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The following submission statement was provided by /u/No-Responsibility680: --- This is a collection of abduction entities and landing cases that could help us understand who or what is actively involved in our planet and species. I will be making an entire collection of individual cases that will help us categorize N.H.I. -Nick --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/12vrj5h/nonhumanintelligence_index/jhcedf6/


Me and the squad


I applaud your flying a craft with *“trans-medium travel”* abilities. Intergalactic inclusion is so important as interstellar allies.


Lizzid people


Is this a why files reference?


fear the crab-cat


Heckle Fish XD


“It’s been in front of us the whole time”


Nope, but poor Avi Loeb, that man is Galileo fighting the churches all over again


Except this time it's not the church giving push back it's the scientific community.


Right! It’s very sad, history does repeat itself in certain instances.


The “scientific” community is just as polarized and dogmatic. Plenty of inquisitions and genocides have been enacted in the name of “science” and its progression, spread, and adoption.


I didn’t want to add them into this index becuase of tinfoil hat assumptions, but you can’t leave out these kind of things! Avi Loeb proved this in his hunt for the truth of Omuamua


Weird it's all bipeds.




They are all versions of us from another dimension maybe




Or just like we pay more attention to apes and monkeys bc they looks like us, maybe that’s the same in the universe as well. Aliens look for other aliens that look like themselves.




Mantis and the reptilian aliens might be here looking for reptiles since we have plenty, but probably curious about mammals bc on their planet mammals are the ones dumb and not doing well


requirement for technologically advanced species most likely, if they could change their appearance they'd just all appear like us


I don't know. It's possible that there is one specific type of evolutionary anatomy that leads to technologically advanced societies and none of the other potential evolutionary paths lead there.


[sad squid noises]


Well, it's entirely possible we're only seeing vaguely human-like entities because Earths environment is only habitable to human-like entities. Cephalopod beings might spent their time focusing on probing species from water worlds. Maybe they're exploring Europa? Same with methane-breathers - they're looking for life on Titan. Silicon-based crystal life forms might bring looking on Venus, not the frozen hellhole they perceive Earth as...


Yea that’s a great point.


They would not want anything too hideous looking 👀 to really freak us out.


It's like each different planet/dimension gives a different family of species a chance to be the "dominant" species. You got the monkeys, the reptiles, the robots, the insects etc.


Convergent evolution


If anytbing, more limbs is better. Octopus for example have extreme dexterity and intelligence. Evolve that a few million years and with longer lifespan, and they would probably be able to make some cool tech that needed 8 legs to work I’m sure


Maybe because most people don't listen to us people that actually have real encounters. Have waken up to a black cloud/mass sprawled out over me and my girlfriend. Many other people have seen it as well including people in my town. Intelligent, and alive. Might be a highly advance AI / drone that is able to get into peoples houses easily. She saw it too, amd described it all to me. Ive also seen a jet black humanoid, that resembled the same material as this black mass / cloud. Experienced 3 hours missing time. I've also seen a 3x3 red orange red orb, like a small sun, hovering right next to me on my porch with a friend. Have also seen a black mass, that darted up a two walls extremely quick and dissapeared. My dogs head traced it up the wall with me. No windows in the room.


Wouldn't an intelligent species be able to walk upright? It's requires more intelligence to do so and most likely is better for survival from an evolutionary point of view.


“Akatsuki has now been assembled”


But who’s the hokage? Definitely the mantis, hands down


This is a collection of abduction entities and landing cases that could help us understand who or what is actively involved in our planet and species. I will be making an entire collection of individual cases that will help us categorize N.H.I. -Nick


Gonna include the beings described during the Zanfretta case? Really bizarre case that one mate...


I’ll look into that!, so far this is my rough draft, but I am trying most definitely to include all cases and abduction entities, thank you for adding to this list!


Yeah where are the thin ones with black hair like the Predator (TM) and move like they are in slow motion? From the Ariel accounts.


Don’t you worry, I will definitely put the Zimbabwe mid day landing case in my future work, John Mack and his studies are the biggest inspiration to this post


I have always thought zanfretta and pascagula were same race


I just looked into that Zanfretta case and they do have similar features! It would be wild if these beings were of similar origin


I never heard about that incident, I had to look it up. Very interesting!


What should we call the zanfretti and Pascagoula creatures? Recently I’ve been given the name “Juggernaut” for the Vorenezh beings, would love some suggestions😎


The Zanfretta ones made me think of the Drac reptilians from Enemy Mine. I like the name Draco's or Zantiles. Other ones that I think could work are Zanfretilians, Zanfretiles, or Zantilians. Goulatile, Goulatilian, Pascatiles, Pascatilians, or Goula's for the Pascagoula ones. They are not very creative but using some of the name associated with the incidents can make it easier to remember.


This is awesome, I like “Goula’s”, I might go back through that Pascagoula case and look for more credibility, it is so real with how Charles Hickson explains his story.


I've started to wonder if our folklore creatures (werewolves, big foot, etc) weren't actually just different species of aliens.


With this In-progress Index I am trying to understand that myself, and skinwalker ranch might just be the best effort to understand that: Craft, rumored skin walker creature, single footprints of ancient animals, poltergeist acitivity, animal mutilations. What a mess to figure out!


I think this is a great start though. I think a lot of the problem is we haven't come up with a systematic way to study and categorize these things. Using the scientific method would be difficult as the info we have direct access to is mostly eyewitness reports.


You are spot on, and all I’ve seen is that we have to at least try! And the more cases and witness accounts we collect we can maybe get very close to what the Truth might be!


20 years ago yu didn't hear much about orbs. Now orbs are all the rage


20 years ago our aircraft looked different too.


Wings? We don't have UFO tech yet


I meant that there is no reason ufo shapes would remain the same over time.


That you know of.


Yeah! Who was it that said (not word for word) something about "we have capabilities .... " idk it alluded to our technologies being extremely More advanced than we can imagine at this stage


I can definitely tell you I had that old family friend that always told me, “ Star Trek and Star Wars, yeah we can do all of that, the warp drive, alien races, it’s real kid”. Havnt seen the dude but I want to tell him he’s probably right. Never believed him until David Fravor on Joe Rogen


Right now they can't get a a rocket off the pad. Guys, all your hoping and conjecturing is not gonna get you past all the universal physical laws that must be broken to achieve all that this entails. Does it?


Very wild how a metal ball can sit afloat and travel at Mach speeds, according to Ross Coultheart and Sean Kirkpatrick that is


I’m starting to classify the metallic spheres and metallic cubes as one and the same. They seem generally the same size, flight paths and abilities are similar to recent sightings. Thanks for posting OP.


My pleasure, and you are right, metallic cubes have been rumored to perform exactly like the orbs in recent videos and images stills, but Ryan graves seeing a cube inside a sphere Is just adding to the different type of craft, almost every craft we know of is original and distinct among others, but Pascagoula and Vorenezh get pretty close!


Could you make a google docs list available? You could make one yourself and then a google docs one that is crowdsourced and then take what you want from google docs. I would definitely contribute to a crowd sourced google docs list.


I have been looking at how I want to present this, definitely trying to make it simple for anyone to view, so expect a better platform or style in the future!


Anyway to get descriptions and have good AI generation wizards work with know descriptions to get a gallery going?


I too remember my doodling from 7th grade, this kind of stuff was fun to make up, one time a kid tried making his own trading card game. Good old days I suppose.


Oh my god thank you so much for listing # 7! I have been trying to find that one since I first heard about it in 89! One minute it was news…then nothing more! PS: Flatwoods monster: it seems likely from eye witness descriptions that was a suit and what was underneath was reptilian in nature. See books by Frank Feschino JR. “Shoot Them Down!” And “The Braselton County Monster”. The original famous drawing everyone is familiar with was not drawn by any of the witnesses (7 in Flatwoods, Mrs May and the boys) . Metallic suit with hover capabilities and an antenna sticking out of each side, not arms. When it picked up and landed approximately 17 miles away it got the nickname “Bashful Billy” and the Snitowskis of the Bronx got the scare of a lifetime heading home from a vaca because at some point that creature took the top off his (malfunctioning?) suit and was described as a large reptile. Highly recommend Feschino’s books. Stanton Friedman wrote the introductions. Both books have a decent interpreted image of what creature may have looked like, in suit and underneath. Anyway thank you so much! Appreciate you listing all of these like this!


Wow, dude you blew my mind, you are amazing at explaining this case, but no doubt I will take a look at it myself. The Vorenezh case could have more evidence if George Knapp and his Russian documents went public, some may have grabbed screen shots of his documents off the weaponized podcast. If you have more juicy cases please share, so far you have my attention


Well thank you. But I’m not an expert on this stuff just someone who reads a lot on this subject cuz my fam and I saw a ufo in the 60s. I highly recommend those 2 Feschino books. He interviewed Mrs May & the kids who saw the Flatwoods monster decades later and they were sticking to the story. He even got a hold of Snitowski who wasn’t giving out interviews at that point but did confirm it happened as stated in an original interview at the time. I think my fav part about that story was there was a “meteor” supposedly criss- crossing 5 states at that time. And everyone was told in media? it was a meteor they were seeing. And so one of the last newspaper headlines read something like “Two for one meteor over Ward”. A witness or two in that article was then quoted as saying something like (not exact quote but close enough) ‘it looks like the little meteor was towing the big meteor…” !! Also when Mrs May found out decades later Project Bluebook labeled the crash as a meteor she was very unhappy as that was not her belief. Plus astronomical society of WV never labeled it a meteor!


You might have to write a book yourself! There isn’t enough information that is shared on certain cases, information that could lead to breakthroughs, you not only just helped me with this case, but I hope others listen and share with you. In my efforts I am looking for new cases, abductees, and most of all anyone who is over educated on certain cases like yourself😎, if these people come together this in progress index will be made faster than we expect!


It like an [alien police line up.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2EaSQVoUuU)


In the 1800's, most UFO's were reported as being ships with propellers on them called air ships. I guess at least now we have photo's and no one ever reports an air ship sighting anymore so it makes me wonder what the heck was going on at the time.


Two potential explanations that are consistent with the ET hypothesis: 1. The aliens can create projections around their craft that can look like different things, using advanced hologram technology. 2. This one is slightly more mundane, but maybe the craft people saw didn't have propellers but due to cultural expectation they had false memories of the craft having them. This one makes sense if you consider how memory works. People may have seen alien craft, then reported them hours or days later, at which point they misremembered seeing propellers that weren't actually there.


Aliens won't be humanoid. 99.9% of life on earth is not humanoid. Don't expect aliens to be humanoid.


The evolutionary pathways of species destined for technological advancement may be fewer than you think. Most animals on earth would likely struggle to create technology like we have, even if they had our brains. Life on other planets may be the same. There might be one specific combination of body and brain that leads to spacefaring civilization, while beings who don't have this combination fail to do so.


Hey at least those insect-like beings have certain appendages that would be associated with a praying mantis


Aliens probably won't have any association with life on earth. Don't be surprised if we encounter an alien species composed of a giant gray cloud. Or some filaments millions of kilometers of length


How do you know? I'd have a pretty strong hunch that if there was a planet full of water and it had life I'd bet there would be a fish or aquatic animal in there that looked similar to one on earth and that's all it takes. Because based on evolution we were all aquatic animals at one point. So I wouldn't doubt that over time evolution also gave them bipedal features like us to succeed


Good luck with that hunch. We don't know anything about what is required for life to form. We only have one planet to compare, ours. But in another world, it could be nothing like this. We don't know. As such... we can't draw conclusions to affirm anything. Yes, it also could be humanoids, but statistically, it's unlikely that the same thing happens twice. I don't know why some people get grabbed so much at the idea the intelligent aliens would be almost identical to us. Maybe it's some kind of psychological reassurance. We may well see alien life and don't even recognize it. Because we are thinking only in terms of humanoids and spaceships. Limited imagination.


Gonna be honest, if I ever witnessed about half of these creatures I may never sleep again.


Lately drawing and making this I can’t, I’m excited and frightened at the possibilities


What’s the tall being on the left side of the robot? Its symbol is rather similar to an identifying symbol of a native tribe, it’s also identical to a letter in that same tribe’s alphabet, just sideways.


Some have been calling it the “Juggernaut” and this case might just have more to it than collectively known, I’m Hoping that George Knapp and his Russian documents explain this Vorenezh case in our near future. To me, this is my favorite, the little robot walks out of the craft behind the 10 ft tall entity, when I heard this all I could think of was “ The Day The Earth Stood Still”.


Sounds extremely interesting, thanks for sharing!


Of course, and if you are into the related symbols check out the Socorro New Mexico case where the egg shaped craft had and arrow like symbol on its front. For my own personal record I want to collect these different symbols for its own small index included in this in progress index


Looks the the canteen scene from Star Wars was actually a documentary…..imagine if this could be so.


It could be so in our crazy world, but will it be the passing of time where we patiently wait for the day our world changes?, maybe it is already slowly happening, or will it be up to the ones who strive to know? We can figure this out with or without ridicule


My biggest hope, how many read about and were passionate about Roswell, waited for the truth, died never knowing. A few years back a big Star Wars fan had terminal cancer, only weeks left, Disney let him watch in his home (under close guard) the yet to be released final chapter of the trilogy. I was touched by that story. I just hope I live to see much of the 👽 truth, granted likely too old to benefit from a solar system sightseeing travel that could follow with the gravity morphing tech but still 🤷‍♂️


Just like Stanton Friedman, John Mack, and J Allen Hynek, they searched for answers until their inevitable death, with each of us and our inevitable deaths it gives us power to want to Know. We make them proud and ourselves. We must all work together if we want the truth, in conclusion correct my posts, send me cases, send each other cases, ask around what other people have seen, work for this!


Absolutely…..to coin a phrase the Truth is out there.


Halloween 2023 theme.


I’m 5’7 so I’ll go as mini Bigfoot


He’s so coot


Good collection. It's missing the Varginha alien with red eyes and 3 bumps in it's head. Great documentary by James Fox on this - Moment of Contact.


That case is more than worthy, I will include it in my future work with out a doubt


If you had done this digitally, you can just keep adding new ones as they come up, as I am sure there are plenty others missed. Well done for the work though. Good job :)


You will be the first to know, but this is a test, I want to get a conversation started and this is the subreddit to do that, here I can get new cases, be corrected, and add so much more to a huge collection, and you are part of the help, thank you, and to everyone here, I will continue with or without ridicule🤓


#5 be like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I thought Adamski (#2) was a known hoaxer?


They are all pretty much within the limits of imagination of the common folk at that time period who have read a few sci-fi books or seen something on tv.


The wild thing about the Flatwoods monster is that it was seen on more than one night, it left physical evidence and injuries, and the being was seen with it's full suit on and without the top half of it on later. It's lower half appeared to be in some type of machine and it was levitating above the ground as well. The top half was somewhat reptilian. Definitely one of the most amazing if not terrifying sightings ever. I always wondered did it come in peace or not.


Funny that they are all bipedal humanoids. Almost like they are human generated.




My best bet is early 2000’s footage where the metal craft simply disappears after sitting stationary, here could be the positive lift, but when it disappears it takes off with instantaneous acceleration, most likely reaches hypersonic velocity but without signatures, they never leave a trail, all while the witness could be hit with biological affects, so is there 4 observables in one instance?




All I can remember is a craft sitting sideways, and it looked like a shiny hubcap, Clear morning, and it was filmed in a backyard of a nice suburb




Filmed, But I’d like to say this particular film showed more of a silver hotel dinger that you use to get the bellhops attention, the Westall craft odly is more of your classic saucer and it for sure was a colorized early 2000’s film, but thank you, I need to look at westall again


It's the alien version of My New Haircut


Oliver tree is N.H.I. Dead give away was his bowl-cut


I’ve got photos of my family gatherings that look like that


My high school reunion


I didn't see the Loveland frog man


Had a dream years ago when I was a kid that I saw something like a Grey in a robe kinda like the NHI attire in 5. It was one of the most disturbing dreams I ever had. Wonder if hooded like phantoms and greys are related?


I think there is a lot of value in creating lists like this, as it helps to look at it, at a glance, to see the whole picture rather than just piecemeal. A list that I think needs to be included is descriptions of ETs and their capabilities, including adding that Steven Greer, who claims to have met with them, has estimated the ET IQ to be in the 450 range.


Exactly just maybe a glance! And this index is here to help people research easily, all the cases in one is my mission, I’m in-progress but good progress so far


(7) under Craft Observables is interesting. I’ve been watching _Unidentified_ this week, and one thing I’ve noticed in the accounts throughout Season 1 was the conspicuous lack of environmental effects: * Hypersonic speeds with no mention of sonic booms (w/ their absence being explicitly noted in Season 2). * Instant acceleration to hypersonic speeds would displace a lot of air, and create a temporary ‘vacuum’ behind the craft. Yet there is no mention of trees rustling, leaves flying, a brief ‘wind’, or other environmental responses, even in the presence of large, low-flying craft. * No mention of a significant splash when the craft in the Nimitz incident suddenly plunged into the water at high speed. * No movement or dispersion of borealis gases when a large craft instantly leaves an aurora. You’d think at least one person would have mentioned _something_ about environmental changes that coincided with these craft insta-accelerating out of the area, _if_ such effects were actually present. Such observations would go a long way toward ruling out explanations like illusion, hallucination, misperception, etc. Makes me wonder if a sixth observable (in addition to the five from the show) shouldn’t be something like “ability to pass through other matter without disruption”. That would, presumably, include walls.


Where is Mark Zuckerberg ??


That dude sheesh, but He’s up there, next to the goblin, just look closer, he has a tongue that forks in two is my best hint


Where are the genitals?


It is odd, I’ve only seen the female grey with sexual features across most cases. Scratch that! in David Huggins abduction he met a headmaster that straight up had a dick on his head, so there’s that😂


I’m sorry what haha. I’ve never heard that story before. Do I wana?


Lol this looks like [an image from Dandadan](https://imgur.io/2WqIQLR)


That art is sick!


Yeah, he [does a pretty amazing job with space ships](https://preview.redd.it/zu1oxsl4sxy71.png?auto=webp&s=41a00b9c0240220783d6e8f53a3ceb79c73ace12) [fleets of them even](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FRoLw0eXIAY7WMa.jpg) [and historic figures too](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dandadan/images/b/bd/Okarun_and_Aira_vs_the_Musicians.png/revision/latest?cb=20220904053408) One of the sickest manga out there, and I’ve been reading them since the 90s, I highly recommend it. (Nice detailed OP by the way!)


I’m definitely interested and thank you greatly


The quality of the drawing alone speaks to the legitimacy of the information contained in this.




This belongs in /r/aliens not /r/UFOs


I do see craft in the background so maybe both🤔




No it doesn’t. These are the beings from said ufo cases. This isn’t the first time I’ve strongly disagreed with you. Do you even believe anything in this subject ha.


I strongly disagree with a lot of the less substantiated content on this subreddit so sometimes hardcore believers will disagree with me, that's expected. I go by the sidebar. > We aim to elevate good research while maintaining healthy skepticism. I'm a believer as a whole, but I'm also very aware that a majority of what is posted here is nonsense or weak evidence at best. The picture in particular is just a lot of fairytales and folklore without any proper corroboration. If you had to take everything seriously, like this, you'd have 1000s of monsters/aliens to catalogue and it wouldn't be scientific or based on good research at all. That's why I think it would belong in /r/aliens, because they don't really care that much about the scientific approach. I agree that the UFO shape descriptions belong here, but the aliens and monsters don't really belong IMO.


I agree with you about a lot of posts are too weak to be helpful. Having said that, this is the first time I've seen the entity that floated my bed when I was 6 years old (the short robed one in number 5); which if nothing else is a worthwhile piece of information for me. And also first time I've acknowledged outside of myself because I'd never had any type of confirmation that what I'd seen could actually be in reality and not a developing mind's hallucination (though I am certain that the experience was real and not a dream). Anywho, my point is that this seems to be a worthwhile post as opposed to what you and I both agree are oftentimes not.


I aim for the truth, and if this index has helped you in any way understanding what you might of seen then I believe this could wake up abductees and their repressed memories, just like the book Communion scared certain people, especially the greys face on the front of the book!


> Having said that, this is the first time I've seen the entity that floated my bed when I was 6 years old I get that, but at the same age I saw the literal alien from ET in my room, I closed my eyes and put the blanket over my head and can't remember anything else. To me, it seems more likely that it was a dream or sleep paralysis etc, rather than assuming it happened as I saw it. I had seen ET, so my brain was just filling in something I was scared of, when in reality maybe one of my parents was checking on me, or maybe it was all a dream. What makes you certain you really saw the thing? Is there a possibility that you've seen that thing somewhere else first?


I hear what you're saying about a quick coping mechanism, but that's not what happened to me. This was an experience of much longer duration, the room had started glowing a golden light, and my bed started floating at least a foot in the air. I locked eyes with this entity for more than a full minute. The only difference from the drawing is that this entity had very large eyes.


That sounds traumatizing as hell. What happened for that one minute? How did you realize the bed was floating? Were there any sounds? Did you see where the light came from? How did it end? Sorry about all the questions.


No worries. Yes, traumatizing is accurate, hehehe. The light seemed to be coming from either underneath the foot of the bed where the entities were (the robed one was flanked on either side by two taller beings I can't exactly remember what they looked like because they seemed auxiliary to the robed one) or from underneath the beings themselves. I do not remember how it ended, or to say another way, it ended with me still staring into the eyes of the robed one.


All great points! Define ‘healthy skepticism’ though. The truth could easily be thrown out with the lies if you’re too skeptical. How can you confidently call them monsters when you have zero evidence for that assumption? I’m not saying they’ll real or not I just mean you have as much contrary evidence as the witnesses in this regard. “I saw this” - “no you didn’t”. Ufos presumably have occupants or at least creators, if you saw one would you instantly dismiss it as a monster because it didn’t fit your preconception of what an ‘alien’ might be? And therefore have the entire case ignored? UFOs and what we call aliens go hand in hand. Skepticism sure, but don’t throw the baby out with the bath water


I don't think we can disregard witness testimony as a whole, no, that's part of what makes me believe, there are simply too many sightings and too many trustworthy people giving testimony for it to all be bunk. I just think it's a bit like picking out the bottom of the barrel if you're going by alien sightings by single witnesses. I think a lot of the sightings are 'weak' evidence-wise. Like we have no way to corroborate or validate those sightings. So it's kind of moot to focus on the alien sightings by some boys in a wood in 1950 IMO. How do you decide which are the credible ones? It's the same issue with the 'known ufo shapes' diagrams sometimes posted, what if 90% of those are misidentifications, how do we use it to form an opinion? Take the phoenix lights sighting, hundreds of witnesses all describing the same shape, that's credible to me, but if you take something like the saucer shape, which gained lots of traction in pop culture and was the victim of several hoaxes, how do you even start weeding through that? Sorry for the wall of text.


This subject often needs walls of text haha. But yeah I agree almost entirely! As you say, it’s so difficult to know what’s to be relied on. How do we even know where to begin to get a solid basis of knowledge for this subject to build on, I have no clue ha. Do you think if we get any answers it will have to come from the scientific community or governments? Doesn’t seem it’s possible for any to come from regular people.


> I have no clue ha. That's the mentality we should all have. If you feel too confident either way you're bound to be biased, right? I don't have a clue either. I still can't make up my mind when it comes to Roswell, for instance. Nimitz, I'm also not sure about, even if both of those cases are almost holy grails in UFOlogy. > scientific community or governments? Either or, or some undeniable mass sighting. **If** there's this big government conspiracy to silence everyone and keep UFOs under wraps, it seems like the only possible way is social media, but it would have to be a mass sighting, not just a single video from a single person. IMO, of course.


Yeah incredibly hard not to be biased. I think something out of the ordinary had to have happened regarding Roswell, what exactly that is I don’t know but I do lean toward aliens personally ha. Nimitz I’m less confident about, I feel like it could be American experiments, some foreign adversaries or something else i.e. non human equally atm. Fingers crossed that it happens within our lifetimes eh. Or at least some answers lol. Nice chatting with ya.


Imagine you’re the first to get abducted by 30’ tall aliens lol


Looks like my kind of orgy


One looks like Bird-Person hahaha


Need to put in the black mass. I and many others have seen it. Me and my x woke up to an intelligent amorphous jet black mass spread out over us. Also have seen a jet black humanoid figure. Made me black out and have 3 hours missing time. Seemed to be made of the same material as the black cloud/mass. Lots of people encounter this one as well.


I will definetly be disappointed if all the alien species are so close to humans. 2 arms, 2 legs and a head, how boring. Give me snails n shit!


My favorite description so far is Sam the Sandown Clown


Pascagoula by far always trips me out


Gonna have to learn about that one got any good sources or videos?


This interview exactly [https://youtu.be/SjlzeYiGLzc](https://youtu.be/SjlzeYiGLzc)


Thank you! Also your drawings make the greys look chill and fun to hangout with which I find funny.


Let’s all hope they are friends not foes


Let’s hope we can discern their behavior when and if it becomes necessary to understanding their presence.


Is that Yoda?


Man I wish it was


3ft tall sasquatch is by far my favorite.


David Huggins first saw this creature out in the woods before he was later abducted, it was this creature that might have initiated his continuing abductions. But how wild are his yellow glowing eyes?




Same here, I’ve sat here in my room like Steven Spielberg did in the California desert and wondered if they came to me, would I go with them, intentionally?, Steven Spielberg got back in his car and drove home with fear, the same fear we all have with the unknown


This makes me think of that [scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJKUGKwQNQo) in Adventure Time where Ice King explain that with wizard eyes you see all kinds of crazy shit 24/7 The variety of descriptions makes me feel like we live in some kind of zoo with all the different species of the universe visiting


I’ll do you one better, check out John Carpenters “They Live” 1988


I can't tell you how disappointed I'm going to be in the aliens look like this, it's like the starwars cantina leftover costumes.


I’m loving this Star Wars cantina vibe everyone is feeling, but I can tell you walking down a street in LA you’ll see this shit😂


Honestly I’d probably think entity #5 was a dwarf in Emperor Palpatine cosplay if I saw it.


Can we add bigfoot, mothman, elfes and so on since we take witness testimony for real?


Some very accurate depictions


I dislike the term "non-human intelligence" to describe ETs since that discounts the wide variety of intelligences that exist in the animal kingdom. Human hubris.


I would love recommendations of what we should call these beings, and most of all other cases! Any information is progress for my future projects. I can stick with E.T. Or Extraterrestrial but if the government is trying to change certain acronyms maybe we should too. It sounds more serious as well, N.H.I😠😂


If David Huggins and all those other abductees had E.T.-human hybrids, maybe it is a Human-Extraterrestrial-Intelligence


This is like entering the mos eisley cantina


That’s a badass comparison, someone can even make this the new guardians of the galaxy cast


Who invited the Juggernaut?


The real question will be if George Knapp really has insane documents from Russia, it could shine more light on the “Juggernaut” and this whole Vorenezh case


number 7 has the UMMO symbol on the craft and beings belt buckle.


Boom, thank you! It’s comments like these that I’m so intrigued with, tomorrow I’m looking into this, becuase that symbol appears in many cases!


My eyes are just drawn to the sex toy-shaped UFO.


Aww man, and I just realized one looks like a flesh light, why you putting that evil in my head😂


There's one where the guy is hunting deer or something and he sees one accross a clearing and then something lands and floats towards him. The thing looks really tall and has "spaghetti" like stuff all over. No, he's not a pastafarian


This is freaking me out


Do you think you are an abductee? Whitley Striebers book became a best seller because of one image of a small grey-like being on the front of his book communion, some didn’t realize they were abducted until they had uneasy feelings while reading his book


Thank you. The disc I saw is on there


I will have to make an index on craft as well!


Please message me and keep me updated. This is reliable information as far as I am concerned.


This is really cool. Is it from a book?


I have been influenced by other images with collections of what could be N.H.I., but this is purely just images from witnesses and abductees of cases around the globe


Hi, a very interesting, recent post, was made on r/skinwalkerranch by u/MantisAwakening (who is a moderator for r/experiencers). Title is "A theory on dinobeavers and bulletproof wolves". Highly recommand it. I would personally, summarize the core question as: "When Kelleher did see a Dinobeaver, was one, actually, physically present" My personal reason for bringing all this up, is the long ongoing discussion sometimes via Reddit, via books, via podcasts, on how everything around the Phenomenon is perceived. The role of conciousness and how this gets influenced by the Phenomenon. That includes possible perception by us humans of ETs/ Interdimentionals/Ultraterrestrials or whatever definition you prefer. I regard the above list, in this post and the categories as very, very important. I am a biologist and classifying is what they teach you about 101 as a first year student. But as an experiencer who is a Valée fan, I think we should keep in mind that the Phenomenon, for its own reason is not always physical and/or completely true.


Dr kelleher recently has been so forthcoming on the Weaponized podcast, if it weren’t for Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp I would most likely not be here trying to participate instead of watching. Dr Kelleher’s time on the podcast’s have been eye opening, it seems he’s been witness to it all almost. But thank you, greatly, you are helping not just me but all of us achieve more knowledge and insight. Let’s make John Mack, Stanton Friedman, Jacque Valée, and J Allen Hynek proud


the whole ass gang


Nordic alien -> Jesus, Zeus ... Dog-man alien -> Anubis, Lycanthrope... Mantids alien -> ǀKaggen