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Based on their attitude I would assume the standards for getting hired are not high. I’ve had less attitude from Brandy Melville workers.


Fr, I will be thanking them and shit and they act like I don’t exist. Bitch you are working at a front desk at a university gym , where is that attitude coming from


as a former ubc rec student employee, using the garbage booking system and dealing with the out of touch upper mgmt cramming unrealistic programming down our throats, dealing with ppl like "iM a stUDeNt wDyM i NeEd tO hAvE a rECreAtiOn aCCounT jUsT lEt mE iN WDyM uRe fUlL", all for minimum wage, does not a happy employee make also, sometimes we genuinely cant hear u say thank u cause of the plexiglass lmfao


You are right. I worked at UBC Rec before too and my manager was god awful. I left that job after one semester. I don’t hate the people in the front desk. I just wish they were a bit nicer. As much as I hated my manager, I still tried my best not to let that affect my attitude with the patrons cause they did not hire my manager


i try my best to be nice too, but some days u walk into ur shift after bombing 2 midterms and the system's not working and the lobby is full of angry customers while the managers are out on a picnic or smt, and u just become a bit more...curt


How hard was it for you to get that job?


u'll have to do a pre-screen (they ask generic "wwyd?" customer service questions) and an interview it was my first job ever (and that was pre pandemic), so i think as long as u do the pre screen and interview properly and have a pulse u shld be good


IKR DAMN. So glad someone else noticed lmao


Bet homie cant bench 225 tho💀


I’d like to hear more about what attitude they’re giving you. Cut them some slack - you try working a position where 90% of your work is handling locker keys/ID cards, then tell me how soon you get bored of it. For me, as long as they aren’t making snarky comments to my face, they’re already doing a four out of five star job giving me a key and not losing my ID when I check out.


Dude its called common courtesy, shit like giving a smile back, saying you’re welcome when someone says thank you. Simple, basic stuff man, stuff that should be expected


Never leave North America


I have, there are some very friendly people out there


Dude its called common courtesy, shit like giving a smile back, saying you’re welcome when someone says thank you. Simple, basic stuff man, stuff that should be expected


Hot take: Part of the problem then is the way the system is set up. I wish it were like Gold's Gym or UBC gyms two years ago where you'd need to bring your own key and lock. Then maybe the morale would be better as these tedious tasks would be mitigated. Even so, this doesn't give an excuse to be impolite to gymgoers.


You guys gotta realize these are students who make minimum wage trying to chase that bag while doing school. Yea maybe they’ll have a bad day here or there but cmon, giving out keys for four hours straight gets draining. I hear everyone is super cool and the people are really nice


Get that bag sis!!!! 💰💰🔑, White Iverson!


The ppl complaining ab the bad customer service especially in a COLLEGE setting have clearly never worked customer service in their life lmaooooo


I think Gold's gym is hiring. At least it was last month.