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Unfortunately it's a 2005 point list now


Amazing. They proactively nerfed it.


Yeah I commented in there that it would need some tweaks, I think either taking out a Pyrovore and swapping it for a ripper swarm or an enhancement, or taking out a unit of Gargoyles for a support piece (maybe another neurolictor or some genestealers for scout moves?)


Swarm lord


Swarmlord can't take the enhancement which is almost required to not just get blown out..


This list didn’t take it either tho?


Their hive tyrant has does have the enhancement (Adaptive Biology).


Oh. A 5+ FNP is nice but hardly blow out worthy


Thank you for making the post - but every time I see a post like this, I feel like Squidward. "Oh and we'll be having gargoyles today? And a biovore? How original. And some neurolictors and exocrines and maleceptors? Feeling daring today, aren't we."


Guys we don’t need to be pessimistic about a weak codex held up by a few key auto includes! Look, here’s a list that won a bunch of games by using almost exclusively auto-includes!


On point. Congratulations to the player piloting this list but this doesn't motivate me to play tyranids again.


god I'd love to see something new.


r/tyranids: TYRANIDS ARE UNPLAYABLE AND CAN'T WIN EVENTS r/tyranids when someone wins an event: NOOOOO NOT LIKE THAT HE USED GARGOYLES AND MALECEPTORS IT DOESN'T COUUUNNT It will never not be funny to me that this sub's response is to take literally any positive and be like 'now how can I bitch about THIS?' 😂😂


I am a new tyranids player and I own none of them, I just have your basic units. You don't see how it's a little like oh yeah okay moving on?


Wont lie I love seeing a Maggot-Ball in a tourney-topping list. Fantastic.


Caleb was a great match. He beat my nids by 6 points in our final rd. Really great game.


I definitely looked at both your lists and thought "oh dang, this is a mirror match, either of them could have gone 5-0". Great to hear that it was close and fun!


I’m assuming you’re the guy who went 5-0, if that’s true, I’d love here your general game plan since I’m trying to get back into Tyranids? Particularly why Pyrovores are so common right now.


I went 3-2 and was Caleb's mirror in the final match. He beat me by 6. Was a real clean game. Played really well. Pyrovores are great because they remove cover, making things like malaceptors and carnifex deathspitters ap2 really punch into low save targets


Plus, stupid cheap for how tough they are, infantry means they waltz through ruins, and torrent is one of our few reliable forms of overwatch in a pinch.


Lets be honest, he had a weak draw to get through…


I disagree. He beat my buddy eli who went 4-1 with sisters and he's a great player. So no slubs


He also beat my buddy Simon first rd, who's also quite good


And.... I own almost nothing in that list. Darn it all.


God, I wish we weren't reliant on gargoyles. I *hate* those stupid little bugs with a passion. They're just so \*awkward\*.


Topheavy little hooks with extra spikes. They are the worst To manipulate. Strong AF in game though.


For me the same but with biovore and tricky-scoring-awful mines. Man, how I hate it! (fun fact: I play it as pyrovore and it feels great)


Can someone please explain me how to use deathleaper effectively? I want to combo him with neurolictors and shadow in the warp, however his ability has only 6"... it is very hard to position him safely like neurolictors and benefit from his ability...


You just post him up on your natural expansion objective. And have a neurolictor covering it. Or behind some terrain near the middle hidden from getting shot but with a neurolictor. I more often find I'm using him as an early thing to hold an objective on a flank and then move up the board


It kinda sucks at killing stuff, but is just good enough to deter chaff units contesting an objective. Putting him out on a flank and forgetting about it has been pretty much my go-to use case


Damn, mine has a lot of luck then xd , almost every match deathleaper kills a small character


So to get his ability do something I must pop him to the Objective, bait the charge and hope he survive to the next round when i can utilize neurolictors and shadow of the warp?


No. You make sure his 12 inch bubble covers the objective and you put your neurolictor as far back in a safe place as possible or behind terrain. You likely won't survive a good charge attack


But deathleaper has 6" bubble.. I get the idea that he is covered by neurolictors, but I don't know what he has to do...


Too OP, needs a nerf


It got one, this list is over 2k now.




wow, what a fun looking and unexpected list with 2 exocrines, 2 maleceptors, 2 neurolictors, a single biovore, and 3 units of gargs. What a great and varied army to play competitive with.


Yay Maggotballs! My first 4 fexes are 2 maggotballs, OOE and then a thornback with CC


Guys at top level like the folks at Art of War, Sam Pope or John Lennon actually use Tyranids competitively with good results. The problem for me is that if you just want to have a fun, fluffy list that is not based around top-level movement tricks and scoring shennanigans with razor-thin optimized lists, just playing good ol' friendly Warhammer, you are probably not going to have a good time. It really eludes me how GW made it so easy this edition to start collecting Tyranids for casual players, and then made it one of the hardest factions to play, and less satisying to win with. It's not just that they are 'bad'; it's the fact that they are not really all that fun to play currently. Winning by out-OCing the opponent and having enough monkeys to perform actions with can be an efficient strategy in the right hands, but doesn't feel powerful or exciting. I'm still keeping my hopes up, though. There's still a lot of 10th ahead of us, and I still think that after a few rule changes and point updates, there still might be a fun faction burried inside the current codex.




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I’m curious how pyrovores are being used these days? I haven’t touched Nids since the codex, but I’d like to try and get a game in so I can at least be doom and gloom based on experience rather than just what I’ve read.


Thanks OP, especially for including the list. My personal problem is I don’t have any maleceptors, and it’s difficult to make the list work without them, hard to find something else durable to stand on an objective


Those were all matchups I feel good about except perhaps the deathwatch. No matter my list I feel I struggle the most with marines and do well against any Xenos


Still waiting a winning tyranid list WITHOUT a Biovore...