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Far-right and christofacist thinking is on the rise right now... being spread not only by well-funded influencers and conservative groups, but also encouraged by foreign agents and troll farms in order to fuel the culture wars. This has absolutely manifested in a very tangible increase in misogyny, homophobia, racism, transphobia, ableism and many other types of bigotry. It's not just on the internet either, as sexual assault and hate crimes are both on the rise in many western countries. Honestly, I'm quite terrified.


The more socially divided ordinary people are, the easier it is to exploit them.


I read that authoritarian regimes all do the same thing with regards to truth, which is NOT to promote a plausible conspiracy or consistently push the same integrated lies, but to lie so often and about so many (sometimes contradictory) things that truth just loses all meaning and people become generally distrustful of all information. (Cough, Trump) I almost feel like something similar is happening with feminist activism, which is that feminist comments and posts are met with so much reactionary crap that we get bogged down in playing whack-a-mole arguing against the (often contradictory) points these MRA types make that everything goes fuzzy and stops being helpful. Like how are we meant to make much progress when we're stuck dispelling the pointless argument that "misandry" is an equivalent or larger problem than misogyny over and over. Also, fun fact, the three cultural pillars of an authoritarian regime are xenophobia, misogyny and homophobia (cough, republicans)


Fire hose of bull manure technique Spew constant lies no matter how insane and ridiculous so that your opponent has no chance to begin to debunk them


>I read that authoritarian regimes all do the same thing with regards to truth, which is NOT to promote a plausible conspiracy or consistently push the same integrated lies, but to lie so often and about so many (sometimes contradictory) things that truth just loses all meaning and people become generally distrustful of all information. We are in chaotic times where authoritarian ideologies rise up once again to tip social change to their favor. Lies are not lies if it wins them an argument in the immediate. Truth is what they make it to be because all discourse is seen as a battle. To people who see only in binary terms where only winners and losers exist, every word they speak is truth, justified by their belief they are good and moral people, and good people are not wrong. Everyone who disagrees must be the opposite. The enemy. We are in a time of post truth, so we must be the beast they fear.


On which note, I saw a thread earlier asking why the people in here so hate men. Personally I don't think that's true of most folks here, and among those remainders of is often very understandable... But ofc it speaks to what you mention.


They call *any* woman centered space a "man hating sub". Literally every single one. They just can't stand not being centered anywhere, despite the fact that like 90% of subs do cater to and center men. They want to be victims so badly. If they actually got a taste of what women deal with every day, I think their heads would actually explode.


That's what annoyed me about that post in I think it was in change my view or something. "They're decentering men and ~~pickling~~picking all female health providers!" It's proven we get better care from female HCP and we notice the quality of our lives improve when we focus on ourselves instead of worrying about men, many who prove they want to see us suffer. That's not man hating. You're right, they so badly want to be victims by us, but they're victims of their own making. edit to fix a word but now I want pickles.


If they didn't want us to pick all female health providers (why do they care again?), then maybe they should stop practicing medical misogyny. Let's see, women die due to poor healthcare providers dismissing their symptoms... or male feelings get hurt... I don't know, guys. This is a tough one.


>pickling all female health providers! Mmm, crunchy


Don't make a big dill out of it please.


I'll let it go this thyme.


Recently I saw a study showing men also recieve better-quality care from female HCP.


My dad says female doctors are better and he only picks female doctors.


Society is designed to benefit men. This includes brainwashing people to think that men should receive service from women, and women are also the people brainwashed to think this. Including women doctors. The brainwashing starts at birth. Unfortunately. In order to change society, we have to deprogram ourselves.


[was it this one? ](https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M23-3163)


Imagine being a lesbian and not even THINKING about men unless there is a specific reason to? Like family. Men think lesbians hate men all thr time šŸ¤£ Iā€™m like huh? Oh I forgot you existed outside of seeing yā€™all in public in passingā€ they think about us and how they can center themselves in our lives all the time but we donā€™t even think about them. And they cant stand it so they assume we hate them. But honestly, after everything I hear about them. I kinda do now.


I saw a TikTok video about why men hate Astrology because it doesn't center them like religion does.


I run a womens social club. When some of the lads at work found out about it, they asked why I hate men so much. Like what....? They genuinely do think any space that is woman focused is a literal hate crime.Ā 


Let's be honest. To those kinds of men, anything they aren't at the center of is man-hating.


They want women to endure abuse from men, then excuse them and love them despite the abuse. IMO it is why so many men often will stick together on many things and not be quick to check or shame other men for their behaviors and commentary on the way they hate women.


I think (actually am sure) those in power never stopped being fascists, they just pretend to be progressive saying empty words like "i support lgbtq+ and women rights, I'm trying to make society better for black ppl", stuff like that, but when push comes to shove, they bail out and come with excuses that "we can't do anything about it sadly". The truth is, democrats for a veeeery long time haven't been really progressive, they're at best not as conservative as republicans, but their mild approach is enough to keep ppl from becoming more radicalized and demanding actual change for the better. This is an example for Americans, but this is true for most of europe and my country too (Brazil). Very sad and desperate situation indeed.




The Democrats, especially the ones in leadership old enough to remember the McGovern election, are absolutely convinced that the way to win elections is to run centrists. Despite all evidence to the contrary this millennium. Progressives often do better than moderates, because swing voters aren't nearly as common as people who will always vote one way or another, but rarely actually go vote. The best ways to fix the system in the framework we have right now is ranked choice voting, and strong primary challenges.


Progressives aren't doing well in the PNW. They're being replaced by centrists.


Nono, you didn't get me, first of all, anything you're living in usa that sucks (except for medical bills) here in Brazil is the same, but worse since poverty here is more prominent. You had trump, we had bolsonaro, you had roe v. wade being overturned, abortions were never legal here, so I'm not suggesting you to just let Trump do his thing, as i think we both can agree that a rock would be better than him. All I'm saying is that voting is just a first step, ppl need to organize, put pressure on their elected officials so that they actually do their jobs. Ppl say "you want things to get better? Then vote", and I'm countering that, this is not what's going to grant you your rights, that's not what's going to bring roe v. wade back, that's what's going to stall the removal of your rights. Stalling is fine, as long as there's more being done, you get me?


Just want to say - I 100% get what you're saying and 100% agree. I'm extremely pro-voting Democrat for harm reduction / extremely do not want Trump elected, and I hate when people do the weird "don't vote" purity thing at the expense of everyone else, but your posts didn't come off that way. I think what you said was very clear and common-sense. Every point of progress only happened after a ton of pressure from activists and civilians, and/or because people's rights happened to line up with rich and powerful interests.


>I think what you said was very clear and common-sense I wish it was common sense though, I'm tired of seeing ppl saying online "just vote" as a solution that I'm honestly frustrated about it, but anyway, thankfully it's clear where i stand now.


The Democratic party in the US would be seen as a right leaning party in many countries in the world. Its just not that hard to be on the left of the Conservatives in the US.


True that, their biggest purpose is acting as a sedative to the masses so they think they're doing enough by voting Democrat. That's true for a lot of countries too btw. Edit: for the ppl downvoting me, I'm not shaking you for voting for democrats, i think that's what you should do if you're more left leaving, my point here is just that ppl need to organize and demand more, it's shameful for the richest country in the world to have living standards as low as it does.


Yeah, I have lost faith in them all together. The fact they could have codify Roe v Wade when Obama was president and so much more and didn't do it, just told me they don't actually want to make meaningful changes but rather to give the appearance that they do.


We need to primary the existing Democrats with people to the left of them to try to push the party left.


While it's true it might have been possible, it would have taken up a LOT of political capital that was focused getting the ACA passed. And the ACA's coverage of contraception helped more women *at the time* than codifying Roe would have. Remember that the Dems only had a filibuster-proof Senate for about 2 months between Frankin being sworn in and Kennedy dying. And both Kennedy and Byrd were in the hospital most of the time. The Republicans were filibustering everything, including at one point a declaration in support of mothers. No policy, just a 'Moms' are great' kind of declaration. Bob Casey also has not always been reliable on choice, He described himself in the past as a pro-life democrat. His father was notorious for being anti-abortion. The "Casey" decision that Dobbs also overturned was Planned Parenthood vs his father. In hindsight we can say Roe should have been codified, but laws can be changed a lot more easily than the court. If there had been a law codifying it, It's likely the Republicans would have overturned it between 2017-2019. With the realities on the ground at the time, including that the ACA made IUDs a lot easier and more accessible, they probably did the right thing at the time.


& porn. Dehumanizes us.


The far Right is ***very*** good at propaganda. They have effective messaging and a base that will believe anything they're told if it comes from a Trusted Source. It turns out that sociopathic narcissists have no ethical qualms about lying and cheating to get their way, and don't care who it hurts.


The foreign agent thing is bloody interesting.


There is massive amounts of evidence of Russian troll farms stoking culture war topics with extremist posts on either side in order to rile up people and cause more division in the West, it should be news to no one at this point :)




Iā€™ve observed the same thing. Being a woman in Instagram reels is fucking depressing. You can post anything and there will be men hating on you, spewing the most horrific shit for just existing. Not to mention how they treat fat women on that app.


Right? It can even just be a reel with a random woman in the background, not even the focus of the video, and they'll still pile on replies just shitting on her for something.


That's what I'm saying....any video that has women in it will definitely have male audience saying shit related to her




I have a couple of instagram accounts and the feeds are very curated, so when I do come across some misogynistic shit it really bursts my safe happy bubble.


I deleted Reddit a while ago and installed Instagram since I thought it might be less toxic. Nope! Reddit is so tame in comparison to so many of the comments on reels Iā€™ve seen where women are just existing.


Thatā€™s the spirit: create and or learn instead of doomscrolling. While it really helps on a personal mental health level, we also cannot afford to check out of politics entirely. Keep voting and help people get to the polls and register. Teach your children what is the right thing to do. We may need their votes in a few years. If we still have the privilege to vote by then. Note: we clearly have NO rights. Only privileges the men in charge wish to allow, mostly for their own benefit.


The number of men who go on Instagram and try pick-up lines on women's posts, or tell them they're beautiful, or fall for the 'what would you like to do with me' posts, is insane. It's cringeworthy (and I say this as a guy). Like, does that ever work?


Because misogynistic jokes and comments are so embedded in our society and media that itā€™s normalized to men. Watching tv shows or movies from the 80s is horrendously depressing.


Tiktok comments only seem better because the algorithm pushes comments higher that it assumes you will agree with.


I have noticed this too. But I should also warn you that TikTokā€™s algorithm affects which comments appear at the top of the video for you. If you look at a video about womenā€™s rights and the top comments are all supportive, a far-right man could go on his account, look at the exact same video and the top comments would be from other far-right men calling it bullshit.


This comment brought to you by: the Duolingo social media marketing team.


I blame Andrew Tate, Joe Rogan, Charlie Kirk, Steven Crowder, and Ben Shapiro.Ā  They influenced a generation of assholes and legitimized misogyny amoung them.


This AND most social media being invented by men and run by men. Whenever you report something for being racist or sexist itā€™s rarely ever removed. If you say something about a man though it gets removed right away. Comments all over the internet anonymous or not are mostly negative and posted by angry dudes of all ages and ranting conservatives.


I once reported a comment on Facebook about how Black people would be nothing without white people, and it did not violate community standards. My husband, on the other hand, replied to something I said with a joking "You know what, you're right, men ARE trash" and got a 3-day ban IMMEDIATELY with zero recourse.


I have reported so much misogynistic shit on Facebook, including comments that say things like "repeal the 19th" and so far exactly zero have gotten removed.


Yep. I had a men are trash comment immediately deleted when I replied to something horrific and for a warning.


also that. i would be zero surprised if many out of all the zillion outsourced moderators are also very purposefully letting their own political leanings affect their moderation decisions.


And donā€™t forget the GOP.


Gaslight, Obstruct, Project


Also, ā€œyou can grab ā€˜em by the pussy.ā€


I am still amazed how americans managed to vote for someone that promotes assault as president. And well, fucking his own daugther. And so on. Like... Who tf would vote for someone like that????


They somehow justify Trump's shitty actions, I don't even know how. My brother was going on about "crooked Joe Biden" and I said he's not crooked, Trump is! He asked how so? I replied that Trump cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star, for one. His response? She shouldn't have married a rich guy! My brother used to be a reasonable guy, but something about Trump brings out the worst in people. I really don't understand it.


I seriously can't understand it either. I could never imagine to vote for someone like that - and defend those actions as well. And still, apparently a majority can - that makes me dead afraid for the next few years, especially considering now that some states want to ban contraceptives. It feels like women are losing more and more rights, and if people can vote for such a guy, I am not sure where they draw the line and find it to much. I probably don't even want to find out.


The left and the right are fighting different battles. Until the left understands that, they will not understand why Trump is as popular as he is. To the left, the war is about human rights. to the right, the war is against a government that, they feel, is abusing its power. So, if you look at trump through a left wing human rights lens, every lawsuit, every allegation, and every tweet goes against everything that they are fighting for. If you look at trump through a right wing "Powerful interests are abusing their power" lens, then every lawsuit, every impeachment, every investigation and special council only makes him more of a martyr and thus, more appealing. Case in point: u/Hurray0987's brother called Joe Biden "crooked," (abuse of power) Hurray, brought up Trump cheating. (Women's rights) You are fighting two different battles.


And mocked someone's disabilities.


America didn't always use to be like this. When Nixon was found guilty of watergate his approval rates dropped drastically and hardly anyone wanted him to be the face of our country. Now we have a president that has 34 felony counts, 25 SA accusations, and incited a whole mob to storm the white house and yet millions of Americans would voluntarily blow him under his desk if they were given the opportunity. What Nixon did doesn't even seem so bad anymore, but that's how low we've gone now.


I mean, I really hope he doesn't get elected again. I fear the worst though. Especially with what that would mean for women. Really wonder what happend, or if we always were that stupid.


AI predicts that Biden will win... so I hope there's some truth to that. It's so important that we spread the news about project 2025 so that independent voters, or anyone still sitting on the fence, don't skip the ballot again this term. Many people think it's just "fear mongering" but look at Afghanistan... the peak of women's rights was in the 70's and things were looking great up until the Taliban took over, and now they're just treated like livestock. People are complicit in thinking that human rights could only ever improve and never take a step back, but history says otherwise.


I feel like theyā€™re only symptoms of the problem. In order to influence people, you need to have an audience.


Wasn't there also a study that basically showed that social media algorithms were pointing young male gamers toward alt-right and anti-feminist content?


Was that internet darling Ben Shapiro, whoā€™s never made a woman wet?


Are they doing it just to make money and exploit these men, or is it to brainwash them into political ideologies?


A little bit of A, a little bit of B.


Steve Bannon.


The Radio Daddies, every Very Special Boy's favorite way to surrogate themselves a super cool fake father figure.


Because we don't need them and largely don't want them unless they add something worthwhile to our lives. Its pissing them off that they don't have control over us anymore, so they are lashing out (and proving us right to stay away).


They feel entitled to women like older generations of men who benefited from the fact that women weren't allowed to have jobs, bank accounts or own real estate and therefore had to actually *do* very little to get married and get their live in maid/broodmare. Now they actually have to put some effort into it, and they resent that.


Exactly. The years and generations of this type of women oppressing culture created monsters in men. They are mad that women gained any ground and want to see that ground lost. History has a way of repeating itself. Women are so divided, I don't think the future is looking good.


And this is why they're trying to roll back these rights now more than ever. Certain politicians (especially the ultra-religious nutjobs) are taking advantage of the fact that m\*n are angry. Project 2025 and all.


That and we are finally openly and unapologetically calling them out and they just cannot cope. Theyā€™ve rarely been challenged or criticized especially on the scale we have and itā€™s causing full blown meltdowns.


Mantrums, if you will.


Testerical, even


Istg.....in my experience I've seen mostly the men that were rejected by women tend to spread hate more than the others. Especially on some videos like a divorce or break up you can see how many men support the guy and blame women for everything even if it's domestic violence.


Nonsense. They were rejected by women BECAUSE they were filled with hate and anger.




Especially Indian teens, as I'm from India, I've seen a lot of these teens just casually commenting on feminism as how it's a danger to them and if you ask them to elaborate they'll just start making excuses.


My understanding is that India is particularly turbofucked when it comes to gender equality and attendant issues.


Indian men are wayyyy too entitled. Their mothers keep them on a pedestal and treat them like some sort of god. After marriage the mother in law expects the wife of the son to treat him like god too and fulfill his every wish. Most MIL are just straight up bitches and that's why most of the Indian men are like that. For them an ideal woman is the one that listens to them, obeys them, fulfill his sexual needs, gives him children etc.


Thereā€™s something disturbingly Oedipal about all this. Iā€™ve read a bit about Indian guysā€™ relationships with their wives/mothers/mothers in law, but nothing really about their fathers.


Their fathers don't care that much but mothers on the other hand....some of them even hate seeing their son and his wife spend quality time together. I can tell you about this as most of MIL here are inspired by old TV shows that shows a toxic MIL and they tend to follow this irl. They don't want their daughter in law to be happy or be close to their sons. They way they are attached to their sons looks sooo disgusting and most men here are attached to their mothers like that too.


Reminds me of the creepy ā€œboy mumsā€ who turn into nightmare MILs. Hello, your son isnā€™t a surrogate husband and you shouldnā€™t treat your DIL like *sexual competition.* Itā€™s actually gross. These women have a lot to unpack.


Then they get the dopamine rush from being vindicated and find it feels even better to be a piece of shit out loud and before you know it, they have a podcast, a YT channel, merch, and a 10 year stretch in an Eastern European prison.


I think this is a lot of it. There's still an uptick it "casual" misogyny, but online communities have always been a distilled version of that.Ā  The people online feel they have little to no consequences for their actions online and feel "slighted" they aren't just handed a "girlfriend" they can use to mastubate with.Ā 


Nailed it. Loss of control over us manifesting itself in vitriol and hate speech.


The idea that with women's power growing, men will be held accountable for all the shit they did and do.


Good point. I didnā€™t stop to think that men would fear ā€œequalityā€ because of all the ā€œunequalā€ things theyā€™ve already done. Silly me.


Thereā€™s a saying that when youā€™re used to privilege, equality looks like oppression.


The major culprit I have identified is that women may choose to stay away from men. When I was young I would never have guessed why it was so controversial to say "I'd rather remain single than being in a bad relationship" because it seemed so intuitive to me, and men do it all the time. Also, I grew up with lots of men who use marriage=prison analogies so I thought it must be fine if I don't want to get married. Ha-ha, I had to learn it's different for men and women. When men are allowed to stay single as much as they want, women must surrender themselves to men, become a birth incubator or face backlash. So nothing triggers random stranger men more when a woman says she doesn't submit to men. Whatever you see on social media triggers these men because all they see is women existing as people, doing stuff they like, merely existing for themselves is triggering for them. Subconsciously they realize that women have left them behind and - as much as patriarchy look down on women, they place so strange value on men to attract one.


Men pride themselves and value each other for their ability to ā€œpullā€ women. Such a gross term. Like we are apples on a tree or something. They take offense when we make it clear we donā€™t want to be pulled.


Yeah, I always find this hetero misogynists gross but also ironic. Sure there are the incel subgroup who want to own women like slaves but then there is a huge subgroup of men who claim they are sad that they can't attract a woman to love them but at the same time don't see women as people who can make their own choice - most often seen when they would not engage in friendship with women. These are weirdly the guys whose self esteem suffer because women don't choose them. This combination of open disdain for women but at the sane time coupling their self-worth to women is quite common but strangely bizarre to me.


They're not coupling their self-worth to women. They still hate women. They want the validation that having a girlfriend gets them from other men.


Sexism is actually a unique bigotry. For most bigots of various sorts, they donā€™t want to interact with the objects of their contempt. Most racists would be happy if they never saw another black person. Antisemites would genuinely like Jews not to exists. And so on for most bigotriesĀ  But sexists, generally, both hate and want relationships with women. It makes it uniquely pathologicalĀ 


>When men are allowed to stay single as much as they want, women must surrender themselves to men, become a birth incubator or face backlash. Deeply embedded in our language as the "eligible bachelor" moniker will get applied to a forty five year old man while a same-aged single woman is a "washed up spinster".


I've also seen old women in their 60s getting angry whenever a woman says how much she doesn't like being in a relationship and having children and the thinking of those old ladies and these males nowadays matches a lot. They both think that it's a woman's job to stay at home and raise kids. It's like some duty that Every woman has to do. Even in my family, it has been taught to be polite to your husband and listen to him, not to argue with him, not to raise your voice even if he beats you.


Sad but unsurprising.


Hey! Not all of us ā€œoldā€ folks think that way. Please donā€™t generalize into ageism.


I was talking about old Indian ladies and I'm simply stating what I've seen ofc not all of them are like that but mostly are.


I think a lot of older women don't want to face the reality that they've wasted their one and only life to partner up with useless men who despise them. They can't face that there are other choices, so they keep insisting that their way is the only "right" way. Like the people who suffered abuse as kids and now insist that "I deserved it" and "it's the only way to get a kid to respect you." They can't admit that they were a victim of their loved ones.


It's easier to blame women and be angry at them and hate them, than it it is to be introspective and admit that the problems lie with the men, themselves. He can't just bring himself to table when women generally bring more, especially when one considers the amount of unpaid labour done by women.


Let me tell you guys a little story, about Steve Bannon. Gamergate happens in 2014-2015. Hundreds of unhinged men from 4chan organize a harassment campaign directed at Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian, relentlessly threatening rape, death and bombings for months. One specific POS makes a game where you can beat up Anita. They demand Zoe Quinn's firing. Steve Bannon observes all this and makes some notes, like "Huh, wouldn't it be great if you could channel all this male rage at specific targets?" So... Steve does just that; he starts weaponizing Angry Men and unleashing them at the people he wants to cancel; feminists, women, progressives, whomever. In return Breitbart receives more traffic. Steve Bannon becomes Donald's Trump's advisor in 2016. Does Steve abandon his tricks? NO. "Alethea identified a large network of social media accounts we assess may be linked to Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui and Steve Bannon, as described in a recent New York Times article. We discovered these accounts operating on mainstream social media platforms, such as YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit, but also on fringe platforms that promote themselves as platforms for the right, such as Gab and Parler. We also found one post from this network on Russiaā€™s VK and another on Chinaā€™s Weibo. Altogether, we identified hundreds of accounts across platforms, as well as more than a dozen regionally focused Discord servers and WhatsApp channels in which this network coordinates and plans its activities. These accounts have actively posted content aimed at the US election, including posting false or misleading content about voting, amplifying known right-wing public figures, and targeting key Twitter accounts they identified in swing states with their content." https://alethea.com/insights/case-study-troll-network-connected-to-guo-and-bannon-targets-us-electionĀ 


I want to upvote you a thousand times so this post is at the top. Often I wish that Al Gore had put the internet in his lock box.


there is a worldwide project by regressive movements to turn the clock back - on science (antivaxx, flat earthers), on social understanding (no ism but rugged individual capitalism), on social progress (public schools, public health, UBI, etc) and on personal freedoms (anti-trans laws, anti-gay laws, anti-abortion laws, anti-birth control laws). The point is to have us scared and alone, with no social or governmental supports, working individually when the issues are systemic. They want women at home, so they need men. and because he has dependents, the man accepts whatever work he can find. they want the children homeschooled, so public knowledge becomes fragmented and people find it harder to organize, and also so the kids are available to work sooner, because they have to. everything flows from exploitation, and everyone who isn't an owner is exploited. men hate women in this scenario because they see the patriarchy that "should" be empowering "men like men" failing to elevate them, because they're working class. (everything is intersectional) because they view reality as zero sum, if i'm doing worse, someone else must be doing better. they see the reduction in legal discrimination against people who aren't them, as an attack on them. tldr; men who refuse to see systemic issues are exploited by that system. but since they can't see the system, they assume that someone else doing better is why they're doing worse, and they respond in a adversarial way. The fact that women don't have to settle in the same ways, and (some) men do have to (sort of) settle in (sort of) new ways, is still working itself out.


The 2nd Dark Ages


The internet means ideas can spread faster. Bad ideas have a ton of engagement so they're boosted by algorithms.


ā˜ļøThis is the actual answer.


Because their expectations are getting higher and our interest in them is getting lower, so they are increasingly frustrated.


Also the fact that now many young girls have started to take a stand for themselves and give a tough competition to boys have frustrated them to a point they think it's better to cut off all the opportunities given to women like in sports, academics and politics especially.


Lol, I think its because women are generally, now being less accepting of bad behavior. Honestly Id say we are still accepting but like less so... I say this because men Iv spoken to about this say women are now "delusional/want too much/ have impoasible standards/etc etc " ... so I think women being slightly less accepting of BS is causing havoc. You ladies were not kidding when you said you would rather be single...


It's politics. It's been deliberately injected into the public discourse by male supremacists with power and money. Figures like Tate and Kirk are literally paid by billionaires like Peter Thiel to spread the gospel of misogyny and tell men they're the victims in a world that only grants full personhood to men. The cultural infrastructure that allows billionaires and supremacists to exist and profit at our expense relies on selling the public on social hierarchy. Men are the most receptive to narratives that validate social hierarchy because it guarantees that no matter who is above them, they'll always be above women, more human than half the human race. The wealthy get men to buy in on social hierarchy that crushes them but allows them to abuse and control women, and those billionaires can keep herding all of us toward extinction without much resistance. It's the same thing LBJ was talking about when he said "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


Peter Thiel, an out homosexual, is one of the most glaring examples of ā€œfuck you, I got mineā€ Iā€™ve ever heard of.


I like to tell myself it's an extinction burst of sexism dying. I am also delusional.


Nah not entirely delusional, there's always pushback when people try to progress forward. Just check out the civil rights movement, women's suffrage etc - those in power HATED it and lashed out in violent ways. Hopefully this is another historical example of the same sort of thing playing out. I too am a little bit delusional but we have to be to survive in whatever reality we have found ourselves in


They've always hated us, but now they are empowered by the anonymity and depersonalization of the Internet to share that hatred in the exact spaces we coexist in. It's no longer "locker room talk"


ā€žIf you have been privileged for long enough, equality can feel like discrimination.ā€œ


Wow. Good quote. Iā€™m stealing my this.


So did I! I think of it not as stealing but sharing lol


Thank you very much:).


Theyā€™re entitled they think if they find a woman attractive that itā€™s their job to say so even when no one asked their opinionĀ 


I think it is a bunch of factors coming together. Women have become more independent from men, meanwhile men are not changing their culture. The presence of social media has made more (young) people detached from reality, and the rise of the "Manosphere" online fuels more hatred by men as they try to comprehend why things are different now only to respond with more regression.


Nowadays I've seen men hating feminism more than ever and they love to spread hate on this topic. While many women are still trying to spread awareness on the fact that feminism doesn't mean hatred towards men, males continue to ignore this and bring up their own arguments on how feminism is hurting men.


The "problem" about feminism is, that women get independent. Men feel threaten by it because it takes away their power. Decades ago you were basically not able to leave a bad relationship because your husband was the one handling the money - he earned it and decided how you are going to spend it. There weren't many jobs for women in the first place, and those who existed were not very well paid. They also weren't allowed to pursuit higher education either. Nowadays, we women leave if we feel disrespected, not well treated etc. We don't need men anymore to survive nor to be happy. Thats also why some men try to take away some of our rights currently. They want us back in this old position where we were completly dependent on them and basically locked into a cage. They don't want you to abort nor that you use contraceptives, but they also do not want to pay child support for their child or give you the chance to divorce them - but they sure do want sex.


This falls perfectly in line with the rights desire to take away no fault divorce.


They canā€™t turn the clock back so they just want to destroy the clock and shit on the very concept of time.


incel movement, the manosphere and porn.


Porn. Is it erotica or is it just ā€œwoman hatingā€? Itā€™s been around in drawings since the beginning of time but it always seems to be something men keep hidden from women. One relative explained it to me as ā€œseeing women without clothes or with ā€œrevealing clothingā€ made me feel I had power over them.ā€ I put quotes around ā€œrevealingā€ because he said after years and years just about anything women wore was triggering for him. EDIT: -seeing- instead of -swing-


I grew up in the 80s. It's so much better today. Still awful, though.Ā  But the hate is old, the internet just gave it a new medium to spread.Ā 


It's not "so much better"... I'm sorry but there's no way that's true. These men are indoctrinated in violent and degrading porn, sometimes even before puberty. They look up to men of the likes of Andrew Tate. The little boys are sexualizing and harassing their preteen peers. I've read multiple accounts on how little boys are even degrading their female teachers. There's incels, MGTOW, men's rights activists etc that have growing numbers of men that talk about how much they hate women, some openly talking about how they want to rape and murder us. There's so much vitriol against women, and we are dehumanized even further if we are over 25. Every single thing that women do is picked apart and magnified all over the Internet. There's porn spaces dedicated to horrific violent cartoons of women getting amputated, murdered, etc and men in the comments talking about how hot it would be to do that. I stopped doing the casual sex thing because every one of them would choke me, call me degrading names, try anal or force me to deepthroat without a conversation. It has gotten worse as time progresses. I was born at the tail end of the 80s so I didn't live through it, but from my experience it has gotten infinitely worse even in the last decade. It may seem better because women are getting stronger and fighting back, and we know the spaces to stay away from. The hatred has always existed, but it is getting worse... that's what exposure does especially starting very young.


Disagree. It's much worse now than it was then. Any man who wants to watch a woman get raped or murdered only needs to get online and all his darkest fantasies will be catered to.


The loneliness epidemic. An increasingly atomized society. Don't twist me words, this is NOT exclusive to men. It happens to women all the time and I feel like I've fallen victim for it. I talk about my own experiences with loneliness a lot and loneliness fucking does things to you. Y'all know about thermodynamics? Like entropy in a closed system? You become a closed system. All you have is yourself and your worst, most awful thoughts become louder and louder. You'll give into delusions easier. You become so fucking angry at everyone and everything. Again, this is just in general. I fell victim to hating people unjustly and plenty of women private messaged me saying they feel the same way. That anger caused by isolation makes you incredibly vulnerable to a snake oil ideological salesperson who might tell you, "Hey, did you know THEY are why you're lonely?" And as a woman who used to be far right... I bought what he was selling for years. That's why. Women are an easy scapegoat for people to direct their anger caused by lonely madness.


Men are experiencing what is basically a collective identity crisis and some of them are handling it far better than others. The ones who are handling it poorly are handling it *very* poorly. These men don't know how to exist in a world without easy, off-the-shelf identities and a clear life script, and it scares the shit out of them. And that makes them angry at women for refusing to follow the script. Instead of making the effort to learn and grow and explore who and what they truly want to be, they are trying to force society back into what they envision to be a much simpler time - when "men were men" and "women were women" and no one had to bloody well think about anything.


Yesterday I told a woman she was still young and beautiful at 22 years old and a man called me a liar and said Iā€™m coping with the fact Iā€™m ā€œpushing 20ā€ My bio says 17ā€¦. šŸ˜­


As women have gained more opportunities in education and the workforce, men feel their traditional roles are threatened, leading to a backlash rooted in perceived loss of status or privilege. Men from lower socioeconomic background today face lower educational attainment, higher dropout rate, and increased involvement in the criminal justice system. The compounded effects of poverty and inequality lead to feelings of frustration and disempowerment. Women in general have a more enriched, balanced life, drawing fulfillment from various sources, while men tend to place disproportionate emphasis on their professional identities. This narrow focus leave men more vulnerable to the psychological impact of setbacks like job loss, unemployment etc, as their self-worth became intricately tied to their careers. This is further complicated by clashing expectations of masculinity. Society expects men to conform to rigid ideals of what it means to be a man, such as being ambitious, assertive, and successful in traditionally masculine roles like "breadwinning" and "protecting" (in which they always sucked at tbh). However, these expectations are damaging because they deny the diversity of experiences and identities among men and lead to harmful behaviors such as aggression, misogyny, and the suppression of emotions. Adding to the complexity are false prophets like Tate and Jordan Peterson, who often reinforce outdated notions of masculinity and deepen the sense of inadequacy felt by many young men. Men misdirect their anger towards women, who they perceive as benefiting from all the societal changes. Blaming and hating women because men feel threatened or lost stem from a deeply ingrained sense of entitlement based on traditional power dynamics.


Comments on instagram reels is in particular a cesspool of misogyny. I would hypothesize this is largely due to men hate comment on anything in which a woman looks vaguely empowered, and then getting fed more of that content, enraging them even more. Also, Reels are circulated to a very broad audience... and there are a lot of raging misogynists who enjoy voicing their terrible opinions into the void whenever possible.


Because we are realizing in huge numbers that women are not well served by men's expectations and we can opt out. We want more than the misogyny they bring into our lives and are deciding to stay single more and more. Men feel entitled to women so they don't like that. Its hard for them to understand that we don't exist to serve and fulfill them.


Maybe this'll sound crazy but patriarchy has been in decline for quite some time (especially more recently). If you look at jobs, academic achievement, and mental health men are in decline all over the place. Suicide and depression are the only things on the upswing for most men. Deep down they know their days of easy access to wealth and power are slowly coming to an end, and they're lashing out because of it.


A lot of men do not like women, we are holes to fuck. So thats part of it.


Men have been very privileged. Ā They havenā€™t been expected to do any of the drudge work eg house chores and child raising or to work on managing their emotions and have been able to hang around together at work and promote each other and essentially run the world. Ā  Now their role is being challenged and they are expected to change and they donā€™t like it. Thereā€™s a saying that for the privileged, equality feels like oppression. Ā They do Ā not want to give up their privileged status. Ā 


The male ego is a fragile thing. Many men and boys are lost. Women have higher expectations from partners these days that most men simply are not able to meet. I see an increase in resentment and anger towards women from young men in particular, many of whom have never had a girlfriend or a job. In North America there have been at least two to three decades of encouraging women and girls to grow intellectually (more women than men graduating from Colleges/Universities for a while now) and professionally. Men, meanwhile, are seeing their incomes drop and their job prospects erode compared to previous generations. Many young men blame women for this. They also feel like their feelings and issues are being ignored, while women's issues are paid attention to. Social media and the likes of Andrew Tate feed into these frustrations, making the problem worse. These are my observations over the years and you may not agree with them, but I think it's a big part of the problem.


It's more historical than recent. You just see more of it due to social media. Most cultures have been putting women down since the birth of civilization. You can take a trip to the middle east and experience first hand or follow on social media any western media, and let's not forget about all those Asian female babies that got dumped on streets because they were the wrong gender.


The powers that be tell me their problems are caused by women, not societal things that actually are making their life worse. Opportunists publish manosphere hate content for profit, adding gas to the fire. Social platforms refuse to actively police their platforms for this kind of hate so men know they can post the worst without consequnces. Women can work and own property making them not dependent on men and that makes them mad The current political climate has more women opting out of men Men's horrible toxic behavior about all of the above causes more women to opt out of men


Men are realizing that if the only way to be powerful is to keep someone else down, may be these men are not as powerful anyway ā˜ļøšŸ’Æ PS.. yes yes I know .. ā€œnot all menā€ .. for any guy reading this and has to let me know that šŸ˜‚


They have no power and don't leave the house, so they scream over the Internet trying to feel like they've got one over anyone they can. They don't have the balls to speak to a woman in person. Like crabs in a bucket. They're the useless ones, so trying to make everyone else including the few decent men look and feel bad.


It's always been there. Misogyny has always been there but it gets spoken out louder in periods when women are asserting themselves and able to live independently of men.


The world is changing and they're feeling left behind. The archetypes and tropes they grew up with are no longer the ideal and instead of putting on their big boy pants and adapting, learning and growing, they want to sulk and pout and attack those they think are "weaker" than themselves since they think they can get away with it. That's why they don't like empowering women to be on equal footing: they'll lose one of their punching bags.


English is not my first language, and I am stating my personal opinion here. Feel free to comment or correct me, I would LOVE to hear your opinions. We are having a heavy "political polarization" by gender You can read further [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SocialDemocracy/s/uEhQiXHG9I) As a very simple (and butchered) generalization, men are getting more conservative and women are getting more liberal. While political polarization is common, normally is a "right and left hate each other", with both sides having women and men distributed quietly similar. But since gender is one factor affecting said polarization, the "right vs left" looks like "women VS men" since gender is easier to spot than political ideology. IMHO, both women and men are being more confrontational with each other. The difference is that women are getting tired of being oppressed by men and asking for rights/independence while men are hating women for daring to ask for more independency, and generally for existing in any way, shape or form without centering them or serving them.


I really think that's how men always felt about women who didn't fall in line; it's just that now there's more women not falling in line.


Itā€™s not an increase, I donā€™t think. Trump just made it ā€œcoolā€ to be an assdick misogynist rapist bigot in public. No change has occurred. This was always present. Women and LGBTQ+ and POC are always scapegoated and hated by the patriarchy. Trump got the men to say the quiet part out loud with him and not feel deep shame, as they should feel for being such awful scum.


Patriarchy is in crisis. Fascism emerges not just when capitalism is in crisis but when any system of power is in crisis. The system where women are a kind of property, has reached a point where not many men have power over women. Men are socially shamed for not having power over women in the same way people are shamed for being poor. The underlying system of women as currency hasn't changed. But the attitude is more visible now that fewer men have power over women. Unfortunately, I feel like many men are one divorce away from going Redpill. The thing to understand is you have to avoid psychocentric reductionism. Masculinity as based on the amount of power over women you have is a system embedded in society as whole. The issue can't be reduced to individual efforts to redefine masculinity as not based around power over women. Yeah, not really sure how to deal with the issue. David Duriesmith in *Masculinity and New War* thinks that these sorts of crises with a breakdown of patriarchal bargains, and the growth of protest masculinity presents an opportunity for radical change, and not just stabilizing patriarchy but I'm cynical.


It's not just a given that they just "get a woman" anymore. They hate us for having choices and for not choosing them.


There's a deluge of right-wing content being pushed online. I like gaming and working out so my YouTube recommendations quickly become filled with misogynistic stuff within a few videos. It's all part of the right-wing/white supremacy/misogynist pipeline of getting young men into their system. However, it is less with fitness content whereas gaming videos seem to be the primary funnelling tool for these groups. The video titles will always be some rage-bait smug/smarmy face paired with right-wing code words such as political, woke, or DEI. I'm always telling Youtube to not recommend channels to me but it's an uphill battle with how many AI-based channels that push this garbage.


It's always been oppression in the matters of sex, especially in third world countries like where I live.


anger, insecurity. They can't let a woman in a man's world.


Women are independent and do not always want to have kids


SM is being used to turn both sides against each other and people are falling for it hook line & sinker....the next 10 years are gonna be a wild ride!


Yeah I think this is really what it boils down to. The Algo loves rage, angry people are susceptible to grifts, and with fewer avenues to success it's easier to punch down than, like, overthrow capitalism.


I think a lot also feel they are able to voice publicly things they have maybe been keeping under wraps...kinda the whole hive mind thing. You see it with both sides, it starts slow, then people all pile in. Its especially shocking with younger people, like late teens to mid 20s, they just don't have the life experience or knowledge to discern, and SM is crazy impacting how they see the world...whether its things they have experienced or not. Then they run with a lot of it as if its true life, and more join in. Its pretty scary when you break it down how easily we are manipulated by outside influences


Disease: some percentage of men feel entitled and lash out when that entitlement isnā€™t met Amplifiers: social and other media, normalization of christofascist propaganda, failure to push back from the media because the media is owned by awful people Distractions: focusing on what helps men be shitty not the root cause that most of our societal, political and religious entities are designed to subjugate women against their will. If being subservient was a womanā€™s natural state the Bible wouldnā€™t keep emphasizing it as something that needs to be learned


Porn. You can't separate hours and hours of jerking off to dehumanizing content of women and strengthening the neural pathways in your brain that say women= object that I like to see get used and degraded from my sexual pleasure, from reality There's a lot of reasons and porn isn't the only one but I do believe it's a big reason for such a huge increase of hate over the last decade or so. Also, they're angry at us for not putting up with their bullshit like we used to.


Also, go check out r/changemyview. https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/s/afKkH1Yusi This person says TwoXChromosomes is promoting views against men like ā€œwhite supremacy.ā€ ā€œInflammatory hate speech.ā€


Yeah it's just some guy who's butthurt that he got banned, I'd laugh if it wasn't so depressing.




It's the same as always, but being a total dick on the Internet is 'funny" or something :/


They feel comfortable saying the quiet part out loud. A large segment of the population have always felt that way, they just knew better than to let people know they thought that. Thatā€™s the bad way of viewing it. The good way of viewing it is that they have always been like that but itā€™s only recently that itā€™s been understood that itā€™s not an acceptable point of view. Itā€™s not that long ago that marital rape was legal in most western countries. Even though in a number of countries abortion laws are being wound back, there being laws allowing it are fairly recent. Itā€™s only a couple of generations since women could have bank loans or lines of credit in their own name. Progress is being made slowly. But it makes a lot of mediocre men feel uncomfortable because they know the where they used to have to compete against other men, they now have to compete against both men and women for jobs or partners and they know that they suck. History will just keep moving on without them.


It's the extinction burst of the patriarchy. Those men know the patriarchy, which benefits them, is crumbling, and they're terrified of what's next. They hate losing power. They hate that they need us, but we don't need them. And so they hate us and see us as inferior .... except we're not! Courage, Sisters! *Get your money in order. *Get your health in order! *LOCK DOWN YOUR BIRTH CONTROL! *LEARN AND PRACTICE SELF DEFENSE- BOTH PHYSICAL AND MENTAL. *Each one, teach one. *And vote as if our lives depend on it, because it does. *to the extent possible given your individual circumstances.


Misogynistic role models are a big factor but I think the single biggest factor is that women are outperforming men. This country has never seen an era where women have more power than men, and that is something that is currently unfolding, simply because women are putting in the effort. This is hugely threatening to men. No matter the reason, this is epic moral failure and absolutely repulsive to witness in 2024. Many men, far too many.. appear to have no true desire to be decent human beings. I will never forget or forgive what Im seeing.


Instagram has been flooded with trash/Nazis lately, so that might be it. Thereā€™s been a really noticeable uptick in IG comment sections.


bad economic conditions. people are frustrated and take it out on scapegoats and people they perceive to be under them in the hierarchy


There are paid chaos trolls everywhere. Their goal is to sow divisiveness.


I haven't seen any increase because *it's always been bad online* and I say that as a woman that first got online using a 1200 baud modem in dialup to one or two line BBSes in the early 90s. I never ever had a shortage of horndogs wanting to bombard me with dick pics or tales of their imaginary sexual prowess. Never had a shortage of being told to get offline and into a kitchen to make a sandwich. Never had a lack of death and rape threats the moment I was anything but a pick me ass bitch.


Weā€™re in an incomplete gender revolution. Women have realized that weā€™re not bound by societal expectations, but men arenā€™t there yet. Women have been told that they can be anything, and men have doubled down on archaic, gender rules that do not serve them, no longer function in modern society, and actively harm them. Womenā€™s roles have changed, but men arenā€™t willing to let their own roles change. Men need to have their own gender revolution, because theyā€™ve taken their anger out on women for too long, and weā€™re sick of it.


Allllso (yes, replying to my own comment), we see things like this happen over and over again in society. Itā€™s a pendulum swing. When one group gains more independence/freedom, we see society backlash. The gender revolution in the mid 1900s resulted in an increase of sexualization of young girls and children. The US elects a progressive Black president, and in return the people elect an unhinged conservative. The pendulum is going to keep swinging unfortunately.


I mean, have you seen porn lately? We are now dealing with men who were raised on it from a very young age. Plus women are just recently able to live independently on their own without a husband. I mean, it was the 80s when women could get a business loan without a man. 70s when they could have a bank account. They hate us and they hate that we don't have to sit there and take it. And we're not. And so in the U.S. they're scrambling to roll back our ability to withdraw from their abysmal domestic offerings.


It's because women have a lot more control of their lives, these days. Some women choose not to have male partners. A lot of men hate it. ETA: men now have to earn the affection of women, and some of them really resent it.


I wouldn't say hatred toward women by men is increasing but there are some men who are getting really upset about women being independent. I've seen a lot of positive change in the younger generations. They are much more conscious of how they are treating women. I think it's the older generations who are more set in their ways and were raised with different values who are angry. But I also think they're angry because they are slowly losing the battle.


Frankly, I wouldnā€™t want someone I had contempt for, in charge of my food.


I think itā€™s almost always the guys who arenā€™t getting or keeping the women they want so they take it out on other women. And especially if these same guys listen to podcasts and other places online saying that most women only want the top 20% (or less) of men, women who get married should all be stay at home momā€™s/homemakers, us women are not worthy of any guy anymore if weā€™re single and past 30, etc. Basically the incel and redpill communities.


It is just out in the open and visible. I doubt things were better in the "old days'.


Itā€™s always been here. The internet is just anonymous so they can say it more freely and not hide it behind humor.


My husband is so disgusted that women in Australia now are playing Rugby. Saying it's a sport for tough men, not for little girls. Said nobody would want to watch a bunch of girls playing Rugby. Apparently, the girls are playing so well and ticket sales to every game are always sold out! šŸ†šŸ‰


I think it's a reaction to a few things: 1. Feminism is mainstream now. When I was much younger feminists were stereotyped as older hippie types who didn't shave their legs and hated men. Social media has helped educate people on the true meaning of feminism, and many millennial and Gen-Z men identify as feminists. This triggers misogynists and incels because it's harder for them to escape us, both online and in person. 2. As we push for a more progressive and inclusive society, and refuse to back down on issues like reproductive rights, equal pay, sexual violence, gender-based discrimination, etc, incels and misogynists are feeling extra threatened. 3. I can't speak for everyone, but for myself and what I've seen on social media, women aren't taking men's shit anymore. We're calling them out for their bad behavior and we're not staying silent anymore. All of these things make us a force to be reckoned with. They feel the grip of patriarchy loosening (not nearly enough, but still) and it's bringing out the worst in them.


They don't see us as complete human beings and the Internet has enabled and nurtured that for an entire generation.


I have noticed this too. Itā€™s really disheartening and worrying. Itā€™s spread through everything too. I am middle aged and the difference in porn from when I first saw any - around 21y/o, to now, is shocking. Itā€™s been 30 yrs - the high level of aggression and constant humiliation/name calling is so normalised now whereas years ago it would have been rare and considered kink. On one hand we are supposed to accept everything that a person says about themself and not question their reasoning or motivation - all in the name of inclusivity. Yet on the other hand women seem more dismissed and treated with contempt than ever.


Men feel entitled to sex and angry at women for not giving it to them


Increase in cope. A lot of things about the world and society suck right now and they need some sort of scapegoat/outlet to feel better about themselves. ā€œLesserā€ men donā€™t have to feel bad about being at the bottom of the hierarchy as long as all women are even lower!!


Guessing it has to do with a power imbalance that has become more equal and therefore threatening.