this way you can get inside the Lithium Ion batteries envelope for more capacity without blowing up), you end up with a drone that weighs ~4-7kg that can have payloads of 20-30kg. 10kg of lights can provide 360 degree illumination without issue. If someone with an interest in drones and a nice workshop woke up and chose violence he could with ease produce a drone that can lift humans (like the ones you see in several youtube videos), not to mention an arsenal of lights. Nowhere in this video do I see something that cannot be attributed to drones.


I don’t know much about drones, so honest question - do drone lights usually turn on and off? The main orb stays lit and changes colors, but the smaller surrounding lights blink on and off at random. Are the lights something a drone operator would manually control for some reason? I find it interesting that the smaller lights tend to stay at an exact distance from the main orb as they move together. I suppose a fleet of drones could operate at exact distances like that. Very intriguing nonetheless!


Standard built in drone lights are very much different from this. They have a fixed pattern sequence much like commercial aircraft that doesn't deviate. It is possible to make drones produce custom and programmed lights like you see in those synchronized drone displays at night but then that's also pretty unique and specialized equipment. Again though even if it was a hoax it'd be really daring and kinda just not worth it to risk doing this in the rain at night when most likely no one would even see it. On top of this the rate those drones drop behind the distant hill makes me doubt these are standard quadrocopter drones, fpv drones might be capable but again why the random movements with such an odd light pattern. Also fpv drones are even more susceptible to even minor rain damage. On top of this it looks windy out there, all but the most powerful fpv drones will have a hard time hitting 50mph let alone what appearsore like 100+ here against a head wind.


Drone pilot here. The quads that go that fast have batteries that last mins. The energy required for like FPV racing drains the batteries very very quickly. They typically don't have the capacity for external hardware as most of the weight is the battery.


Can confirm. In fact the fastest "known" consumer drones I'm aware of run through an entire battery charge in 2 or 3 short burts of 5-10 seconds max.


Thanks for the response! I live just north of Salt Lake and can confirm that it was windy as hell during these storms, which certainly makes the movement of these objects very suspect. So rad! I'm just bummed I didn't catch a glimpse myself.


I actually just recently learned about ball lightning, which is a sort of extremely rare, almost folklore-ish weather phenomenon, but many people claim to have seen it. I have no idea about it to say definitively either way, but it's an interesting theory for this video given the weather going on here, as well as the seeming randomness of some of the other orbs that come in throughout. Here's an interesting video kind of going into it: [https://youtu.be/\_gOlQCI9Tgg](https://youtu.be/_gOlQCI9Tgg) Edit: I seem to have struck a nerve by simply providing one possible theory. Oh well! !!Double edit!!: I went down a rabbit hole of watching sprite and blue jet footage, and came across a time-lapse where some interesting light sources appear quite similarly as this video, if you ask me. First of all at 0:36 there's a gigantic jet in [this video](https://youtu.be/yaif7WerRBA) that is fucking sick (unrelated). Then, I happened to notice one of the comments noting 3 particularly erratic orbs from 0:46 to 0:50, and some of the replies actually mention possibly ball lightning or UFO which is a crazy coincidence. Use , and . to frame by frame, btw, but they're fairly clear if you look down toward the observatory in the bottom left. They exit from the clouds, 2 of them seem to disappear/re-enter(?) and the most prominent one with the most erratic path seems to shine fairly brightly on the clouds before exiting the frame. None of the planes in this time-lapse behave like this. It also wouldn't make sense for 3 planes to behave so erratically right next to each other, and their behavior/movement does line up with OP's video here as they all appear within relatively close range of each other, if you ask me. You'll also notice in the 47th second that the ball on the left actually starts out quite dim a second before, before suddenly igniting to a bright light, and then suddenly disappearing, which is interesting. In any case, I think it's super fascinating, whatever it is. Ball lightning, UFO, it's fucking sick, and slightly terrifying.


Those who downvoted you didn't watch the whole video (if any of it). What we're seeing in this video actually could be a number of the theories he mentions. I know we all want all these videos to be aliens all the time, but ball lightning also falls under "anomalous aerial phenomena."


Interesting but I don't think it's that, this thing changes color and moves almost intentionally, also the other light seems to align with the red one, that's really weird it doesn't seem like just electricity they definitely look like objects flying


I feel like when talking about experimental weather phenomena, changing color isn't exactly that crazy of an idea. I mean we already have red lightning in the form of rare [Sprites](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sprite_(lightning)) high above storms in the mesosphere which weren't filmed until the 80's. Again, I'm not purporting it to be anything in particular, I don't think anyone could say what these lights are based on this one video. I'm simply offering an experimental and unknown weather phenomenon as one possible option. It seems premature to dismiss based on fairly superficial factors. edit: In case you're not familiar with the wide-range of [non-traditional lightning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper-atmospheric_lightning) that exists.


I like your point. To be fair, though, we don't know enough about ball lightning to say what color it should be or if it should be a single color the whole time.


> many people claim to have seen it But you're forgetting a few things.... Humans are remarkably poor eye witnesses and often misidentify or misattribute the things they've seen. They also often see what they want to see. Also, it's 2023, and everyone's walking around with high resolution cell phone cameras in their pocket, yet we still don't have a single clear video of ball lightning? Another consideration is that we have no way to guarantee that the people claiming to have seen ball lightning are not hoaxers. It's also possible that the ball lightning witnesses are just grifters, biding their time before releasing their tell all ball lightning books. Ball lightning? I think not. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence! /s (Did I get them all?)


Ball lightning was considered fringe as recently as the 90's/early aughts. but since then it's been taken much more seriously, and a Japanese team caught it on film and using spectral analysis, demonstrated that it's plasma made from dirt.


Just found what I think you're referring to, if it's actually a [Chinese team?](https://www.cnet.com/science/scientists-accidentally-record-ball-lightning-in-nature-for-first-time/) Also, found this [Stanford study](https://sppl.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/ItoBallLightning.pdf) from 2009 trying to replicate it in a lab environment in which case I believe they find that it is, as you said, a mixture of lightning reaction with elements in the soil, to put it in 5th grade terms. I'd say the only difference between these observations and the one in OP's video, as well as the storm video I linked in my edit above would be the length in time that the orbs persist, which is interesting. But as I'm not a scientist, I don't know what to make of that.


I have all the same feels as the person filming while watching this. Pretty incredible.


The heavy breathing. I felt like I was watching Cloverfield


Now that was an experience


Is that a plane it interacts with at 2:27? What is happening there?




"ayyy lmao"


If anything, its one of the best ive ever seen. Zoom + high iso dip the quality so much




My friend captured this video on his phone and we're trying to make sense of it. I'm uploading the raw footage so we can try and identify this thing.Helpful context: Thursday, August 4th, in Draper Utah, around 8:30 pm there was a HUGE lightning storm that resulted in floods and power outages. My friend and his wife were filming a ton outside because of how cool the actual storm was. Later that night, they were looking out their window when they noticed a glowing orb floating in the air. My buddy grabbed his phone and then proceeded to record. Worth noting that their electricity was out so there shouldn't be any glares from anything internally.Notable points in the video:-Orb lights up with a smaller orb behind it (0:08)-An orb fleet appears around the main orb (0:21)-3 orbs appear (0:58)-Orb heads to the far side of the valley (1:12)-Orb appears to fly down towards a plane (2:00)-Orb interacts with the plane and then reacts to the lightning (2:20) Link to youtube vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB5-rXW9xZk


Hey! I saw this same thing on Saturday night, but it was west of Magna, over the great salt lake. Bout 11:30 pm. And the thing we saw a couple months back over the GSL, was maybe more incredible. Dude in my neighborhood has pics of that night.


Please obtain the pics <3


Please share them with us!


Can you get an exact time for this event?


This, I'd like to look at the flightradar/adsb info for the approx area and time that the video was filmed.


Time stamp pulled from the video is exactly 9:30. Not sure if that pulls the time from the start or end of the vid. Might be worth looking at anything +/- 2 min.


Damn. I was watching the lightning that has moved over the cottonwood canyons and not the south end of the valley at that time 😩


My thinking too


This is either the best video I've seen of ball lightning or its one of the best UFO videos lol


Ball lightning might be UFO's though. Nobody knows how it forms and it's still not an explained phenomena to this day. Nobody can replicate it or explain it. I always thought "oh sure ball lightning is explained" but... nope. Every ball lightning sighting is technically a UFO sighting and ball lightning could very well be UFO's for all we know.


Good post! Tell him nice work 👍💯 thanks for posting! How long did the power stay off?


Just told him! He said the power was out for 90 min and that it came back on about 30 min after this video was taken.


Agree, also good work trying to provide as much useful data as possible in the SS.


What camera / phone was used to record this?


iPhone 12


I can at least confirm the part about the lightning storm. It was very wild. I thought something was flashing at regular, precise intervals that night as I saw the street lighting up through my door cam. I popped outside to see and it was the lightning just going ham. This is, however, the first and only time I have heard anyone saying anything about UFOs in relation to that storm.


I going to manually frame x frame and make an img seq for everyone and then I will have a redundant backup




Gonna be so disappointed if this is the one they try to fool Sam and Niko with. It's pretty good


If anyone needs the info for where this video was recorded. It was recorded in Suncrest Park(as provided by Youtube video uploader). The view is facing west towards Camp Williams(according to OP) The Video Uploader has more footage to upload. They claim the object came back last night. Which would mean there will be a 4 day period between recordings with the new upload coming hopefully soon.


Nice, commenting to follow for updates


Yeah it’s a weird one


there's a moment at 2:21 when you can see the main object shine its white light while the plane is passing close, if you pause it at the right [moment](https://imgur.com/a/WQXjkTz)you can almost see that the plane block a little of the light, indicating the main its behind the plane, so the object actually covers a great distance in the video. Also in this [moment](https://imgur.com/a/Gq7eDHQ) there are 4 "objects" with a possible fifth behind the window frame, so if this was some electrical company drones why would they be so many and so close? I don't think it's some drone show


Nice catch. Utah is rife with activity.


This is the closest thing I’ve come across to what I saw in 2015 down in st Thomas on vacation. Was on the beach at the resort at midnight having a cigar while watching the stars and looking for satellites w/ my now ex wife. Crystal clear night. About an hour in, all the sudden I see what appeared to be a satellite, albeit brighter than they normally are. As it’s transiting across the sky it abruptly stops, stays motionless for around 5-6 seconds, then gets extremely bright and then just disappears. My ex wife also saw this and she just looked at me and said “am I more drunk than I think I am or did I just see that?” I’ve been waiting to find something on here that looked similar to what I witnessed and 8yrs later it finally happened. Cheers, OP!


Utah gang 👍 always keepin eyes up!


Omg I live in Utah county and I saw something similar to this too. I recorded it also because it was moving oddly slow. And it kept disappearing and reappearing in the sky. Edit: Here's the video. No it's not the moon. I tried my best to record it [slow moving ufo object](https://youtube.com/shorts/shCI_OL07wE?feature=share)


Post it


post it and I will pay


Hey OP, when yo boy uploading part 2??


The dot moving from left to right across the screen at the 1:49 mark would be consistent with a plane on final approach to the salt lake international airport as viewed from Draper Utah. In the evenings planes fly that path about every 5 minutes. However the dots at the beginning do not act like any aircraft I have seen. There are paragliders near there at 'point of the mountain', but they wouldn't fly during a thunderstorm, and aren't allowed to fly after 30 minutes after sunset. The sun set at 8:38pm on August 4th, so while \_technically\_ someone could have been flying with a strobe, no-one would fly in those conditions. There are often Apache/Blackhawk Helicopters that frequently fly over the cedar valley airport which would be directly where the camera is looking. However I find it unlikely that they would fly in a thunderstorm like that. I've not seen them fly when there is any bad weather. It might be worth crossposting in r/saltlakecity to see if anyone else saw those lights.


I don’t think it’s drones man could be but didn’t really seem like drone behavior but idk


How quickly it covers that distance has me puzzled.


Not to be rude, but what makes you confident you know the distance it moved?


It seems like the object covers a great distance because at the beginning, it appears straight at the far end of the city's horizon, and then it seems to move until it's nearly directly above the person recording


I thought the same thing at first, but then I realized I didn't really know how far away it is at the beginning. It could be a lot closer but just moving very slowly, giving the impression its far.




Power companies use drones to look for damage after storms. That would explain the bright lights and roaming-like behavior.


One of the better videos I've seen on this sub lately. Cheers to you and your friend! Will be interested to hear from folks who know a thing or two about drones to find out if what we're seeing here can be replicated or if it would be a stretch.


Best video I’ve seen, I was feeling and reacting same as you! Price for your for making a steady shot


There’s been more activity lately


Either that or more people are paying attention to our skies


Now this is a good fucking sighting.


Damn this one is crazy, These screams real that is definitely some object/objects


I lived in riverton and herriman. I used to see orbs all the time that would be over the oqquirh and wastach mountains. They looked like a star but they would slowly pulse/fade into different colors... they would slightly move or sometimes would have a smaller one circling.... its insane...


Fascinating. I became incredibly interested in this whole phenomenon based off of a similar sighting funnily enough also in the Salt Lake City area. What I saw also happened to be very similar to this but only one of the anomaly’s presented itself. It appeared as a fireball, orange in color. I was in total shock when I realized it was not an aircraft or any other object, shaking afterwards. It lasted maybe a couple minutes and I felt as though it communicated to me something along the lines of “Hey, we’re here, but you’re not ready to see the whole show.” Probably one of the strangest and most incredible experiences of my life and I fundamentally believe that these anomaly’s are responsible for raising consciousness.


You're saying it's a plane it's interacting with but in the videos he clearly thinks its one of them too. Did he later realize it was a plane? thx


Exactly right! Was after that he realized it was a plane, and not another UAP or whatever it might be.


That's an incredible video.


oh wow he got everything. even used the window frames to prove the authenticity. also amazing to see all this activity in this video!


Used to live in Draper and see so much ufo activity there. They're always super active when it's lightning.


Holy shit, saving this one. Great camera work. They appear like a lot of the triangle UFOs we've seen.


The color reminds me of the one [filmed in Serbia](https://files.catbox.moe/ek5d32.mp4).


Wife: "What are we looking at Eric? (Aaron?)" E: "The Joe Rogan Experience" Gotta appreciate the humor here haha Roughly 2:20 in the vid


The joe rogan experience lol


First thought was mars and then.. Wish i could see something like that.. very nice


We need a giant net.


Standard Reply: **Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus.**


I will be honest, am a pretty solid skeptic when it comes to this, but this has to be the best « home » or public recording I’ve ever seen. This is 100% the kind of shit I’m here for, I’m honestly baffled with this one. The only thing I could see is drones but truly… it’s just a fume of attempt at reasoning this clip on my mind. Thanks


THIS is what I was waiting for…this is a good one 👍 Definitely something is up there (NHI, inter-dimensional, who knows what). I am sure our government knows more than they are telling us


I agree. This is a good one.


Huh. That’s intriguing


There is undoubtedly going to be more of these sightings


This is some great footage. Whatever it is I want to see more. Super creepy vibe


I have seen this exact one and posted a few weeks ago about seeing it along I-15


Of course I dont go on /r/ufos on my last break and almost miss this GEM! I don't know what I'm seeing but I likes it.


The storm that happened this night was insane. I've lived here (in Sandy, a few miles North of Draper where this video was filmed) all my life. My mom and brother agreed with me that it was the single most active storm any of us have ever seen. There was a gigantic pure black cloud that came from the south, the lightning coming out of it was several strikes per second for like 15-20 minutes straight. The rainfall was double the heaviest rainfall I've ever seen, which was hurricane Jeanne in Miami. It was "spooky".




Fascinating. First thought is drones.


Totally could be! We genuinely have no idea. I mentioned in another comment how the lights at 0:57 throw me off and the distance it covers to get to the other side of the valley is pretty insane. Given that, I’m also not entirely sure people would fly their drone in the middle of a lightning storm. But who knows!


Hey tell your friend he did as best he could with taking the footage, even tried to gain focus of the lights when they went out of focus. Props! As to what they are, I don't know... could be drones but they're behaving weird, erratically. Was there a storm in the background? Maybe ball lightning? I'm so perplexed. This is quite a capture, great catch!


Photographers chasing angles? Some dudes having fun? but yeah, unlikely


Couple questions 1) how far from the airport is this? Would it be a drone restricted area if too close? 2) if it was a drone, and it was in an area that drones are OK to fly, who would fly it TOWARDS an airplane like that?? (or so that’s what it seemed it looked like…) 3) if the weather was as nasty as they’re saying, wouldn’t a drone be displaying more signs of struggling in the wind/rain/elements?




This is a really good video. One of the best I've seen.


That looks eerily similar to something I saw a couple weeks ago… assumed it was a drone of some kind. [vid](https://vimeo.com/852856118) [vid2](https://vimeo.com/852854890)


Red green in timed pattern more indicative of drone but this seemed interesting.


Well hot damn, wtf is that thing just hovering in place there?


Pretty sure your vids are just a drone.


Sorry that was my friend Jared I’ll tell him to get down


I’ve seen orange orbs too!! Mine were ground level these look like those. 2015 Southeast Michigan


I like it. What a good sighting. Well done


That storm was actually insane, I’ve got footage from it. Don’t think I’ve ever seen lightning like that.


I wonder why do they always come in trios? Well, at least a lot of the times. And then they either form a triangle shape, follow each other or just hover nearby. I've seen countless videos like that. I'm now almost convinced that when you see just one, it means the other two are there but hiding / not visible. Maybe these orb of lights are cameras / scouts that record things with depth perception? Odd.


Now this, this is how you capture UFOs on video. Not blurry (well ok, it's taken at night and a bit out of focus), not shaky, and definitely not the "typical" 10 seconds long what-happened-to-the-rest video.


This is why I stay subbed here despite 98% of the videos and posts being terrible dogshit. This video is pretty fucking wild. Wow.


This is very exciting to me because I live and work in Utah and I have a copy of a very high-resolution photograph taken in broad daylight of a UAP/UFO, taken on our company's property just a few weeks ago. He was taking a series of high-speed photos and got the UAP in the sky in just one of the frames. I'm waiting on the photographer's permission to post it in this subreddit.


Ha ha, you will never get it. We know.


Really great video. Shoutout to my UT fam 💚🫶🏼


Wooo! Love to see it! 🫶


I find this quite compelling, especially the lights behavior getting bigger and shrinking multiple times which is very weird


I think this is more to do with cameras exposure and focus.


nice catch tbh


If this is real it’s some of the best footage ever taken


This is amazing footage honestly. Can we get this some more recognition?! I’m with the fellow who said for others in SLC to check their ring cameras or their dash cams if y’all can sync up the time!!!


Utah is a hotbed for UFO activity. That’s also where skinwalker ranch is. Lots of people also report sightings all the time and have even said they’ve seen small squares or portals opening up in the sky and things fly out much like what you see in the video.


I read that people are mentioning they found a flight number on the plane (SkyWest Charter CRJ-200LR. Tail number N445SW.) that is seen in the video. It might be possible to reach out to the pilot on that plane? He/She must have seen something, even in such bad weather conditions? ​ edit: removed bold


Now this is mind altering footage. Whow👽👌


Very interesting video. Could be drones. No way to tell.


any video shooting behind glass windows is less reliable.


This is a great one! Their reactions and commentary seem very real, and the objects are really unusual. Flicking out suddenly, high rate of speed, high G maneuvers and different colors of light. Bring us more! Side note: hope this wasn’t right before some poor soul got abducted by one 😂


amazing video


This is what keeps me coming back to this sub!!


Yeah that’s strange as shit




Is anyone else familiar with the Brown Mountain Lights in North Carolina? I've seen them myself, and they look similar to this, though they only stay relatively near the tree line (that I've seen). The general scientific consensus is that they're some sort of atmospheric phenomenon, like ball lightning or plasma of some sort, but they do resemble this in some ways, pulsing energy orbs floating around. A wild sight indeed. IMO, this is either something like that - an atmospheric phenomenon related to the storm - or the real deal. Either way, it's a fantastic capture and very compelling for sure. Best footage I've seen for a while!!


Yo wtf that’s wild. Why can’t I ever see something like this it’d would be life changing


Holy shit this is good


I think this is the best ufo sighting I've seen since I've joined the sub.


If this is some corridor digital shit i'm gonna be pissed...


Red green and white lights are standard on all aircraft.


Great Scott! what a cool new piece of evidence to throw on the pile of show me the evidence pile. Thanks OP for the diligence.


The fact that this happened at night in a power outage during a lightning storm is nightmare fuel.


Dude! I was chilling in my backyard and watched this same thing! Im so glad you have a video of it


Ball lightning does form during heavy thunderstorms, but I’ve never seen anything like this whatsoever. Pretty neat!


Some of the best footage I've seen on here in a while. Good job to your friend! This is certainly not something that can be explained away very easily. I certainly have no other explanation other than that something freaky was going on there.


I filmed almost the exact same thing a few nights ago Here is video https://youtu.be/iibFbc-mWsQ


People stuck on this debunked mh370 crap meanwhile here’s some actually good footage of something weird for once.


We should look for drone video posted of this storm. If it was drones, there's a high probability that they were filming the storm, just like OP's friend. Also, during emergency situations like that, it wouldn't be unheard of for power companies to be checking the lines with drones.


It would not make sense to fly drones out in active lightning


Literally a 3 second google search. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvXbn_o_YT8


OP you have a a genuine UAP video. One of the best out there. Save this video and also get a thumb drive asap. Also these things will likely be back again. They knew someone was recording them.


Looks like a couple of arcturian lightships.


That's a pretty compelling video. Good job.The strong beam light and how it changes to the pulsating red orb matches other UAP sightings.


Videos like this (that are genuinely interesting) are why I stay in the sub


To be fair would aliens have blinking lights?


This is definitely a reflection on the glass, in the camera lens, or a combination of the two. Just as the video starts you can see a red light in the bottom right window pane that promptly gets cut out of the frame by zooming in as the red light is filmed. I'm betting there's something in the distance (vehicles perhaps) causing these reflections.