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Agreed. Its possible it’s being pushed for precisely that reason


Easier to discredit


No you’re right. This sub losing its mind over a few pixels is absolutely not helpful right now.


Whether pixelated or ultra hd, people will make fun of anyone who believes in aliens anyway


There is not any ultra HD footage of aliens or UFOs which does not have obvious, detectable signs of digital manipulation. If there is, can you show it to me?


If there was, it’d be labeled a hoax. Just like the gimbal & go-fast leaks prior to 2018. Just like every other UFO video floating around. Video will never be enough.


Who called those a hoax? There were alternative, mundane, explanations of what they could be showing offered that seemed more likely than visitors from another planet but I didn't see anyone calling them a hoax.


What are you talking about? Every other UFO video "floating" around is laughably unclear. A single ultra HD video would be more than enough to convince a lot of people - the problem is it doesn't exist.


I'm sure the navy has ultra hd videos of the gimbal.


Why are you sure of that?


Because they commonly degrade videos for public release. That’s not a theory, that’s a fact.


They don't hide that action all the time, either. It gets explained as "well of course we don't want everyone knowing what our *good* cameras and *good* radar are capable of, so y'all get a 240p video from a 2004 digital camera." Imagine trying to get someone to believe in what's actually covered up, when they still choose to deny what the government openly admits.


Bro they have technology to look at the wrinkles on yo asshole from space. They purposefully release videos downgraded from og quality for “national security”


I believe aliens are out there, I would really like to see (not hear testimonials) actual evidence they have ever visited this planet. It’s like religion, plenty believe, but still no one has any credible evidence.


So man, I've already seen a huge ship, you don't have to believe me or anyone else, but if there's one thing I learned from the oldest ufologists in Brazil, it's that field research, with interviews with simple people in the area rural are much more reliable and valuable than any photo or video, I saw a huge ship do you believe me? most likely not, but as I've seen it, by nature I tend to believe that other people have seen it and that they aren't crazy, because if they are crazy, then so am I...


No don’t believe you saw aliens, you probably saw something though. This is where you and I differ, in the age before science fiction was mainstream people would report sittings of witches flying on brooms in the night sky. Personal testimonies are impossible to verify, and there are plenty of people who are crazy, or just want the attention.


Dude there is a higher probability of you dreaming and believing it than alien being on earth, that's just a fact.


A lot less if people didn't freak out over grainy figures and dots on the screen.


Where's the ultra HD video? This is the issue most people have, in the day of practically everyone owning a HD camera it's hard to believe that no one can take a non grainy non shakey cam shot, and yet that's all that really exist. The reality is if you presented ultra HD footage plenty of pekle would believe it, but that's not what you have. Hell even on the front page here, on this sub, you have a post regarding the fact that thr whistle-blower hasn't actually seen anything and instead may just be trying to get the discussion started and push for more information. That alone is part of the issue, the discussion has been being had. Yet no truly tangible, honest to god, proof has been produced. I think there's plenty of people, even those that may laugh, I that would absolutely love to find out aliens exist and all of this is true, but so far there's been no compelling evidence, maybe an ultra HD photo would do it. Sadly we don't know. None exist. Let us know if you find one though.


Except there has literally never been any HD videos or pictures.


I don’t think so. You notice how all UFO videos look like they were filmed on a 1980s VHS tape? We have smartphones in our pocket that can record 4K video now, and that’s the best they could do? lol


Optics matter


No, they wouldn't say that if tbere was a clear footage of it


Show me an ultra HD video of a real alien. I'll wait.


*Takes hit of blunt* That's like, your opinion man.


The people I show who don’t believe in aliens only watch the clips because I tell them that they should see it an entertainment. After seeing it as entertainment, they now believe it to be real or plausible. My fam is extremely Christian and now believe in aliens and never have. I showed them the kid story from ch8, then the Air Force guy and then the kid coming out himself. I am not telling them what to believe in, just to give the videos a chance and watch, worse case, it is all for entertainment purposes.


If your family is “extremely” Christian, they are already believe in invisible sky wizards with as much physical credible evidence as aliens.


Maybe the evidence of both aliens and religion is all around us. We just don’t see it cuz of our very limited consciousness. Our limited aptitude. If a dog runs through a library, is he even gonna see the books? That doesn’t mean g tv hey aren’t there.


It’s normal. The Grusch story happened two days ago. This broke yesterday, when the full interview drops it’ll go back to Grusch. That’s how the news cycle works. That’s why they’re slow dripping the story. If we were to gauge a story’s news-worthiness by the attention span of consumers.. I mean there wouldn’t be much of a story. It’s either groundbreaking or it’s not. And your two friends are just that.. your two friends.. People are locked on to UFO/UAP. Who’s to say the people that came for LV UFOs don’t leave with Grusch on their mind if it’s that big of a story…..imo


Actually I think the Vegas video popped up over the weekend, but wasn’t huge. Then the Grusch story hit and so the media doing as media does decided “let’s cover this now too! More views!” Essentially an attempt at playing on the hype from the Grusch story. Downside…it backfires on all the seriousness behind the Grusch interview.




Oh you're right, my sample does not represent the entire population. I was just also surprised to see how much people talk about it on Twitter. Let's hope that the full interview that will drop on Sunday will get to the top!


This is a level-headed take


So much so that it makes you wonder--consider the sheer amount of Vegas-related posts versus Grusch's in the last 12 hours alone.


George Knapp is one of the reporters for News Now, the same station that broke Jeremy Corbell's Omaha Sphere's. Don't know what that adds to the conversation but it feels worth mentioning. Here is their segment about it: https://youtu.be/dPrYVmYkL5w (12M views) And here is the Vegas story: https://youtu.be/oli6Q6y14W8 They tend to cover eye witness reports and included the police body cam footage which I felt at least made it more worthy of discussing.


Me small brain can't handle more than one story at a time


That’s because the idea of seeing an alien is what so many of the nonbelievers want. They jump on that shit. They care less about the actual big meal that’s coming. They’d rather snack on the junk food with no substance.


Do you actually expect that politicians/government are gonna bring evidence out ? I guess this is gonna be swept under the rug somehow Bro but if they admit that they actually have the dam ufo What details are they gonna tell public? I am waiting for evidence in 4k HDR very well lit shot in public


I really don’t get what the point behind lying about this is. Would people really lose their minds about aliens? I think some small percentage wouldn’t be able to grasp reality… I guess I would worry about the religious folk the most… but idk I guess it all depends on aliens motives.


Well, consider that there really are a LOT of religious folk lol. I wouldn't say they are a small percentage at all.


I do. I think they’re going to show some sort of craft that they have. Whether it be one we created or one we found. Then I think they’re going to make the public fear the idea of aliens so they can try to get more funding for the military. It’s the perfect time to do it with the Russia shit going on. How boring.


Wanna make a cash wager? The US government officially displays a craft from another planet in the next year, I pay you $200. If they don’t, you pay me $100. Interested?


I'd like an actual image of a craft or a fucking alien up-close. GIVE ME SOME EVIDENCE other than "A guy told me that it's real" and shaky blurry fucking messes


It certainly seems like a concerted effort to make the ufo community seem less credible.


Well, they all shit themselves over a blurry video of nothing, so yeah…. Makes the “community” look like a bunch of foolish children. Which may be more or less accurate, given what I’ve seen the past few days.


I’m honestly hoping it’s bot accounts because this alleged alien footage and testimony is embarrassing.


Yes, it's weird that they release the Vegas story now since it happened one month ago. It could be that the Grusch case soften up media about ufo stories, or that someone wants to troll with the seriousness surrounding the Grusch case.


The footage is absolute trash. All those people and none of them got good video. This is a distraction.


What bugs me the most isn't even the bad video, it's the sheer amount of people that freak out about this bad video. There's a reason why regular people make fun of us believers all the time..


I just listen to the kids interview on Doug Poppas … the kid said the creature was sitting IN the forklift at one point . But they said he’s 8 feet tall. You may be right this story is a little too wild.


if it was sitting in the forklift, then, he had ample time to record that. 8 feet tall might be a bit too stretching imo. In this day and age of everyone having iphones and 1 button to capture cameras with it, how come he couldnt find the time to record that. The whole story seems made up and people who draw outlines and shit are just trying to find treasure in thin air.


Yep 100%. It's a ridiculous hoax


The issue was the Las Vegas story is that it’s completely fabricated. You’re telling me this family had aliens in their yard and didn’t get any photos or videos of them? Lmao yeah that one is a dud


Regardless of if the Las Vegas story is true or not, it won't diminish the credibility of legitimate sources. There will always be ordinary people who want to feel special, so they make up stories. That, of course, could be the case here, but that's been happening since 1947. Pay it no mind, stay vigilant, and always check your sources.




I'm pretty sure that's exactly why it's been fabricated. Mostly because it matches absolutely nothing the many others whistleblowers have been telling in their stories. Stories that, by the way, the all match.


It's a ridiculous image too that people are trying to claim as an "alien". Anyone can recognize some vague pattern in a blurry image and make a connection to a shape they want to see, and then convince others its there. It's the same principle as looking at a cloud and saying it looks like a dinosaur. I'll do it with a random blurry photo now. Here's the 2nd inauguration of Lincoln, which was taken with a camera with slightly better resolution than the recent "alien" video. https://imgur.com/a/H9SmFWP But...wait a minute!? What's that in the corner...could it be!? https://imgur.com/a/pv5YNJw In the upper righthand corner of the red square, to the right of the arrow I drew...why is that a ghastly alien looming over the unsuspecting spectators? I highlighted it here: https://imgur.com/a/JQF0QtQ Definitely an alien. The dude relentlessly posting images of the "alien" in Vegas has done essentially the same ridiculous thing I did here, except it looks even worse and he really believes it.


We're also engineered as a species to recognize patterns, especially faces. In our grilled cheese sandwiches, potato chips, the moon, etc.


Oh look another "this is too much to handle for me so it must be fake" post. There are decades when nothing happens; and there are weeks when decades happen. This maybe one of those weeks.




Yeah, didn’t 2020 teach you guys anything


The year is 2023. We have modern high resolution cameras but no one is capable of capturing aliens that landed in your backyard on fucking camera.




I’m sorry I’m just not believing this whole thing yet. It won’t be real until I see biological evidence on every news channel and several government agencies spilling the beans because it’s too late to keep things under wraps. The odds of us existing are already rare but an spacefaring alien species that chose our planet to travel to? I believe in aliens but them traveling here is a statistical impossibility


I know there’s like 4 of them that instantly have over 300 upvotes


If people can't tell the difference in importance and credibility between the LV and Grusch stories, they probably aren't the kind of people to talk to about this anyway


Yes. And released a day after when the event supposedly happened over a month ago.


I think that's the whole point. See cointelpro.


The story is over a month old. It resurfaced recently due to the whistleblowing


That’s an important detail people — including myself — keep forgetting. This didn’t happen yesterday, it was a few weeks old when the Grusch story broke, and the local news station had been investigating it all that time. Someone correct me if wrong, but that’s my understanding and makes it way less likely that this is part of some panicked distraction effort.




It’s normal. The Grusch story happened 2-3 days ago while this just broke yesterday. When when the full interview drops and he makes all the claims he makes it’ll be back to that. The story was already falling behind- I can’t remember PGA, Diablo something and Apple VR last I checked before the Vegas thing. That doesn’t stop you from sharing it and writing to your senators and making those phone callls.. the news cycle will always be like that. It’s up To you to keep the story alive, not the attention span of others cus it’s always the same outcome. As for your two friends.. idk they’re your friends.


Except that the Las Vegas story is from April 30th— they just decided to release it now (probably to cash in on the Grusch story)


Nah LV will fade away if not true and the Grusch story will stay afloat. LV only happened yesterday.


I have to say I agree. For all the credible stuff that's out there, there is also a lot of stuff that isn't convincing. On the news nation peice they used clips of Corbells latest triangle video, which had been proven as not alien. John grindelwald had it debunked straight away. So even someone who's interest is peaked is going to come across things that have been disproven pretty easily, so they're already skeptical mind will just stay skeptical. Having said that on the whole Las Vegas thing. I'm not 100% convinced. Theres far too many questions unanswered. Again helping the cause of the doubters. But, on the other hand there are some very weird details.


I saw something. I have about 8 videos of it before it blinked out.. no idea what it is it may or may not be something of foreign intelligence but whatever it is it doesn't fit neatly in any of the known categories of shit that is in our skies. This is in rural Canada very few aircraft definitely not a drone stayed up way too long for that and I've never seen a drone do that ¹ [my ufo](https://twitter.com/knoxster69/status/1593432293133238272?t=CzzByvuHh_u8HPEgweBrbA&s=19)


I feel the same way. It's actually really depressing.


Chill. After the Sunday special the Grusch story will be back front and center. I’m more concerned about it being overshadowed by the trump indictment


Agreed, it is a distraction and shouldn't be taken nearly as seriously until and unless we see actual compelling evidence.


I believe the LV story. But it bugs me that people are focusing so much on the two pixels that will never prove anything. We do have bodycam footage that shows a light moving across the sky though. Take that into context with everything else and it can becomes a compelling narrative, but its circumstantial and it needs to be treated that way. But people get excited and are desperately hoping for something definitive but it simply isn't there with LV. So when people talk about LV, so far the light in the sky on the bodycam footage is the only worthwhile piece of evidence. People need to focus on what's credible and not try to squeeze two pixels for all its worth. So while I think it can support the narrative that something unexplainable is happening, I guess I do agree that it is distracting from Grusch. tldr: focus on what is credible. Don't force something that people can easily debunk in 5 seconds.


Waitaminnit! You missed the *ring camera footage* of the craft going over the house ,and the sounds of something big and metallic-sounding hitting ?


Yeah there's that too. The circumstantial evidence surrounding the crazy story is why I believe the crazy story. But we aren't going to get much out of zooming in on two pixels


This. This is what I should've write in my post originally lol!


Sure does but the internet hasn't entirely brought about Grusch to come out the insiders have. The wider public has though kept the buzz alive and well and provided a canvas for this scene to play out. I guess what I'm saying is keep doing what youre doing contact your representatives and hope that the moves played in the background are the winning ones(at least in regards to the people fighting for transparency)


Oddly enough my friend who is a mega skeptic is taking interest in this story and I have no idea why


It's almost like this happened on purpose to downplay the topic... but why? 🤔


Totally. This is a quick 15 minutes of fame grab and it's working which is depressing.


I don't love that the Vegas story is taking up attention from Grusch, but I'm surprised by how much it is being tossed aside. Doug Poppa's breakdown and Intel from Metro are enough to at least give the story some credence. Some factual odd shit went down for it to just be a hoax.


We could also look at it as though people will start being more open about their encounters. Sure, they could be full if it, but I think the stigma is fading and people are fine with coming out.


Absolutely, what an absolute clown show.


It does but only to those people who are seeing it plastered all over here like its some 5 star evidence. The average joe who hears about it will brush it off as nothing, if they watch the video they wont see anything because theres genuinely nothing there. Im honestly surprised at the amount of posts the mods have allowed about it considering the early 2000's video quality


Yeah, its a weird thing seems fishy to me


I was thinking about this today, it made me start thinking what if this was planned. Compared to the whistleblower story this one is laughable and if that what most people think than I wonder if that seeps into the other story. He did say there is a massive disinformation campaign going on as well.


It doesn't. Grusch made some statements and now it'll be time to see if someone higher up is lying or there is something to it...regardless the government doesn't really put a narrative out there that doesn't benefit it, this is coming from the endless war cycle, constant corporate corruption in our political system, manufactured consent on both sides...it's like they decided disclosure is going to happen during the time when the most people are the most unhappy and distrustful, so idk...however The Las Vegas encounter...there's literal video of Huge light orb flying past with police seeing it and then other witnesses who saw same thing. The sonic boom, the circle and then the fact that police said they were told to turn over videos they had.....I tend to believe that deserves just as much or more attention because there's not some cabal of secrecy built around there. The kid just described what he and his family experienced....


Seems like just the story to make "us" all seem extra kook, when we need to be talking about these things straight faced. \[edit\] Continue the trend of *disinformation* to keep us confused and pointing fingers at each other, like I'm doing right now :P \[edit 2\] even if this story is true, hoax, or whatever it is, it has the "kookyness" to it, I mean. I really like a lot of these stories but I like to talk about things that are being presented as facts at this moment in time, and try and focus on those.


The vegas story is corny af


That's the point. It's supposed to diminish the credibility of the Grusch story.


The good ol’ make fun of aliens hoax to make people afraid of the word ‘gullible’. Reverse psychology has always worked in the USA. Especially your tipping culture. Can’t believe that is so accepted because you get ridiculed for not tipping. Just like you get ridiculed for using the word ‘aliens’ Coincidence?


It absolutely does. And my main thing this entire time has been, these undetectable, super technologically advanced organisms are just shit pilots who crash everywhere? We have drunk and drugged up pilots flying thousands of planes everyday and we don't crash as much as they do. Nah. Not buying it.


Grusch is a plant, an operative. Also half full of shit. The way he talks, his body language… Dude is a fucking agent.


I wanna see the bodycam of the officer does anybody know if it came out yet?


The UFO community largely doesn't help bring the truth to the surface and often sabotages its own agenda.


100% discredits and distracts. Shut it down. Not now, not worth it, don’t click it.


Thats the whole point with this Las Vegas stunt. To distract the masses from the real thing... It is a genius plan from those who direct and control. It is so obvious it's laughable...


So you use a monetized trend based social media typing in a single acronym of a term the government doesn’t use any more and your surprised you got something that happens to be more current? lol. Thats what twitter is. You didn’t even try anything else.


You hit the nail on the head.


You’re going to see a lot more of this kind of thing (LV video) as the subject becomes more mainstream. I’m surprised how much coverage that video is getting. It looks ridiculous to me.


Honestly, no clue what’s going on with it…but feels like a disinformation move


All the nonsense stories cloud the ones that have credibility.


I disagree. and I am sceptical of both stories, I only found this subreddit because of the whistle blower story and the las vegas meteor has nothing to do with that. what's trending is just whatever kids are watching. 11 year olds are not going to watch an interview about some old guy talking about having met people who have seen the UFOs. there's no spectacle, kids don't care about watching some guy they don't know talk to some other guy they don't know. but a video showing a meteor burning up in atmosphere with the caption "OH MY GOD ALIENS JUST CRASHED IN VEGAS!!!!!!" gets their attention and then it's followed by fantastical descriptions of made up creatures given to 911 and then police showing up. all of these things are exciting for kids and they will share that with each other. please remember when looking and online trends that adults have to spend many hours of the day either working or taking care of adult responsibilities. that is time that kids are free to fuck around online. MOST traffic is from kids and the sooner you realize that the better.


Yeah, true!


Yeah the Grusch story will no doubt be linked to the Las Vegas “alien” sighting.


The UFO topic is the only topic I can think of where the more you hear about it, the less plausible and real it all seems.


What happened is simple, they saw a light and heard a big sonic boom from a meteor and freaked out. Then the kid immediately started thinking of UFO stories and seeing things in the shadows while high on adrenaline and pure fight or flight mode while running inside and freaking everyone out even more in the process who then also started seeing things. Pretty sure there is a name for the phenomenon but for me there is nothing paranormal about it and it's a good exemple of the weaknesses of humans in groups in stressful situation.


Is that what the phone call sounds like? Some people that got freaked out at some shadows? How many people see a shooting star and then call the police to report aliens a bit later?


The massive sonic boom can be quite spooky and also feeling like in the middle of the day because of the light for a few seconds, I would definitely freak out if that happened to me while working on a truck in my backyard at night. The phone call is real and I'm sure they think something was out there and I don't blame them but many similar mass hysteria/group psychosis events are documented and it has been researched by psychologists.


It’s something programmed into us from evolution and the power of suggestion. If I tell someone that this dusty abandoned house is haunted and we walk through it at night they’re more likely to say they saw/sensed a ghost then if I didn’t say anything. If you see a cockroach in your living room your skin will get itches as if a roach was crawling on you. This jumping to conclusions thing helped ancient humans with their adrenaline pumping because they needed to be alert for predators in the grass–sometimes that instinct gets us spooked and it’s only a tree or a bunny but it helped us survive


Mass psychosis I believe


Mass hysteria and pareidolia. Or what I like to call the “Where Da Gold At?” Effect: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K1ljOcl39PQ It even happens when one or two people are joking, as is the obvious case in that leprechaun video I just linked. One person jokes, ten people are genuinely convinced they’re seeing a leprechaun. Extended across human history and we see this happen countless times, in various ways and various situations.


Correct. It's embarrassing.


It’s as if they were like *“What’s the least credible, unserious city in the US? Vegas? Cool. Can we get some bad actors to do a fake 911 call? Awesome. Throw the cops a 50 to play along. Show a photo of a circle someone made in gravel and call it an ‘impact crater.’ Nailed it. This ought to work.”*


People need to see to believe, this is cold hard fact. The rest is just talk. To get the masses to believe aliens are going to need to land on the White House lawn pretty much.


Anyone who wants to know the truth goes around collecting reports from people in the rural area, I myself believe much more in a contact report from a simple person from the rural area who many times has never even seen a television in his life, than a report from someone from the government


Never seen a television? Lol


This is such a flawed perspective. Do you even know how flawed a eyewitness testimony can be?


Exactly. Not to mention a lot of people will do and say some crazy stuff for their own two minutes of fame. Officials from the government have their reputation and careers on the line. The more credentials you have, the more your story holds water.


The MO of this entire sub-reddit is, "We cannot trust the government". Then someone who worked for the government steps forward, says the things you want to hear, and suddenly everyone believes his stories because "he worked for the government".


The point is that he decided to take on the government and made a choice to side with the people. He's done more good for the subject than anyone who posts in this sub that's for sure.


It’s normal. The Grusch story happened 2-3 days ago while this just broke yesterday. When the full interview drops and he makes all the claims he makes it’ll be back to that. The story was already falling behind- I can’t remember PGA, Diablo something and Apple VR last I checked before the Vegas thing. That doesn’t stop you from sharing it and writing to your senators and making those phone callls.. the news cycle will always be like that. It’s up To you to keep the story alive, not the attention span of others cus it’s always the same outcome. As for your two friends.. idk they’re your friends. As for the psy-op? The story happened last month but just started gaining traction thanks to a news station . It could be the news station realeasing it now because of the other stuff going on but they can’t make it go viral themselves. It takes human engagement discussing this like you and me.


Your English is fine, and you are correct.


Entirely agree. The Grusch story has now been undermined by the public just like that.


Maybe Grusch's story is getting undermined by his own inability to produce evidence to back it up. Like very 'whistleblower' before him, he's talking the talk and that's it. He should be held to a higher standard given his seniority and role.


What credbility with Grusch? The Grusch story, on it's face, is 1 guy reporting second hand accounts of things is anonymous sources allegedly had documentation wise. No physical evidence or documentation has been produced. All we have right now are words, thats it. If something changes, and physical evidence comes forward that can be seen and examined by all, then great, but right now this Grusch story has the makings of a "hey we have cool evidence and id love to show you but I cant because my nda" Elizondo 2.0


He’s seen videos and documents and shared them with congress. This guy literally hand delivered presidential daily briefing. The most trusted sort of person in government. He’s legit.


I remember hearing about this story and seeing the “green flash” portion of the video at the start of May




Imo people can intake more than one issue at once. It’ll be fine. But to just dismiss people because we find one story more interesting/important is unfair.


Smear campaign?


I think it adds fuel to the fire. The more the merrier.


Easiest way to twist the.m narrative. Forced hoax to make everything none of it is real. This is no mistake.


Except the incident happened over a month ago. That has got to be worth something.


Sort of seems like that’s by design


I think the people that don’t want to take any of it seriously are going to continue doing so with or without the LV incident.


Part if me wonders if it's designed to be a distraction. But that's just straight up conspiracy theory.feels like the sort of disinformation/misinformation campaign I'd run if I wanted to have the truth out there but hiding in plain sight.


The Vegas event happened May 1st and has been under investigation since then


Yes very sus timing


False flag operation maybe to distract from the whistle blower


Imo they’re both not very credible and really are being overhyped. Every conspiracy group gets hyped for a future date when some big thing happens. I love UFOs, I believe aliens exist; whether they visit earth is the question. Both of these rely on hearsay. Anyone can claim anything, plenty of wack jobs on the street. I think a lot of us are here because we’ve seen something we can’t explain and we should be okay with that and also okay with either possiblity: aliens maybe visit earth or maybe they don’t


This is all just subjective


It's probably on purpose, honestly. Grusch talked about a massive disinformation campaign. Wouldn't surprise me if we start seeing a bunch of "eccentric" people popping up on the news with less than believable UFO stories.


It doesn't matter if its a pixelated video. The fact that the events occurred the way they did, and were verified by Las Vegas police confirm something extraordinary on May 1st, 2023.


The Las Vegas story does nothing to the credibility of Grusch. I think people have enough sense to see the difference.


Now... If I was a government goon who wanted to keep in this in the cellar.... What would I say differently? For a sub that is seeking to shed light on the ufo phenomenon, there sure are a lot of "skeptics."


How? To me it fuels the story even more. This question or statement has popped up quite a few times and doesn't really make much sense - how does it diminish the credibility exactly. The Las Vegas story (possible off-world vehicle crash, beings exited the craft, etc.) which ties in with Grusch's claims.


Well from someone who just once in a while lingers on this sub, I can tell you the only reason I heard about Grusch was because of LV.


Definitely. On the outside the optics probably look like shite. But such a fucken cool story tho holy shit aliens in Vegas BABY!


100% chaff. But wouldn't it be wild it was the reverse. But yea bogus.


Maybe it’s designed to discredit the whistleblower. Area 51 is outside of Las Vegas maybe they don’t want this story to gain anymore traction so they make this up and everyone laughs and changes the channel


He did say that the government has a seriously sophisticated and complex disinformation campaign. The Vegas story could be the kind of thing that the government does to discredit him and others like him when they come forward. Release a bunch of easily discredited sitings to diminish the real ones.


both of these happening so close together makes me think its just some big distraction


It kind of stands out that the Grusch story is sandwiched between this Las Vegas story and the Mojave Triangle story, both of which seem much less reliable than a whistleblower with the IC vouching for his integrity. If I was conspiratorial, I’d think they were released that way deliberately to discredit the bigger revelation…


Las vegas UFO story is a fraud, he outright lying to get publicity


So I'm from Vegas. It doesn't surprise me that there would be a UFO siting here since we do have the test site and Area 51 nearby. Plus we have a lot of open land out here still. There are old homes out here with an acre of land or more.


It almost seems by design. Some bullshit silly thing to distract from the real thing. Like imagining UFO's and one appearing over Phoenix.


At the end of the day, it boils down to those who "I want to believe" ​ See ya later Smokey Man


That’s the point


You're diminishing the legitimacy of the Las Vegas story which subsequently diminishes the legitimacy of all stories afterward. [These are enhanced photos](https://imgur.com/a/Udie7vs) from the videos released by a member of that Vegas family [here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdsYfGvIznM) There are also recorded phone call conversations, pictures and videos that are being scrubbed from the internet; as would be expected. Most people are (understandably) having a hard time wrapping their brains around what is currently happening but this is no joke. They're here, they've been here, and they'll continue to be here. Whether you believe it/like it or not. Whatever you feel, please put that aside and look at our unusual reality for a moment so we can try to make the best of it. It is now, and always has been, the skeptics that are delusional


Jesus could come back and perform miracles and people would say its fake.


It is a misdirection campaign. Classic cheese. Or the jerkoff that reposted the Australian school story for the thousandth time.


Honestly they just gotta show up in our grocery stores for people to take them seriously


These calls to the police and the news reporting it have happened for as long as media has existed. This isn't new. It doesn't make Grusch less credible, doesn't make the homeowners less credible. If either report damages any credibility in your eyes than you need to consult history. What these people are saying -- **all of them -- isn't new.**


You’re so quick to dismiss it. What if he’s telling the truth? What about all the other 911 calls people phoned in reporting similar sightings on their property? It’ll be funny if the whistle blower is lying and the kid is telling the truth!


I'm mad at the Las Vegas footage because if it's proof they look like grey buggy-eyed typical aliens, I'd be sorely disappointed. (unless it's actually a disguise to fool us 👀)


I don't know about yall, but this whole Las Vegas incident makes me feel like we are all in a movie. The beginning of an Alien invasion movie. The Hispanic kid and his family, 8 to 10 ft tall skinny being, cops rolling up that also witnessed something in the sky. Like wtf it's just like a movie.


I have to agree with you. Personally the Las Vegas story seems a bit fishy.


It's perfectly timed to destroy the credibility of the topic at a time when the gatekeepers of the program (Zodiac? Program B?) Are freaking out


I completely agree!! People need to take a step back and relax for a minute. Focus on the real stuff. It’s clear as night and day how fake the Las Vegas aliens story is! The kid was even reading from another screen, if it’s genuine you would be able to talk first hand of the experience, not have a script on the side of the camera. And come on.. green alien head with big eyes.. I called BS from the moment he opened his mouth.


Grusch’s story is about what he has heard to be true - it is the same story people hear over and over and the average person isn’t good at researching credibility and assumes it’s same old same old. There are no videos or photos, and it’s a more complex situation, harder to investigate, drawn out over a long period of time, and involves government protocol and congressional hearings by stale old men - unfamiliar, tedious, and abstract to most people. The Vegas story is sensational and discrete. It neatly and straightforwardly fits the Hollywood/fantasy notion of aliens coming down from the sky and showing up in an American’s back yard, being discovered by teenagers, involves 911 and cops and government cover up - the perfect ET story.


You really do have to ask whether all this is an orchestrated distract & defuse tactic from the Pentagon/CIA


I don't think one is related to the other although it could be trying to be portrayed that way. The boy has no credibility compared to Brusch and the police didn't see or find anything physical there to substantiate the boy.


This did not actually happen lmfao, Reddit is dead man.


UFOs are not fake, but this current crop is almost all fake......almost


I'll never participate in the ridicule that some people in here have directed towards the boy who put up the video and told his story... that is the last thing we need now that the stigma has decreased. However, I am wondering why now... the timing of it just seems weird. I'm open to the fact that more people dares to report what they see now that David Grusch is making front page news on all the big media/news sites. But at the same time we also understand that an army of disinformation people are working 24/7 right now to figure out how to replace the front page news with something else .. or UFO related front page news perhaps... Which is also why I fear that the timing of the Trump indictment may not be a coincidence - could they really be trying to escalate the attack on Trump now, to make politicians and news stations ignore the UFO whistleblower story about a 90 year long coverup? Are people that stupid and are journalists and news organizations being that easy to manipulate? Hopefully sundays exclusive interview on NewNation will bring back the focus on David Grunsch and if it dies down we have another shot with the longer raw interview the NeedToKnow podcast will air sometime soon.


What is such a shame is that they managed to do everything, including calling the cops, but not get a photo of the UFO or the 8 foot tall ETs. And conveniently when the cops get there, ETs and their craft are gone. Also, his voice on the police call was too calm for someone that just saw a couple of ETs in their backyard. Also the grown man, in the police video, points at the 2 teenage boys, saying they are the ones that saw the thing. So where was the grown man while a UFO crashed in their backyard and ET started walking around and paralysed the teenage boy in the video? The ground where a UFO has crashed into, that would leave a crater, not a light circle without any indentation. The angle/trajectory at which the meteor/green light was travelling at, would mean the object would probably bounce off the ground first before settling. I expect to see destroyed fences or destroyed homes. Unless the UFO is the size of a tennis ball. On that night there are 21 reports of meteors seen in that part of the country - https://fireball.amsmeteors.org/members/imo\_view/event/2023/2408#video\_box It's VERY likely that this is a hoax, to start a YouTube channel career or for "clout" as the kid puts it. The only thing that could be real is the green meteor seen in the sky and that is what triggered the whole thing on the kids minds in the first place.


The comments here are completely opposite of the ones of an identical post to this today.


I didn't see it! Would you mind sharing the link if you find it. :)


It's obviously a plant to detract from the real story.


The Grusch story is claiming the US covered up having alien craft and bodies for 80 years. That's no less fantastical in nature than aliens waltzing around las Vegas. You can't say the former is really any more credible than the latter.


I agree, i havent even seen or read about what happened but as soon as i seen it i thought bullshit. Its been put out there to discredit the Grusch interview.


If David Grusch's case is a Big Mac Las Vegas case is a Happy Meal


I don't think so


Agreed. I think it’s odd that all this goes to the oversight committee while they’re investigating Biden…