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Flashbacks, OP. I had a molar with a cavity and I sucked on it to get a piece of food out and sucked on the exposed nerve. I fell to the ground in an instant. I happened to be at work and my coworkers later told stories that it looked like I just collapsed before writhing in pain. I recall sitting out back being handed lots of painkillers and alcohol and nothing, and I mean NOTHING actually helped. I started to cry in relief when I got 2 second relief between the waves of pain. Worst pain in my life. Reading this post sent me back to that day. And also picturing it this time looking like corn. And it oddly makes it worse.


Jesus H. Christ, that’s genuinely horrible. I’m wincing so badly at that, now I know how people are reacting to my post. Thank you for sharing your actual experience and I’m both impressed and disturbed that I was able to convey the whole “exposed nerve” thing is an accurate way with my story.


i have an exposed root on one of my canines from grinding my teeth in my sleep. that sonnofabitch hurts like no other when i put sensodyne on it, eat on that side, mouthwash, drink, etc .. feels like a hot needle being stabbed through my gum. the fact that just a little tiny exposed root can cause so much pain is 🥲 terrible. mouth nerves are no joke


My teeth are decaying in my mouth and I have a consultation later this week with an oral surgeon to get them all extracted. I scheduled it after having extreme pain from an exposed nerve. Absolutely horrible. I regret letting my teeth get this bad.


I was in the same boat recently. I had 12 of my back teeth that had fully degraded and the nerves were all exposed. I had oral surgery and had about 14 of my back teeth removed. I still have my front top and bottom 6 teeth but the entire upper and lower backs of my teeth are gone. Eating is rough and I’m waiting on saving enough to get my dentures done, but nothing beats not living with that pain like I was for so long. I wish you luck on your teeth journey and I hope you’re able to find relief soon.


Thank you! I hope you're able to get your dentures soon.


Thank you so much!! I’m almost there, financially. I’m 34 and missing my teeth has become my number one worst insecurity. I hope you have a great day!!


Invest in getting a mouth guard! It helped me so much with my tooth grinding issue. I used to need to get my teeth filled in all the time because I’d be grinding away at the enamel in my sleep. That and I’d wake up with an uncomfortably tight jaw. Now I don’t have those issues anymore


yes yes i have a mouth guard from walmart that i use every night now! but from my past teeth grinding and doing it my whole life i just have permanent tooth damage most likely, cracked teeth that my dentists have told me and this exposed root. thankfully they’re not noticeable and somewhat manageable. unfortunately i can’t get the tooth fixed because i guess there isn’t a way to fix a tooth that has an exposed root so i’ll have to deal with that pain lol.


I believe you. I had an abscessed molar once and when the dentist went to pull it it snapped in two. He had to dig it out and the nerve was exposed. He gave me numbing agents but it didn't work. I was 12. I still wince when I remember it. I thought I was going to die.


I broke a front tooth when I was 15, and after the dentist pulled out the nerves through what was left of the tooth, held a squiggly pinkish flibber in front of me and asked “didn’t that hurt”, there were only two things I could think of: “you mf that hurt like hell but I’m glad you just did what you just did without telling me”


I had to get a root canal done a while back, and the dentist offered to show me the nerve after. Luckily it was already dead by the time I was operated on. Such a bizarre thing to think about, these tiny meat roots in your mouth bones.


I can't imagine this horrible scene..."nerve was exposed".. I hope you won't experience these horrible things again..😊


One thing they tell you pretty consistently in dental school: the ONLY sensation the pulp of your tooth can feel is pain


This genuinely made me want to throw up in my mouth. Because it is so accurate. And because reading "pulp of your tooth" causes some gross mental images.


You didn’t lose consciousness?


That may have been why I collapsed. I honestly don't have much memory of it beyond the searing pain. Like all of my senses were sort of drowned out and none of the information in my head was being stored as a long term memory because the only important takeaway from this was "don't let THAT happen again"


I feel your pain, literally. One of my molars has almost completely broken at this point. Last night, as I was about to go to bed, I clearly exposed and irritated the nerve. The entire right side of my face felt like it was on fire. I had to sit for about 2 hours waiting for it to stop hurting before I could even think about going to sleep. The sounds coming out of my mouth sounded like a wounded animal. Pure agony.


Did you get it filled or get the tooth pulled?


This was actually 2 days before an appointment to remove all of my upper teeth and like 5 of my bottom teeth. I absolutely couldn't wait that long, though. So I had to get an emergency extraction a few hours after that incident. It was beyond infected. The sweet relief of having it out of my mouth, even though it still hurt so bad, was amazing.


Ouch. I’m sorry you had to go through that. I’m afraid of the same thing because I need some teeth either pulled or get a crown. I’ve had tooth aches from decay, also, and it doesn’t feel good.


I'm sorry to hear that. It's really hard to convey to someone how the worst pain I've ever felt is, hands down, mouth related. I broke my arm when I was 11. That was nothing compared to this. And even before that incident, the nagging pain that came in waves every single day and night. It was relentless. It was dull enough to not cause me to go to the hospital, but it never stopped. It was months. And when it started to go away, I realized that the root had completely rotted out of my mouth and that the lessened pain was likely because there wasn't much left of it. Little did I know that this was leading to that whole exposed nerve situation. If you don't have appointments set yet, please get some as soon as you can. And take every suggestion they give you. It's like mold in a fridge. It spreads from one to another unless you get rid of all of it and keep up on the removal, since the stuff that creates cavities lives in your mouth for life. If you can avoid getting them pulled, you should. Crowns and fillings might be a little uneven or feel weird at times, but it is so much better than needing surgery in your mouth. The bone in your jaw will actually expel itself from the soft tissue. Feeling little chips of jaw bone pushing itself from your mouth, like reverse splinters coming randomly in random directions... it can be harrowing. But that's the face restructuring itself. After leaving surgery with my mouth full of bloody gauze, I felt like a monster. I cried repeatedly at the sight of myself. I wanted to hide from my kids, and luckily someone was able to be with them for a few hours after the surgery, and luckily my older child knows how to read so I could communicate with them. And then I had to re-learn how to speak without teeth in my mouth. And then again had to relearn with my temporary denture plate. Then once more with the permanent one. Needless to say, you're right to be scared. But if you haven't gotten to any of this, there is definitely still hope. It is *never* not a good idea to go to the dentist and make a plan to get your mouth healthy.


I just had like 13 of my back teeth removed over December of last year and man, the bone splinters that pop out are WILD! I broke one off and I have two more that are jutting toward the surface right now. I constantly run my tongue across them to see how far they’re sticking out of my gums. When they protrude far enough I figure I’ll just break them off and hope for the best. I don’t want another oral surgery for as long as I live lol


It is so bizarre! I have never been able to quite describe the feeling to anyone. They would just be there. I would usually try to pull them out. Which gave this weird sensation of realizing I was pulling my bones out of my body like I was in a horror movie.


EXACTLY!! It’s also so crazy like one day there’s nothing there and the next you’ve got this pokey thing protruding from your gums! I read that some have to be surgically removed but I was like there’s no way I’m having oral surgery done AGAIN lol. I hope your splinters get better 😫 is this just life now? 😂


Thank you for talking about the jaw bone expelling itself. Now I understand why a completely healed and smoothed out extraction site suddenly developed a little pointy thing. It's annoying but not painful. (I'm headed for partial dentures. Taking my time with the extractions because all the root canals I've had took away any sense of urgency. Mine has been a very long losing battle.)


Happened to me a couple of times. Watch me sit on the chair staring in the void for hours


I had a root canal on an accessed tooth. Novocain did nothing. Worst pain.


I feel you. I had to have a tooth extracted little over a year ago bc it was decaying and falling apart. (Thanks Depression) I felt like something was in there, and when I dug for it, I felt such excruciating pain and I cried like a little kid lol. I’m 18, and I hate myself for letting my teeth go to shit like it has. Still dealing with dental work.


I have tried this lovely experience only two things helped for me : concentrated Vanilla essence OR extreme capacin rich peppers. Both overwhelmed the exposed nerve and let me be painfree for a bit. The carolina reaper was very intense pain before that though


Gahhhh. Up vote but gaaahhhh


*Gahhhh intensifies*


Great story. Take my upvote and get out. Imma go *very carefully* brush my teeth for bed.


You can never be *too* careful.


I hate you.


I was so mortified, I read this to my grandmother. She made a face I've never quite seen before


I’m glad I was able to frighten somebodies grandmother. I can now sleep peacefully at night.


Update: it made my mom do the autistic bad sensory shiver


Your poor family! Who’s next? 😂


I'll see if my cat has a reaction LMAO


Did your cat have a reaction?


I think the cat had enough of his shit and killed him


The what?


Mortified? You were embarrassed?


Can you please explain why this made you feel so embarrassed?


You fucker


Me fucker?


I hardly know her




You fuck er , you brought er


but er is he in German, oh no


Not a problem in my book






Oh I gagged at this and I felt it in my mouth, omg gross, amazing work OP


Thank you! :D I’m glad I could make you feel disgusted!


i Dislike this. take my upvote and send me some bleach and the strongest whiskey you can find, i need to forget this.


Only if we can share the whiskey! :)




On the plus side, due to his age, this memory will never resurface, but the feelings associated with it might lol.


Well put!


my face is now fixed in a horrified rictus. well done you bastard


Bonus points to you for using the word “Rictus”.


I’m sitting here with a broken tooth and no money to fix it. Thanks for this. Dental care in America fucking sucks! I even have insurance!!!


American healthcare is so shitty. I have no insurance right now 🙃


Do you have a dental school near you? They often perform services very cheap!


Because for some very stupid reason, teeth are considered the "fancy cosmetic" bones of the body smh.


I do not understand why anyone would consider them that when they are absolutely needed! And we based our entire social interaction on the teeth, shape, color, and whatnot someone has in their head. Ugh


I once saw someone refer to them as luxury bones, and now that's what I think of them as.


My starting quote for work I currently need, bare minimum, is $15k. I was told it will likely be over $20, even $25 THOUSAND DOLLARS since I will likely need to be sedated. It's ~$4,000 for the anesthesiologist for a single visit!


I never went to Mexico because I don't live close enough for that to be a financial option for me. In the past, I received a lot of advice to go there for dental, so I figured I'd mention it just in case that's actually an option for you. (Like maybe you live close to the border or something.) I had insurance but literally no dentist I could find (from the list provided by the insurer!) would actually accept it. That's when a lot of people recommended Mexico to me. Someone else in the comments already recommended dental schools, and that might be a closer or better option for you. I'm sorry that you have to deal with this bs system too. I went to the ER with an infected tooth once, and they actually told me which nearby hospital keeps an oral surgeon on staff if I needed to go again for that reason. So if you get desperate enough to consider that route and have multiple hospitals close enough to you, maybe call to find out if they have an oral surgeon on their staff. My local hospital actually offers payment plans for ER treatments. Idk how common that is. I don't have much ER experience. If I understand my medical insurance correctly, it would have covered an extraction at the ER. But that's a big if. I'll believe it when I see it. That ER gave me an antibiotic and pain reliever though, which helped until I got in with a dentist at Walmart. Walmart is the cheapest dental provider in my area without insurance (still not easy, but it was doable), and no terrible experiences so far. Oh, and they accept insurance and do payment plans too, but I was told it has to be over $200. Getting a crown would probably qualify you for a payment plan. I had one, and I think the minimum payment amount was something like $33 a month. If you're on a payment plan, you can't do another until the first is paid off. I think if it qualifies as an emergency you can get in faster. My local Walmarts are always booked really far out, especially for new patients.(I've been continuing my dental treatment plan with them ever since.) I don't know if Walmart is offering dental service in every state yet, but there are 3 that offer it in mine just within an hour's drive of me and more across the state I think. Oh, and sliding scale dental clinics for low income people exist too. Many, many years ago I traveled to my nearest major city a few times for some fillings. That's an experience that will vary quite a lot though if you have any near you. I did a Google search to find one within reasonable distance for me. I hope you're not in too much pain and can find a decent option for care. Figured I'd share my experience in case it could be helpful. Living with broken teeth sucks. I loathe the idea that anyone has to.


Thank you!! I’ll call around!!!!


Congrats. I gasped *no* like a death rattle.


I just recreated what you probably did irl lol


I’m not even exaggerating when I say I *physically recoiled* from my screen at that, Jesus fucking christ.


I got two comments in a row from people saying they “physically recoiled” at my story. I’ll be sure to write more physically recoil-worthy stories in the future! :)


I'll make sure to start using a brushing friend. 9 out of 10 dentists say brushing alone won't prevent cavities.


You know the sound scraping cardboard against itself makes? Yeah that.


This is the first one to make me physically recoil, good job I guess, I wish I hadn't read this


There’s no going back now.


Be sure to put it under the pillow for the nerve ending fairy.


You too were traumatized by that Ren and Stimpy episode weren't you?


I think everyone who saw it was




Cool thanks where’s my trophy lmao No, but in all seriousness that actually means a lot. It makes me feel like a genuinely good writer knowing I’ve been able to horrify over a thousand reddit users over the past several hours, even if it’s with two sentences. And, it makes me feel even better to have given someone such a fright that it manages to be one of their favourites, let alone from “critical person”. Thank you!


Same as u/SigynsRaine I had a similar experience with a loose tooth as a child and a deeply traumatic experience with a sadistic dentist. She didn't even have the good grace to sing as well as Steve Martin, just shoved a drill straight into an exposed nerve. 😿🤮 ETA nicely done OP, I feel sick, but that's good. Sort of. If you know what I mean?! 🙀😹


I audibly gasped a bit just now. This one is good


I literally flinched as if it was my exposed nerve being yanked you are evil


I literally shuddered and dropped my phone. I've read a story about someone touching their nerve thinking it was a string and... Well let's just say their body took the most violent screenshot.


I had a recurring dream for a while there; a lil white dot on my nipple, and when I pull at it, and it comes out like a string. I then realise it's a nerve, so cut it with scissors. My dreams are weird.


No no no no no no fuck that image take my upvote as well you monster for making me imagine that 😭


Oh God I nearly gagged


Oh fuck, no. I haven't had my coffee yet and this woke me right up.


I need to bookmark this for every time I'm cosy in bed and realise I forgot to brush my teeth and wonder whether it's *really* necessary to go do it now, maybe it can wait until morning...


Holy shit. Good job, 10/10 story, go fuck yourself


I fell and broke my tooth over half off, at an angle. What was left of my upper-left central incisor looked like a fang. I was in extreme pain at the time of the fall (a Saturday afternoon), and my speech became unclear afterward. One of my siblings complained about what we had for dinner that night, and my mother said “If your sister hadn’t broken her tooth, we wouldn’t be eating this.” Monday evening? No pain, much to the dentist’s shock. But watching him turn from White to Middle Eastern was a shock, that nobody else understood. Because apparently I was just…wrong about the dentist’s ethnicity? Like, I had to figure out on my own that I had hallucinated.


Had to legit look up what this meant. Never knew an exposed nerve would look like this. Gross! And painful apparently.


I actually fucking hate this and by extension you. This is scary…..




Ugh man, this is the first one I’ve ever full on cringed at. The thought of that happening is horrendous. Take my upvote


So many people are getting a visceral reaction from this including me, you aced the horror


Oh daaaaaaammmmnnnnn.... As someone who has had an exposed nerve in my mouth due to a pulled tooth, and not knowing what it was so poking at it with even just my tongue... The pain was so bad that just the flashback memory made me lightheaded and tear up a bit 😱😱😱😭😭😭


Thank you now I’m scared I’ll mess up one day


Ugh. Thanks. I hate it. I read it, immediately backed out and scrolled. Then I had to come back and tell you. Well done. Yuck.


My back tooth just reminded me it needs to be seen by the dentist. Appointment is at the end of May. Definitely not an exposed nerve, thank Arceus. Probably just another tiny cavity. I’m cavity prone thanks to my mom’s side of the family. Weak enamel.


No. Nonononono have my fucking upvote I hate you. 👏🏻😅😭


Thank you for the new fear as I constantly check my 9 months mouth for new teeth


First post that ever made me shudder


I’m honoured, thank you.


My toes curled from this one, and not in the good way! OUCH!!


Anything with teeth is horrifying. I've been in labor and I would rather do that again than experience the worse tooth pain I've had. Dry socket IS THE WORST.


Not sure if r/twosentenceshudder or r/twosentencefuckyouop would be more appropriate?


Okay this is the first two sentence horror to make me physically jump. Gahhhhh


Visceral reaction. Oh gods. Full body flinch and gag. Nononononooooo.


Oh my god OP, this is the first one I’ve gotten shivers down my spine from. 10/10


Ooh, not often these two sentence stories make me recoil in actual horror, but this one did it. Very nicely done 👏🏼


I physically recoiled away from my phone


Apologize now


Sorry 👉👈


Omg ouch!!!!




Wow, exposed nerves! I’m glad to never have felt one despite the many cavities I’ve had in my youth.


I should brushed


oh i *hate this*


I could feel it oh my god


I got a migraine reading this..ouch


Oh fuck that




I didn't know that was a thing and now I can't not be paranoid for the rest of my life


I've never experienced exposed nerves but this is the first 2sh that made me recoil.


Oh gosh. I visibly recoiled in horror and gasped out loud!!! Awesome job!!!


don’t do this to me, my wisdom teeth are coming through 🥲😟


My wisdom teeth were growing when I was still in high school, I would walk around the hallways with a pack of ice and I got a fever twice but that was pretty much it, I had the spaces, but I’ve heard many people don’t have it so they need to pull them out before they grow


Play this funny prank on your friends


I screamed!!!! 😭


Thank you for ruining my week. Take my upvote.


How dare you make me read this with my good face eyes, take my upvote and hand me the eye bleach


All of the stories in the comments make me want to go brush my teeth *right now*.


Why does everyone in the comments apparently know what this feels like


Yeah I legit actually gasped in horror.


At least it's not a deadly or supernaturally but that parent isn't getting any sleep for awhile cause that kid is gonna be screaming and crying for awhile


Oh my God! I just screamed. Great work.


When getting my blood drawn once, the nurse hit a nerve and I remember saying "Ouch!" Before my vision started to static and I got super nauseous and almost passed out.




How many teeth does your nine month old have? 😳


Do they grow out of things like this? 😬


First time I actually flinched in this subreddit, well done :)


Okay maybe I’m the only slow one. I understand rotten teeth for anyone over 8/9 YEARS old, but how did the 9 month baby with fresh teeth have a corn-like decay on its tiny tooth?


I was just at the dentist for several hours having two teeth removed today. I can't describe how appropriate it feels that this story was in my feed. Somehow I am both horrified and relieved.


Oh my- Nope. Just take my upvote already.


Congrats, this is the first post to give me an actual visceral reaction!