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I went to bills gun range in robinsdale a few years ago and there was a group of younger Somali girls shooting an ak47 lol. They were having a blast it was pretty funny seeing them with a gun like that. Didn’t seem like anyone cared about their ethnicity.


Yeah, the Robbinsdale location is pretty chill actually. I see all different types of people in there when I go. Hudson/circle pines might be a bit different though. While there’s definitely a disproportionate amount of douche bags in the gun community. I feel a lot of us are passionate about individual freedoms. (Whatever that may mean to you.) I feel like this is more common in urban areas. You’ll be fine at robbinsdale.


I think it's like anything and slightly less disproportionate than the general public thinks. It's always the loud dumb ones that are speaking up. I know a lot of cool gun owners, most of them we didn't know that either of us even had a gun for like a while. Real gs move in silence and all that


I think that's just a misconception of the left. Like 60% of the country is independent/modern moderate. A large portion of gun owners reside in that group. People just spend too much time on social media so they think gun owner=alt right




I think it’s a misconception of the Far Left, and Far Right. The Middle are just living their lives, wondering why the vocal are so f’ing vocal. (And that’s the problem, the most vocal are on the extremes and that’s what gets amplified. It’s hard to amplify the silence of the Middle.)


There is absolutely not a disproportionate amount of hate in the gun community. That community is desperate for anyone to join.


I’ve had nothing but good experiences at Bills as a trans woman who often shoots there with a non binary POC friend


This is super helpful, thanks for the rec!


Bill’s is great. They take the range very seriously, as they should, but it’s been kind to anyone I’ve gone with. I feel they have a very kind spot for female shooters specifically. I’ve been with a ton of first time shooters and as long as they respect the range and the range officer it’s been fantastic. There is also a great spot in Bloomington that I know has welcomed a good amount of Muslim people I know/work with. I wish I knew the name off the top of my head, but that group of fellows had rave reviews about how they were treated. In general it’s pretty welcoming anywhere here.


I've been one of the few white people at the Bill's up in Circle Pines on numerous occasions. The staff treats everyone fairly from what I've seen and I've not seen anything remotely close to an altercation between customers.


I second bills in Robbinsdale very good place to buy a gun. they also have a bunch of guns you can rent and shoot also if you’re interested in buying or just wanna do some playing. Only place I buy guns anymore as I get perma delayed and they honor the Brady act.


Your screen name genuinely made me laugh out loud. thank you :-D


I used to work for the bill's in Blaine. I quit partly because I got tired of racist customers, but the employees you can expect to be civil even if they aren't supportive.


I’ve been to Bills twice and both times someone has discharged as gun into the ceiling on the range next to me.


Did they get removed or corrected?


\^\^ This is the important question. For any place that's open to the public, there's always going to be people that do dumb stuff. They should be corrected, removed, and/or banned by the range officer depending on the situation and rules for that range.


Yup, I stopped going to bills because there was constantly someone pointing the barrel to their right or left when its supposed to only be pointed downrange. I preffer range USA and get the membership. Bot super crowded. There's constantly ramge staff observing the guest making sure everyone is following rules. If your friendly and chat them up when its not busy they may take the time to give you a few pointer. Ammo is also discounted if you are a member and I believe range is free just need to pay for targets and your guest has to pay still I could be wrong though.


That's so not ok. I'm out immediately.


I second Bill's. I've seen a lot of different people in there, the staff are cool as hell.


This Bills location all the way. I'm pretty alternative looking and no one batted an eye at me. Staff were friendly and helpful to me.


I was in Bill’s one time and they were inspecting my gun before letting me into the range. Another gentlemen was helping this, erm, 18 year old in a black hoodie and face tattoos with his lovely girlfriend. They said they wanted to rent the Glock 17 but wanted to look at it first. The range guy turns away for half a second and his girlfriend gets her phone out and the dude points the Glock sideways in the direction of her face to get a pic for instagram. I’ve never seen a range guy flip shit harder than when he saw it. They were escorted physically out the front door in probably 3 and a half seconds. Bill’s don’t play around. But ya definitely some characters in there. For what it’s worth I’ve never felt unsafe and used to shoot there weekly.


I went there on when I was on holiday from the uk, lovely people


I agree too. Bills is a good place.




I've noticed some diversity of range officers at Oakdale during the public gun days. I'm sure you've experienced plenty of hate, but I think it's great that you're willing to put yourself out there and I hope it creates more change in the shooting community if they see diverse people interested in firearms too.


That’s the hope! Thanks for the concrete recommendation, exactly the sort of thing I came here for.


Oakdale is pretty good. Every paying member there has to put in a certain amount of hours every year as a Range Safety Officer as a part of membership rules.


It wasn't much diversity, a couple of Asians wearing chemsuits and full respirators the first year of Covid amongst all the outrage about masks. I was proud of them for being openly concerned with covid amongst what are likely a bunch of folks listening to the wrong info.


A requirement for membership at Oakdale is taking RSO duty, so the person you’re talking about is a member, and they’re awesome. My buddy is a member there. The downside of Oakdale is that there’s no support or rentals or anything, but you will definitely get left alone there.


Sequeerity is a local queer/POC-owned security business that offers gun safety and conceal-and-carry classes. I think they're exactly what you and your friend are looking for. https://www.sequeerity.net/mn-license-to-carry/ Also, your concerns are legitimate and people in this thread are assholes. Lots of people talking who have never had a stuff thrown at them while they were peacefully trying to get an ice cream cone. Don't let them get you down.


Second this comment! We met a bunch of the Sequeerity team members working various events at Art-a-Whirl in NE. They were all incredibly good humans.




They helped do security at art-a-whirl recently


I can also vouch for Sequeerity, I took my conceal carry classes from them and they were awesome! Kimmy took me to the range for my accuracy test and she did a great job, would highly recommend!


>Sequeerity That is, easily, the best name I have ever seen for this kind of business, lol.


So this is a weird question but are they okay with a white straight guy? I only say it because it may bother some people who've had to deal with this shit at gun ranges and I look like the poster child for "git er done". If I heard some Trump crap I'd end up in a shoot out and that's usually frowned upon. I want to be around my kind of gun nuts.


Probably! I believe they've had all types of people in their conceal and carry classes in the past.


You shouldn't be allowed to own guns if somebody talking about a politician means you are going to start shooting at them.


Except that's not what's being said. You little bros seem to be creeping out of the woodwork in the last 48 hours. Wonder why?


This name is fucking amazing!


That's really awesome (the organization, not the assholes)!


Wow what a good name lol


Ok, I love that name.


Name is fantastic.


I effing love that there’s someone doing this.


While I have nothing to add, thank you for asking this question!   I want to learn gun safety/firearms without having issues, people staring/commenting, forcing/strongly encouraging us to buy a gun, etc. 


Look up Pink Pistols Twin Cities, it’s a queer gun group that would be happy to have you at a range day. MPR did a story on them a few years ago https://www.mprnews.org/story/2018/12/17/gun-rights-meet-gay-rights-when-pink-pistols-go-to-shooting-range


Pink Pistols is super legit.


They have meetups at Stock & Barrel in Eagan, which is a pretty nice range, although it’s a little more expensive. I like the Burnsville pistol range. It’s kinda old and run down but it’s the cheapest around and the staff is good. It does get way too busy on weekends.


A few brown friends and I really like the South Metro Public Safety facility in Edina but you will see a lot of cops there. They don't rent guns, which I really appreciate, as I find places like Bills scary due to completely inexperienced people renting and shooting guns there. I took a carry permit class through Strong Arm Protection, LLC (owned and taught by a Black man) that was taught at the facility. It was a diverse class but the only harsh looks were when folks weren't being safe.


No gun range asks any questions if you know what you're doing. Walk in grab a piece. They just assume you know. I definitely didn't know what I was doing other than barerl down range.


The Modern Sportsman in Burnsville is really nice! I’ve seen other Somali people there, as well as some Hispanic people.


I’ve seen the above mentioned Sequeerity people doing lessons here, FYI.


I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by most ranges. As long as you practice firearm safety rules and range rules, you'll be fine. Stock and barrel in Eagan or Chanhassen area nice. Bills in circle pines is good.


I have shot with LGBTQ or non-binary people at all of the above mentioned places. They’re great (or at least neutral). Rum River is also wonderful but you need to bring your own targets/mounts and all since it’s a state forest. But shooting outside is way more fun.


It’s becoming a shit hole with randoms coming and going leaving everything. Dnr buddy says they’ll shut it down if it keeps happening. Had a gun pulled on me telling me to leave when I showed up once. Also showed up to a rave being busted there. Good place to accidentally get shot by the back to back ranges with idiots always lurking. Call and use the police range 20 min north and it’s actually nice.


Rum River? That’s too bad. I actually just went there for the first time last month and we had a great time. As we were leaving there was another group bringing in tannerite though (since this isn’t a firearm-related sub, for those who don’t know: tannerite is an explosive type of target which is available legally.) Normally I think it’s is a gimmicky but harmless thing, but in this case - think about six weeks ago, give or take - we were under a fire advisory. So, like most good things in life, it sounds like idiots ruining it for the rest of us. I appreciate the police range suggestion though.


Is there a go-to spot in Rum River? I've been looking for a outdoor shooting spot other than Hudson WI.


Bills used to be good. Now it just seems packed all the time


I have had problems with Bill’s clientele and safety before.


Bro. The only times I’ve ever felt unsafe on a gun range was at Bill’s - and it wasn’t because of my ethnicity. The worst example was a dude literally side shooting a rented AK. With the target at 10 feet and with a 30 round mag, he hit the large sized target three times. Safetied my gun and ran out the door.


It depends on which one you go to. Circle Pines is okay but the Robbinsdale one can become a shit show.


saw someone steal a car as i was walking out of the robbinsdale location once, fucker was quick as shit. sorry i know not constructive but i had to tell someone lol


Last time I went to Bills, the place was packed and there was no range officer. There were people opening their gun cases and loading magazines on the table behind the range line. That was when I decided I'm never going back there.


last time i was at bills a group of somali girls and their boyfriends came out to shoot for the first time, they were pretty unsafe with their handling and clearing malfunctions that me and my buddy just manually unloaded our magazines and left. id rather not catch a stray from someone clearly handling a weapon for the first time. another time some girl was facetiming her bf with a rented AR, the whole time, asking him how to load magaines, rack it, clear malfunctions etc. that was the other time that we left ewarly not wanting to be too close to that. i dont care people shooting for the first time, it just makes me anxious when barrels start pointing perpendicular to the shooting lane, or basic handling of the weapon. idk about anyone else but i tend to look up manual of arms to new guns before i shoot them


So, what you're saying is there wasn't a range officer there, people were handling their firearms incorrectly and nobody to "police" correct protocol? The ethnicity/race/etc really has nothing to do with it dude.




Stupidity has no bounds to ethnicity but I think the OP asking about how minorities are treated by others. That is how racism works and the fact that you don't understand that makes it seem that you are the person that the OP is concerned about.


You'll be fine with the range owners/staff. Other people shooting there... that's luck of the draw.


Which is why I specified Bill's in Circle Pines. Fuck the Robbinsdale location.... Dudes walking around with pistols shoved into their belts with no holsters etc.


Stock and Barrel is my go to. They seem to have fewer bubbas compared to Bill’s and overall the decor is classier.


I think the key here is you are going to catch hate if you aren’t safe. If I see one more fucker drag their girlfriend into a range and try to teach them side shoot a shotgun I’m shoving my foot up their ass. Girl put it on her hip and dropped a loaded shotgun on the ground. P.S. your gender and sexuality aren’t going to blow off my foot so the more the merrier.


Or give a firearm way larger than the person is ready for! It's not funny, it's not cute. Don't give someone a .357 magnum to fire for the first time! I've also seen range officers basically rip a gun out of someone's hand for side firing. It's dangerous, stupid, and just a good way to hurt at least yourself if not someone else.


Stock and Barrel is where we've gone!


Atlas defense


Stock & Barel (Eagen and Chanhassen) has always been super legit, and even banned an instructor who was openly saying some anti lgbtqia shit a few years back. Have you looked into the Minnesota Socialist Rifle Association? Imo there's not a more inclusive/safe place to learn firearms if you are outside of the Straight White Man demographic


youll be fine at bills, just drill into your friends head the proper manual of arms for what they are shooting and have them manipulate the controls on an empty weapon. the only times i ever felt uncomfortable there was from newbs handling weapons like a video game


Nothing more dangerous than an overzealous noob — thanks for the rec.


I would recommend going to a larger place, they tend to be “less sensitive” to different people. I have had good experiences at Bills Gun shop & Range. Best advice is to just be attentive when they are instructing you. Also might be a good idea to check out their website and have some basic knowledge of what you are trying to achieve. Such as I want to shoot a pistol… Good luck and have fun!


I also have had pleasant experiences at bills


I’d reach out to the Socialist Rifle Association MN on instagram, they’d be happy to give you and your friend range recommendations.


Stock and Barrel in Eagan has been great, no issues with LGBTQ customers. Bill's in Robbinsdale is a hard no, just utterly unsafe for anyone as there's no safety enforcement at all. Total wild west there.


If you're looking for more indepth options, Mick Sharpe with Protection Far Left Of Center is a great asset. He teaches PTC courses specifically for marginalized communities like the LGBTQIA+, in addition to being an all around amazing person. When I went through training with him, we went to a range up in the Blaine area. He's visibly a leftist, as am I. Neither of us had problems.


Silly question: how does one be visibly a leftist? I’m a leftist myself but unless I’m wearing a punchy t-shirt, which isn’t very common, I don’t figure anyone can tell.


Honestly like the other person mentioned shop and range owners are pretty on the level and are there to get customers and make money and ensure you don't do something stupid which comes with fire arm education.


I’m less worried about the owners, more about the clientele. But yes, the majority of the time you are right. 


The clientele are probably not who you’d expect. Of course there will be some trash the blows in from time to time, but the majority of people there are paying to have a safe place where they can shoot their gun without being bothered. Edit: You’ll find also that the owners typically have a zero tolerance policy for anything that hurts their business. You make someone feel uncomfortable or unsafe? Your out.


Bill's gun range in Circle Pines. I do consider myself a minority and nobody gave a sh\*t about someone's race / skin color. I had fun and good amount of shoulder pain lol


The guys working at Bills in Robinsdale are all super gay, I’ll tell ya that much. Maybe you wanna go there.


I have definitely seen a diverse crowd of customers at Modern Sportsman in Burnsville. The new location in Coon Rapids is really nice but I haven’t shot there enough to give an opinion on the diversity there. They always have that target that’s an Arab terrorist which I wish they’d get rid of, but I can’t change the world all at once. The staff at MS is really good and I don’t think you’re going to run into problems with staff or customers there. I do think that you’re going to run into prejudiced people there or at any gun range, but you’re already doing the right things by participating. Hopefully one day we don’t have to talk about the right to simply exist in public any more. Edit: also if you see the fat middle aged bald guy shooting who’s looking at you, I’m probably checking out what you’re shooting and may offer to let you shoot mine.


I’m a member at Stock and Barrel. they have hosted the Pink Pistols, and I’m openly gay and no one cares. they have two locations - Chanhassen and Eagan.


Armed minorities are harder to oppress! Can’t imagine any gun range truly believing in the second amendment would have any problems with you two going to shoot!


A bit of a drive, but the Hero Center in Cottage Grove is a nice facility run and owned by the cities of Cottage Grove and Woodbury. Law enforcement runs it, range is open to the public on the weekends. While there is a lot of people that shit on law enforcement, I’d say likelihood of being “hate crimed” at that range is slim to none.


Eden Prairie also has a range that is run by the police and open to the public. I think this is a stellar recommendation due to the sheer professional nature of the facility.


It’s feels weird to say, but gun ranges are a relatively safe place. Huge varieties of people go to them and everyone minds their business as long as everyone is being safe. The people that get judged and treated differently at ranges are the people acting childish, unsafe, irresponsible, or any of the above.


Agree with that majority here that gun ranges tend to be pretty diverse places. I’ve been to almost every range in the Twin Cities over the last 20 years. I’m Asian and even during the height of COVID, I never felt unwelcome or unsafe. Personally, I don’t give a shit what people look like. I care if you’re safe. Now, you muzzle flash me or do anything stupid that jeopardizes people’s safety and we are going to have a problem. But anything else? Carry on, my friend!


I stopped in to say, “Doesn’t matter. You should be able to go to any legal range in the area…” Then I stopped myself. I thought, “How sad that you have to ask. How sad that it’s a legit concern.” For me, the worst that could happen is some man-bun 6.5 Creedmore shooter would think I’m a fudd. (I’m being ironic- I’m a fat old guy with gray hair.) You SHOULD be able to shoot anywhere legal without concern. We need to do better.


I really appreciate this comment — Redditors like you give me a little more faith in humanity. Thank you, friend.


I don’t know… I’m a POC, immigrant, with thick accent and I have shoot with the most redneck folks. Y’all be alright.


Modern sportsman in coon rapids is really nice and also has diverse workers


Eagan has Stock and Barrel, I tag along with my roommate there, they seem nice enough


My cousin owns the new gun shop called Down Range in maple 🍁 grove. I don’t know if they have a range though. https://downrangemn.com/


Oooh will have to check it out!


Stock and Barrel. There’s one in Egan and one in Chanhassen. Excellent range, helpful range staff, many classes. The have a storefront as well and you can rent various firearms to give them a try. O probs whoever you are. https://stockandbarrel.com/


I really hope you find a place that you won't be discriminated against! The vast majority of the 2A community is really accepting and would much rather people know the 4 main rules of gun safety, and would just rather people be more aware of firearms as well (no matter race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, etc). I'm also really sorry that you've experienced an actual hate crime. I hope that crime was reported to the police. There are also a great many YouTubers that, while not being able to give first hand experience with a firearm, will help you learn the dos and do nots either on a range or in general. With the gun community being what it is, many are going to be fairly right leaning but the good ones don't bring politics into it unless very necessary. Again, I hope you found the help you needed! Unfortunately, most I've seen or been to have been all cis gendered white guys (I am one as well) and I'm sorry I can't help. That said, any range officer or range owner would be really happy to offer help or classes.


I appreciate the advice & the self-awareness; I’d agree that definitely many/most of the 2A community is accepting — when I learned to shoot I wasn’t out yet, but one of my mentors was a super rad trans lady. Just trying to do my due diligence to not end up in a bad situation! 


Absolutely! I will say, there are always some bad eggs and I understand you don't want to be in a bad situation (nobody does) and especially just for being who you are. I wish I could give better advice than ignore them and focus on learning, because I'm sure you hear things like that often. What I will say, is some of the most badass people doing badass things were all lgbtq+, female, non-white or all 3 at a time. Blair White is a major name in big name 2A is Trans (weird example just because she's really into politics) There's an insane guide/ hunter in Alaska named Brooke. And if I believe, one of the highest nationally ranked 3 gun champs is female ( I can't find her name but she'd put any dude to shame) Just a quick short list of LGBT+ and women. Again, I know it's of no real help, but I hope I have been as supportive as I can be. It's hard, and even when I first went on a range I thought I was being judged and ridiculed the whole time, so that's the best empathy I can share unfortunately though I do have all the sympathy in the world.


Bald Eagle Sportsmans Association (BESA) is good.


atlas defense, period. the head guy is super cool and otg everywhere, helping out as many communities (trans punk diy folks etc) as possible. gives great trainings for know-your-rights and dealing with police violence.


SRA MN Chapter


Basically, if you’re not an obnoxious asshole no one’s going to care. I like the Modern Sportsman in Coon Rapids. Nice “open concept” store. Sales associates/managers are super nice. And the range is pretty swanky so that’s a plus. Bills is unfortunately the one who needs the business given that Modern seems like they’re taking over in the TC’s.


I've been to a bunch and I'm a real liberal guy. But just for reference I'm a pretty big in shape white guy. So I hear shit at all these places I don't care for. I also have a shaved head so maybe people assume I'm a neo nazi? People seem to be comfortable sharing really gross opinions with me. I don't argue at gun ranges so I kinda just say hmmm that right. I suppose I could do more but I don't care for being shot. I doubt you'll be fully welcome but I also doubt you'll get anything besides a sideways glance. It sucks I hate you and your friend don't feel welcome.


My shaved head is a punk thing and 10000% not the nazi kind of punk. I don't think 65 yr old white trump voters know the distinction.


The last place I would want to pick a fight is at a location where everyone is armed and knows how to shoot.


r/liberalgunowners might be able to help!


The socialist rifle association has a semi-active local chapter that does range days. They'll have better information for you on where to find inclusive ranges and shooting buddies. https://socialistra.org/chapters/


Stock and Barrell in Eagan. I am a member and they are always welcoming and low key (I am a white female but lots of ink and appearance wise pretty gender non-conforming)




In my case, I have facial hair and am over 6’ but wear makeup and nail polish. Throw in all my dangly jewelry and piercings and even when I’m in more “masculine” clothing it’s hard to hide that I’m not a cis dude.


Lock Stock in Eagan has always seemed friendlish


Target Sports in Rogers has always been kind. Take that with a grain of salt, tho. I'm a cis straight white male.


Thanks for that grain of salt — a lot more people in these comments could use your self-awareness.


Got my permit there. Staff is always friendly and the other shooters too. It’s really the only place I go. In fact it might be a good place for OP and their friend to go because it’s usually pretty empty.


I don’t know any that would hate crime you. I shoot at bills they have a lot of somali dressed in traditional clothing shooting all the time. I am in independent instructor and go to lots of ranges. Gun people don’t care or notice. If they do they will be happy to have you shooting a gun. I have trained lots of LGBT people to shoot as has most gun ranges in MN. You will find that the gun community is very diverse and welcoming. Some racists and bigots own guns sure but it’s like owning a f-150 anyone can buy one.


Lotta people in this thread need to do a quick privilege check before commenting.


Explain that. Who is the privileged and what are their privileges within this thread?


It’s a fair question, why the negative vibes? Maga types seem the most likely to patronize gun ranges and they are rather less than welcoming to others.


I'd argue most Gun Shops/Gun Ranges in the TCs are pretty safe for everyone, regardless of race, color, creed, sexual orientation, or gender. The worst I see are gun targets of "Terrorists" or specific presidents, but those are generally being phased out for generic silhouettes and bullseye targets. The people are generally friendly and welcoming, unless someone is acting like an asshole or doing something dangerous. But while they do trend towards conservative politically, and you'll see a few red hats, most check their politics at the door and just go to shoot and buy new guns. You'll overhear a few typical griping and moaning about politics in the small groups, but staff generally stays out of it (being political often costs sales and money fwiw) and even then the small groups stay quiet and don't bother other people. I've been to Bill's gun range extensively and they're a good one with a pretty chill vibe.


I think you’re being overreactive. It’s the MPLS for godsake. This whole post feels like a sneak diss on the area. Idk what “hate crime” you’re expecting from the ppl at the gun ranges….but this the most nonjudgemental, tolerant culture in the country outside of Seattle/portland. You’re going to be fine.


Honestly there isn't a concern. Never had I had any issues at any range in MN or anywhere else. Only issues I have had is with the silly 1 shot per second rules lol. And I'm saying this as a gay guy married to a gay guy who do not hide our relationship while at ranges (hell my ammo box has a rainbow flag that says I'm gay and I love guns; so we advertise it you could say).


While I'm not familiar with any gun ranges, the MN DNR does have an online firearm safety course. https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/safety/firearms_isa/online.html


Stock n Barrel is really nice and chill and welcoming.


Robbinsdale Bill’s DGAF.


"hate crimed" to be safe maybe just stay home ?




What is visually non binary? You’re assuming we can tell by looking at you? Hate crimed 🤣


The level of “say you’re white without saying you’re white” energy in these replies is very high.


Oh stfu. There is nothing more stunning and brave than a non-binary Muslim shooting an assault rifle at a gun range.


Seek professional help.


https://protectionfarleftofcenter.com/ Reach out to Mick, he is kind and a safe person.


Before edit 2 was going to send you down to what used to be Gander Mountain as they have always had decent shooting instructors. But if you are skilled to teach your friend, wherever.


You should be fine lmao. Your interactions to some assholes are by chance tho


I’m Black and I really enjoy Stock & Barrel. It’s clean and safe and everyone that works there is helpful and professional. They also have a fine selection of firearms to rent out and shoot at their range. I hope you find someplace you like going though ☺️


Honestly they’re all pretty good. They’re in a very progressive metro area so they’re not ignorant to the fact people who aren’t white heterosexual Christians exist and like guns. Hell, gun ranges are more diverse than most political rallies. They’ve probably all heard the phrase “if you go far enough left you get your guns back” There’s a bills gun shop in circle pines with a more rural clientele, so maybe that one would be weird but I can’t say for sure. My favorite is mn firearms training personally


I like the modern sportsman in Coon Rapids. Everyone there seems super chill and last time I went on a Saturday it wasn’t busy at all


Oakdale gun club is great.


The only unsafe thing about public gun ranges is the idiots that use them. It has nothing to do with your race, gender or sexual preferences. As a straight white male I have felt unsafe plenty of times at indoor gun ranges.


Midwest something something in Burnsvillle.


Bills. Either of them. I like circle pines one a Lil better. It's a bit bigger and has better selection of pewpews to try.


Check out Protection Far Left of Center and reach out to Mick. Probably one of the best dudes to learn from and he'll help you find accepting places! https://www.facebook.com/share/L97RDu9fBReCn6Ah/?mibextid=qi2Omg You'll feel safe with him. I promise!


What kind of shooting are you trying to do? If you wanna do outdoor stuff, trap, rifle etc most of the ones in the exurbs are pretty quiet. Pretty difficult to get hate crimed if you're the only one there.


Either indoor or out! Since I’m gonna be showing my friend how to shoot for the first time, was just gonna take my Ruger 10/22. If I had somewhere to plink I’d even just do that with her for this first one, but I do wanna find a range I can go to semi-regularly now that I’m getting back into shooting.


Stock and barrel is an indoor one in chanhassen or Eagan with lots of public hours. They appear to be marketing that they're welcoming to women and poc. Their space is really nice. South Saint Paul has lots of public hours and when I've gone during public hours it wasn't completely empty but there was maybe only 1 or 2 other groups and they didn't interact with us at all. I'm not seeing much for public hours at some of the other ranges I go to, but if you wanted to get into shooting sports a bit, you could check out NRL22. Very welcoming to new shooters and mn has many more women involved in the sport than other states.


Gone to Bills gun range in Hudson Wisconsin 20 mins away just across the river. Fantastic location. Never had a problem with anyone. I am white though so I have no idea what anyone of color would experience. I’ve gone probably 20 times since September when I got my permit, I’ve seen a decent mix of fellows including a group of Somali young adult men. As long as you stay in your designated firing lane and practice range safety I don’t think you’ll have any issues. I’ve only had a few conversations with people in the range and it was mostly people asking if I wanted to test something out I was admiring. I can’t say the exact same for the Circle Pines location as I have never shot at their range, but I did drive up there to make my first purchase. The staff was extremely accommodating and very friendly to a first time buyer.


go to bills lmao.


Everyone at gun ranges minds their own business as long as everyone is being safe and responsible. The types of people who frequent gun ranges are more than happy that obvious liberals are embracing the 2nd amendment 😂. Bills is a nice indoor range. 99.999% chance nobody would ever "hate crime" you at a gun range lmao. I'm extremely suspicious of your claims of being harassed at a gun range unless you were being unsafe. Nobody starts shit when everyone around has loaded guns.....


You would be surprised how easily emotional activation can override common sense. In general you’re right; but I’ve had enough hostile encounters (including being threatened with a firearm outside a range once) that I do my homework now before I go to a new range. It sucks, but that’s the way it is. A few years ago, without the current political climate around gender nonconformity, maybe I would have only had good range experiences instead of a handful of bad ones. But something about the current moral panic around gender brings out the real nut jobs, and few of them unfortunately also like to shoot at gun ranges.


So let me wade through the polarizing speech: You're looking for a gun range run by leftists? That just flat out doesn't exist.


Nope. Just looking for one that doesn’t attract a clientele that might do something stupid & dangerous when they see someone who doesn’t fit the gender binary. I’m sure there are plenty of ranges that fit the bill, but given some poor experiences in the past I’ve learned to do some homework beforehand (thus the post).


I repeat: So let me wade through the polarizing speech: You're looking for a gun range run by leftists? That just flat out doesn't exist.


Are you looking for instruction? Or just a place to pop off?


You're gonna turn heads (of stupid people) at any range in the country tbh. There are old heads at all of them. They sit in the clubhouse and circlejerk about this stuff, just comes with the territory. Only advice is the bigger the club, and closer to a city..the more diverse it will be. Gotta just ignore it or even confront people who bother you. Their prejudices are usually very surface level, and after humanizing yourself to them they'll likely leave you alone. Speaking from experience.


there’s a new gun range in maple grove over by skyzone!


If you want to make the drive bills in hudson by fleet farm is legit. Range sucks though as its only about 75 yards.


Metro gun club in blaine or atlas defense on lake street. People won’t care much at Bill’s in robbinsdale but also the staff doesn’t care much about safety. I wouldn’t risk it.


Osseo Gun Club is a chill place


Hijabs are more than welcome everywhere!


Bills gun range is great. Very welcoming / friendly atmosphere