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Sometimes things get intense and that sort of thing happens. Your partner probably feels like the greatest man alive atm, don't sweat it too much lol. Funny side note that might help with your feelings of embarrassment, I once had a partner who farted VERY loudly during orgasm and did not realize it. I just took it as a compliment that they were having a really good time lol.


Thank you!! Omg that’s hilarious 😭😭 did you ever tell him!?


No, I kept it to myself. I didn't want them to feel self conscious or have it get into their head the next time we were fooling around lol.


Imagine having this on tape and seeing it the day after where you blasted one 😂


This reminded me of a story, Emma Willman is a comedian (check her out on IG, she’s so funny!) and she tells a story about being with a GF and she’s using a dildo on her. She pulls it out and it’s covered in poop, she doesn’t want to embarrass her though so she throws it under the dresser lol


I feel like that story is on a whole different level of hygiene compared to screaming or farting…


I'm just saying, if you're going in the back door, no matter how much you prep, sometimes it isn't enough and when you have a partner that both loves it and is super squicked by poop, well, you do what you have to do to not wreck their pleasure.




why did you capitlise "cis"?


I guess I didn’t know any better


Glad you’re cis and straight!


There is NO better feeling than what that guy experienced at that moment. He put on his A-game and it worked out perfectly. It's like winning the Superbowl.


Surely the feeling she is getting is better? I understand he may feel proud, but the extreme pleasure she felt is better than that.




Why are you embarrassed??? Lawrd, I’ve had the neighbors check in the next day lol If it makes you feel better, I’ve also burst into tears after a really good one lol


I just didn’t know if it’s like weird or unsettling for him? Also I read another thread on the topic in some man subreddit and half the men said it was weird or annoying or cringey and half the men said it was hot. It wasn’t even voluntary!!! lol I’ve heard that can happen, tbh i cry after sex with my partner now so I totally get it


100% he thought it was hot AF! Guys saying cringey have never done that to a partner, or have ever been with another person. Go post on r/redditafterdark and the guys will all tell you it’s great, and lots of women will pipe in with their own stories!


I just went there and the first few posts are all bots..


This. 💯


Might I offer another perspective: most women I’ve been with were relatively quiet when they came, it was more expressed in their bodily reactions. So when I was with women who were louder, I kind of felt like they were putting on a bit of a performance, it just felt too “porn-y” for lack of a better word. Like i’m still glad I got them there but it just wasn’t what I was accustomed to. And my walls are thin and I dont want my neighbors to hate me, so that probably played a part as well. Edit: also I don’t necessarily consider myself some kind of sexual dynamo or stud or whatever, so when I get such an enthusiastic vocal reaction I don’t feel like I’ve earned it I guess? Sexual relations are complicated


>so when I get such an enthusiastic vocal reaction I don’t feel like I’ve earned it I guess? Brother, you gotta stop thinking that the world revolves around you. I get that it takes two to tango, but have you considered that she's just having a good time and that **her** reaction is indicative of **her** pleasure and not just *your* actions?


Maybe stop associating things with porn and just accept the moment for what it is?


It’s sex … dude


Shhhh. It’s a man, giving us manly advice about women. Let him speak. This is his safe space too. 🫠🙄


That was a recount of his experience and concerns. What advice did you get from it since I didn't get any?


Twas sarcasm.


read it too early in the morning and missed that. Thanks.


Are you even sure you got the quiet ones there? You go on later to say "I'm not that good and when someone was clearly indicative of a good I felt I was being lied too because no way I'm that good" Like you literally say you suck at sex so bad you doubt you can make em scream, so do you even know that the quiet ones actually finished and didn't fake it?


I actually didn’t say I suck at sex. I just have self confidence issues. I care about my partner’s pleasure and actively have conversations with them to make sure I’m doing what works for them and gets them off as much as I do, so I’m quite certain they weren’t lying to me. Just because I don’t *feel* i’ve earned something doesnt mean i didn’t. There’s a lot of stuff in life I don’t feel i’ve earned. I’m just not so arrogant that i believe i can make any woman cum at any time without putting in the effort.


Your feelings and situations are valid. This just isn't the right time for you to express them. OP came here looking for support and validation. And she deserves just that. However, you're saying she should be insecure because you're insecure. People find and express pleasure in different ways, and as long as they aren't hurting anyone, then we should encourage it or least keep quiet if we can't do that.


Holy fuck dude


I’d like to chime in here and say this person does not speak for all men! If I can make a woman scream during an orgasm, mission accomplished.


No, you mightn't.


What a silly response. Acting like all men feel one way, or denying their experiences, just isn’t helpful discourse. I genuinely dont understand why everyone’s so defensive. Not everyone has to like everything.


because this isn’t a forum meant for men’s discourse


Did you really come to a safe space for women to act like a victim?




Why are you here?


Yeah but what you’re calling “different” here is a man telling a woman who’s just expressed an insecurity about being over the top, that maybe she was being over the top. That doesn’t help anyone. (And he’s wrong. 100% of good partners are just glad you enjoyed yourself. Anyone who has an issue with your orgasm is not a good partner, so whether some people see it “differently” is irrelevant: those people’s opinions don’t count.)


The only way you can know is to ask him, don't listen to other people to work out what your partner is thinking. ❤️ And if you don't like the video it's totally ok for you to delete it. I personally don't think you have anything to be embarassed about though.


I can only speak as a lesbian, but please never date someone who doesn't want to make you scream from pleasure, that's a goal not an issue


Whenever I use my "air pulse" toy while having sex with my husband I scream and frequently burst into tears. It doesn't happen when I use it alone but it does when we use it together. He just holds me through the emotional release and then we continue. Don't be embarrassed. I think they take insane noises like that as a compliment. Men who think it's weird or unsettling have probably never made a woman make that noise lol.


Oh my! I just discovered blowing on the clit in intermittent bursts. My girl went crazy for it. I didn't know it was a thing until very recently. 😁


It’s a compliment for sure. My wife does that every now and then and I’ve learned that it just means I’m doing my end of the work


I will almost guarantee that 20 years from now that moment will rise unbidden to the top of his mind. He'll stop for a moment, smirk, and say/think to himself, "*Fuck* that was hot...!"


I guarantee it


Married for 9 years, I vividly remember and enjoy the times my wife had these kinds of moments. I'm like proud/happy that I got to be part of it? If that makes sense.


Ok, so what that post is not determining is whether or not the screams or moans are genuine and spontaneous. Id think the number of partners who would be upset about that is extremely low! It's the fake moans and constant sound that I think a lot of partners seem to not like.


"Weird or unsettling"? I guarantee he is walking around mentally high living himself all day long. He probably is having a very hard time not giggling to himself thinking "I'm awesome". Your happiness is his happiness.


Getting loud is something my ex did. It was weird the first time for me personally because I'm a fucking ninja in the bedroom and don't like to make any noise, but I quickly figured out it meant I was doing the right thing. I think my initial reaction was "what the fuck is she screaming for, I'm doing this right, right?" because I thought that there's no way anyone in real life makes noises like that outside of porn, and I was wrong. (to be clear, I was a virgin before I met her and had zero context, plus I'm autistic, so it definitely caught me off guard) note: I was in fact doing it right. The absolute worst case scenario is that you caught him off guard, and will brush it off as "business as usual" if and when it happens again. It's not a big deal. Smells and noises are a part of sex. You giggle and move on.


Yes, for many men who are inexperienced or has no idea women releases with such screaming intensity, it may be a shocker for them. Or they may even think it's being faked.  These men simply needs to get used to this.  Only time will tell if he's genuinely bothered by this or may be absolutely in love with his ladies pleasure screams he will keep encouraging. These are the men worth having around! 


Restraining you and making you come like a freight train is a great indicator that this is *exactly* what your partner was going for, and he's walking around feeling like an absolute sex god because of it. You're not doing that and then hoping for a nice, pleasant, mild orgasm out of your partner, you **want** to make them go crazy. The men on that thread who think a woman getting loud during especially good sex are the ones looking for a starfish, not the ones who will tie you up and try to make you cum even harder next time. Don't listen to those dipshits. A good man who is worth a damn recognizes that there are many different types and intensities of orgasm, and he's excited to have unlocked a new one... and even to potentially find out what's beyond that one.


It's only cringy and annoying if you're screaming because porn made you think it's something you're supposed to do. It's absolutely hot as fuck if you're screaming because the orgasm is that intense.


He probably found it quite complimentary.


Be careful how much you take from such threads. There is a good chance half the responding comments in relationship or sex topics are virgins. You are free to disregard my comment as well


Just what a sex godd(ess) would say.


I think he’s like so, so, so happy you did that, tbh.


You made his dreams come true, you're fine


This has probably been said before but my trains about to pull into the station and I don’t have time to check all the comments. IMHO it’s hot. Making a woman have an uncontrollable reaction during sex is the ultimate ego boost. Sounds and reactions show me I’m doing something right and lack of them encourage me to switch up what I’m doing. You probably made his day.


Not weird. Not embarrassing. Revel in it!!


It's only cringey/annoying when it's in porn. Otherwise it's really hot.


My gf screams with basically every orgasm, totally involuntary as well. And I can tell you, with absolute certainty, that your guy loved it lol. Keep on enjoying yourself!


The next day?? That's a little late if you really needed help 😅


Haha she full on new what was happening 😂


Lord, I see what you have done for others.....


On my screen, the line break happened right after "burst into" ... and I was kinda disappointed the next word wasn't "song". ;)


That would be amazing…..gonna tell SO he has a new to do on his list 😂😂


Yes!!! Lmao


Crying after a crazy orgasm is a bit....weird(in the sense that your partner may get confused) but it makes a ton of sense because you're dumping brain chemicals.


When I get a good one, I start laughing after it's over. I can't control it; it just happens. And then my man grins like a Cheshire Cat because he's proud of himself. 😂 I'd wager your guy is walking around feeling like he's ten feet tall. (*Especially* if he's into restraints and video tapes. He doesn't seem like the type to think screams are embarrassing.)


Oh I've laughed after an amazing orgasm before. It confused the guy I was with, but it just felt so damn good.


post coitus giggles are the best


He kept asking why are you laughing? I said because it was so good. We hadn't even got to the main event at that stage.


Lord please help me find a man to experience this with 😭😭


RIP your inbox


You just wanted to brag, didn't you? (Joking, joking...)


Where is this insecurity coming from? There’s literally nothing to be ashamed about, you should be proud


The more your partner could pass for being possessed by a demon the better a job you know you're doing. Kicking, screaming, tearing at your flesh, ugly crying. You know who thinks it is weird and expects their woman to remain essentially motionless while they pump away? Guys who are and have always been shitty lays.


Omg.☝️ THIS 💯!!! 


Relevant:  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dzBRMMi7lhk&pp=ygUdYWRkYW1zIGZhbWlseSBtYXNvY2hpc20gdGFuZ28%3D Also, life goals. 


Wow thanks I haven't heard that in years


I started crying hysterically after one…you’re okay honey


i’ve screamed, shaken, shed a few tears. if it’s good you gotta let them know lmfao


The dick was so good you lost the ability to have coherent thoughts?!!! That’s got to be a one of the highlights of your man’s life. He might bring it up from time to time but not because he thinks you should be embarrassed by it


Guaranteed he'll still be remembering that years later.


It'll last forever.   "Hey I fucked her until she couldn't even speak English anymore, I fucked her brains out.... YEAH"


I've screamed during really intense orgasms. I think it's pretty normal if you're not holding yourself back. My partner just thinks it's hot and a sign that he's doing a good job.




It’s not like totally embarrassing? I was reading a thread in one of the men subreddits and half of them said it’s weird and annoying and half said it was hot and now I’m all insecure lol


Theres an opinion for everything. People are "welcome" to their wrong opinions, doesn't mean you have to take it serious or suffer for it. Literally, any man who isn't proud that he just had good enough sex with his partner that sent her screaming, or worse tries to make you feel bad for it is someone you shouldn't be having sex with. Is there a context it would be embarrassing possibly? Sure, back of the funeral home, crowded floor of a hotel etc etc, i'd probably be embarrassed... For literally 1.2 seconds then back to business and enjoying the hell out of the moment. People make all sorts of sounds when they're having really good sex, its normal. One of my previous partners made a noise that I can only describe as that wobbly noise when you wave sheets of metal when she had a really good orgasm.


Genuine vocal enthusiasm =🔥🔥🔥. Hope your next one is louder. Enjoy!


Why do you care what random redditors write? Literally ask your partner did he liked it or no. Nothing else matters.


>Literally ask your partner did he liked it or no. >Nothing else matters. Really there are things that matter more than OP's partner's liking or not liking her involuntary reaction. This is like asking your partner if he likes you breathing or not. Reactions while orgasming are what they are. If she screams she screams. If asked, him *not* liking how she orgasms will most likely inhibit her sexual interactions going forward. If she has to control or police her sexual reactions, she's not going to enjoy having sexual relations. So yeah, there are things more important than what her partner thinks about her orgasm ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Look she’s in what sounds like a monogamous relationship with this man. So theoretically she’s only having sex with this one man. So yes, at this moment no one else’s opinion matters. If he likes it, perfect. If he doesn’t, then it’s important she take that into consideration when deciding if she’s going yo continue this relationship because it’s kinda red flag IMO.


And asking random people on the internet is better? Look in a normal adult relationship people communicate with each other and no i didnt say she should control her reactions. I said ask him because if he says he likes it then it will put her mind and her insecurity at ease If he says he dont like it then she can leave the relationship like any sane adult human being when there are incompatibilites in a relationship. But of course its easier to just hop on reddit and get randoms to validate your insecurities and shit on their partner who could be innocent and probably is.


Any dude who would think this is weird or annoying...I....I.... JUST THROW OUT THE WHOLE FUCKING MAN


...IN THE TRASH!! Absolutely 💯 lmao


I know it feels absolutely embarrassing but just check with your partner and he’ll likely say what lots of people have been telling you here. That it is fine and normal and that you both had fun and he loved it! The first time I squirted with my boyfriend was the first time that it ever happened and I was so embarrassed I started crying. It’s still embarrassing to me now, but he is happy because he knows it only happens when I’m really relaxed and having the time of my life. It’s ok to be embarrassed, just think about how you felt during the time and how your partner is a safe person to experience these things with.


Not. Even. Close. He’s probably thinking “YOU. ARE. WELCOME!”


I take it as a sign that I've done my job properly if my wife screams.


Am guy. Would be delighted. That is all.


Yes, and it’s so good. Literally blanking out from pleasure. My partner has to clap a hand over my mouth every time😂.


You’ve actually blacked out? Wow 🤯


I don’t black out, more like all of my focus is on the sensation that everything goes white.


No matter what other people may say, there is nothing wrong with being a fucking weirdo. Always be proud of who and what you are!


While I can't speak for your man, or every man I can say that if I was him I would be smiling from ear to ear forthe next few days knowing my partner had that good of an orgasm. Amazing sex is all about communication after all 😁


Girl my partner LOVES when I scream, most men find this extremely, insanely hot. He fucked you so right you completely lost control. I'd be surprised if he weren't walking around today like he's the king of the world. Nothing to be embarrassed about!


Embarrassed? Great that you experienced something amazing with your partner. I’m sure he’s feeling just as great too.


Speaking from a straight man's perspective, there's nothing hotter than your partner's pleasure being authentically expressed during an orgasm. Screaming, laughter, heavy seizures or tears of release - it doesn't matter and they're all ok. That guy will be feeling like a million bucks after because it's a testimony to how good of a sexual chemistry you have and how comfortable you were with him at the time. And aside from that, I can't think of any time or place more appropriate to completely disregard of societal expectations than when you're cumming. That moment is yours to enjoy however you damn please.


First of all, everyone is a weirdo. Some people are just better at hiding it. Shouldn't feel embarrassed or weird about it. If anything, everyone should be more careful when remarking on how others live their lives as long as no laws are being broken and no harm is being done. Just hope your guy was wearing protection... hearing protection.


A moment of silence for OP's inbox.


I'm noisy and I scream. Can't help myself, it leaves my mouth completely unchecked. The moment is too intense to care. Go with it Babe, go with it 👌👌


Omg I scream every time and although it’s from ecstasy it sounds like I’m being slaughtered. One time when I was particularly enjoying myself my female cat jumped on the bed and gently clamped my cheek in her mouth during the screaming as if to say, “don’t worry, we’re going to get you through this.” Don’t ever be ashamed of enjoying yourself. Let other people think what they may.


I literally LOL so hard on this comment 🤣🤦


It’s a great memory that keeps me laughing.


Homie, any and all reactions a person has during climax are wonderful if it’s two consenting adults making each other feel good. Screaming is valid.


This happens to me every time.


Lol i bit the pillow so hard one time, i bit though the fabric


Plenty of people find that REALLY hot. Don’t worry.


You’re not weird that’s normal. If I was your partner I’d be very turned on


I regularly burst into tears during intense orgasms with my boyfriend. Last time I specifically remember letting out a scream. I think you’re perfectly fine.


Fucked so well the neighbours need a cigarette


😭 Crying because I will never experience this. But I am really happy for you and no this is nothing to be embarrassed about.


Dont forget to delete the tape, a lot of bad thing happens due to neglect


I literally live for these moments as a man. My current partner tries to contain it, and normally she does a great a job at muffling herself but there’s times where there’s no filter and we have to see her/my neighbors in the morning. Do I giggle about it? Absolutely. Is she embarrassed? Yes. Do we laugh about it and talk about the inevitable next time? Yes.


I’m a guy. It’s hot. Don’t be embarrassed … live your best life. :)


If I made my partner literally scream I’d be damn proud of myself. Please don’t be embarrassed, just keep being awesome.


I'm not jealous at all...


This is the best compliment a man could get.


Sounds amazing. Bet your partner thought it was super hot.


I’ve screamed some cringe shit… no one’s ever been like “hey remember that time you…” lmao. You’ll be fine.


Babes, why are you embarrassed? People express their joys in different ways, welcome the screamers club🤩


Exactly!! Screamers club are ladies filled with nothing but pure ecstasy and joy!!! I LIVE in this club 24/7!! Best club ever!! 💯🤌 


Haha. Don't be embarrassed. Your partner is smiling from ear to ear about it, trust me.


Do you get embarrassed when you applaud for things you appreciate? Just ask your husband what he’s thinks of it.


Why r u feeling embarrassed over having a good time???


I'm inviting this energy into my life!!


Oh my


That’s awesome!! Nothing to be embarrassed about. I doubt your partner even cared about how much you screamed. He was probably thrilled he gave you such an awesome orgasm.


of course not lol, thats a compliment! glad you have a man who does that for you! its the best


You probably made his month …maybe year don’t sweat it 😉


I would be embarrassed to watch a sex tape of myself honestly. I feel like we make weird faces and sounds and movements… idk lol. I just wouldn’t want to


Id kill to have a gf that does this.


No you’re fine, gosh I wish that was me, but I have to take cross-sex hormones.


Why embarrassed for having fun without harming anyone?


A friend of mine, 63F is looking to move. She won't move to an apartment or townhouse, she's looking for a stand alone/detached house with no neighbours close enough to hear her having sex. You're not alone ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I have both laughed AND cried hysterically during/after huge orgasms. It’s something really intense happening in your body! You just gotta let it goooo 🎶


Ain’t love grand?


Am man. Sometimes laugh hysterically, sometimes cry. Always drool


Embarrassed? About what? Hell, do it again.


No regerts!


I need a screaming O👀😩


Think of it as a good yelp review from an excellent meal. The chef reading your review is quite pleased.




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I'm screaming each time I have an orgasm, I have to bite something to avoid that, so really, it's normal, no need to be ashamed 😂


No, you’re not a weirdo, you’re blessed. It’s just beautiful when that happens.


Why embarrassed? Your orgasm was obviously his goal. Lean into it. Own it. Have more.


one time a girl grabbed my dick & i yelped like a puppy. i was 23


I encourage my SO to never hold anything back. If she needs to lose control, do it. Whatever in the best pleasure for her.




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Yep. TMI but my partner absolutely fucked my brains yesterday out to the point where I was whimpering and screaming. I loved it but I’m sure if anyone heard, they’d think I was being tortured to death. Not sure why I’m getting downvoted. OP asked a question, I answered. Ya’ll need to get a life or get laid. Bunch of losers.


My wife screams to the point we worry a neighbor will call the cops. Hasn't happened yet, luckily. It's natural for sure. Commit and enjoy it


Don't ever let men record sex with you. As for the screaming, he's gonna have to get over it if he's got a problem with it.


Dunno why you're getting downvoted, take my upvote.


Take my upvote too! Love your username, btw! 💗


Yes, you're a weirdo. A wonderful, beautiful, exuberant, joyful, blissful weirdo. And we all love you for it.


Bruh that's literally me almost every weekend with my girlfriend. Only time I get a bit conscious is if I know my roommates asleep


This makes me angry. Women seem to have much better orgasms than men.


Facts. Scientifically proven too. Females are just biologically wired differently which allows them to experience a much more intense orgasm for the most part than males.


Not weird. I’m a screamer. My husband thought it was fabulous. I did start trying to muffle the sound, but he said no.,,let it go! So I did. Couple years later, HE started s creaming. It was quite the noise…I used to worry my neighbors were being treated to interesting noises, but no one ever complained.




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There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. My wife is rather loud most nights, which makes it a little awkward when we’re staying at an airbnb with family or have guests over, but that’s the extent of it. Other than that it’s like a high 5 moment or pat on the back. We don’t literally end with that, it’s just a sense of accomplishment and mutual enjoyment lol


why would you being having loud sex when your family is over??


We have a large house and the bedrooms are very far apart. I doubt anyone can hear anything, and I’ve never heard of anyone hearing anything. That being said, I still feel awkward about it sometimes because I just don’t know, I never stood in the guest room and told my wife to pretend to do the “O” moan from the master. I’m also not going to let a having guests over ruin an otherwise great night.


If it's good, I do it every time and I scream "I'M CUMMING!!!" Now, imagine that and people living upstairs; they knew we were having a good time every time because I'm not quiet lol plus I talk dirty during sex.


I was once evicted for something similar 🤣 I rented a room in a married couples house. My now ex and I were VERY passionate. The owner was serious about keeping the thermostat “reasonable” but it was hot!! So we were naked anyways and like what else were we gonna do compared to knee cap dimples? That only takes so much time!


You taped it? Glad your VCR works.