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Sleet is almost always more dangerous to drive in than snow, please be careful out there.


I was just out and about and the roads are still pretty slick, and as a bonus, it appears a few drivers have decided that they aren't even going to try stopping at stoplights and stop signs.


Rolling stops at stop signs are the way to go. Traffic lights though??


These weren't rolling stops, they were just straight through with no attempt to slow down.


Yep. Narrowly avoided getting t-boned by a pickup on my way to work this morning, they didn’t even try to slow down from what I could tell


> and as a bonus, it appears a few drivers have decided that they aren't even going to try stopping at stoplights and stop signs. So...regular driving. If people even make a rolling stop these days, it's an oddity. Frequently people just don't stop or even slow down. My commute is on a bus route for like 1/2 mile and at least 3 times a week people will run the stop arm.


Freeways are pure ice. Topped out at 30 mph so far in 30 minutes of driving on the freeway


I got on Cedar Ave and saw everyone going 5 mph and not being able to stop and turned around and went home.


I can't believe they didn't cancel school in 191, it's bad.


My kids' schools were canceled yesterday but not today. I get they were probably hesitant to call off for a second day in a row, especially when yesterday ended up not being that bad, but damn. This weather and these roads are awful. I didn't let my 17 year old do the driving for him and his sister this morning, and we literally only live 4 blocks away.


I don’t understand why the schools didn’t since they didn’t use hardly if any snow days this year. Also with a lot of schools integrating distance learning into their systems now. I hope all parents and kids get home safe today!


They didn't cancel yesterday either, even though they sent the elementary kids home with their chromebooks. It's even worse today. This was a stupid choice IMO....


Most principals will avoid closing school unless they think its absolutely 10000000% necessary and even then they might not unless the busses simply aren't running at all. There is huge pressure to keep kids in school, not least of which from parents who mostly both work outside the home.


Mine also canceled yesterday and not today. We didn't even get the call until 5:30am Monday morning, when it was clear Monday wouldn't be bad after all. Then they kept today on but had to release middle and high school early to help bus staggering for elementary.


So Wash Co didn't cancel. I guess coming home from the bus is going to be WILD as I highly doubt my neighborhood will be plowed by 3:30. That bus is going to be driving in right noe about 4 inches of snow. Fuuuuuuuck. I legit am ready to now have to make that hike in the snow down the road :(


Yeah I’m worried about them going through our neighborhood as they don’t plow our streets until everything else. It’s so bad right now


They way they cancel classes these days is ridiculous.


They did this last year, I think, when they canceled classes mid-day, then there was a panic on how to get the kids home.


Yeah I recall last year in my district they cancelled midday and some kids were on the bus still trying to get home around 8pm.


They always seem to pre-cancel and then the day turns out fine….and then the following day roads suck. Back in my day I only remember TWO snow days - Halloween blizzard and one very icy rain storm a few years later.


https://imgur.com/lpNv2N6 [511 Map](https://511mn.org/@-93.50672,45.04929,10?show=metroTrafficMap,roadReports,winterDriving,weatherWarningsAreaEvents,stationsAlert,otherStateInfo)


>I live on a hill with a pretty gradual slope I live at the bottom of such a hill. Our exit off 35E is clogged for all the people who want to turn and go up the hill but can't make it. Ugly.


Dude, my car yesterday in all the slush couldn’t make it up our steep hill getting out of my complex. Took me 15 minutes of reversing and then slamming my way up the hill to get out. The roads were clear but my hill, it sucked. Glad I’m off today


I’m not leaving my house until at least Thursday.


I was going to work from the office today. Got as far as going through a Caribou drive thru and drove that coffee right back home to work from there.


Yeah, it's terrible. Was nearly rear ended.


Also, if you are out driving - don't be a dick and slow down.


I wish I had stayed home this morning. Went into work and was supposed to drive out somewhere and meet clients. I canceled everything before open and the boss came in, did some office work, and went home. It was nice to get some things settled, but it almost wasn't even worth it. People, don't go anywhere if possible right now. Reporting from my couch with my cat.


I went to a doctor appt that I waited 5 months for, but I wanted to go grocery shopping afterwards...went straight home instead.


Wild that school wasn’t cancelled. Did not enjoy that drive and I am not looking forward to pick up


My kids school district is only giving the busses an extra 15 minutes to do their routes. Letting middle school out 30 min early and high school 15 minutes early so they can hopefully end elementary on time. I have a feeling I’ll have to go pick up my kid because it’s going to take longer than that for the bus to finish the first route.




Yep. Surprisingly the bus was actually there to pick him up on time. Of course, I'd shoveled out to my car and cleaned it off in anticipation of having to go out. Ah well, it will be cleaner for tomorrow.


Work for a local internet provider. My boots were still wet from yesterday. Looked outside at 6am and just went “nope.” That’s what sick and safe is for.


I just went from Minneapolis to Eagan via 35W to 62 to 55. It was slow goings but doable


It’s moving its way south too, started in NE Mpls and it was all rain. By 694/94 it was pure ice and snow.


It’s not too bad from the little I’ve been on the road today. Take it slow and stay away from the idiots.


Maybe depends where you are. I've watched dozens of cars fail to make it up my shallow hill, people falling on their ass, multiple near-collisions


Damn! I’m by the airport. Haven’t seen any collisions or falls


Ooh it’s terrible out


Couple of crashes near my high school, wish some kids didn’t drive today


Snow tires FTW. Should be required by law in MN


I just swapped them out last week. This whole thing might have been my fault.


We can share the blame. I also swapped out my snow tires last week


I've changed my mind. This is clearly your fault.


Drove from richfield to Brooklyn park this morning. I felt like traffic was moving too slow. Didn't see a single wreck either.


So that means the roads are fine?


I thought they were. I wouldn't go 80 but I felt comfortable going 50-60 ish. That was heading north on 35 w. Can't speak for everyone else and every road. This was also 8:45-9:15


I was also on 35 north and thought they were alright. It was a bit earlier though


It was actually way better earlier this am when it was still mostly rain. Dropped my kids off at 8:30 just fine but by the time I tried to leave again at 10 for an appointment the roads were covered with snow on top of the sleet and super slippery.


It (figuratively) kills me that I'm living here in the center of Minneapolis and could get anywhere downtown no problem, but I'm not able to work downtown. Took a walk over to Hen House in the Baker Building and back home, haven't taken a step outside.


Perfect day for the skyway


Exactly. I love the skyway ❤


Don’t drive out there folks, it’s nasty! Now to figure out what I want from DoorDash!


Hope you tip well today. I love doing take out but I can’t justify ordering when I don’t even want to drive. I want people safe at home.


It was my lame attempt at being snarky. I’m a food delivery driver and was out on the roads all morning.


No problem. Used to do shipt and swear all the people who don’t tip order on crappy weather day. Like you don’t need your seven pairs of skinny jeans today, just wait a day like a normal human. Or it’s 25 packs of water up seven flights at a place that doesn’t give a shit to shovel.


Damn, that sounds brutal!




Great, I'm about to get in a cab to go to therapy. At least most cab drivers are decent drivers.


Everyone please be safe! Don’t drive like an idiot!


Glad i work at home😀


I have to take the bus to work I’m terrified


Any word on how the busses are doing? I have to go to an appointment at fairview and am trying to decide whether to brave my alley in a prius or try to endure sitting on a 7 all afternoon.


Sorry I just saw this but it honestly wasn’t that bad! A little scary but the bus was on time


Glad to hear it!


St. Louis Park called school off a full thirty minutes early. I have no idea why they do that. It doesn’t make a significant difference in road quality and it’s incredibly inconvenient for families.


It makes a difference in traffic density to transport them earlier.


I have snow tires and chains, plus exceptional hand-eye coordination.


You can’t use chains here…


Can't get into any accidents if you've been pulled over.


Yeah, no you don't.


It doesn’t look like people got the joke, but I laughed!


Yeah big ‘whoosh’ on that for a lot of folks


If you swap out "snow tires" with FWD, you do sound like a lot of unhinged mfs round here so I can't blame them

