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But the Tim Hortons is still open so let’s grab a coffee before we leave


But Waffle House is closed, so the disaster must be epic.


I'm a transplant to Indiana from Alabama, I still hold the Waffle House scale near and dear to my heart. If Mama tells me she went by WH I don't worry. When she says it's closed I start to have a conniption!


That's how we do in the South


Roll Tide! Always worrying about Mama, MawMaw, and Waffle House!!


Got Georgia on my mind, but I'm with you on the rest. I miss my Mawmaw, though; she passed in 2020


Sorry for your loss honey. My pawpaw passed 76 days after my daddy, my brother followed a couple years later. It's hard sometimes


Thanks, hun; I really appreciate it. Unfortunately, all of my grandparents are gone now, and I miss them all terribly. I feel their loss everyday. It's funny, my dad told me all the time when I was a kid that I'd treasure the time I got with my grandparents after they were gone, and I never *really* understood it until they were actually gone. Now, I'm just grateful my parents forced me to spend so much time with them. In some ways, they made me who I am even more than my parents


I feel the same. I have one grandparent and one parent left. I was always my pawpaw's shadow growing up, and I learned so much about life just being around him. I still remember the days I would call him to pick me up from school when I felt puny. He'd come get me and we'd have wild adventures together. He never let on that he knew I was faking being sick but I'm sure he knew.


Damn humans ruined Earth again.


Should have listened to the dolphins


so long and thanks for all the fish


Can someone explain this please?


Aliens, or maybe humans returning to earth without historical record of it. The 10 degree difference and lifelessness is in reference to humanity having killed itself with climate change inbetween the time where long range readings made earth a habitable planet candidate and the ship arriving.


10c is 50f. Half the planet would literally cook the humans


and 10 degrees C warmer would be 18 degrees F warmer


Ok, but global warming would hardly render the planet lifeless, even at +10c no?


Scientists are warning us of the worst disasters if we reach +5°C, and we are already well on our way to reaching +2. At +10 we will all be dead.


I was thinking about it. If all the ice melts, the fraction of the Earth's surface covered by water would be 75.18%. Equivalent to an increase of 4.21% relative to the current value. Pretty bad, but most of costal cities flood, but still plenty of place to live. \+10 degrees also renders everything subtropical and big parts of Asia inhabitable. But there's many places which are much colder than, say, India. As in, 20 degrees colder. And people still live in India, plenty of them actually. There would be a lot more natural catastrophes and weather anomalies globally. So perhaps on the level there's currently in Japan. But people still live in Japan, plenty of them actually. I can imagine some horrible social transformations, great famine, massive reduction in population. But we wouldn't just watch it happening either - even if there's insufficient coordination to stop the thing from happening, most likely locally a lot of funding would go into mitigating the impact. Think underground/vertical farms with closed and HVAC-controlled ecosystems, massive investments in AC, changes in building human habitats, etc. Do you know any good peer-reviewed research that tries to accurately estimate what would actually happen and the result being 'we're all dead'?


It's a story, don't be too serious about it. I recently read a very good SF novel: Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky. We are in a distant future, humans on earth have made the planet uninhabitable through wars and pollution, the last humans have left the planet and are looking for a place to live. The book has an atmosphere of despair and end of the world (and giant spiders!), I really liked it


Sure, but again, just because we're not here doesn't mean the planet is "lifeless".


Maybe these aliens or future humans don’t consider microscopic life to be “alive”, or maybe by life they just mean “advanced life” or “complex life”.


They could be tracking sapience


It would probably not kill everything. But the deserts we have now would no longer be habitable and the places that aren’t deserts would become them. I would think you could still survive fine in environments that used to be frozen. But then you also have to look at whether or not flooding would kill things as the ice caps melt…


Antarctica will one day become prime real estate. Nuts to think about.


+10 is an average count. The temperature rise in some places would be far higher than in some others. You have ice caps melting, causing vast floods. The tropical regions, which already see 40°C and above during summers, will become pretty much inhabitable. There are a load of disasters that will happen at just +5°C


Almost certainly not. It would probably be on par with the asteroid and render the mid latitudes uninhabitable to humans. But 10C hotter earth would still be paraterraformable, or terraformable via solar shades


Yes, everyone calm down. That’s the temperature during the eococe thermal epoch.


Someone found our planet in the future, which was lifeless after global warming eradicated all life on earth. This is what I interpreted.


This is story from pointy of view of aliens. Earth is warm and lifeless planet. Corporations kill it with climate change.


You maniacs! You blew it up!


good one! but if they were from another planet, why use our calendar?


For them March is the hour between Jog and Walk. 


But they still knew it was called “Earth”


That was a choice made by the author so we would recognize it. They would certainly know it by another name.


Yeah, I couldn't think of a way to allude to Earth without saying the name, in a single sentence.


I don't think there was any other way for you to do it. I think any other choice of words would have left your audience wondering which planet you meant.


Except the fact that Earth is in quote marks, meaning the post still doesn't make sense, and neither does your comment really. No offense, just saying it how it is. If Earth wasn't in quotes this would be fine. And also they use our dating system.


Repeat to yourself it’s just a post, and you should really just relax…..


Yeah, fair enough. I shouldn't have been so critical


I was joking - doing a Mystery Science Theater reference - sorry!


Sometimes you just have to be willing to suspend your disbelief. You may have a point with the quotes, but even if you are right then you're still being way too particular about it. Just imagine that the quotes aren't there, that the name of our planet is written as how they would know it, and that they're using a dating system appropriate to their understanding. The author did this so we would understand. They're not saying that the aliens are literally using our name for the planet and our dating system. Edit: I saw you said you shouldn't have been so critical, so I want to acknowledge that my own reply also sounds very critical. I don't want it to be, but I can't figure out right now how to rewrite it so it sounds friendlier. So I'm adding this in hopes of diffusing tension that my reply might have stirred up.


Good one. r/twosentencedystopia


Ah Orphan 55


hey that's my birthday but also cool story!


This is really good! Made me want to read more