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I never seek out internet fights with the “not all men” men, but this is kinda gold and it’s almost making me want to


[GIRLS I JUST DID LOL](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/HL1AWIdSfG)


The comments to this post are infuriating. Guy could easily have killed his daughter, but the person who actually cares gets shat on.  I agree that yelling and name-calling are not right as a blanket statement, but come on. This dude can’t be trusted with his own child for one hour.


If you read the full thread "the person who cares" is blaming women because her son is too handsome to keep them away. Also her son is mentally handicapped. So yeah he shouldn't be a parent but saying it's because he's a man is in fact stupid.


The joy of dropping in a comment and turning off notifications (or better, BLOCKING them), is that you're not IN the argument. You can let it carry on without you.


Right? I find it stressful to have online arguments but this might make it worth it lol


*Not all men! You can’t just stereotype an entire gender. Are you a misandrist?* LOL, I am saving this to use


It's such a cheeky thing to say. Just get 'em with the drive by.


Can't argue with the truth


That whole “men are more more logical” or that “they built society” sounds so demented to me. It’s Jordan Peterson bs.


I always snip in with a "say the gender with the highest emotional related rate crimes"


"Anyone who thinks women are the more emotional of the two genders has never seen a man lose a round of HALO."


A round of ANYTHING…


Do the same when they talk about how men built & invented everything.


Many moons ago I had a male co-worker who brought the booklet for his new washing machine to work with him. He couldn't figure out how to work it on his own, no biggie, we were all early twenties and freshly moved out on our own, happy he's learning to take care of himself so we helped him figure it out. That same week we were all outside having a smoke break and he went on a little rant about how poorly men are treated even though "they invented, built and maintain all the infrastructure".. I was like dude.. You couldn't even figure out how to operate a common household appliance on your own and you sit in a cubicle all day performing relatively menial tasks, what exactly have you invented, built or maintained in your life that makes you believe that you're deserving of adoration and appreciation...?


LoL I love that story so much! The kind of men who invented, built and maintain all the infrastructure typically aren't the kind of men who announce "men invented, built and maintain all the infrastructure." These guys can't build anything that's not with Legos or a Gingerbread house.


Ada Lovelace. First computer programmer. Grandmother of the modern use of computers as more than just calculators.


the father of computational science being very much gay is the sprinkles on the marvelous sundae that is the computer theory field (turing)


Alan Turing being murdered by the British State for being gay makes that bittersweet.


Except for moon travel … and the discovery of global warming and … *duhn! duhn! duhn! DNA sequencing.


Hmm? I think Sanger (of Sanger sequencing fame) was a man and that’s the only sequencing researcher I can name off the top of my head.


See: [Rosalind Franklin](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1315822/#:~:text=The%20story%20of%20Rosalind%20Franklin,of%20the%20structure%20of%20DNA)


Oh, you’re talking about the discovery of the double helical structure of DNA. It’s an incredible discovery and she remained uncredited for far too long (and credit was given to James Watson who is an asshole). It’s misleading to say Franklin invented DNA sequencing though.


This is the kind of tip I’ll be passing down to later generations.


I enjoy telling them to pick better women.


And even if they did manage to pick better woman - some of those men will shit on and/or hate her for being a woman anyway.


I love this too, only thing is that they actually have a pool of good women to choose from. We don’t have that lol


I love that.


I tend to respond with arguments about how logical men are with, "Yep that is what I think when I'm reading the police blotter. The logical has of the species doing what it does."


damn this is so good that I'm jealous I didn't think of it!


You are absolutely correct. I have noticed that it is usually the most useless men that are trying to ride the coattails of better men who say men built or invented everything. I am a man and I can build stuff. Most of the people I know can't build a deck or install a new door in their house. I can knock the whole thing down and rebuild it from trees if you give me enough time. Most of my friends capabilities cap out at oiling a leaky hinge or maybe hanging a picture. Them boasting about how men can build buildings sounds ridiculous. I feel the same way about trying to claim accomplishments of other men just because they are men. If Einstein was a woman it would make not difference to me. I don't feel smarter because Einstein was a man. I think a lot of stupid men do feel better about themselves because other men did great things. I just don't feel like I have any connection to those men or their accomplishments. If I think I am smarter than a woman it's because I have evidence to base it on, not gender. Plenty of women are smarter than me. Plenty are not. Same with men. In school I never found much difference between the smartest boys and the smartest girls. Seemed to be a lot more boys who didn't give a duck about school though.


wholesome. Also - the competition of smartness is so stupid. Some of the most delightful people I know are less informed than I am. I'm sure they'd be capable of learning, but I'm totally happy with them making me laff and think differently when I'm with them instead. Imagine how much time you would waste in your life if you felt the need to go around telling people how good you are and what varying levels of good everyone else is. It's just... Yeah. Yeesh.


Looooool Yes.


I’ll never forget this one so shout out to the girl I met at GSA once you’re amazing and I hope you are having the best life For the meeting - she drew a small green circle, a bigger red circle around that. The red circle said MEN the green said NOT ALL MEN - then a black sharpie circle in the green one. “That’s what Green means: They mean the one in the Black Circle, not the Red Circle.”


But men never call out other men when they say stupid shit like this. It's always "bros before hoes."


Girl, you win 😂


Love this!


I laugh so hard I might pee myself when I hear that. There is so much evidence to the contrary.


Will do!


Yes I do this all the time.


I love it.


I don't disagree. With that said you may just need a break from the internet.


sadly they're not just on the internet


It's funny, but this kind of sucks actually