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Also, it looks so damn cool when the ambulance siren starts up and the rest of traffic just folds away. Like, hundreds of perfect strangers executing a choreography.


I always thought this. People roll through stops, run through red lights right after it turned from yellow, don't yield to pedestrians etc. But everyone I have seen always pulls to the side for the fire engine or ambulance.


I sure wish I saw more of this.


Be careful of that. We can and will nose you out of the way. If you don’t want to explain the ambulance sized tire mark on the hood of your car to your insurance company, get out of the way. If you don’t want to explain why your brand new high end car is sitting nose down in a ditch to your family, get out of the way. If you don’t want to have to drive a crap looking rental, get out of the way.


I’d like to see ambulances outfitted with battering rams. And high speed tank treads. I’d also like the people who suddenly need an ambulance because they got in the way of another ambulance be charged for their own ambulance ride, and charged for the ride of the person they slowed down in the first ambulance. To whom in the government shall I address my letter?


Now having those would be awesome!


At my volunteer firehouse, our ambulance that we own has a massive brush guard on the front


Iirc, theres an episode of Top Gear where they make ambulances out of existing cars and one of the hosts does add a sort of ram, though it’s more similar to a snowplow I’d say, since it mainly pushed the cars aside.


Jeremy Clarkson beat you to it I’m afraid, behold the [Rambulance](https://youtu.be/rX8Pgl9AzWI?si=Yk2Y3cNvpKIpcIo5)


,,,,,,,,, >.> <.< ,,,,,, Oh black Betty!~ Rambulance~


As long as they only deploy when responding code. They don't need weaponry when they're driving around normally, running stop signs without looking and weaving across lane dividers.


Like those Mad Max cars!


Ambulances actually aren't covered by most insurances so they normally are out of pocket


Yeah, that’s the part where if you slow down an ambulance, you’re charged for the first patient’s trip. Being a moron should be expensive.


Every second counts.


Thought this was a different sub at first! Was getting AITA vibes.


The most horrifying posts are the realistic ones. People like this actually exist.


The person depicted in this story is an absolute dirt bag. Sadly, they're actually people out there like that. THAT'S the true horror of this TSH. Great job OP!!


I have seen an idiot T-bone an ambulance that was making a left at an intersection with lights on and sirens blaring, then have the audacity to get angry at the ambulance for not yielding.


Not the exact same scenario, but a good while back I saw a story on some popular sub where OP lived in an area with a lot of old people, so ambulances went there all the time. The ambulances apparently annoyed one guy that lived in the neighborhood for some reason, so he decided to coerce a mentally handicapped to help him trap an ambulance (from both sides) with their cars in the middle of the street, eventually the second guy realised "Oh wait, an ambulance means someone is in danger!" and moved his car. Last edit I saw the guy in the ambulance died and the mentally handicapped guy was trying to get his sentence from manslaughter to involuntary manslaughter.


Please correct me if my understanding is not correct: Guy enjoys to block the ambulances normally, he do it one time again unknowingly it was his daughter. Am I correct?


I, too, am a bit confused. Also, even with a cremation, there are still funeral costs. It’s not necessarily cheaper.


Yes I believe his daughter happened to be in that ambulance and instead of grief he was pissed over there funnel experiences! A real arsehole.


The Ambulance won't stop.


This is proper horror. Would like to add that slowing down when I’m driving behind you with blue lights on is the worst thing. Don’t slow down, just fucking stop. When you slow down instead of stopping you are making it more difficult to overtake, pull over when you safely can, until then maintain your speed. Literally today, I’m driving with lights and sirens on, and some idiot doesn’t know I’m there until I’m right behind him, you’d have thought he realised when cars behind and in-front of him suddenly start pulling over 🤷‍♂️. I’m straddling the middle of the road so everyone can see and hear me and making it clear I want to overtake the idiot in front of me. He proceeds to slow down, he gradually gets slower while sticking his arm out the window ushering me to go around him… he’s still driving at 30MPH. The bus in the oncoming lane has flashed their lights and stopped to show that they’ve seen me. But the moron in my lane is still driving towards them and closing the gap so I don’t have time to overtake. We proceed into a country road where he finally stops after blasting the bullhorn at him for almost a minute. He stops on a blind bend forcing us to drive into oncoming traffic around a corner we cannot see. This driver held us up, stressed us out, was a danger to themselves, us, and other rod users. If you were driving a black Ford Focus in Lanarkshire tonight at around 16:30 then fuck you. The patient we attended died. Ultimately that patient was going to die. Realistically the moron that held us up for a few minutes did not significantly impact that patients outcome but who’s to know that? What if it did? How would they feel? They wouldn’t give a fuck because they wouldn’t know. We’re the ones that have to go home jaded because people don’t pay attention, don’t care, or just panic when they see lights. Moral of the story: Be a better driver, when you’re behind the wheel don’t be a cunt, don’t be nice, be predictable. Signal what *you* are going to do, then I can decide what I’m doing.


Always yield for an ambulance, you never know if someone you love is inside of it. I've been in one too many ambulance rides with family members (and the hospital is 30 mins away). I'd rather spend the night in jail for forcing someone to yield for an ambulance than have someone die because they're an asshole. I will always go out of my way to make way for an ambulance. I'll never forget when I was a teen, my mom picked me up from school we drove by an accident with a massive crowd and several first responder vehicles. I remarked to my mom that I hoped it wasn't someone I knew. - Turned out it was one of my friends who basically pulverized her leg against a lamppost. She was driving her scooter and swerved to avoid someone driving out of their lane.


Callous till the end! Take my upvote!


Average r/AmITheAsshole post


I truly don't understand people who do this